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Azizur R.
Web Developer & Web Designer/Seo/Amazon service
$16 USD / Hour
Bangladesh (10:43 PM)
Joined on May 10, 2014
$16 USD / Hour
Have your project? I have excellent expert in PSD to HTML, CSS,CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap3, Bootstrap, WordPress, PHP.
>>>> My Design code will be Responsive, Multi-device and cross Browser compatible.I will give you create a user-friendly, fast-loading website and will catch the viewer's eye and entice them to browse the site.
I am a full time freelancer. I have more 6 years of practical experience social Media Marketing.
====My services Web:====
*** Google adwords
*** web developer & design
*** Social Media Marketing
*** Seo
*** Amazon web service
*** FB Fan page promotion
*** Youtube channel & video promotion
*** Instagram Page promotion
*** Twitter Page promotion
*** Linkedin profile promotion
*** Spotify
*** Pinterest
*** SoudCloud
*** Tumblr
Paid him on time after task was complete, but he kept asking me for more money for no reason at all (he didn't do any additional work). When I didn't give it to him, he left me bad feedback... AVOID
Closed User
6 years ago
Web Development
Dec, 2013 - Present
11 years, 3 months
Private by Monir Hossain
Dec, 2013 - Present
11 years, 3 months
I have experience in Web Development field. I have completed some dynamic web sites.
Dec, 2013 - Present
11 years, 3 months
2011 - 2014
3 years
2011 - 2014
3 years
Web scraping, Data processing Certified
Private by Monir Hossain
I am a professional web scraping, Data processing worker. as a great specialist.
Web scraping, Data processing
Monir Hossain
I am working Web scraping, Data processing.
Freelancer Orientation
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