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A LoRa low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) or low-power wide-area (LPWA) network or low-power network (LPN) is a type of wireless communication wide area network designed to allow long range communications at a low bit rate among things (connected objects), such as sensors operated on a battery.
Najemite a Wireless Engineer
Hire a Wireless Engineer to help you with your latest LoRa Radio project, connecting your LoRa devices to others or gateways within private or public LoRa Networks.
Kako najeti odličnega freelancerja Wireless Engineer
LoRa is a new and emerging technology that provides low-power, wide area network communications. It uses the unlicensed radio spectrum to allow devices to connect securely to the internet from long distances. It is ideal for applications like remote sensing, asset tracking, and unmanned robotics, as well as more general internet of things (IoT) applications.
If you're looking for someone who specializes in LoRa, you could hire them to develop hardware or software solutions, specializing in hardware sensor connectivity or creating firmware and API integrations. You could also have them configure gateways and protocol stacks, troubleshoot network problems, or build nodes and gateways with LoRaWAN protocol.
When interviewing prospective LoRa experts, make sure they can demonstrate their specific experience in LoRa and their track record of success. You should also ask them questions that focus on their ability to create or adapt project plans, troubleshoot networking challenges, and collaborate with other teams or partners on the project. The amount you pay should be commensurate with the level of expertise required for the job; generally speaking an experienced freelance LoRa expert will charge anywhere from $50-$100 an hour.
Hiring a freelance LoRa expert on Freelancer.com ensures you will get access to a large pool of qualified professionals who can effectively understand your needs and deliver high quality results fast. With Freelancer's rigorous screening process, you can be confident you will find a reliable professional with the necessary skills at an affordable rate – so why not hire your next LoRa developer now!
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