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Dario G.
Electronic Engineer + IoT Specialist + IT passion
$35 USD / Hour
Italy (9:42 PM)
Joined on January 22, 2021
$35 USD / Hour
I am an experienced engineed with Embedded background and IoT competences.
I always managed architectural designs that offer me the opportunity to look at the whole global architectures scenario.
Dario is very focus on the work and provide clear deliverables on time.
Communication is perfect.
We're very happy to have Dario sharing is knowledge and experience.
Technical Director for Electronic Embedded Solutions, Innovative IoT complete solutions, EnMS Energy Monitoring Systems, Electronic Custom Development, Software Development
Jan, 2015 - Present
10 years, 1 month
Università degli Studi di Udine
1994 - 1997
3 years
Electronic Engineer
1994 - 1997
3 years
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