Book Cover Adaptation for Video Calls

  • Stanje: Open
  • Nagrade: $20
  • Prejetih vnosov: 26

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Transform the existing portrait book cover of "Energiewende 2.0" into a landscape format (9:16 ratio) suitable for use as a virtual background in Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings.

- Separation of Elements: Carefully separate the visual and textual elements from the current book cover without compromising the image quality.
- Recomposition: Rearrange these elements in a new layout that fits a 1920x1080 pixels landscape format, ensuring that the key visuals and text are clearly visible and aesthetically pleasing.
- Preservation of Theme: Maintain the original theme and color scheme to ensure the brand and message consistency of the book cover.
The final background should be delivered in a high-resolution JPEG or PNG format.

1. A draft version for initial feedback.
2. Final high-resolution background image, following feedback and adjustments.

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