Modern Shop Window Poster Design

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: $10
  • Prejetih vnosov: 40

Navodila natečaja

I'm looking for a modern-styled poster that effectively showcases the services offered at my counselling practice. The poster needs to be in line with my brand's colour scheme.

Key Points:
- Purpose: To display my services (Couples therapy, Individual therapy, Men's health, Adolescent and Teenage Therapy
- Style: A modern aesthetic
- Color Scheme: My brand colours

Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in modern design, experience in promotional material, and a keen eye for brand consistency.

Priporočene spretnosti

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  • aswini3002
    • pred 1 mesec

    Please check my entry #21

    • pred 1 mesec
  • amalinh
    • pred 1 mesec

    Dear Sir/ Madam.
    I'm a University's student from Malaysia. Even though I'm not winning this, I need a star rating and a good review to complete my assignment. I hope you can give me a good review.

    Thank you.

    • pred 1 mesec
    1. AbirRahman24
      • pred 1 mesec

      Ai generated ??

      • pred 1 mesec
  • mohammadkausher6
    • pred 1 mesec

    Please Check My Entry. #28

    • pred 1 mesec
  • yeamunraj12
    • pred 1 mesec


    • pred 1 mesec
  • yeamunraj12
    • pred 1 mesec

    Please check #19 i will fixed all changes

    • pred 1 mesec
  • MTTech31
    • pred 1 mesec

    Dear Contest Holders,

    With 5 years of experience in this field, I am confident in my ability to deliver outstanding results tailored to your needs. To ensure we’re perfectly aligned before starting, I’d love to discuss the project details with you. Please feel free to reach out to me via inbox.

    I look forward to collaborating with you and bringing your vision to life!

    Thank you,

    • pred 1 mesec

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