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Md Rahat Khan P.
Backend Developer
$10 USD /timme
Bangladesh (2:45 em)
Gick med augusti 27, 2020
$10 USD /timme
Hello there,
I am a backend developer with 2 years of experience. Also, I am a competitive programmer with a Specialist rank at Codeforces, 4-Star rating at CodeChef, and Red Coder at Outsbook.
My background includes participation in ICPC Dhaka Regional 3 times and onsite contests, solidifying my problem-solving abilities. I was recommended for a junior software engineer role at Microsoft Ireland in 2022.
With hands-on experience in backend development, including a stint at Microsoft, I am well-equipped to contribute to your project. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to leverage my skills for the architecture and development of scalable backend systems.
Rahat Khan Pathan