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Pavlo S.
Professional web & mobile application developer
$40 USD /timme
Ukraine (11:28 em)
Gick med oktober 8, 2021
$40 USD /timme
"Creativity to me is the ultimate expression of self."
This is Pavlo, a have 7 years working in front-end development as well as 5 years working back-end.
As a self-motivated professional software engineer, I am very confident in my abilities to produce the best quality of work.
During last 7 years I have built rich experience in Web and Mobile application Development work at local startup company and have learned a variety of transferrable usable skills.
Alongside years of JS experience, I have a great deal of experience in the Open Source JS frameworks and libraries (React, Angular, Vue).
I am very familiar with native and hybrid mobile app development such as React Native, Ionic framework, Flutter, Android Studio etc.
Below are some skills I have.
- React.js, React-Redux, Redux-Saga, Next.js, Apollo, GraphQL
- Angular.js / Angular2 - 10
- Vue.js, VueX, Vuetify, Nuxt.js
- JS, TS, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI
- Ionic framework, React Native, Cordova, Flutter, Android Studio, XCode
- NodeJS, Express
- PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, WordPress,Magento
- MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite,Google Firebase
- Version manage Tools such as Github, GitLab, Twello, Jira
The ability to adapt to any project and adapt to any team environment is of my most notable abilities.
Extremely passionate about time management development and process, documenting and bringing out the best in every team that I am a part of, I have good communication skills , work well in a team, and equally well on individual. I am self-motovated, always looking to push my skills further and learn mew techonology.
In addition, by developing in the direction of focusing everything on the customer, you can always satisfy the customer.
I have always tried and will continue to do our best to provide 100% perfect, clean and useful products.