Php mysql data database excel sheetdela
Potrebujem app ki prebere excel in ima možnost vnašanja(import) excel tabel, dostopno mora biti preko mobilne/web aplikacije, imeti mora možnost razporejanja oz dodajanje dela večim ekipam, na koncu mora vse skupaj združiti v skupno tabelo, odšteti količino porabljenega materiala za delo oz voditi zalogo opreme in ločeno voditi količino porabljenega materiala za posamezno stranko, moznost uploada slik za posamezni id stranke, in upload to na pc oz web server
Narisati je treba shemo nadzornega sistema stavbe po nadstropjih in v vsako nadstropje vnesti komponente iz excel tabele - do 100 komponent
Obdelava podatkov, izdelkov različnih proizvajalcev iz različnih virov z Query-ji, lepljenje po ID-ju ipd ipd Trenutno imamo 1 projekt za nekaj ur dela. Po podobni logiki so v pripravi novi projekti..
Pozdravljeni, Iscem nekoga ki bi bil pripravljeni popraviti nekaj napak na stari p2p scripti (php5.3, mysql, JS, HTML)
Rad bi izdelal kviz ki bi obsegal razlicna podrocja, za zacetek na primer vprasanja iz racunalnistva, excel-a, podjetnistva,.. V kolikor pa bolje spoznate na kaksno drugo podrocje in se vam zdi da bi bila vprasanja uporabna tudi za ostale, se lahko zmenimo tudi za kaksno drugo podrocje vprsanj. Poleg vprasanja bi bili ponujeni 3-je mozni odgovori, med katerimi bi bil en pravilen. Za vsako podrocje bi imeli vprasanja razlicnih tezavnostnih stopenj, na primer Lahka, Srednje in Tezka. Bonus tocke za: -Vprasanja niso predolga, da ne zahtevajo ravno predolgega branja -Nekaj vprasanj lahko vsebujejo tudi kaksen smesen ali pa nenavaden ponujeno odgovor
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izku...
Pozdravljen Roberto, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančno...
Pozdravljen Roberto, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančno...
I need a data entry/web/Instagram scraping specialist who can help me categorize the 2600 businesses I follow on Instagram. The businesses primarily belong to the fields of architecture, construction, and development, with specific focus on: - Architects - Builders - Developers - Project Managers - Landscape Architects The categorization should include the following fields: - Company Name - Website - State - Profession - Do they follow me back A good command of English is essential for this task, as is the ability to follow clear instructions and input data accurately into an Excel spreadsheet. Experience in data entry, web scraping, and social media analysis would be highly beneficial.
I'm seeking a proficient Excel user for data entry and analysis. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel with experience in using Pivot tables, Formulas and calculations, Charts and graphs - Attention to detail for accurate data entry - Ability to analyze data and generate reports if needed Please note that the specific type of data and primary goal for this project have not been specified. The successful freelancer will need to be flexible and adaptable to different types of data and tasks.
After attempting to upgrade my WHMCS site from PHP 7.4 to 8.1, I encountered a critical error screen when trying to access my site. I need immediate assistance to get my VPS WHMCS site back up and running. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WHMCS and PHP - Proficient in troubleshooting and resolving hosting issues on VPS - Ability to assess site compatibility with PHP versions - Quick response time to urgent requests Please note that while I've confirmed all my addons are compatible with PHP 8.1 and my WHMCS version is too, I am open to reverting back to the previous PHP version if the issue cannot be resolved quickly. Your expertise is needed to diagnose and fix this critical issue. Thank you. and ratings. Responsive design for mobile and desktop. SEO optimization for better visibility. 2. Choose a Technology Stack Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular for dynamic interfaces). Responsive design frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Backend: Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel for server-side logic. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing product and user data. E-commerce Platform: Use an existing platform like Shopify, WooCommerce (WordPress), or Magento for faster development. Alternatively, build a custom solution for more flexibility. Hosting: Cloud hosting providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Content Delivery Network (CDN) for faster loading times. 3. Design the Website Wire...
I need an annual Profit and Loss statement prepared for an SBA loan application. It will be in Excel format. Key Tasks: - Prepare the P&L statement in Excel - Follow a standard template or best practices, as I don't have a specific template - Cover the statement for the entire year Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in preparing Profit and Loss statements - Familiarity with SBA loan requirements - Ability to suggest and implement standard templates or best practices.
I'm seeking assistance in improving the organization of my Excel sheet which records staff daily work activities. The primary focus will be on refining the data layout for better clarity and accessibility. I need to separate outreach calls vs in-person assistance/community events. I started formula to total based on week and the month. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel, particularly in data sorting and filtering. - Experience with creating organized data layouts. Although I don't have specific formulas in mind, I would appreciate a professional with knowledge of various Excel functions who can suggest and implement suitable ones to enhance the functionality of the sheet.
...users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving favorite presentations) ✅ SEO optimization for visibility ✅ Newsletter signup & basic analytics tracking ?️ Tech Stack Preference: We are open to suggestions but prefer using: ? WordPress + Custom Plugins (Fast development, easy maintenance) ? / React + Firebase (For high performance & scalability) ? Laravel / PHP + MySQL (For structured backend management) If you have recommendations based on experience, please include them in your proposal. ? Timeline & Budget: ⏳ Estimated timeline: 4-6 weeks ? Budget: $100 - $500 (Negotiable based on features & experience) ? Deliverables: 1️⃣ Fully functional web app with a modern UI/UX 2️⃣ Admin panel for easy management of presentations &am...
Hi there I'm seeking a professional who can help me gather data from 100 UK websites. This data should include: - Company name and its corresponding LinkedIn page URL - Work email addresses of facility managers and office managers (London-based) - LinkedIn profile URLs of the aforementioned managers - The source link for each piece of data An Excel template will be provided for you to input the data. The ideal freelancer for this project should be: - Detail-oriented and able to follow instructions accurately - Proficient in data collection and research - Familiar with LinkedIn and its functionality - Able to work with Excel Please note, I only require work emails, not personal ones. The companies should be in the legal industry. ...
I'm seeking a skilled ViciDial PHP developer to help customize the user interface. Key Responsibilities: - Modify the Agent screen, Admin dashboard, and Reports & analytics sections to enhance usability and functionality. Ideal Skills: - Strong PHP and ViciDial knowledge - Experience in UI/UX design - Ability to understand and meet specific customization needs.
...a tailored Excel template to streamline my work checks. Currently, I have to manually copy and paste complicated formulas and use text replace functions to substitute keywords like LESS and PLUS with their mathematical counterparts. For examples sake, I want to put in "(25%LESS1/8LESS1/16 of 7/8) of 1/2 of 1/2 of 8/8" in A1, and have a Cell then automatically output that info. I have used substitute functions, then did evaluate formulas, but doesn't turn out right. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Excel template that can process long form mathematical expressions and return values automatically, saving me the tedious work. - Ensure the template can handle mixed operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ideal Skills: - St...
I have numerous Excel workbooks containing sales data that need to be cleansed and transformed into a single table. This project requires expertise in data processing and analysis. Key Tasks: - Cleanse the data from individual workbooks to a single workbook table - Transform the cleansed data into a single comprehensive table -there are approximately 300 workbooks, that each have about 8 sheets of similar data that is not tabled -extracting "amount paid to installer" sheet information is not part of this scope, but could be added at additional cost if it make since to extract that data at the same time. Do not include this in your price, but if interested chat message about details. The final table should include: - Date o...
I'm in need of a professional who can create detailed 2D DWG drawings of roller shapes for a sheet metal forming machine. These rollers are essential for a cold rolling mill process, which typically involves 10 to 12 stages for each section. The drawings need to be comprehensive, with dimensions incorporated to ensure precision. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in producing 2D DWG drawings - Prior experience with machinery design is highly advantageous - Attention to detail and ability to incorporate precise dimensions in the drawings - Understanding of the cold rolling mill process would be beneficial.
I'm looking for someone to analyze an academic paper focused on the energy sector within the realm of...specifically cover the experimental results presented in the paper. Key Requirements: - Expertise in the energy sector of science. - Strong skills in analyzing experimental results. - Ability to provide clear and concise interpretations of findings. Task: - Understand the method that undergoes in the following research paper - Write the maths that goes from the data till the results step by step on paper and send the pdf - After that make an excel for conducting such step by step maths The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in science, specifically the energy sector, and can demonstrate experience in analyzing academic papers and their...
menginput data dan menyusun sesuai kebutuhan juga analisis data.
I want customers to fill out a form and then it Will be sent to mailadresses i have in a database(mysql). For example 10-20 mailadresses.
I need a cross-platform (iOS and Android) AppSheet application. The main functionality involves scanning a QR code, which contains a URL leading to different forms based on the code's parameters. Key Requirements: - The app should be able to interpret a QR code and, depending on the URL it contains, direct the user to the appropriate form (form 1, form 2, etc.). within the app sheet - The forms need to be interactive and allow users to fill them out before submission. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AppSheet - Skills in creating interactive forms within an app Your proposal should highlight similar projects you've worked on, and please provide examples of your cross-platform apps.
...Ads and TikTok Ads to retrieve real-time data (e.g.: campaigns, metrics, budget). Create an OAuth2 authentication system for these platforms. Real Authentication System: Replace the current mock with a secure system (e.g.: Auth0, Firebase Auth, or JWT + OAuth2). Add permission controls (e.g.: admin, analyst, client). Real-Time Notifications: Develop an alert system using WebSocket or tools like Pusher/ 2. Data Features Data Synchronization: Create jobs to automatically update campaign data (e.g.: every 5 minutes). Store metrics history for temporal analysis. Automatic Insights Calculation: Develop algorithms to identify trends (e.g.: "CPA increased by 20% in the last week"). Report Export: Generate PDF/Excel with filter...
I am looking for an Excel professional who can assist me with implementing VLookup, HLookup, and X-Lookup functions in my spreadsheets. Key tasks include: - Implementing these lookup functions to streamline data analysis and financial report creation. - Assisting in the update of data across different sheets to ensure all reports are current. The primary report we need to generate is a product costing sheet. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Microsoft Excel, particularly with lookup functions. - A strong understanding of financial reporting. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to work with complex data sets.
I'm seeking a Smartsheet professional who can help with automating data synchronization from Excel files into the platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Smartsheet and its workflow automation features - Proficiency in Excel and understanding of data synchronization processes - Previous experience working on similar projects - Excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the automation process - Ability to understand my specific needs and tailor the solution accordingly.
Subject: Power Automate Flow for Extracting Data from Wedding Agreement (Adobe Sign) and Updating Excel Hi, I need help in creating a Power Automate flow with the following requirements: Objective: The goal is to extract data from a completed wedding agreement (Adobe Sign) and add the relevant information into an existing Excel file. Depending on specific data in the agreement, I need the flow to either add one or two rows in the Excel file and update those rows with the extracted data. Key Steps: Trigger: When a wedding agreement workflow is successfully completed (signed), the flow should be triggered. Extract Data: Use the Get form field data action to extract the form data from the agreement (preferably in ...
I need help with a mail merge project. I have a Word document that needs to be populated with names and from an Excel file. And then I then I also need one for mailing labels or printing on envelopes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel - Experience with mail merge - Attention to detail
Title: Build a Professional Marriage Net...Features: • Profiles with Verification: Users create structured profiles (education, profession, values, etc.). • Connection Requests: Users can send requests like LinkedIn but for serious marriage discussions. • Moderation & Privacy: Strict user verification and moderation to ensure Islamic compliance. • Tech Stack: Preferably Flutter (so it can be converted into an app later), with Firebase/MySQL for backend. Developer Requirements: • Experience in Flutter Web Development. • Strong understanding of secure authentication & user verification. • Experience in building networking or matchmaking platforms. Please share similar projects you’ve worked on and provide a timeline and cost es...
I need info from a PDF file transferred into an Excel spreadsheet. The PDF is a membership directory. I only need members that are a "Presenting Organization" (which starts about half-way down the directory). I've attached the PDF and a blank xls file with headers to populate. Please provide a bid and an estimate of the numbers of members to be imported so I know you understand the scope.
Subject: Power Automate Flow for Extracting Data from Wedding Agreement (Adobe Sign) and Updating Excel Hi, I need help in creating a Power Automate flow with the following requirements: Objective: The goal is to extract data from a completed wedding agreement (Adobe Sign) and add the relevant information into an existing Excel file. Depending on specific data in the agreement, I need the flow to either add one or two rows in the Excel file and update those rows with the extracted data. Key Steps: Trigger: When a wedding agreement workflow is successfully completed (signed), the flow should be triggered. Extract Data: Use the Get form field data action to extract the form data from the agreement (preferably in ...
Java database driven application to be created with backend database.
I'm looking for an expert in and Bannerbear to create a full scenario that automates the design of a 300x250 banner ad for brand awareness. - The scenario should take inputs from a Google Sheet, including a logo, brand colors (primary, secondary, tertiary), font type and style, call to action, ad copy, ad style, and an image. - The design style should be adaptable, with options for modern, bold, or minimalistic, all selectable through the spreadsheet. - The final output should be a PNG file. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with and Bannerbear, and a strong understanding of banner ad design for brand awareness purposes. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
I'm seeking a freelancer to help me extract data from the Livescore app for all football matches over the weekend. The data should be organized into an Excel sheet with separate sheets for each match date. Ideal Skills: - Data Extraction - Excel Proficiency - Attention to Detail Please note, the specific leagues, tournaments, and data points to be extracted have not been determined yet. Therefore, flexibility and good communication skills will be vital for this project. A keen interest in football could also be an advantage. I need all this informations into Excel sheet please check image jointe
...admin can optimize delivery routes and assign them to drivers. Create a REST API to be consumed by the Flutter app. Store and manage assigned routes in the database. ✅ Flutter App Build a screen where delivery drivers can see their assigned routes in a list and on Google Maps. Fetch data from the Laravel API to display packages and routes. ✅ Google Maps API Integrate Google Maps in Flutter to display delivery locations with markers. Implement Google Directions API to optimize routes automatically. ✅ API Documentation Provide clear API documentation so other developers can use it easily. ? Required Skills & Technologies: Laravel + MySQL (Backend) Flutter + Dart (Mobile App) Google Maps API REST API + JSON ? Expected Deliverables: ✅ Working Laravel Backend with...
Tenho umas tabelas de excel exportadas de um software para as quais precisava de criar Tabelas Dinâmicas e Dashbords para análise dos respectivos dados. Em resumo necessito de um freelancer para me esclarecer e ajudar a desenvolver uma forma de apresentar estes dados e poderem ser analisados por utilizadores muito básicos de excel.
I'm looking to have my bank statements for the year summarized. The statements are in PDF format. there are 2 accounts,. need a year end summary for each account for tax p...year summarized. The statements are in PDF format. there are 2 accounts,. need a year end summary for each account for tax purposes. income and expense with sub categories per account year end. and a reconstitued balance sheet , statement fo cash flows, and income statement using only these statements, Requirements: - The summary should categorize transactions and provide monthly totals. - All transactions should be included, not just credit or debit transactions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data analysis and financial summarization. - Experience with PDF data extraction and AI ...
I am looking for an AWS DevOps developer. I Want to move Elastic Beanstalk environment, RDS with data, Route 53, Load balancer etc alongwith the necessary configuration from one account to another. Want to link to domain with SSL. RDS Mysql, Java spring boot (.war file) Note: We have just 1 hour
I'm in need of a data entry specialist. The task involves transcribing customer information from paper documents into a database. Ideal skills and experience include: - Excellent attention to detail - Prior experience with data entry - Proficiency in database management - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines Key responsibilities: - Accurately transcribing customer information from paper documents - Ensuring all data is correctly entered into the database Your role is crucial in helping me organize and manage customer information effectively.
Kami mencari freelancer berpengalaman di Data Mart, jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL untuk mengoptimalkan performa salah satu modul analisis data. Saat ini, terdapat kendala dalam pemrosesan data yang menyebabkan beberapa fitur tidak berjalan optimal. Kualifikasi: ✅ Memahami Data Mart untuk pengolahan dan analisis data ✅ Mahir dalam jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL ✅ Berpengalaman dalam optimasi query dan peningkatan kinerja sistem Detail lebih lanjut akan diberikan setelah kesepakatan harga. Jika tertarik, dapat menghubungi kami segera, terima kasih.