I specialize in developing full-stack web applications using several cutting edge front end frameworks (React, Vue, Svelte) and corresponding metaframeworks (Next, Nuxt, and SvelteKit); I leverage Graphql language/runtime to achieve maximum efficiency on network and cache usage; And I chose MongoDB to provide my solutions with the power of flexible and fast data storage.
I've been developing web applications for Project management, User service management, Educational services and graph-display data visualization trough the last 7 years, providing my team with state-of-the-art apps like:
-Interactive multimedia maps.
-Web based multiplayer videogame for children.
-School stuff management system (Schedules, calendar, homework, etc).
-Graph-based general learning platform.
-Marketplace apps.
-Highly customized, fully featured, project management system.
I can face and defeat any technical challenge standing in the way of a dream app for I'm always studying software development techniques, exploring the software world and testing my abilities against high hanging fruits.
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Lead software engineer
jan., 2017 - Present
8 år, 1 månad
Maestra vida
jan., 2017 - Present
8 år, 1 månad
No Description Provided
jan., 2017 - Present
8 år, 1 månad
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