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Victor E.
Professional writer.
$15 USD / Hour
Nigeria (3:57 AM)
Joined on October 5, 2018
$15 USD / Hour
Hi, I am Victor.
I can write research papers and articles on any subject because I read wide and have knowledge of many subjects. The research paper will be properly formatted and referenced.
I can write research papers and articles on health related topics because I am a health professional.
You can take a minute to go through my portfolio.
Feel free to engage my services.
Thank you :)
This certification covered training in strategic management and how to apply strategic management skills and principles to business and day to day activities. The training also focused on effective time management, how to initiate and manage projects etc.
The knowledge and experience I gained from this certification makes me your preferred employee for any project.
I have applied these knowledge and skills in the way I approach my writing projects.
US English
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