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Ma Estela C.
Programmer, Skilled Typist, Data Entry Worker, Virtual Assistant, Database Administrator
$5 USD /timme
Philippines (12:38 fm)
Gick med januari 17, 2015
$5 USD /timme
I am a skilled programmer and have an intensive training on typing. I have honed my skills on programming for many years now and with respect to my skills comes the enhancing of my typing skills. I am also a freelance copywriter with data entry works. I am also a database administrator as of this moment.
I am handling the customer issues submitted via Stars Ticket. Me and my team are the one fixing those issues, granting accesses (with approval from their supervisors), and escalating issues to other team.
juni, 2017 - Present
7 år, 8 månader
Systems Analyst
apr., 2013 - juni, 2017
4 år, 2 månader
KCC Mall Of Marbel
apr., 2013 - juni, 2017
4 år, 2 månader
I am a systems analyst at the stated company. My job is to always make sure that all POS systems of the store is working properly. I also develop systems that would make manipulating and managing data much easier.
apr., 2013 - juni, 2017
4 år, 2 månader
Notre Dame of Marbel University
2009 - 2013
4 år
Information technology
2009 - 2013
4 år
SAP Certification
SAP Business One
The certificate was given to me because I have attended a crash course on SAP Business One subject.
US English
Basic Numeracy
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