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    2,000 web inbox mailer najdena dela

    I'm looking for a web developer to create a video sending website designed for personal usage, specifically for sharing videos between friends. Here's how it works: Login: A person logs into their account. Inbox: Once logged in, they see an inbox filled with videos sent by their friends. Choose a Video: They can browse through these videos and decide which ones they want to reply to. Reply with Video: If they choose to reply, they record and send a video back. Options: They can reply to as many videos as they want, or none at all—it's up to them. It's a straightforward way for friends to exchange videos with each other. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in web development, particularly in creating interactive web...

    €525 Average bid
    €525 Povprečna ponudba
    143 ponudb

    I need an Android app that checks every new email in inbox for a specific keyword and prints them onto a Munbyn thermal printer. Key features include: - Monitoring emails for a specific keyword - Printing emails to a Munbyn thermal printer Ideal skills: - Android app development - Experience with email APIs - Familiarity with Munbyn thermal printers Please bid only if you have relevant experience.

    €199 Average bid
    €199 Povprečna ponudba
    6 ponudb

    I'm in need of a talented web developer who can help me create a new version of my website as a minimalist, modern law firm website aimed at lawyers as clients (lawyers for lawyers). Also, a simple new logo in PSD. I will pick a host within the US based on your suggestions. Starting with just me and likely one or two other lawyers, however, I would like to utilize the Zoho integration (included in the project with recommendations) (as budget and growth permits) as a foundation for • Virtual group inbox. • Virtual group shared email box. • Website appt system for consultation (may require credit card hold). • Shared business text messages/phone. • Task management system with visibility re where things are in completion and recording of steps an...

    €3641 Average bid
    €3641 Povprečna ponudba
    82 ponudb

    ...of this project is develop a feature which will allow users to directly communicate with each other, the general public. This project will be divided into three phases. • Phase 1: Create a feature that will enable registered users (Host and Guests) to communicate with each other, and the Site Administrator through direct messaging. o Users should be able to manage their messages through their Inbox. o Messages, should only have a set amount of Default Categories, which users cannot edit. These are: ▪ General ▪ Bookings ▪ Billing ▪ Support ▪ Feedback o Users should be able to search and filter messages by: ▪ Username ▪ Booking ID ▪ Category ▪ Date Range o There should be two message types: ▪ Active and Archived • Phase 2: Add Email Service functionality to the Messag...

    €122 Average bid
    €122 Povprečna ponudba
    93 ponudb

    I'm in need of an experienced individual who specializes in email deliverability, preferably familiar with Direct Mail. Currently, my bulk emails are either landing in the spam folder or not being delivered at all. I need someone who can analyze the problem and implement a solution to ensure that my emails reach the recipient's inbox properly without any hindrance. Key tasks will include: - Diagnose and resolve the email deliverability issues - Set up best practices for ongoing performance Ideal skills include: - Experience with Direct Mail or similar email services - Troubleshooting and resolving email deliverability issues. Need the project to be completed within a month. Your insights and strategies on improving email deliverability will be invaluable.

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    I'm in need of an experienced assistant to help manage my hectic schedule and emails. The ideal candidate will have prior experience in my specific industry. Key Responsibilities: - Scheduling appointments: You'll be in charge of organizing my calendar, ensuring that meetings and calls are set up efficiently. - Managing emails: You'll need to keep my inbox organized, flagging important messages and responding to less critical ones on my behalf. Requirements: - Must have experience as a virtual assistant, particularly in scheduling and email management. - Experience in my industry will be an added advantage. - Highly organized, proactive, and excellent communication skills are essential. - The workload will be more than 20 hours per week, so dedication and availab...

    €11552 Average bid
    €11552 Povprečna ponudba
    26 ponudb professional life organized and efficient. Candidates should be prepared to tackle the following: - **Calendar Management**: Keep my schedule synchronized, avoiding any conflicts and ensuring that I'm always where I need to be. - **Travel Coordination**: Plan and organize all aspects of travel, from booking flights and hotels to preparing itineraries. - **Email & Communication**: Manage my inbox, ensuring all the communication is prioritized, and responses are handled with care. **Key Responsibilities:** - Organizing and updating calendars to avoid scheduling conflicts - Making comprehensive travel arrangements swiftly and accurately - Efficiently managing email and other forms of digital communication - Handling high-level administrative tasks with utmost confid...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    77 ponudb

    ...selling physical goods. The primary objective of this project is to increase sales, so the focus should be on creating a high-converting website. Key Responsibilities: - Design and build a user-friendly, appealing Shopify e-commerce site. - Implement essential e-commerce functions such as: - Email Marketing - Product Bundles - Regular and Subscription Purchases - Reservations - Inbox and Chat Function - Membership Registration - Enhance the site's Search & Discovery capabilities. - Implement tracking and analytics with GA4, Heatmaps & Replay. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of e-commerce strategies and a proven track record of creating high-converting Shopify sites. Excellent design skills, experience with GA4, and a knack for u...

    €666 Average bid
    €666 Povprečna ponudba
    277 ponudb

    I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can support me across a range of tasks, focusing on administrative, social media, research, website management, and data entry. Key responsibilities include: - Managing day-to-day administrative tasks to keep my schedule organized and my inbox in check - Implementing and overseeing a social media strategy, ensuring I have a strong online presence - Conducting research as needed - Assisting with website maintenance - Data entry tasks to keep my records in order In addition to these core tasks, I'm seeking an individual with a creative eye. Any experience with graphic design, content writing, or brand development would be a huge plus. The ideal candidate for this role is: - Proficient in standard administrative tasks - Experienc...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    103 ponudb

    Hellow I have been working as a freelance graphic designer for 10 years now. My expertise is in listening to my clients and working with them to get the best results we can based on the requirements of the project This gig offers: Upscaling an image Restoring a damaged image Enhancing details on an image Sharpening Unbluring Logo Desing 3D Logo Desing Business...image Enhancing details on an image Sharpening Unbluring Logo Desing 3D Logo Desing Business Logo Company Logo The pricing is based on the difficulty of the project. It can fall in one of the packages displayed or in between them. For more samples of my work check the other gigs I offer on my profile page, and also some of my previous projects on my portfolio. Dont hesitate to contact me via inbox for any questio...

    €66 Average bid
    €66 Povprečna ponudba
    78 ponudb

    ...need of a competent assistant based in Latvia to support me with tasks like scheduling appointments and managing emails. Key Responsibilities: - Scheduling Appointments: You'll be responsible for coordinating my calendar and setting up meetings and appointments. This requires good communication skills and attention to detail. - Managing Emails and Correspondence: You'll help me stay on top of my inbox, sorting and responding to emails as necessary. Other Details: - Hours: I anticipate needing more than 20 hours of support per week. - Tools: While I didn't specify any specific software or tools, experience with productivity tools like Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar would be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Strong verbal and written communication skills - Excellent ...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    94 ponudb

    I'm looking to add a new, minimalist and clean-styled webpage to my existing website. This page will feature a flight booking search engi...existing website. This page will feature a flight booking search engine with crucial elements such as destination selection, date selection, and passenger count. Key Features: - A search engine that allows users to input their name, date of travel, and departure/destination city. - A 'Submit' button that uses PHP Mailer to send all email responses directly to my inbox. The search results should be displayed in a grid view. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and PHP Mailer - Web development experience, particularly with creating search engines - Understanding of minimalist and clean design principles - Abi...

    €163 Average bid
    €163 Povprečna ponudba
    89 ponudb

    I need a virtual assistant with expertise in email management, process automation, data organization, and AI software integration. Key Tasks: - **Email Management:** I'm in need of someone who can efficiently manage my emails, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks and that my inbox remains organized. - **Process Automation:** I'm also looking for assistance in automating various processes to help streamline my workflow and boost productivity. - **Data Organization:** Your role will involve organizing data in a way that makes it easily accessible and actionable for business decisions. - **Software Learning:** You'll be required to learn and understand our company's software, ensuring that you can assist in its effective utilization. Main Objectives: - **Incr...

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    43 ponudb
    €54 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    _Responsibilities:_ - Manage email inbox and respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner - Process orders and handle customer service issues via phone, email, and chat - Update product listings and inventory levels on e-commerce platform - Assist with social media management, including scheduling posts and responding to comments - Perform data entry and bookkeeping tasks as needed - Provide general administrative support to the business owner

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    26 ponudb

    có ai giỏi về php thuần 5.6 + mysql không ạ. Em có 1 task freelancer viết chức năng thêm sản phẩm đa giá cho 2 thuộc tính cha con mẫu như hình, mẫu hình từ shopee. Ai làm đc inbox em nhé

    €122 Average bid
    €122 Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb

    I'm looking for a professional GIF designer to create an engaging, realistic GIF for a HubSpot mailer. The GIF's primary goal is to promote a product/service, so it should effectively capture attention while conveying a sense of happiness. I have specific images for the background and to be used in the gif Key requirements: - Create a GIF that conveys a sense of happiness, which aligns with the tone of our campaign. - The design style should be realistic, not cartoonish or minimalistic. - Experience with creating promotional GIFs is a must. - Previous work with HubSpot or similar platforms will be a plus. Please share your portfolio with relevant examples when bidding. Thank you!

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    35 ponudb

    Hi As we talked about your Maps related project, I want to have call with you Please inbox me.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb list and compose the emails. Your task will be to ensure the emails are delivered to the inbox and get past spam filters. The emails will be sent 15 times over 30 days to the same list, with new emails provided each time. Key Requirements: - Expertise in email delivery and anti-spam tactics - Proficiency in using Outlook for mass emailing - Experience with tracking email metrics such as open rates and click-through rates Please note, the emails will not be personalized for each recipient, instead they will be the same for everyone. One example is included below. The chosen applicant will already have their own warmed up emails to use as sender and can redirect replies to my email inbox. chosen applicant will provide me with smtp script for linking email to websi...

    €130 Average bid
    €130 Povprečna ponudba
    71 ponudb

    I'm in need of a dedicated Virtual Assistant to organise and monitor my email and social media platforms. Email Management: - Primarily using Outlook, I need someone to keep my inbox tidy, prioritise important emails, and respond to general inquiries. Social Media Assistance: - Platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. - Tasks involve content creation, posting and scheduling, as well as monitoring and engagement with my audience. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Outlook, understanding of various social media platforms, skills in content creation, and experience in social media management. Knowledge of social media trends and engagement strategies would be a plus. The goal is to have a well-organised email system and an active, engagin...

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Povprečna ponudba
    85 ponudb

    I just started a VPS account with Hostinger to set up an email marketing server with Acelle Mailer installed. I have already purchased the Acelle software but have no experience with setting up a VPS even though some preliminary work has been done such as establishing the operating panel and choosing the OS (ubuntu). I have an existing shared services account with Hostinger. The job will entail installing Acelle on the VPS and moving two existing Wordpress websites across to the VPS platform. No customization of the Acelle software will be required at this stage. There is the possibility of future involvement with the project on an as-needed basis. This is a small project with a small operating budget. If you read, start the proposal with "vps"

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    94 ponudb

    I am in need of an Android application that can manage up to 20 different WhatsApp accounts on a single device. Key Features: - Ability to see notifications from all accounts - Ability to send messages from all accounts - Ability to make calls from all accounts Account Management: Each account should have its own separate inbox within the app, allowing me to easily keep track of messages from each of the 20 accounts. Security: I value my privacy greatly, so I would like the app to have a security feature where messages are encrypted. This is non-negotiable. Ideal Freelancer: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with WhatsApp API integration - Skilled in security features, particularly message encryption - Strong attention to detail for managing multiple accounts ...

    €567 Average bid
    €567 Povprečna ponudba
    78 ponudb

    I have approximately 1000 emails in my Gmail account with pdf file attached that I need specific contact information extracted from. Requiremen...account with pdf file attached that I need specific contact information extracted from. Requirements: - Extract contact info like name, email, and phone number from the email/pdf -PDF file must be opened to obtain the contact details - Input the extracted data into an Excel spreadsheet Key Details: - The emails are organized in a folder in my Gmail account. You do not need to search through the inbox to find them. - The information does not need to be verified for accuracy, just extracted as is. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Gmail and Excel - Strong attention to detail and accuracy - Prior experience with data entry and information ...

    €112 Average bid
    €112 Povprečna ponudba
    185 ponudb

    Debes de crear reels, videos largos e imágenes de Clash of clans para YouTube, Facebook y TikTok. Generalmente busco una persona que ame su profesión o le guste crear contenido, no solo cumplir con los objetivos sino que ofrezca lo mejor de sus habilidades en este proyecto. La persona del trabajo tiene que hablar de preferencia español. Envíame un inbox y trabajaremos juntos.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Povprečna ponudba
    46 ponudb

    I'm in need of a reliable virtual assistant to help with my daily tasks. The primary responsibilities will include: - Email Management: Keeping track of my inbox, sorting my emails and flagging important ones. - Scheduling Appointments: Coordinating my calendar and setting up meetings. I primarily use Microsoft Outlook for my emails and Google Calendar for scheduling. Therefore, familiarity and proficiency with these tools is critical. While I don't require the virtual assistant to work within a specific timezone, flexibility and availability during my work hours would be a plus. The ideal candidate should be organized, proactive and have excellent communication skills. Experience as a virtual assistant is highly preferred.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    156 ponudb

    ...embedding a tracking pixel in sent emails. This will help track and record when an email is opened. 3. SMTP Compatibility Flexible SMTP Integration: Ensure the app can accept and work with any SMTP server, providing flexibility for users to configure their preferred email service. 4. IMAP Integration Email Retrieval: Implement IMAP to connect to email accounts. This includes: Inbox Monitoring: Check incoming emails in the inbox. Junk Folder Monitoring: Monitor the junk or spam folder to ensure important emails are not missed. 5. ChatGPT Integration Module for ChatGPT: Develop a module that integrates ChatGPT to assist with email content generation, automation, and support. 6. Future Enhancements Data Learning Machine: Plan for future integration of a data learning machine....

    €2290 Average bid
    €2290 Povprečna ponudba
    111 ponudb

    ... 2) Hiding email addresses from client - Currently it is implemented by our former employee, but it is globally hidden means even admin can't see emails added in the lists. We don't want our clients to see emails from our lists - but only send emails and see reports to these lists. 3) Deliverability - Existing mails are bouncing due to low sender reputation. Need solution for sending mails to inbox. If required we can buy IP address from email delivery/api providers. The application is running on VPS. We are currently using sendgrid API to send emails. What we provide on our platform: We provide confidential email lists to our clients on our platform where they can send email to our provided lists and view sent reports but should not be able to view emails from those ...

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Povprečna ponudba
    33 ponudb

    ...programmed in Python, will process different inputs to generate outputs used for the weekly organization and management of tours (castle tours for tourist groups). The final product must allow the user to operate and read everything in German language. Task Description: The result must be in german language. 1. API Usage: - Provide an input option for the OpenAI API. - Retrieve the email inbox and integrate the OpenAI/ChatGPT API to process free text and availability from the emails. 2. Email Input (IMAP): - Access an email account via IMAP. - Extract information and other relevant data from various unstructured free-text emails using the Chat-GPT API to record the availability of tour guides in "wish lists" for each of the three monuments. - Note: The inf...

    €1145 Average bid
    Izpostavljeno Nujno
    €1145 Povprečna ponudba
    18 ponudb

    DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED IN INBOX! I'm looking for a skilled web developer to design a front-end for a real estate website in Django. Specific layout preferences, essential pages, and search functionalities have not been predetermined, so I'm open to your expertise and creativity. Key skills and experiences ideal for this project include: - Proficiency in Django - Expertise in front-end development - Experience designing real estate websites - Strong understanding of user-friendly layouts - Ability to implement various search functionalities Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly those related to real estate or similar fields. Your creativity and technical skills will be pivotal in making this project a success.

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Povprečna ponudba
    9 ponudb

    I need a logo, vial/bottle label designs, packaging, thank you cards, and a padded mailer bag design for my business. Prefer blue and green colors. Please deliver within a couple of hours. Looking forward to your creativity. Thanks!

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Povprečna ponudba
    97 ponudb

    I'm looking for a developer to create a system that connects to a FreePBX extension inbox and processes MP3 and WAV files for transcription. The system should have the following features: - Receive MP3/WAV files: The system should be able to receive both MP3 and WAV files from a FreePBX extension inbox, and be able to extract the caller ID associated with each file. - Transcribe using Otranscribe: The system should transcribe the audio files using the Otranscribe service. - Post data to Ticket System: The transcribed data should then be posted to our existing Ticket System. - Error Handling: In case of transcription inaccuracies or errors, the system should flag the specific parts for manual review. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in FreePBX and au...

    €474 Average bid
    €474 Povprečna ponudba
    30 ponudb

    I'm in need of a freelancer who can provide a consistent bulk email service for my marketing and promotions. Our niche is pharma and emails has to be delivered in the inbox and not in spam folder. Key Requirements: - Daily Sending: A reliable service that can handle sending out emails on a daily basis. - Effective Marketing: Experience in creating engaging marketing content for email campaigns.

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Povprečna ponudba
    20 ponudb

    I am in need of a bulk email service that will allow for the distribution of newsletters. The niche is pharma and it has to be in the inbox and not in spam folders strictly! Key Requirements: - Email software capable - Simple interface for ease of use - Ability to segment audience for customized newsletters Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in email marketing software - Prior experience with newsletter distribution - Experience in audience segmentation Please note that this project is time-sensitive.

    €58 Average bid
    €58 Povprečna ponudba
    8 ponudb

    ...long term? We are looking to expand our team, so if your answers to the questions above are “yes!”, then read on… What is This Project About? - Our newsletters are ready to be published, but we're having issues with the HTML code. It causes the emails to land in the spam box -- Your task is to identify the issues in the HTML-code and ensure it is adjusted so that the newsletters land in the inbox and not spam. As mentioned: we are looking to work with someone who is able to work on a long-term basis. The requirements to join our team are: - Attention to detail is important to you - Meeting deadlines is CRITICAL (I can’t stress this enough) - Must be able to submit at least 2 milestones - Open and willing to take constructive feedback Please se...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    107 ponudb

    ...DO IT, NO GUESSWORK WANTED. ALSO LET ME KNOW WHAT PROJECTS YOU'VE DONE PREVIOUSLY SUCCESSFULLY. Two pieces of software which can share backend functions in terms of the AI and learning models. Customer Service emails Input for AI to learn = brand identity, previous emails sent, template emails, company website, any other info Input for direct output desired = complete email thread from company inbox (copy and pasted into this platform) Output = an accurate and correct response email to the customer. It will show the reply which should be perfect, if it is not, user will adjust it (and copy to their own email via copy to clipboard button) and then press “Learn based on my changes” (something like that), and then AI will learn. Email campaigns/mailshots The idea i...

    €159 Average bid
    €159 Povprečna ponudba
    20 ponudb

    ...:** is a SaaS platform designed to revolutionize the delivery of electronic products to customers. Our platform creates a customer panel database that integrates seamlessly with various sales channels such as marketplaces and e-commerce platforms. Once an order is placed, Sendling facilitates the digital delivery of the product directly to the customer via email or Marketplace inbox. Please use only low letters for logo text like " sendling". **Design Requirements:** 1. **Concept Representation:** The logo should reflect the functionality and innovative nature of It should convey the idea of seamless digital delivery and integration with multiple sales channels. 2. **SaaS Compatibility:** The design should be modern and suitable for a SaaS project, emph...

    €495 Average bid
    3105 vnosov

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a webmail system that allows me to conduct bulk email marketing campaigns. Key Project Details: - **Deliverability:** I'm aiming for an outstanding deliverability rate of above 98%. Ensuring that the emails I send make it to the inbox is crucial. - **Subscriber List:** My current list consists of 10,000 - 50,000 subscribers. The system should handle this size efficiently. Given that some of the essential features for the webmail platform were not specified, I'm open to your suggestions as an expert in this field. Your input on tools such as automated email sequences, list segmentation, and A/B testing capabilities would be greatly appreciated. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing webmail sy...

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Povprečna ponudba
    25 ponudb

    ...and potential customers. The goal is to not only grab attention but also encourage conversions. Key requirements include: - Proficiency in HTML email design: It's crucial that the email is coded correctly to ensure compatibility with various email clients. - Understanding of email deliverability: The email must meet the necessary standards to avoid spam filters and reach the target audience's inbox. - Inclusion of an unsubscribe feature: This is essential to comply with anti-spam regulations and provide a good user experience. The email should be visually appealing and engaging, with static images and text. It should also incorporate clickable links to direct recipients to our website or specific landing pages. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: ...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Povprečna ponudba
    85 ponudb

    ...having incoming WhatsApp messages to my Inbox trigger Wix Automations, which currently only responds to chat and email prompts. More specifically: - You should be able to implement a system where the automation is triggered by the message content in WhatsApp. - The automation trigger will be set based on specific keywords within the incoming WhatsApp messages. - To realize this project, an in-depth knowledge of Wix Velo and understanding of WhatsApp APIs is necessary, along with familiarization with Wix Automations. - Confidence in JavaScript coding, web development, and programming would be ideal for the successful completion of this project, considering inherent technical nuances. I assume the following coding could work: -If WhatsApp message in Inbox -then set...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Povprečna ponudba
    98 ponudb

    I have a current website, and my goal is that people who register in a form with mailer lite have access to a private repository where there will be posts... They have to be able to unsubscribe whenever they want and in principle it is only activating a plugin

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    64 ponudb

    Tasks: Website Analysis: Analysis of the current website. Analysis of a website I like: Prestashop 8 Configuration: Modular construction of the shop. Configuration of payment and shipping methods. GDPR compliance (content provided by me). Configuration of the email inbox for the newsletter. Graphic Design and Implementation: Responsive design adapted for various devices. Unique graphic theme (refined to full satisfaction). Design and implementation of the main page, category page, product page (with responsive side menu). Compatibility testing and revision sessions. Multilingual Configuration: Adding language versions. Configuration of international payments (gateway integration). Uploading translated store communications. Implementation of Promotional and Marketing

    €473 Average bid
    €473 Povprečna ponudba
    241 ponudb

    I need someone experienced in setting up Amazon Web Services (AWS) SES accounts with sending limits of 50,000 per day. I have three accounts that need to be configured in this way. Key Requirements: - Setting up 3 AWS SES accounts - Configuring each account with a sending limit of 50,000 per day - Ensuring all the accounts are verified and authenticated for reliable email sending Additional Information: - I already have email templates, so only the account setup is needed - I will provide all necessary information and access to my AWS account Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Amazon Web Services (AWS) SES - Experience in setting up and configuring SES accounts - Email deliverability knowledge to ensure emails reach the inbox - Attention to detail to avoi...

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Povprečna ponudba
    50 ponudb

    As my personal assistant, your primary tasks would include: - Scheduling appointments: You'll be in charge of managing my calendar and making appointments on my behalf. - Managing email and correspondence: You'll be expected to keep my inbox organized and ensure that important emails are brought to my attention. - Running errands: You'll handle various errands on my behalf, ensuring my day-to-day activities run seamlessly. - Keeping up with my appointments: You will be responsible for ensuring that my appointments are up-to-date and that I am well-prepared for them. The ideal candidate for this role should have excellent communication skills, be detail-oriented, and have the ability to multitask efficiently. Experience in personal assistance or a similar role is a p...

    €945 Average bid
    €945 Povprečna ponudba
    109 ponudb

    I'm in need of a comprehensive email server with advanced features, capable of handling 100-500 email accounts. The project needs to be completed ASAP. Key Features: - Spam Filtering: Efficient spam filtering to keep the inbox clean and secure. - Encryption: Top-notch encryption to ensure data protection and privacy. - Auto-responder: Automatic email response functionality for better customer communication. The server should be: - Scalable: Capable of supporting 100-500 email accounts and accommodating future growth. - High-Performance: Ensuring fast and reliable email delivery. - Secure: With robust encryption methods to safeguard data. Experience in deploying email servers and specific expertise in the latest email technology are critical for this project. The ability to...

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Povprečna ponudba
    13 ponudb

    ...opportunity to create designs that align with client branding while pushing the boundaries of email creativity. Work with the Big Players: Your designs will reach audiences of 20,000 to 400,000 subscribers, making a real impact on major ecommerce brands. Cutting-Edge Skills: Marry your design skills to the technical requirements of building responsive Klaviyo emails that look awesome in every email inbox: Desktop, Mobile, Light and Dark Mode Collaborate with the Best: Team up with top-notch direct response marketers and learn the secrets of maximizing sales through email. Challenges We're looking for a designer who can tackle challenges like these: Brand Mastery: Transform client brand guidelines into high-converting email designs. Maintain brand integrity while creatin...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    59 ponudb

    ...Relationship Management: Serve as the primary point of contact for clients, providing regular updates, addressing concerns, and ensuring their satisfaction with the email marketing services. • Compliance and Deliverability Management: Ensure all email campaigns comply with relevant regulations (CAN-SPAM, GDPR, etc.) and best practices. Monitor deliverability rates and take action to maintain high inbox placement rates. • Training and Support: Provide training and support to clients and their teams on email marketing best practices, platform usage, and campaign management to empower them to achieve their marketing goals. • Project Management: Oversee the entire email marketing process from strategy development to execution and analysis. Ensure timely and successful ...

    €597 Average bid
    €597 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    I recently encountered a critical error on my WordPress website with Elementor plugin. The error message reads: "There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions." Key requirements for this project: - Expertise in WordPress and Elementor plugin - Proven experience in debugging and fixing critical errors on WordPress websites - Good communication skills and ability to explain technical issues to non-technical clients Your task is to troubleshoot the error, identify the root cause, and implement a reliable fix. Please include relevant details of your past work in your application. Looking forward to working with you to resolve this issue. My wp is 6.6 My elementor is 3.23.1 My elementor pro is 3.23.0 Ive tried do...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Povprečna ponudba
    30 ponudb

    I'm seeking a skilled personal/executive assistant to support me for approximately 12-20 hours a month. Key Responsibilities: - Managing emails: Keep my inbox organized, prioritize important emails, and draft responses. - Calendar management: Schedule appointments, meetings, and reminders efficiently. - Travel arrangements: Handle bookings, accommodations, and other logistics for my travel. - Research and data analysis: Conduct internet research, collect data, and present findings in a clear and concise manner. Communication: - I mainly use Proton for managing emails and calendar, so experience with this tool is beneficial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a personal/executive assistant, with references. - Excellent organizational and time management sk...

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    59 ponudb

    I'm looking for a professional to set up and configure Botpress and Typebot on our Windows server. The primary tasks include: - Installing and configuring Botpress and Typebot - Integration with Whatsapp API - Setting up a common team inbox - Running a chatbot with a Whatsapp template Key functionalities required for this project are: - Automated responses - User data collection Additional tasks may include: - Multilingual support (if applicable) Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in setting up chatbots on Windows servers - Experience with Botpress and Typebot - Knowledge of Whatsapp API integration - Familiarity with setting up team inboxes - Strong understanding of automated responses and user data collection in chatbots - Optional: experience in m...

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Povprečna ponudba
    6 ponudb

    +++ PLEASE READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE SUBMITTING A FEE+++ If you submit a fee, then increase it after we discuss, I will say goodbye to you!!!! ****** BUDGET $35 ***** DO NOT BID UNLESS YOU HAVE WOOCOMMERCE MEMBERSHIP EXPERIENCE an...shows on Frontend Category or Subcategory. :: Can be Product, Event or Online Course 8. ONE Checkout - can pay for different category items (Product, Event, Consultation and/or Online Course) in cart at same time. 9. Transactional messages - registration, sales, etc. not received. a. Setup SMTP and Configured the installed RabbitMQ b. Configure messages to deliver email to INBOX, NOT SPAM 10. Clean up admin - Let's go through each item on the left side of wp admin together to decide what is not used/relevant and ...

    €96 Average bid
    €96 Povprečna ponudba
    20 ponudb