Modern Shop Window Poster Design
- Stanje: Closed
- Nagrade: $10
- Prejetih vnosov: 40

Navodila natečaja
I'm looking for a modern-styled poster that effectively showcases the services offered at my counselling practice. The poster needs to be in line with my brand's colour scheme.
Key Points:
- Purpose: To display my services (Couples therapy, Individual therapy, Men's health, Adolescent and Teenage Therapy
- Style: A modern aesthetic
- Color Scheme: My brand colours
Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in modern design, experience in promotional material, and a keen eye for brand consistency.
Priporočene spretnosti
Najboljši vnosi tega natečaja
isratj00 Bangladesh
matankholik09 Indonesia
matankholik09 Indonesia
nursyazwa Malaysia
sajibroy01 Bangladesh
sajibroy01 Bangladesh
sajibroy01 Bangladesh
sajibroy01 Bangladesh
Maidul022 Bangladesh
ellymazrin Malaysia
fikryhany22 Egypt
fikryhany22 Egypt
fikryhany22 Egypt
Ripamony Bangladesh
Syaz22 Malaysia
mdashrafuli49 Bangladesh
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