Waqas was extremely professional and very cooperative in implementing the project. He performed over and beyond expectations. He provided support more than the scope of the project and completed extra work within the timeframe. I look forward to working with him again.
Working on Franchise Management System as a Software Engineer
mars, 2019 - Present
5 år, 11 månader
Asp.Net MVC Developer
dec., 2018 - mars, 2019
3 månader
Metropolitan Solutions Private Limited
dec., 2018 - mars, 2019
3 månader
Working on Warehousing Management System as Asp.Net MVC developer in Dispatch Management to facilitate our dispatchers to keep track of deliveries, trucks and Drivers through Dispatch Management System
dec., 2018 - mars, 2019
3 månader
Asp.Net (MVC) Developer
dec., 2017 - dec., 2018
1 år
Ark Tehcno Solutions
dec., 2017 - dec., 2018
1 år
worked on multiple platforms but specialty is in .Net Framework
dec., 2017 - dec., 2018
1 år
International Islamic University
2013 - 2017
4 år
BS (Hons) in Software Engineering
2013 - 2017
4 år
I tid
100 %
Inom budget
100 %
Godkänn taxa
100 %
Inbjudan skickades med framgång!
Tack! Vi har skickat en länk för aktivering av gratis kredit.
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