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Dane S.



Digital Marketing Consultant

$25 USD / Hour
Flag of
United Kingdom (8:52 AM)
Joined on November 27, 2019
$25 USD / Hour
Hello, I'm Dane - we're part of a team of consultants that cover all areas of Digital Marketing. We can 100% help you with your business. I've already checked out your site and ran some initial tests for SEO, and this is what I've found. 1. Your landing page 'hero banner' isn't that clear - this should be improved. 2. Your hero banner font, has two different fonts - but your menus and titles for the text below, seems to have a standard font that you've not changed, this makes the website feel less quality and can be problematic for visitors. 3. Your pagespeed load score is F - that's quite bad. There is a lot that can be done to improve your website speed, which has a major impact on SEO 4. From my tools that I use (SEMrush) your website has very few visitors for it to pick up much data - so it is giving me an N/A on organic keywords and traffic levels. It seems it's a new website and so we'll have to start with a full plan to grow the SEO.
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