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Wilder C.
Unity developer and game programmer
$7 USD /timme
Bolivia (5:38 fm)
Gick med januari 1, 2025
$7 USD /timme
With more than 2 years of experience in developing video games and interactive applications on the Unity platform, I was able to acquire diverse knowledge in the backend area being the programmer in each project. I also learned skills in effective contribution at each stage of the development of an application or video game, until its publication on Android, WebGL and other platforms.
I easily handle 2D and 3D environments, being able to successfully implement SDKs and/or third-party tools such as Firebase, Play Fab, Photon, I also had the opportunity to participate in other technologies such as VR and AR.
I work as a programmer and developer with Unity remotely, in entertainment and education applications.
My duties were:
- Develop game systems and mechanics: code player actions and develop different systems; authentication, missions, question bank.
- SDK implementation: configure and integrate SDKs for use, such as PlayFab, Firebase, Oculus and Photon.
- Optimization and adaptation: Improved application performance, making better use of memory to give higher application quality.