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Abenezer S.
Web Developer Specializing in Next.js & Django
$15 USD / Hour
Ethiopia (5:55 PM)
Joined on December 29, 2017
$15 USD / Hour
Web developer passionate about creating scalable, user-focused applications. Skilled in full-stack development with Django, React.js, and Next.js, along with web scraping using BeautifulSoup and Playwright. Experienced in seamless API integrations like Stripe and PayPal and deploying applications on Render, Netlify, and PythonAnywhere. Proficient in Git, GitHub, and BitBucket, with expertise in automating CI/CD workflows using GitHub Actions. Dedicated to solving complex challenges and continuously enhancing web development skills.
- Web Application Technologies and Django
- Building Web Applications in Django
- Django Features and Libraries
- Using JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON in Django
IBM Full Stack Software Developer
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Getting Started with Git and GitHub
Developing Front-End Apps with React
Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express
Python for Data Science, AI & Development
Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask
Django Application Development with SQL and Databases
Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift
Application Development using Microservices and Serverless
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