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    Uporablja se spletna stran za beleženje ur, se pravi za uporabnika je potrebno ob določenem času, da se logira in da se opravi klik ali dva (za prijavo). Nato je po več urah ponovno potreben login na spletni strani ter klik ali dva (za odjavo). Uporabniki so različni. Potrebno je tudi narediti, da v kolikor naloga ni uspela, da se ali parkrat v parih minutah ponovi, ali pa da se nekako obvesti po smsu, mailu.

    €170 Average bid
    €170 Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb
    iOS App development
    Končano left

    Zdravo, Imamo iOS app, ki je deloma ze koncan, vendar bi potrebovali pregled in pa implementacijo zahtevnejsih zadev (custom mape, login ipd.). Rabimo torej izkusenega Swift programerja. Ce si pripravljen sodelovati, se pogovorimo o podrobnostih. Lp Alen …

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...need of a comprehensive betting website and mobile application where users can bet on cricket and football. The project demands a custom design and branding, not a template-based one. Key Functionalities: - Live match updates and bets: Users should be able to place bets in real-time as the match unfolds. - User account management: The platform should have a robust system for user registration, login, password recovery, and account profiling. Please note, the site and app only need to support English at this stage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in building betting sites and apps. - Proficiency in creating custom designs and branding. - Strong capabilities in implementing real-time updates and user management systems. - Knowledge of secure payment gateway...

    €328 Average bid
    €328 Povprečna ponudba
    22 ponudb

    Kriteria : 1. Mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi 2. Memiliki latar belakang IT (menjadi nilai tambah) 3. Memahami aplikasi berbasis web dan mobile 4. Menguasai MS Office, [login to view URL], Miro atau software pembuatan flowcharts, wireframes lainnya 5. Memiliki kemampuan menulis dengan rapih, jelas dan terstruktur 6. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai technical writer (menjadi nilai tambah) Persyaratan : 1. Bersedia bekerja lembur jika dibutuhkan (Remote) 2. Bersedia bekerja dengan target 3. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik 4. Tidak memiliki keterbatasan untuk berkomunikasi (terkait pekerjaan) 5. Memiliki perangkat kerja (laptop) pribadi yang mendukung pekerjaan

    €329 Average bid
    €329 Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb

    Project Description: We are looking for an experienced developer to create a mentorship platform specifically designed for NEET aspirants. The platform will connect mentees with mentors who have successfully cleared the NEET exam, offering personalized guidance through one-on-one sessions. Key Features Required: User Registration & Login: Role-based sign-up/login for Mentees and Mentors. Mentee Dashboard: Functionality to book mentorship sessions. Access to past session feedback and reports. Secure payment processing for bookings. Mentor Dashboard: Profile management and session availability settings. Ability to submit feedback reports after each session. Admin Dashboard: User and session management, including mentor approvals. Monitoring of payments and analytics. ...

    €246 Average bid
    €246 Povprečna ponudba
    9 ponudb

    My website has a user login issue that needs to be addressed. The problem is that the website is mistakenly interpreting correct credentials as incorrect. Ideal Skills: - PHP expertise - Troubleshooting and debugging - Experience with user authentication systems Please reach out if you can help.

    €930 Average bid
    €930 Povprečna ponudba
    92 ponudb

    I'm in need of a Python FLASK expert to develop a user login system and secure API key management. need to use : python , Flask, Rest and mongodb

    €45 Average bid
    €45 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    I need a skilled mobile developer to create a user-friendly Ethereum crypto wallet for iOS/Android. Key Features: - Send/Receive transactions: - View transaction history: - Wallet backup: The wallet should offer a reliable backup system to ensure users' funds are secure and accessible. Login 2FA Back up and recovery Send recieve functions Logoit Seed phrase backup Deploy on bep20 and arb Send tokens between wallets using email Store email to address mapping on the Blockchain Ios and Android version Copy address button Multi accounts capability By default use bep20 chain Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development (iOS/Android). - Prior experience in creating crypto wallets is highly preferred. - Strong understanding of Ethereum blockchain. - Excellent UI...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    47 ponudb

    ...Check out reference links for an example on how to configure it. User Registration and Login * 1: Users shall be able to sign up and log in using a username and password.
Detail: Users can create an account by providing a unique username and password. Home Screen * 2: The app shall display a menu organized into categories (e.g., appetizers, main courses, desserts).
Detail: The home screen will feature a layout with categories clearly labeled for easy navigation. * 3: The app shall provide a search bar for quick item lookup.
Detail: Users can enter keywords to filter menu items dynamically. Waiter App Features User Authentication * 1: Waiters shall be able to log in using their credentials.
Detail: A secure login interface will allow waiters to access the app. Kitchen App F...

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a contemporary and sleek Satta Matka Kalyan website. Key Features: - The website should embody a modern and sleek design. - Future updates may require the implementation of user registration and login, live game updates, and payment processing systems. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in website development with a portfolio showcasing modern and sleek designs. - Experience with gaming websites is a plus. - Good understanding of UX/UI principles.

    €268 Average bid
    €268 Povprečna ponudba
    55 ponudb

    I am looking for a developer to help me develop a web application called ODS AI. The main task is to create a functional chat interface where users can interact with an API, similar to ChatGPT. The project should be created using ASP.NET MVC, C#, Web API and SQL Server. Key Requirements: 1. User login system with authentication. 2. Two-factor authentication with an auto-generated PIN sent via email or SMS. 3. A chat interface that allows interaction between the user and an external API (for example, a messaging API or AI API). 4. Database integration for managing users and storing chat history. What I Already Have: 1. Basic database schema in SQL Server. 2. All design mockups. 3. Clear project specifications and milestones. 3. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ASP.NET MVC, C#, Web ...

    €596 Average bid
    €596 Povprečna ponudba
    34 ponudb
    VUEJS project on shared hosting
    6 dni left

    Create a VUEJS website: 1) Login screen required with 2FA auth (QR CODE) 2) 3 different user rights, superadmin, admin, user) 2.1) Super admin can create / deactivate admin accounts 2.2) Admin account can create / deactivate users 3.1 Administrator account has the following views with full rights 1) Create users under his / her account these contain the following information (must be expandable): (user data is NOT editable) First name + Family name Email address Phone number Address Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) + age Gender (M / F) Weight (KG up 1 decimal) + Height (in CM up to 1 decimal) Bodyfat (up to 1 decimal in %) Target Weight (in KG up to 1 decimal) Target timeline (between 12 - 52 weeks) Activity level: Purpose: Bloodtype: Language: TDEE (Daily calories needed) Recommended...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Povprečna ponudba
    4 ponudb

    ...Management Systems: The app should seamlessly synchronize with our current inventory systems to ensure real-time updates on product availability. - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: The app should also connect with our CRM systems to aid in tracking customer interactions and enhancing our service delivery. - Secure Email and Password Login: I prefer a traditional login method, so the app should include a simple yet secure email and password login system. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly in creating e-commerce platforms. Skills in integrating apps with inventory and CRM systems are crucial. A good understanding of secure user authentication methods is also necessary. The goal is to deliver a ...

    €2136 Average bid
    €2136 Povprečna ponudba
    129 ponudb

    I'm looking for a proficient mobile app developer who can create a...The app should have a backend admin panel for managing user accounts. An API will be provided for data integration. Key Features: - Real-time stock tracking: The app needs to constantly update users on stock movements. - User Interaction with Stock Tracking: This includes live updates and alerts, interactive charts and graphs, and watchlists. User Authentication: - The app will require a basic login and password for user authentication. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, specifically with real-time tracking features. - Prior work with backend administration panels. - Proficiency in integrating and working with APIs. - Knowledge in implementing basic user authenti...

    €13611 Average bid
    €13611 Povprečna ponudba
    75 ponudb

    Managing social media platforms with marketing strategy hashtag, Keyword research for organic engagement and including posting on: ● Facebook ● Instagram ● YouTube ● TikTok ● Podcast ● LinkedIn Part B 1. Transcribe Chinese videos to repurpose them into English videos for different social media channel postings. 2. Develop new videos and audio voice over with given scripts, with our AI platform login credentials. 3. Translate video scripts to different languages identified. 4. Design thumbnails for YouTube and post at all social media channels. 5. Develop images and infographics with given footage contents to be added to the current pool for scheduled posts to all channels. 6. To post blog articles with generated images with hashtags, backlinks, SEO 7. Design banners for all social ...

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    I'm looking for an experienced firmware developer for a 3.3kw Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Key Features: - User Authentication: The firmware should support secure user login systems. - Energy Consumption Monitoring: Real-time tracking of energy usage is essential. - Remote Firmware Updates: The ability to update the firmware remotely is a must. Integration: The firmware needs to integrate seamlessly with: - A Mobile App - A Web Portal - A Cloud Service Provider User Interface: The charger will use a Command Line Interface (CLI). Experience designing and implementing CLI for hardware is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Embedded Systems Programming - IoT Device Firmware Development - User Authentication Systems Please provide examples of previous work relevant to this project ...

    €460 Average bid
    €460 Povprečna ponudba
    11 ponudb

    I'm looking for an experienced React developer to transition my current trouble ticket tracking we...mariadb container to get started and test changes. Make sure to read the contributing section in frameworkTicketing to set everything up. Do not docker compose up everything! You only need mariadb! =============== Developer should plan on 1 hour of setup and up to 4 hours of work, review, and approval before completing the project. I will hire multiple developers. Everyone will rewrite the login page (replace all style/look/feel). Everyone will get paid for the first 5 hours of work. I will review and decide who to use for the rest of the project. When submitting your bid include: * How many hours you think it will take to convert the entire project to ShadCN and remove ...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    88 ponudb

    Prosimo, vpišite se ali se prijavite za več podrobnosti.

    Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij

    ...then from there once a customer agrees to the price into the terms then we have to go into QuickBooksand do a invoice and then turn the invoice into a purchase or do a proposal and then turn it into an invoice and then turn it into a purchase order so we have so many software to do one thing that can be kind of like jumping hurdles so it slows things down people want quick answers and want to login and upload a floor plan then pick some attributes and let the software do the rest. then they can make small adjustments. there are also the clients that want to take cad blocks and place it themselves more hands on...

    €399 Average bid
    €399 Povprečna ponudba
    9 ponudb

    ...then from there once a customer agrees to the price into the terms then we have to go into QuickBooksand do a invoice and then turn the invoice into a purchase or do a proposal and then turn it into an invoice and then turn it into a purchase order so we have so many software to do one thing that can be kind of like jumping hurdles so it slows things down people want quick answers and want to login and upload a floor plan then pick some attributes and let the software do the rest. then they can make small adjustments. there are also the clients that want to take cad blocks and place it themselves more hands on...

    €429 Average bid
    €429 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    ...sistema de controle de ponto baseado em web, utilizando JavaScript, Node.js, e MySQL, com funcionalidades semelhantes às oferecidas pela plataforma Factorial. O sistema será utilizado para o registro e gestão de horas trabalhadas dos funcionários, com foco em flexibilidade, personalização e facilidade de uso. Requisitos do projeto: 1. Registro de ponto com múltiplas opções: Bater ponto por senha (login individual), Leitura de QR Code, Aproximação de Token (NFC ou outro método similar). 2. Calendário de Presenças: Visualização das presenças e ausências dos funcionários em um calendário interativo. Exibição de entrada, sa...

    €172 Average bid
    €172 Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build a stylish, user-friendly website for selling used clothes. The design should be 'sensational' - modern, clean, and appealing. Key Responsibilities: - Create a website with functionalities including user registration and login, shopping cart and checkout, and a robust search and filter system. - Assist in posting and selling the items. I'll provide pictures of the items, and I'll take care of shipping. - Promote the website on Facebook, targeting specific demographics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in e-commerce website development - Experienced in creating modern and clean designs - Knowledgeable in Facebook marketing - Able to manage website inventory on my behalf.

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    67 ponudb

    ...containerization using Docker for easy deployment and scaling. Option to host the system as SaaS with multi-tenant architecture (separate data instances for each client). 2. Security: Implement SSL/TLS encryption for secure access (HTTPS). Role-based access control for different users (admin, accountant, auditor). Data isolation between different clients (for SaaS model). Two-factor authentication (2FA) for login. 3. Integration with Other Tools: Integration with payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.) for processing payments. Integration with bank APIs for automatic bank statement imports. REST API or GraphQL API for third-party integrations and custom workflows. 4. Performance and Optimization: Ensure real-time data fetching for dashboard without significant delays. Optimize da...

    €2262 Average bid
    €2262 Povprečna ponudba
    108 ponudb

    I'm in need of an advanced React developer to help integrate several APIs into my application. The necessary integrations are with a payment gateway, social media logins, and a third-party data service. Key Requirements: - Payment Gateway: This integration should handle single payment processing, recurring payments, and refund management - Social Media Login: The application must support logins via Facebook and Google. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with React - Proven track record of API integrations - Familiarity with payment gateways - Experience with implementing social media logins - Knowledge of third-party data services

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Povprečna ponudba
    67 ponudb

    Preciso Montar 4 páginas integradas ao FastAPI. Tenho o código fonte com o sistema de login pronto. O backend FastAPI está Pronto e online, ele vai ser usado nas páginas. Preciso de alguém experiente e rápido que entenda de edição de html, css, bootstrap e flask. Que saiba montar elementos de interface de usuário. Prefiro que fale português ou espanhol e esteja no continente americano por causa do fuso horário. Dispenso trabalhadores inexperientes.

    €131 Average bid
    €131 Povprečna ponudba
    37 ponudb

    ...learning and improving dictation skills. Key Features: - Real-time audio playback, limited to 1-2 times - Text input interface - Automated feedback emails to enhance learning - Robust security measures to protect user data and maintain integrity of the platform User Authentication: - The application should not use conventional user authentication methods like username/password or social media login. Instead, I prefer an innovative approach using a contact form for user registration and authentication. Platform Support: - The application needs to be compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms. A responsive design is a must. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web application development - Knowledge of scalable solutions for high concurrent user support - Experience i...

    €565 Average bid
    €565 Povprečna ponudba
    96 ponudb

    ...stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). This site will primarily serve as a platform to showcase my work to potential clients, so it needs to be professional, user-friendly, and responsive. Key Features: - An 'About Me' section detailing my professional background and skills - A 'Contact Information' section for potential client inquiries - A 'Dashboard' for interactive user experience - 'Login' and 'User Manager' functionalities to handle visitor accounts - A dedicated landing page to display a rate sheet (in PNG format) - A page to upload the rate sheet - A 'Service' page to request payouts, statements, etc., with integrated email notifications - An interactive Google Map feature for city lookups to Appraisers, with add...

    €2534 Average bid
    €2534 Povprečna ponudba
    214 ponudb

    I am seeking a skilled web developer to construct a sleek, modern website for customer motorcycle evaluations, similar to The site needs to be organically built, utilizing an API that I have. Key Features: - A motorcycle evaluation form for users to fill out. - Real-time chat support functionality. - Automated email notifications for users. Design Style: - The site should embody a modern and sleek design aesthetic. User Features: - The website will not require user registration or login, but should maintain a straightforward user interface. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development with experience in creating similar evaluation websites. - Ability to integrate an API efficiently. - Expertise in modern web design principles.

    €255 Average bid
    €255 Povprečna ponudba
    140 ponudb

    I need a skilled developer to connect a template with Supabase. I got a dashTail admin dashboard template () and I want to integrate the login page () with a supabase backend. This tiny job is to connect the login page of the local template running on my machine to supabase using anydesk. Key Requirements: - Proficient in and Supabase All bid higher that $20 will be dismissed

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Povprečna ponudba
    45 ponudb

    ...• Messaging System: Enable direct communication between job seekers and employers. 3. Backend Development: • PHP-based Modifications: Improve existing backend functionality using PHP, ensuring secure data handling. • Database Integration: Refactor and optimize the MySQL database for faster queries and enhanced data security. • Security Enhancements: Add features like data encryption, secure login, and protection against vulnerabilities such as SQL injection. 4. Job Posting and Application Flow: • Simplify the job posting process for employers, with options to set job requirements, location, salary, etc. • Streamline the job application process for job seekers, with an easy-to-navigate application form. 5. Payment Integration (Optional): &bul...

    €293 Average bid
    €293 Povprečna ponudba
    51 ponudb

    I need GUI application using QT and PyQt6 that serves as a front-end for using some command on Linux systems. The application allows users to create images of hard drives by providing a user-friendly interface to select source and destination devices, Login interface, basic users management (sqlite), input some informations details, and initiate the acquisition process.

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Povprečna ponudba
    22 ponudb

    I need a Python (.py) file that automates both my Tradetron strategy and Zerodha TOTP login. The script should incorporate advanced settings, define all necessary functions, and include: - Error handling - Performance tracking - Universal exit The Python script should handle errors gracefully, log details extensively, and incorporate retry mechanisms. Experience with automating trading strategies and error handling in Python is crucial. Please ensure the script can handle unexpected situations and track its performance accurately, including identifying and managing freak trades.

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb
    LinkedIn Webshop Development
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer for a collaborative project to create a webshop on LinkedIn. The primary functionalities of the webshop should include: - User Registration and Login: A secure and seamless login experience. - Product Search and Filtering: An intuitive and efficient search system for easy product navigation. - Customer Reviews and Ratings: A system for customer feedback and ratings. In addition to these, the webshop should also support: - Product Creation: A backend system for easy product uploads and updates. - Chat: A live chat function for customer assistance and engagement. - Live Translation: A real-time translation feature for global accessibility. - Project Management: An integrated project management tool for tracking and managing ta...

    €460 Average bid
    €460 Povprečna ponudba
    145 ponudb

    ...are tasked with automating end-to-end (E2E) tests for a web application that allows patients to book appointments with doctors. The application is hosted at . While the app also includes features for managing prescriptions, setting health goals, and finding doctors, this test will focus on the booking and appointment management functionality. Scenarios: 1. Login Tests 2. Book appointment Tests 3. View Upcoming Appointments Tests 4. Cancel Appointment Tests *The tests need to be reusable so that they can Pass idempotently* The purpose of this task is to evaluate your ability to automate, problem-solve, handle errors, design tests, generate reports, and write documentation. The tests must be written in a way that they are maintainable, reusable, and not

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb

    I need a professional web developer to create a site for a paid raffle competition. The website should be intuitive and user-friendly, with the following key features: - A secure, efficient ticket sales system - A reliable participant tracking system - A user registration and login process for participants Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in web development, preferably for competition or raffle websites - Strong understanding of secure payment systems - Excellent skills in creating user registration and tracking systems - Experience in developing intuitive, user-friendly websites

    €561 Average bid
    €561 Povprečna ponudba
    176 ponudb

    ...product listings, and prices. Key Requirements: Front-End: Build an interactive and responsive website using React. Admin Portal: Create a user-friendly portal for managing content (banners, product listings, categories, and pricing). Database: Develop a secure database to store product details, customer information, and other relevant data. User Access: Implement features for customer registration, login, and account management, ensuring a secure and seamless experience. Scalability: The website should be scalable to accommodate additional products in men’s and kids' categories. Payment Gateway: Integration of secure payment options for transactions. SEO Optimization: Ensure the website is optimized for search engines. Responsive Design: The website must work seamles...

    €315 Average bid
    €315 Povprečna ponudba
    46 ponudb

    Looking for an Android developer to resolve an API issue in my Java-based Android app. There's a problem with login and data fetching, although the same credentials work fine when logging and fetching data through the website. I need someone to fix this issue, simplify the code for better readability, and ensure the login process is secure and efficient.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Povprečna ponudba
    22 ponudb

    My user panel login page is currently not loading, preventing users from accessing their accounts. This issue needs to be resolved urgently. Additionally, I want to enhance the user interface design to improve the overall user experience. Specifically, I'm looking to update the color scheme to make it more appealing and user-friendly.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Povprečna ponudba
    42 ponudb
    Mobile App for Invoice Management
    6 dni left

    I'm seeki...**Client-Specific Accounts**: Each client should have their unique account. - **Invoice Management**: The app should enable clients to store their invoices. - **Photo Uploads**: Users should be able to take photos using their phone and upload them. - **PDF Uploads**: The app should also permit users to upload PDFs. - **User Authentication**: The app should feature comprehensive user authentication, including login and password reset functionalities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development, particularly with Android and iOS. - Experience in implementing secure user authentication systems. - Prior work with invoice management or similar apps would be advantageous. - Ability to integrate photo and PDF upload functionalities ...

    €345 Average bid
    €345 Povprečna ponudba
    183 ponudb

    I am looking for a professional to help make modifications to my employee portal. The project involves integrating Shopify for product listing, and Facebook login for accessibility and content creation from the employee dashboard. Key Requirements: - Shopify Integration: The selected freelancer will incorporate product listing functionalities from Shopify into the employee portal. A good understanding of Shopify's API and integration capabilities is a must. - Facebook Login Integration: The freelancer will facilitate Facebook login accessibility from the employee dashboard. This requires knowledge of secure and efficient login systems. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in portal modifications and integrations - Strong understanding of Shopify, and F...

    €446 Average bid
    €446 Povprečna ponudba
    177 ponudb

    ...will provide 1. application source code 2. UI/UX design 3. Backend and database(maybe use firebase or AWS) 4. admin panel the app has the following features: 1. 2 Main categories, 4 sub category, 10 items in each subcategory (Total 2*4*10 ~ 80 product) 2. each product has its description and pictures (Page has to be loaded from the backend) Login and Registration: The app should have a secure and easy-to-navigate registration and login system for users. 4. Payment Gateway Integration: Essential for seamless transactions. Must be secure and reliable. 5. Product Search and Filtering: A user-friendly search and filtering system is a must for easy product navigation. 6. shipping service integration 7. Design: The app should align with a modern and minimalist design languag...

    €498 Average bid
    €498 Povprečna ponudba
    223 ponudb

    I'm looking for an experienced app developer to create an Android app using Android Studio. I'm hoping to get the following features integrated into the app - Login/Register functionality, Push Notifications, and In-app purchases. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android Studio - Experience with implementing Login/Register functionality - Prior work on implementing Push Notifications - Familiarity with setting up In-app purchases Please submit your proposal including a brief overview of similar projects you've worked on, your proposed timeline, and any additional qualifications that make you the ideal candidate for this project.

    €289 Average bid
    €289 Povprečna ponudba
    39 ponudb

    ...features, as well as redesigning some aspects of the application. Key Requirements: - Implement User Authentication: A secure and efficient user authentication system needs to be integrated. - Payment Gateway Integration: I require a reliable and secure payment gateway to be incorporated into the application. - Reporting Tools: Add comprehensive reporting tools for data analysis. - Role-Based Login Access: Implement a system for varying user access levels. - Feature Merging: Specifically, the borrower and loan features need to be combined. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and web application development. - Experience with User Authentication systems and Payment Gateway integrations. - Prior work involving Role-based access systems is a plus. - Strong skills in creating and int...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Povprečna ponudba
    13 ponudb

    ...Check out reference links for an example on how to configure it. User Registration and Login * 1: Users shall be able to sign up and log in using a username and password.
Detail: Users can create an account by providing a unique username and password. Home Screen * 2: The app shall display a menu organized into categories (e.g., appetizers, main courses, desserts).
Detail: The home screen will feature a layout with categories clearly labeled for easy navigation. * 3: The app shall provide a search bar for quick item lookup.
Detail: Users can enter keywords to filter menu items dynamically. Waiter App Features User Authentication * 1: Waiters shall be able to log in using their credentials.
Detail: A secure login interface will allow waiters to access the app. Kitchen App F...

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Povprečna ponudba
    3 ponudb

    1.⁠ ⁠The Newsletter page will be a subscriber page where anyone can subscribe to the membership by creating their account using (Name, Email), etc. 2.⁠ ⁠This membership Login will allow them to browse the membership content with their login access. 3.⁠ ⁠there will be login restrictions for single users to log in to one pc at a time. 4.⁠ ⁠An author account access that can post content on the website for paid and free users. 5.⁠ ⁠We'll try to make the Newsletter page look like the picture on pc. But due to the small screen size, it won't fit on mobile so we'll optimize it based on mobile devices. 6.⁠ ⁠Automatic Email will be sent to the members who subscribed to the newsletter for new content in the membership area/section.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Povprečna ponudba
    14 ponudb

    I'm seeking an experienced iOS developer to build an app with the following features: - User Authentication: Secure login and registration process. - Profile Management: Users should be able to create and manage their profiles. An integration with the payment gateway SSLCOMMERZ is also required. The app will need to send various notifications using FCM, including: - Promotional Messages - Transaction Alerts - Lock Timer Notifications as payment reminders Ideal candidates should have a strong background in iOS app development, experience integrating payment gateways, and proficiency in setting up FCM notifications. Same as our Android app: After development is complete you have to upload to my Apple Store.

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Povprečna ponudba
    17 ponudb

    1. Login screen: it must say wrong password, if wrong password is entered by users. 2. As per apple terms, if we're using google sign in then apple sign in also needed so for now we need remove the google so we can get application approved. 3. Develop splash screen and logo of our company in it. you can use this path for logo ${defaulturl}/images/

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...provider SDKs. Fluency in spoken and written English is required, and Chinese language proficiency or being a native speaker would be an added advantage. A self-driven, continuous learner mindset are essential. Responsibilities: Integrate the webview to display or within our WeChat Mini Program. Ensure full functionality of the website (Home, Search, Property Page, Login/Logout) within the Mini Program's browser. Conduct thorough testing, including creating test leads and submitting forms via the webview. Ensure usability and performance in Mainland China. Provide complete documentation of the integration process and any code changes. Record a video demonstrating successful implementation, browsing, and form submissions. Qualifications: Education: Graduate and

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    8 ponudb

    We are looking for a talented game developer to create a puzzle game similar to this one, using the new skin we provide: Game Link: The game will include various features and sections, as outlined below, and the developer must adhere to the NDA. Main Features: User Registration and Login: Login with email Login with Google account Guest login Game Modes: Free Play: Multiple game styles, with difficulty levels ranging from easy to hard. Daily Puzzle: 10 random puzzles each day with special rewards for completion. Weekly Puzzles: Complete weekly puzzles to earn points. Time Trial: Similar to Free Play but with a time limit. Coin Collection System: Users will collect coins as they play the game. Coins can be used

    €696 Average bid
    €696 Povprečna ponudba
    45 ponudb