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Jehad A.
Creative Video Editor and Motion graphic
$20 USD /timme
Palestinian Territory (12:30 fm)
Gick med juli 2, 2017
$20 USD /timme
Welcome all ,,
I am here with you, Engineer Jihad ,,
I work on video editing and production in addition to graphic design, and I have sufficient and creative experience in these areas with more than four years of experience in video production and editing, especially in motion graphics and infographics.
* Video graphics field:
Motion graphics video
Infographic video.
Videos of news reports.
Promotional videos for companies and institutions.
- Video tutorials.
Create an intro for you, your company, or your channel.
So leave the trouble of the idea and let me implement modern ideas that contribute to the promotion of your products and services
I will be happy to make modifications and additions to any work I do for you..
Thank you again for reading my profile, and I hope we can work together as soon as possible.
Evaluate the services provided:
← Services rated 100% on Independent, Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork
← I aspire to get an increase in my sales and projects and innovation in services in independent and private five and freelance platforms in general
← There are a lot of my works in the gallery, you can take a look at it:
Very important notes:
← Feel free to if you have any modifications to the work.
← The possibility of modifying the file more than once after purchase.
← Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need help and we will be at your best
← My motto is quality, accuracy and less time
This is Jihad Hossam.
I loved working Jehad A. He understood my instructions clearly and delivered a product of excellent quality in a shorter time than expected. I am very pleased with the service!
I worked as a video editor for the Qatari Ministry of Culture and Sports.
apr., 2019 - apr., 2020
1 år
2016 - 2021
5 år
Palestinian Territory
2016 - 2021
5 år
Search Engine Optimization
The student learns the basics of optimizing websites and preparing them for search engines SEO, what are the most important factors for ranking and exporting results on Google, what are the best ways to access website pages to Google search results, and how to improve local search results using Google My Business
Search Engine Optimization
The student learns the basics of optimizing websites and preparing them for search engines SEO, what are the most important factors for ranking and exporting results on Google, what are the best ways to access website pages to Google search results, and how to improve local search results using Google My Business
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