I need an actionscript programmer -- 4

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I need an actionscript programmer

Adobe Flash ActionScript JavaScript PHP XML (razširljiv označevalni jezik)

ID projekta: #35874523

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6 predlogov Oddaljen projekt Aktiven pred 1 letom

6 freelancerjev ponuja v povprečju za $32 na tem delu


Hi, I am an experienced AS3 programmer, and I can help you with you with your project. Let's discuss more over chat. Thank you.

$30 USD v 2 dneh
(63 ocen)

Hi, I will write program for you in flash action script. I have already worked in adobe flash and will fullfil your requirements, but plz share the exact task details Looking forward to your response Regards, Eagle Več

$70 USD v 7 dneh
(69 ocen)

Hi, I am an expert in flash actionscript. Mainly work with mobile app using with AIRSDK and distriqt ANEs. Expert in convert old Actionscirpt files in HTML5. 20$/hr charge

$20 USD v 1 dnevu
(4 ocen)

Hello, cool hearted person. Thanks for good health from covid-19. Is your family okay? I've read your description. I have good experiences in this part. I can do it perfectly. We can discuss in detail via chat. Looki Več

$20 USD v 5 dneh
(1 Ocena)

Hello Nice to meet you. I have full experience about actionscript and flash. I hope know your detail specification. Please contact me.

$30 USD v 3 dneh
(1 Ocena)

Hope you're fine. As a senior software developer with expertise in React, Graphql, Node, Next, Nuxt, Vue, and Spring, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project. Whether it's building dynamic user in Več

$20 USD v 7 dneh
(0 ocen)