We do have developers in Android and iOS both , We are a mobile app development company with around 5 years of programming experience for all major platforms including iOS, Android, Mac and Web.
We have made several apps that contains :-
- Working with Android Studio & Eclipse IDE
- Android Native Java development
- SQLite Database
- Google cloud messaging ,Firebase cloud messaging
- Material Design
- Retrofit, Volley , ion networking integration
- Multiple language supported app
- Error Handling crash reporting , Google Analytics
- Audio, Video Recording and sharing
- Music Player App ,Video Player App , To-do App
- App client side validations , Android Saripaar
- iOS: Swift, Objective-C, Cocoa-Touch (iPhone, iPad & Apple Watch)
- iPhone/iPad Device Compatibility
- Fast mobile UI programming - iPhone5 / iPhone6 / iPhone6 Plus on iOS 7 / iOS 8, Storyboard
- Text messaging and video/voice chatting - XMPP, OpenTok, Pusher, APN
- Integration with - HealthKit, CloudKit, HomeKit, AirPrint
- Social Networking, Chatting, Dating applications...
- integrate Calendar Library
- GPS - Google Map, Map box, MapKit, GeoLocation, CoreLocation, CoreDate, CoreLocation on mobile SDK
- Media manipulation - CoreAudio, CoreVideo, AVFoundation, CoreGraphics
- Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest API
I am available now and we can discuss in brief.