Consume webservice asp jobs


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2,000 consume webservice asp jobs found

Sanafir Island in the Red Sea is one of the most important Islands in Saudi Arabia. It has an area of 33 km2 where the average wind speed is 7.2 m/s at 100 m height and a clear sky most of the year. It is required to build 10000 houses (300 m2 each) to be powered by renewable energy systems. Each house is expected to consume an average of 850 kWh per month. Suggest two combined energy systems, and determine their specifications (size, number of units, etc), that can provide 24/7 electricity using a storage system. Estimate the cost of the whole suggested off-grid energy systems based on Saudi projects data if possible.

$253 Average bid
$253 Avg Bid
9 bids

1. we want someone with great knowledge in C++, JAVA, PHP, NODE JS, PYTHON to develop SDK for our APIs in the mentioned languages. 2. Develop 5 modules and should be published in their respective modules management system, like npm (Node js), pip (python) 3. The code should be structured in such a way, that new APIs and new sockets can be added with multiple instances creation. Development principles: • The latest version of the language should be used. and ensure backward compatibility. • All the code should be split into modules, which correspond to a set of features (for example, in the Asset¹ module we encapsulate all the functionality regarding the manipulation of assets). • Each module functionality will on itself be fully...

$666 Average bid
$666 Avg Bid
9 bids

You will build a Scrapy project code that is capable to crawl & scrape the web portal Given this start URL: 1. crawl the listings to obtain the URLs, you will use pagination to consume the different results pages 2. scrape the URLs 3. save the gathered data into csv file The code needs to be clean - please avoid spaghetti code - and ease to maintain.

$192 Average bid
$192 Avg Bid
20 bids

...need to be experienced with using MQTT brokers and using MQTT/JSON protocol. Actually you need to be experienced with messaging concepts for MQM systems. You will need to be able implement request-reply messaging using only MQTT. Before awarding you the project we will ask you question related to our project. So we will not just rely on description from previous work. We are using NiFi to consume our MQTT data. So you or somebody in your team should have good experience with using NiFi and creating custom processors. So our IoT Devices communicates via gateways to the MQTT Broker. So there will be tasks like - registering new Gateways and new Devices - configuring new Gateways and new Devices - receiving various messages (status, alarms and measurements) hat would lead to ...

$20 - $37 / hr
$20 - $37 / hr
7 bids

Project which is currently developed in couple of Technologies needs to be enhanced with additional new requirements. There is need for the developer to understand Manufacturing processes with good knowledge in mathematics & statistical data. Skillset: 1. Java Springboot, HTML, Javascript with Mongo DB as DB - Developer 1. 2. C# ASP web application, and web services with MongoDB - Developer 2 3. Labview solution expert with MongoDB - Developer 3 4. Mobile App development such as Andriod studio with Sqllite & MongoDB - Developer 4

$1679 Average bid
$1679 Avg Bid
9 bids

Implement an ASP .NET application in C# . The application allows the user to enter data about- a hotel reservations. At this stage, the application only needs to get the guest name, number of nights, room type, and guest type for each reservation. The data need to be stored in an Access database on the web server and loaded when the page starts. Please check attached image for final output.

$49 Average bid
$49 Avg Bid
4 bids

Gps tracking solutions asp dot net

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Avg Bid
14 bids

I have some .ASP files from an old website inside my Linux Server with CPANEL I need some expert with .ASP that can try to put this .ASP website live on my server. I have $100 dollars budget, so let me know if you can work with this. I just need the website to be live again and be functional. Let me know if questions. If you bid automatically, you will be eliminated. P.S. On your bid say this to know you are not a BOT "I can help you with ASP, I am NOT a bot"

$169 Average bid
$169 Avg Bid
18 bids

Job Summary We are looking for a Software developer who will be part of Software development team. The ideal candidate needs to be self-driven and needs to have ability to work in team. Responsibilities and Duties Operate as part of Software Development team. Key Skills .Net MVC, Java Script, JQuery, C#, ASP .Net, API, Web Services, HTML, CSS, GitHub, Entity framework, Web APIs

$516 Average bid
$516 Avg Bid
25 bids

Need to develop a self trained chatbot for educational min project which does usual chatbot work along with it will fetch some backend data from DB with existing code base. Chatbot must consume API for backend data. DB - Any Language - JAVA [preferred]

$17 Average bid
$17 Avg Bid
3 bids

Hello, I have a react native app made with expo, the backed in in asp .net. I want to embed the instagram stories and highlights from my account to the app . preferably somebody who has done a similar task

$657 / hr Average bid
$657 / hr Avg Bid
16 bids

I do need a support just to configure the server side to run a specific webservice over https. In the DEV machine, the web service ( core) is running fine, but not in the server side. The same problem is occuring with a different project (api - core) running in docker.

$40 Average bid
$40 Avg Bid
1 bids

Hi to all of you.. I have an opencart store and I have made previous customizations in order to make use of elasticsearch for search results. I have now transferred my store to a new server and I have noticed that as soon as I start elasticsearch service it instantly uses about 20-24GB of RAM and almost full my server's ram. So would like to check if all this ram is indeed nee...have noticed that as soon as I start elasticsearch service it instantly uses about 20-24GB of RAM and almost full my server's ram. So would like to check if all this ram is indeed needed or there is any setting in any configuration file that I should make in order not to use such much RAM. I can at any time extend server's ram capacity but there is no reason to do so and then again elasticsearch ...

$212 Average bid
$212 Avg Bid
11 bids

Consume a rest api in pentaho tool. Jason message need to pass as a body and response Jason message need to parse and insert into table

$839 Average bid
$839 Avg Bid
1 bids

...Colums ond different demands Several List (in System) were missing text or data Fields can be filled the need fields in Master List After Master List is filled Several Users have to work or confirm the steps and at the end there will be downloaded or send the Lists with defined columes. So we have a Master List - which getting first information form JSON file via - E-Mail Json file or Http Webservice call. All remaining or Missing field data will be added Manual or automatic by the Database Lists in the System. From the Master List – selected columns, Information will be shown to selected Groups or worker which have defined access to change or add information. Or send the database to next employe or Step Needed Database Lists in System (several Lists) which will be n...

$925 Average bid
$925 Avg Bid
21 bids

...Calling, Group Chat, Multi View , MVVC and everything in between. • You are responsible for design and build advanced application for iOS platform? • You are free to work on Swift or Objective-C or both as per demand • Work with the product and design team to understand end-user requirements and use cases, then translate that into a pragmatic and effective technical solution • Integrate and consume web services (JSON, XML, etc.). • Having experience on socket programming • Should have excellent debugging skills • Use Core Animation to create engaging motion effects and intuitive interfaces. • Integrate with our backend services to make sure we are delivering a great mobile user experience that's super-fast for end users expect mill...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Avg Bid
2 bids

hi for an email service i need a 3d animation-explaning video show me sample of your jobs, i send you text and we sort deal asp should be done in 3 days or less

$33 Average bid
$33 Avg Bid
13 bids

Hello,, my software was build in is offline... i want to make it online.. So I Block and Unblock My users online i have 2 files one is exe and other is license manager.. i want same license manager for my agents have limited funtion such as generates no of keys after that licnese manager stop work ...make it online.. So I Block and Unblock My users online i have 2 files one is exe and other is license manager.. i want same license manager for my agents have limited funtion such as generates no of keys after that licnese manager stop work in licecnse manager some fields to be added like mobile no amount etc and software renewal reminder.... Same exe file i needed for android... i think asp blazor is gud.. if any other solution tell me ... Other things we discuss ...

$229 Average bid
$229 Avg Bid
7 bids

Hi I'm looking for a experience candidate with Networking in Azure. all our resources are working when vnet is off but connections are failing when vnet is on. Need someone to review and make it work tec stack - Github actions, Function apps, cosmos db, EHNS, SBNS, AI, ASP.

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr Avg Bid
2 bids

Update the current website functionality and restore an admin page for

$155 Average bid
$155 Avg Bid
7 bids

...aspect of music. After working and holding a regular residency at Pat Lyons Neutral Zone held at AMP Studios we have managed to culminate a large buzz. We have since been busy with numerous projects recording singles at Black Barn Studios and are in the process of recording our first album at Connor Hirst’s studio. Requirements – In the coming months these as well as other projects will consume much of our time and this will lead to a decline in our attention to time spent on our required advertisement. We are looking for someone to take on the full responsibility of marketing and growing our social media presence. We are looking for someone who is passionate about social media, arts, and music. You should have some experience using social media for bus...

$119 Average bid
$119 Avg Bid
9 bids

Need to add everypay (greece) payment gateway in asp net (webforms) project. (1 day)

$77 Average bid
$77 Avg Bid
9 bids


$64 Average bid
$64 Avg Bid
16 bids

Need reviews? We have been hiring since 2007 If you need reviews, this is the perfect project for you. We have been helping companies with their ratings since 2009. We have been hiring since 2005. We do not give away ratings, but we give those who have 1+ ratings a chance and we leave a long detailed review of their excellent 5 star work. Simple...have been hiring since 2007 If you need reviews, this is the perfect project for you. We have been helping companies with their ratings since 2009. We have been hiring since 2005. We do not give away ratings, but we give those who have 1+ ratings a chance and we leave a long detailed review of their excellent 5 star work. Simple and easy project. I have a registration website that is written in ASP (I think). and need it translated to...

$60 Average bid
$60 Avg Bid
5 bids SAP PI 7.3.1 or SAP PO 7.4 or higher • Minimum 1 end to end Implementation involving SAP PI interface Design with PI/PO and operations & maintenance of interfaces for SAP systems involving RFC / File / ALE /EDI/WebService based interface developments, • Expert in using PI/PO tools (mapping tools/editors) and proficient in different mapping styles (Graphical Mapping, Java Mapping, XSLT Mapping) & Interfaces using at least Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE) in PI 7.1 Ehp1 • Extensively working on PI Adapters (EDI, JDBC, HTTP_AAE, IDoc_AAE, RFC, File, XI, SOAP, SFTP, JMS, WebService etc) • Expertise in designing Interface solution based on Functional Spec, and also reviewing technical specifications • Experience in B2B interfaces using EDI/ALE/...

$1226 - $2452
$1226 - $2452
0 bids

Experienced iOS and Android developer needed to compete push notification and message integration on both Android and iOS, as well as ongoing API tasks for the mobile app to connect with the webservice. The app was built with React Native and is a marketplace app.

$43 / hr Average bid
$43 / hr Avg Bid
102 bids

I need add to a existing C# Project 4.6.x (with source code). I need to allow send a valid SOAP Sign Request from my server ( Azure Virtual Machive with Fixed public IP) to external organization SOAP Endpoint (no Dotnet webservice, no web reference, it's external CGI SOAP Services). The Scenario: - Only my server is allowed to send request to external request (my Public IP Address is registered on the external organization) - The external endpoint is only one (https://<>/<endpoint>.CGI) - The SOAP request is different by diferent actions - Each request will should SOAP 1.2 with XML-Signature - The dummy is just for one request (after I will go the replicate the process to the another request) I think those the steps the reach (you can think different): * Pickup ...

$666 Average bid
$666 Avg Bid
1 bids

ASP CORE API MVC website on Metronic theme, and blazor/xamrin client app using syncfusion controls on C# and JQuery language and MS SQL DB. - Authentication service implements Social Accounts sign in and sign up simplified forms. - User profile extend (Skills, Education, interest, Hobbies, Nationalities, Languages, Addresses). - Articles on topics, Category, Tag, comments, reviews. - Users management dashbaord with roles and blocking options. - Location Service implement google maps and location services. - Countries structured data based on united nation data with currencies and Languages. - Subscription Service based on country and currency with payment gateway for Users. - Globalization Files. - Google Translate Service integration for data. - Digital wallet to hold points fo...

$3679 Average bid
$3679 Avg Bid
46 bids

We are using Windows 10 and for visiting some of the websites we had to use proxies. Unfortunately, static files of websites consume large data on our plans. So we like to divert the static files (jpg, png,gif,CSS,js,font and etc) from a second proxy and dynamic files with standard proxies. To achieve that we are looking a chrome extension solution to divert the traffic on selected proxy while loading a page. You should have knowledge of network and proxies. Also our browser used with chromedriver the proposed extension should be compatible.

$244 Average bid
$244 Avg Bid
15 bids

I have a project done in vuejs(frontend) i want a frontend dev who will iron out the UI and consume remaining APIs. Its a telemedicine project, 80% of frontend work is done.

$169 Average bid
$169 Avg Bid
8 bids

I need someone to help me fix my email issues i have just bought a domain name and email through google, and need all emails from asp to be sent through this email address, as smarter throttle my usage, i am also looking for a developer to work with me on going

$13 Average bid
$13 Avg Bid
1 bids

I'm trying to consume a SOAP Web Service in Laravel. My request seems to be correct according to the documentation but I keep getting a security error.

$236 Average bid
$236 Avg Bid
36 bids

...(1-2) 1. At least 3 years working experience in, proficient in using c#, WebService, restful, MVC, etc 2. Familiar with SQL server, can skillfully write SQL statements, stored procedures, triggers, etc 3. Experience in system tuning and high concurrency optimization is preferred 4. Familiar with HTML and JS, experience in Web front-end development is preferred 5. Rigorous logical thinking, strong sense of responsibility, proactive 6. Good professional quality and professionalism, good communication and coordination skills, good document expression skills 7. Bilingual Chinese and English Senior . net Developer 1. At least 5 years working experience in, proficient in using c#, WebService, restful, MVC, etc 2. Familiar with SQL server and Oracle, a...

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Avg Bid
20 bids

Update an existing ASP MVC website with jQuery, new dashboard and pages

$1612 Average bid
$1612 Avg Bid
59 bids

Kindly read all the instruction before placing your bind We are looking for someone to change the color of our logo into Dansky logo colors and put it on a 3D Glass We need a neat and clean work ASP Your bid must be accompanied by a sample please

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Avg Bid
41 bids

Hi, Looking for someone who can consume data from a webservice rest in order to integrate it with a API CRM () Thansk!

$276 Average bid
$276 Avg Bid
10 bids

I need a project in ASP. NET MVC on Visual Studio 2019 and MS SQL SERVER. It should be using Codefirst and web services with basic design. Here in this system a there should be a student and admin registration with authentication and authorization. Student enrollment: id, username, password. Student should be able to give test by quiz id, view score report, print report, search exam, Admin should be able to:- Add questions on a separate window, set marks, view final report of students, search students, schedule exam, set batch and batch code for test. This is an mcq exam with a question and 4 options to it. There should be timer like for 20 or 30 minutes A student should be able to give multiple exams, but single exam for subject

$812 Average bid
$812 Avg Bid
8 bids

I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'API Development to Consume external APIS'

$133 / hr Average bid
$133 / hr Avg Bid
1 bids

Assist with webhook implementation We need to trigger a python application to consume data from an SMS (text) message. Currently, a text message sent to a particular virtual mobile number successfully delivers a webhook notification and a data (content) payload to a webhook test site at Rather than using this webhook test site, we now need a python program to receive this webhook notification and the sms message. This project involves writing a small python program and assisting in implementing it within our development environment: 1. Develop a small python program that will be used to test and demonstrate the process. 2. Include a local (Flask) server within the python code typically at :5000. 3. Expose the local Flask server using ngrok and demonstrate

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Avg Bid
27 bids

...Colums ond different demands Several List (in System) were missing text or data Fields can be filled the need fields in Master List After Master List is filled Several Users have to work or confirm the steps and at the end there will be downloaded or send the Lists with defined columes. So we have a Master List - which getting first information form JSON file via - E-Mail Json file or Http Webservice call. All remaining or Missing field datas will be added Manual or automatic by the Database Lists in the System. From the Master List – selected columns Information will be shown to selected Groups or worker which have defined access to change or add information. Or send the database to next employe or Step Needed Database Lists in System (several Lists) which will be n...

$896 Average bid
$896 Avg Bid
14 bids

25 in blog comments 25 on web service comparison sites on the websites for the market of the USA/EU And wait for moderation All deleted links in these 3 days will need to be replaced The task is to find sites to place and place crowd links. where there are comparisons online SEO tools and where you can post a comment. The comment should be that there is another there and give a link. Same with blogs. You have to find 25 reviews of online SEO tools and post a comment. These must be 2-levels domains. *****. and blogspot do not approach. So that there are no questions later - agree with me the first 5 comparison webservice and the first 5 blogs, and the first 4 versions of text for placement. You do not have to write the same text in the comments - the text must differ.

$136 Average bid
$136 Avg Bid
10 bids

...developer, Front end Expert at molding json and burning it into the front end so that it looks like a visually pleasing and easy to edit form. This form captures information in question format. It should be able to send the information needed by the back end to be able to send the request to Alchemer and edit the survey. ". Skills: * Front end * React expert * Know how to consume API (Django) * Colaborate with a back end from our companie * Plus = knowledge in Alchemer * Be able to read external APIs specifications and understand functionality of corresponding third párties (i.e. Alchemer) Task: * The Front should look user friendly (better design of the form). * The type of questions that are being edited can be visualized (in a visual way), for example if ...

$742 Average bid
$742 Avg Bid
44 bids

We have a system that allows a user to scrape all linkeds account information based on a sel...application and a registration website. The registration website will allow user to register for the application. Once they login with one IP, that user is locked to that MAC for both trial and the paid version. The application will allow the user to search via a linked sales navigator link - copies from the Sales Nav. Problems: The system needs a good look over. Current registration website is in .asp, we need it converted into PHP so user can register. Scraper process is divided into 2 sections Need to make sure the Stripe integration is working and correct. Scraping is divided into 2 parts. 1. It scans linked and grabs urls 2. It visits each URL and grabs the public information...

$217 Average bid
$217 Avg Bid
3 bids

I have one website that provide several services. I need one custom API to be developed.

$266 Average bid
12 entries

task 1 - a JSP program that generates a mathematical test randomly task2 - management system to keep all staff information task 3 - Write a Web service with a method named calFactorial(int number) that returns the factorial of the number sent by the client. Write a test program to test this method.

$200 Average bid
$200 Avg Bid
1 bids

Need to modify ASP.NET MVC application and consume WCF services

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Avg Bid
54 bids

Hello, I want to build a vehicle with electric power, this vehicle should run in farm field (uneven surface with mud on it). I expect 1. Concept of electric vehicles 2. Which motor can be used 3. Which battery should be used (how much voltage, current and power these motor will consume) 4. How to change this system 5. How to turn left,or right (how to achieve navigation) 6. How much will be cost for this project I prefer some one from india as when I want to build prototype of it the components should be available in india.

$189 Average bid
$189 Avg Bid
10 bids

Hi, I have an application developed in the ASP. Net where we need to implement the grid to populate the data. Example I will share with the selected person. Regards, Dipak

$164 Average bid
$164 Avg Bid
21 bids

This page is showing on a shop visitor smartphone after scanning a QRcode. (eg ) The number above is showing the visitor taking number ticket in the queue. The second number shows the actuality serve costumer. (Your Ajax works fine on this page.) :-) 1. There must be compare two numbers: When Session "mijnticket" = OR > div content value id=nummerqueue THEN the CSS from color (all elements behalve the logo) must be to eg. green (or any value that i choose eg. #00ff00!important) An other option is that the background color from the div class .containerqueue goes green eg. #00ff00!important I include also the file where the ajax happens: (no reload, and thats fine !) Thanks in advance, Herman.

$36 Average bid
$36 Avg Bid
8 bids

... At least 3 years working experience in, proficient in using c#, WebService, restful, MVC, etc 2. Familiar with SQL server, can skillfully write SQL statements, stored procedures, triggers, etc 3. Experience in system tuning and high concurrency optimization is preferred 4. Familiar with HTML and JS, experience in Web front-end development is preferred 5. Rigorous logical thinking, strong sense of responsibility, proactive 6. Good professional quality and professionalism, good communication and coordination skills, good document expression skills 7. Bilingual Chinese and English Senior . net Developer (2)    level 3 support  1. At least 5 years working experience in, proficient in using c#, WebService, restful, MVC, etc 2. Familiar with SQL s...

$10936 Average bid
$10936 Avg Bid
12 bids