Razvoj Symfony/Laravell aplikacije za interno uporabo
€750-1500 EUR
Objavljeno pred skoraj 6 leti
€750-1500 EUR
Plačilo ob dostavi
Izdelava aplikacija (za začetek working verzija - brez avtomatskih in EndToEnd testov) za prikaz:
-Drevesnih struktur iz sql tabel
-Shranjevanje aktivnosti na drevesnih strukturah
-Komunikacija med uporabniki
Več v priloženem PDFju. Gre za osebni projekt - ne predstavljam podjetja.
Hi there,
Nice to meet you digitally!
My name is Prateek and I am associated as a Sales Executive with Vervelogic.
I have gone through the Job Description and I must say that there is great Potential synergy between your project requirement and our technical expertise.
I'd like to express my expertise and show you why I am best fit for this project for this kindly invite me over chat which allows both of us to exchange thoughts and take the discussion to next level.
What do you think?
Waiting over the chat!