Logo Website - 08/02/2024 05:02 EST
- Status: Closed
- Prize: $60
- Entries Received: 394
- Winner: Designpro750
Contest Brief
We are looking for a logo which consists of a (graphic) symbol and lettering or just lettering.
The logo is for an onlyfans profile website. The domain is: https://www.girls4you.com
You can see a preview of the site in the attachment.
There exists already a logo, so you can see where the logo has to be placed.
The logo should contain the name, but the domain ending ".com" is not mandatory.
The logo main color should be #CE2380: The logo should fit on the given background.
And we appriciate it when you use for the preview a plain logo without 3d effects on a white background, because we use the logo just on this webpage.
aspect ratio of the logo: (3-5:1), so it should be a horizontal logo
Required file formats: png, svg (vector - view box in 300px x 80px)
Recommended Skills
Employer Feedback
“great logo”
jederkocht, Austria.
Top entries from this contest
Designpro750 Bangladesh
mdanwarhossainvv Bangladesh
mdanwarhossainvv Bangladesh
mstlaila199 Bangladesh
NeriDesign Bulgaria
CreativityforU Bangladesh
dulatali Bangladesh
dulatali Bangladesh
tanjiyamehjabin2 Bangladesh
tanjiyamehjabin2 Bangladesh
tanjiyamehjabin2 Bangladesh
tanjiyamehjabin2 Bangladesh
mdjamalho362 Bangladesh
webdevlopersuhas Bangladesh
sanjidahasan720 Bangladesh
alaminbtb Bangladesh
Public Clarification Board
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