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Narcis Liviu C.
Sr. Product Designer
$40 USD / Hour
Romania (7:23 PM)
Joined on April 17, 2011
$40 USD / Hour
Hi, my name is Narcis Catrinescu.
I have been working as a Product Designer for 9 years, now.
I provide innovative, effective and creative solutions for my clients. Combining talent, experience, and enthusiasm, I deliver effective results on time and budget.
My passion for simple and functional design, meticulous attention to details and customer satisfaction orientation, make me the perfect candidate for any project or challenge that may come my way.
6 star freelancer. amazing designer the best. i used him for 5 years in all my projects in and out of and he is the best!!! of the best!!
Incredible support, excellent English, extremely helpful and professional, I think there are a lot of 5 star reviews out there which are inflated, but these guys are the real deal.
Short term objective: Getting as much professional experience as possible from any kind of job and field of activity !
Long term objective: Building a strong career in Web Design!
US English
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Freelancer Orientation
Foundation vWorker Member
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