If you're looking to establish a solid online presence or need help with website S.E.O due to poor on-page optimization, you're at the right place. With my expertise, you get website optimization to achieve a high Google Ranking, improve user experience, increase organic traffic, and drive business growth.
Services I offer for:- WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Blogger, Magento, Joomla, cPanel, GoDaddy, Opencart, PrestaShop, Spacesquare
>>Website SEO Optimization<<
Keyword Research
Onpage Optimization for Targeted Keywords
Title & Meta Description
H1, H2 & H3, Alt Tags Setup
Internal Linking - Silo Structure
Onsite Apps setup
Clean Permalink Structure
Image Optimization
Broken Link Fixes
>>Technical SEO Optimization <<
Google Search Console Setup
Setup & Optimize Webmaster Tools
Web Pages Crawling & Fetching
Optimize Data Structure
Broken Links Removal
404 and Redirection
Schema Markup
Audit & Reporting
Canonical Links
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