Customer Care Package Design - 13/12/2024 23:49 EST

  • Stanje: Closed
  • Nagrade: £20
  • Prejetih vnosov: 64
  • Zmagovalec/ka: zamanGdesigner

Navodila natečaja

I'm looking for a professional with experience in customer service and package design to create three distinct customer care packages for small businesses.

- There should be three options for customers. The first option is a free package, while the other two are priced at £200 and £250 respectively.
- The contents of these packages should cater to the needs of small businesses, with an understanding of their typical customer service requirements and budget constraints.

Ideal Skills:
- Experience in customer service
- Package design
- Understanding of small business needs

Priporočene spretnosti

Najboljši vnosi tega natečaja

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Javna tabla za pojasnila

  • zamanGdesigner
    • pred 2 meseca/ev

    Hello CH! I hope you good. I am here to inform you that the contest description is incomplete.Please, initiate a chat for proper discussion .Thanks.

    • pred 2 meseca/ev
  • taniaa90
    • pred 2 meseca/ev

    please check my entry I hope you like :- #8 #17

    • pred 2 meseca/ev

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