Hello, Thanks for your job posting.
I've just read your job description and I have interesting in your suggestion. It looks like you are looking for a developer who has much experiences in Python.
I've worked as Senior Python Engineer for 7+ years and especially Python is one of my main skill.
1. My skills include:
- Data Science and Data Analysis
- Machine Learning (KNN, Random Forest, XG Boost, Linear and Logistic Regression, K-means Clustering)
- Deep Learning(CNN, ANN, RNN, GAN)
- Model Tuning and Optimisation (GridSearchCV)
- Natural Language Processing NLP (Sentiment Analysis, Chatbot Development, Text classification)
- Transfer Learning (Xception, Inception, ResNet, VGG16, InceptionResnt, MobileNet)
- Face recognition (Facenet, DeepFace, ArcFace, OpenCV)
- Database Management(MySQL, Sqlite)
- Image processing(PIL,Opencv, FFMPEG)
- Graphical User Interface GUI (Tkinter)
- Optical Character RecognitionOCR (Tesseract)
- Desktop Development and Automation (Pyautogui, PyInstaller)
- Web site Data scraping
2. Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Tkinter, Matplotlib, PyautoGUI, OpenCV, PIL, Sklearn, SQL, Regex, Tesseract
3. Deep Learning Frameworks: - Keras, Tensorflow
4. Web Framework: Python Django, Flask, Rest framework, Web Scraping,
I hope my experiences will be helpful for your project. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I look forward to discussing more detail about this opportunity.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards!