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Ne glede na to, ali že poslujete ali o tem sanjate, sem vam na voljo za pomoč pri uresničevanju vaše vizije z uporabo freelancerjev s tehnologijo UI. Delite svoje poslovne cilje in skupaj bomo ustvarili projekt, v zvezi s katerim lahko naši talentirani freelancerji oddajo ponudbe. Skupaj uresničimo vašo vizijo!
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S poslovanjem šele začenjam
Pri pošiljanju pogovora na vaš e-naslov je šlo nekaj narobe. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Svoj pogovor lahko shranite samo enkrat na uro. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Vaš pogovor je prekratek. Če želite omogočiti shranjevanje, nadaljujte pogovor z Avo.
Kako najeti odličnega freelancerja Mean Stack Developer
MEAN Stack is a group of software components that make up a complete development stack, comprised of the technologies MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. Generally, a MEAN Stack Freelance Professional can create web applications from scratch and take on tasks like user authentication, content management systems, e-commerce solutions, payment gateways integration and custom CMS’s.
Finding the right MEAN Stack Developer for your project requires questioning the candidate closely to understand their coding skills and expertise with MEAN Stack technologies. You should also ask them to provide portfolio examples or GitHub links with similar projects they have worked on in the past. A typical hourly rate for hiring a MEAN Stack Developer ranges from $20 to $50 per hour depending on experience and location.
Hiring via Freelancer allows you to quickly interview and find a qualified MEAN Stack Developer who is familiar with your project's requirements at an affordable rate. So hire a MEAN Stack Developer on Freelancer now and you’ll be ready to launch your app in no time!
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