Upon review of your job posting.
I have read through the job details extremely carefully and I am absolutely sure that I can do the project very well.
I am a good oriented person who is passionate about what I do and dedicated to delivering high quality results within the shortest time.
I have come to understand that you need a professional data research and entry expert. I would like to offer myself as a candidate for this job.
I ‘ve been working with data and web research, data entry project and I have extensive experience in;
• Microsoft office (excel, PowerPoint word etc.)
• Database creation and management.
• Google spreadsheets
• proofreading
• pdf conversion
• Accuracy verification
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and SPSS skills
• Data importing, exporting, data collection and data mining for 2years.
My typing speed is satisfactory. I heartily believe that I am the best applicant for this project and that is why I have confidence and hope that you would consider my appeal and give me a chance to prove myself worthy of your time. I will complete the project on time and within the budget.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best Regards,
Willy K.