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Lavare B.
⭐Proofreader ⭐Résumé/CV Writer ⭐Editor
$7 USD /timme
Jamaica (11:35 fm)
Gick med februari 26, 2015
$7 USD /timme
Hello and greetings to everyone. I'm Lavare.
As a native English speaker with a first-class command of the language, nearly a decade of editing experience, as well as résumé writing, I offer a unique set of skills that make me the best person to collaborate with on your writing projects. My exposure to English at the tertiary level has honed my abilities, and I am confident that I can exceed your expectations. My services, which include copy-editing, creative writing, dev-editing, proofreading, and résumé writing, are not only versatile but also of the highest quality, as evidenced by my portfolio. So, why should you choose me? Here's why:
✔️Affordable rates
✔️Keen attention to detail
✔️Timely responses
✔️High-quality results
Thank you in advance for considering my services, and I await the opportunity to work with you!