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Guillermo B.
We don't just build web pages and mobile apps, we really care about your projects
$25 USD /timme
Mexico (1:02 em)
Gick med februari 10, 2016
$25 USD /timme
We quit our jobs in big companies to making a name on our own. In order to achieve this we build a bond of trust with our customers. Our way is to listen your ideas, working together, and deliver what you really need.
Through time we were growing our numbers with talented people that share our vision, capable of accomplish plenty of different tasks. Included among them are:
- Full web sites and web applications development (PHP, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, CSS)
- MySQL Databases
- SEO services
- Web and mobile application design
- Social network management
- Corporate identity and branding design.
We want to make you feel satisfied and happy, even if you don't see us all the time, we are always there.