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    2,000 read simulink model java program najdena dela
    3d model živali
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    Rabimo 3d model živali, ki ji lahko spreminjamo pozo. Model se lahko uporabi tudi za izdelavo aplikacije. Živali bi bilo več. Osnova je naša skica živali.

    €322 Average bid
    €322 Povprečna ponudba
    25 ponudb

    Rešitev oz. izdelava java aplikacije oz. naloge

    €30 Average bid
    Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij
    €30 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Trophy icon Logotip za projekt
    Končano left

    Smo svetovalno podjetje, ki se ukvarja s HRM področjem, predvsem z razvojem vodij in talentov. V razvoju je nov model za razvoj in upravljanje kompetenc čustvene inteligentnosti. Iščemo NOV LOGOTIP za model za razvoj ččustvene inteligentnosti. Ne isceva logotip za podjetje, AMPAK ZA MODEL RAZVOJA KOMPETENC ČUSTVENE INTELIGENTNOSTI s katerim bomo ugotavljali raven razvitosti kompetenc čustvene inteligentnosti pri ključnih zaposlenih v podjetjih. Kartice za logotip so KEI

    €47 Average bid
    12 vnosov
    Project for shiki0
    Končano left

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for kos83
    Končano left

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for dasf
    Končano left

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for benzo11
    Končano left

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for roberro
    Končano left

    ...Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija  Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspe&sc...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb


    €21 Average bid
    €21 Povprečna ponudba
    33 ponudb

    I need a program/script that automatically generates crosswords and exports them in a specific JSON format for my Android application. Main Requirements: 1. The program must receive a list of words as input 2. Must place words in a 10x10 grid, crossing them optimally 3. Words can be placed horizontally or vertically 4. Must generate a JSON file with the following exact format: { "level": { "id": "string", "image_url": "string", "cols": 10, "rows": 10 }, "words": [ { "word": "WORD", "positions": [ { "x": number, "y": number } ], "direction": "horizontal|vertical&...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    I need a highly-detailed, parametric 3D model of my car which includes both the exterior and interior. This model will be used for 3D printing, so it needs to be meticulously designed with intricate details. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience in creating parametric models - Knowledge of 3D printing requirements - Attention to detail for high-resolution designs. as you will see the cage doesnt fit exactly the outer shell. this car is a sandwich structure: outer plastic wall 4mm, dia 50mm pipe-cage, inner 4mm plastic wall. at you can see how this car is assembles in the doc file. i want 3 suitcases under the seats, 3 persons inside the car, joystick for steering, no steering wheel, no pedals, movable tyres, so suspension rods a...

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model for polyp detection and segmentation. Key Deliverables: - Trained model with weights - Training and evaluation code - Comprehensive documentation on model usage The model should be developed using TensorFlow and optimized for accuracy. Please note, U-NET code will not be accepted. The project is expected to be completed within 2 to 3 days and the budget is between 2000 to 3000 INR. Ideal candidates should have: - Expertise in TensorFlow - Proven experience in developing CNN models - Prior work with the Kvasir dataset is a plus - Strong skills in model documentation and code clarity.

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    I need assistance with a 3D CAD model I have. The project involves dropping this existing CAD onto a modern styled silver ring design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in CAD software - Prior experience in jewelry design - Understanding of modern design aesthetics Please provide examples of similar past projects in your proposal. After this project there we really would like to expand these to have other designs outside of just our stag head.

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Povprečna ponudba
    30 ponudb

    I'm seeking a professional who can perform an intricate 4D simulation of a residential property. This simulation is primarily intended for architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Simple rendering of living areas and kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms, as well as outdoor spaces and gardens. - Inclusion of appropriate furniture and other necessary objects in the simulatio...walkthrough/flythrough animation that showcases the property in a compelling manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 4D simulations. - Strong background in architectural visualization. - Experience with residential property simulations. - Ability to create simple, realistic simulations. - Competence in producing simple walkthrough/flythrough animations. Note: -You will be provided with the RV...

    €29 - €242
    €29 - €242
    0 ponudb

    I need an experienced Autolt V3 developer to enhanc...Autolt V3 developer to enhance the User Interface (UI) of my program. The goal is to make it more current and visually appealing. Main tasks include: - Redesigning the User Interface (UI): The existing layout needs to be updated to a more modern style. - Implementing New Buttons and Icons: The program should feature contemporary buttons and icons. - Updating Fonts and Text Styles: I want to refresh the typography of the program. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Autolt V3 - Strong UI/UX design skills - Proficiency in creating and implementing new buttons and icons - Excellent understanding of typography and text styles I am open to suggestions for potential new feature...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Povprečna ponudba
    47 ponudb

    I will create an animation of 10 seconds and the sponge model to satisfy client needs

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    I'm seeking highly motivated, commission-driven sales representatives to sell our lead generation services. These services utilize cold emailing and LinkedIn automation to find and secure businesses in need of high-quality B2B leads, specifically in the healthcare and technology sector. Your Role: - Identify and close deals with businesses seeking to enhance their sales pip...closed deal - 4-6 Deals bonus +2% Commission - 7+ Deals bonus +5% Commission Ideal Candidate: - Experienced in sales, outreach, or digital marketing. - Comfortable with performance-based compensation. - Previous experience in pharmaceutical sales is a plus. Target Businesses: - Any business size is fair game from small businesses to large enterprises. Write at the beginning of the job post "READ...

    €337 Average bid
    €337 Povprečna ponudba
    3 ponudb

    I need an experienced developer to integrate Affirm on two of my Shopify websites. The integration should include: - Displaying Affirm as a payment option at checkout ...Displaying Affirm as a payment option at checkout - Showing Affirm cost breakdown on product pages - Adding Affirm promotional banners across the sites I have the necessary Affirm credentials ready for the integration. However, the design of the Affirm logos and payment options needs to match my websites' current design theme. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in Java and other coding languages - Extensive experience with Shopify and its payment integrations - Strong understanding of web design and ability to match existing design themes - Previous experience with Affirm integr...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Povprečna ponudba
    36 ponudb

    I have a script that calculates wallet holders of my SPL token and figures out how much to send to each. It's nearly complete, but I'm having trouble making the actual batch transactions and a...much to send to each. It's nearly complete, but I'm having trouble making the actual batch transactions and airdrops. Your tasks would primarily involve: - Assisting with transaction structuring - Handling empty or non-minted wallets - Potentially setting up initial SPL token accounts for wallets that don't have one The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive knowledge of Node and Java, as well as experience with batch airdropping. You should be able to troubleshoot and provide solutions quickly, as I need help with this now. Looking for help right...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    5 ponudb

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    4 ponudb

    I'm looking for a highly detailed 3D model of a flying Gould's Petrel for 3D printing. This will be used for an educational display, so the model needs to be museum quality. Key Requirements: - The model should not include feather details, as faux feathers will be added later. However, the head and beak must be very accurate. - The model should have a high level of anatomical detail, but excluding feathers. - The pose of the model should be 'flying'. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling, particularly for 3D printing. - Strong understanding of bird anatomy, specifically that of the Gould's Petrel. - Previous work creating models for educational or museum displays. - Ability to deliver a model...

    €83 Average bid
    €83 Povprečna ponudba
    46 ponudb

    ...and deep learning to enhance our existing YOLO data model. The primary goal is to optimize the model's accuracy, speed, and reliability for real-time object detection tasks using our custom dataset. Project Description & Responsibilities: - Model Evaluation & Analysis: + Assess the current YOLO model performance. + Identify bottlenecks, accuracy issues, and areas for improvement. - Optimization & Enhancement: + Refine network architecture and adjust hyperparameters. + Improve data augmentation strategies to better train the model. + Implement techniques to boost detection accuracy and reduce false positives/negatives. - Testing & Validation: + Validate model performance improvements using robust evaluation metrics. + Iterate on...

    €1122 Average bid
    €1122 Povprečna ponudba
    71 ponudb

    Prosimo, vpišite se ali se prijavite za več podrobnosti.

    Izpostavljeno Nujno Zapečateno Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij

    Project Title: Hiring a Business Development Manager for US Non-IT Recruitment (Full-Time Job Recruitment Program) For USA Market Description: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our team on a full-time basis. Our company, Canopus Silicon Valley, specializes in non-IT recruitment, and we are looking for a skilled professional who can help us expand our client base and drive revenue growth. Responsibilities: Identify and generate new business opportunities in the non-IT recruitment industry. Develop and maintain relationships with clients, hiring managers, and decision-makers. Understand client staffing needs and provide customized recruitment solutions. Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients. Collaborate with the r...

    €537 Average bid
    €537 Povprečna ponudba
    5 ponudb

    Let me put it simple: we have access to private transactions flow on Solana with up to $1B daily turnover. Read on only if you understand what this means. We are looking for people who can help us to extract the most value of of this access. You are to develop and test your own trading strategies, be it sniping, arbitratge or anything else. Obviously, you must have experience with this, preferably already functioning bots. Even suboptimal bots, resulting in slight loss may become very profitable with the private access. Along with the application, demonstrate your exerience in Solana trading bots development. Applications without this will NOT be reviewed. Links to "portfolio" will NOT be reviewed. Please be specific. Thanks Please, include examples of similar projects ...

    €438 Average bid
    €438 Povprečna ponudba
    21 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) social networking app. Key Requirements: - Proficient in mobile app development (especially for iOS and Android). - Experience in developing social networking apps is a plus. - Knowledge of UX/UI design principles for social apps. - Proficiency in relevant programming languages (Swift, Kotlin, Java etc.) - Strong communication skills for collaborative development process. The ideal freelancer will have a portfolio of similar projects and be able to deliver a high-quality, user-friendly app.

    €700 Average bid
    €700 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb
    3D Animated Model of Our Clinic
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a professional who can create a high-detail, realistic 3D animated model of our clinic. The animation should comprehensively explain every step and every part of the patient's journey from entry to exit. Key Areas to Include: - The reception and waiting area The animation will need to be intricate and thorough, showing all elements of these areas in a realistic manner. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in creating high-detail, realistic 3D animations - A strong portfolio of similar works - Excellent attention to detail and ability to follow precise instructions Please note, while this project only focuses on the reception and waiting area, the model should be versatile enough to potentially include other areas of the clinic in f...

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Povprečna ponudba
    11 ponudb

    I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in Revit MEP and plumbing design to convert a PDF plumbing project into a Revit MEP model. Key Requirements: - Convert the provided architectural project in DWG format into a Revit model. The architectural model should only include the building structure at a Level of Development (LOD) 100. - The MEP model, which will include the piping elements, should be developed at a LOD 300. The piping elements will cover all aspects of MEP. - Use standard Revit MEP families for the conversion. I do not require custom families, nor will I be providing any specific families. Ideal candidates will have: - Proficiency in Revit MEP - Prior experience with plumbing design and converting projects into Revit - Ability to...

    €211 Average bid
    €211 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for di...

    €105 Average bid
    €105 Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb

    I need help fixing my notebook file for RVC which is intended for voice cloning. The notebook is throwing runtime errors during execution and I need these resolved so I can continue with my project. Key Tasks: - Debug the notebook file to fix errors during execution. - Ensure compatibility for voice cloning, training model and loading Gradio interface. - Provide a working notebook file ready for voice cloning. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in RVC and Python. - Experience with Gradio interface. - Excellent debugging and problem-solving skills.

    €65 Average bid
    €65 Povprečna ponudba
    5 ponudb

    I'm seeking a seasoned Py...project revolves around a full server-side application, requiring substantial focus on various machine learning tasks, including data preprocessing, model training, and model deployment. Key Responsibilities: - Data Preprocessing: Clean and prepare data for training. - Model Training: Develop and train predictive models based on the prepared data. - Model Deployment: Successfully integrate trained models into the server-side application. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with a strong background in backend development. - Extensive experience in machine learning, particularly in data preprocessing, model training, and model deployment. - Familiarity with server-side application development. - Stro...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb
    Remote Car Buyer & Market Analyst
    6 dni left

    ? Remote | Full-Time | Flexible Working Hours Are you a numbers-driven professional with a sharp eye for car valuation and m...reliable – Ability to work independently and meet daily deadlines. - Fluent in English – Our team communicates mainly in Swedish and English. Why Join Us? - Work from anywhere – Fully remote position with flexible working hours. - Exciting automotive industry – Stay ahead of market trends in one of the most dynamic sectors. - Competitive salary – Hourly salary and performance-based compensation model (performance based compensation after 6 months). - Growth opportunities – Develop your expertise in car valuation, data analysis, and international purchasing. Ready to take on this challenge? Apply now and become a key pa...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb

    I need a comprehensive deployment dashboard that tracks application deployments using Java and Angular, hosted on AWS. The dashboard will need to integrate with various AWS services, specifically EC2, S3, and EKS. Key Features: - Monitor application deployments in real-time - Accessible to multiple user roles: Administrator, Developer, Operations, and Guest - Generate detailed reports on deployment history and metrics - Provide notification alerts for deployment successes or failures - Integrate with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitLab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Java and Angular - Strong knowledge of AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, and EKS - Prior experience in developing deployment dashboards - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for di...

    €9 Average bid
    €9 Povprečna ponudba
    4 ponudb

    We are developing an Android app that utilizes ARCore to place virtual content in an AR view using specific coordinates. Unfortunately, we've...content using coordinates. Modify the code to ensure precise and stable AR content placement within the AR view. Test the solution across multiple devices to ensure compatibility and performance. Requirements: Proven experience with ARCore and Android development. Strong understanding of augmented reality principles and coordinate systems. Ability to debug and optimize AR experiences. Proficient in Java. Good communication skills and attention to detail. Deliverables: A working ARCore implementation that correctly places content at given coordinates within the AR view. Documentation of the changes made for our team to understand the...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Povprečna ponudba
    6 ponudb

    I'm seeking a skilled illustrator for my children's book "Dilly and Pals See Me Read." This is for a 6x9, 26-page beginner reader, including a cover. The second edition needs all new illustrations, as the first was poorly received. Key Requirements: - Realistic, playful and fun illustrations that capture the expressions of the main character, a young boy, and his stuffed and real animal friends. - Previous experience with KDP and Ingram Spark formatting is essential. - A quick turnaround is necessary due to budget constraints. To be considered, please preview the current book and share your vision for the new illustrations. I will only review proposals from illustrators who demonstrate an understanding of the project's needs. Thank you.

    €330 Average bid
    €330 Povprečna ponudba
    112 ponudb

    ...Processing (OpenCV, NumPy, skimage, etc.) ✅ Machine Learning Model (Supervised learning, CNN, PyTorch/TensorFlow) ✅ Mathematical & Algorithmic Approach to grading (based on centering, edges, surface, corners) ✅ Robust Background Removal (even in difficult environments: table, hand, uniform backgrounds) ✅ Perspective Correction & Contour Detection to correctly isolate cards ✅ Support for All Pokémon Card Types (Holo, Reverse Holo, Full Art, Vintage, etc.) Tasks: ? Develop an Image Processing Pipeline to preprocess images, remove backgrounds, and detect card contours ? Implement Geometric & Mathematical Evaluation Metrics (card centering, edge whitening detection, corner wear detection, surface issues detection) ? Train an ML Model (or fine-tune an existi...

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Povprečna ponudba
    46 ponudb

    ...Max, Rhino, or similar) • Expertise in jewelry design (understanding of materials like gold, silver, gemstones) • Ability to incorporate a custom logo into the necklace design • High-quality realistic textures and lighting • Smooth and engaging animation for a short product showcase video • Ability to deliver in high-resolution formats for marketing and e-commerce use Project Scope: • 3D model of the necklace based on our design and logo • Realistic rendering with proper lighting and textures • Product animation (rotations, close-ups, and smooth transitions) • Final video length: 10-30 seconds Ideal Candidate: • Has a strong portfolio of jewelry or luxury product animations • Can deliver high-quality work on time...

    €106 Average bid
    €106 Povprečna ponudba
    25 ponudb

    I need a website to showcase my audio cassette and HiFi equipment collection. The site should display detailed descriptions, photos, and additional specifics like the year and version of production, playtime for cassettes, and the production country. Key Features: - Each item should include details: - Brand - model - Year of construction - Price (if selling it) - Whether it's on show only or for sale (sales/shop only lateron) - play length for cassettes - market (europe, usa, japan for audio cassettes) - Some further details - Brief description - several Photos - Each item should include: Item Condition (e.g., New, Mint, Used, sealed for cassettes) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development and design - Familiar with e-commerce platforms (for fu...

    €1102 Average bid
    €1102 Povprečna ponudba
    77 ponudb

    ...improve the way environmental decisions are made. Agile’s high-level strategic aims are organised around three interwoven goals: • Goal 1: delivering solution-oriented science through a new model of interdisciplinary research in which groups of researchers from across the University work with stakeholders and partners (including government at all levels, industry partners, NGOs and local communities) to address a time-critical research question identified by decision makers in rapid “Sprint” projects. • Goal 2: creating a critical mass of interdisciplinary researchers capable of working within this model, through training, career development, community-building and collective learning. • Goal 3: establishing a lasting culture shift i...

    €11159 Average bid
    €11159 Povprečna ponudba
    6 ponudb

    We are looking for an experienced (Node.js + TypeScript) developer to implement an application according to our existing UML model and specifications. Scope of Work: 1. Configuration * Implement AppConfigService and integrate with various providers (e.g., EnvConfigProvider). * Allow adding custom parameters (AddParameter) and fetching configuration values. 2. Logging * Implement a LoggingService façade with a console adapter and a Loki exporter (Grafana Loki) using an in-memory buffer and retry logic. 3. Event Bus * Provide an internal event system (publish/subscribe). * Integrate the Loki exporter as a subscriber to log events. 4. Domain Layer * Set up ControllerService, LockerService, Krcu16Service, and corresponding repositories for database operations (...

    €2148 Average bid
    €2148 Povprečna ponudba
    80 ponudb

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb
    PCP Air Rifle CAD Assembly
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a skilled CAD designer to assemble a model of PCP Air Rifle parts. Most components have been made, but you'll need to integrate some springs and O-rings. Adjustments to hole sizes, locations, and depths may be necessary for a proper fit. Key Tasks: - Incorporate non-generic components into the assembly - Modify certain components for fit and functionality - Add springs and O-rings as required - Specify appropriate material types for each component The ideal candidate will be able to match joint details to those in this reference video: The project involves using various materials, including aluminum, steel, and polymer. Joints: - A mixture of fixed, sliding, and rotating joints Skills and Experience: - Proficiency

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Povprečna ponudba
    21 ponudb

    About Us: We are an innovative pre-production and music business startup focused on empowering independent artists, composers, and filmmakers. Our model is centered around developing and licensing high-quality songs and film concepts to production houses and distributors worldwide. We aim to revolutionize how music and film collaborations are structured, ensuring fair and transparent agreements that benefit all stakeholders. As we formalize our partnerships, we need a freelance lawyer to refine and enhance our drafted agreements, ensuring they are legally sound, industry-standard, and protect our intellectual property and business interests. Who We’re Looking For: We seek a freelance entertainment lawyer or a media & IP law specialist who can review and improve our exist...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    3 ponudb

    I'm looking for a developer to create a comprehensive task management application that f...functionality for task doers. - Referral codes and Promo codes changes - percentage change of fees from both task doers and hirers - changes in subscription plans 3. **Technical Stack**: - A web-based front-end and admin panel built with React.js. - A backend/API powered by Java. - MySQL database with AWS for hosting. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience in Flutter for mobile application development and React.js for web-based interface creation. A strong background in Java for backend development and MySQL for database management is also essential. Understanding of secure payment systems and identity verification processes will ...

    €2065 Average bid
    €2065 Povprečna ponudba
    42 ponudb