URGENT create website
$10-100 USD
Betalades vid leverans
I want you to upload a picture in 7 links of my website (page 1 to 7) I have the picture,
Then I want to you to write quick script or link it with google analytic so we can know the following:
1- how many people visited each page of my website
2- how many people clicked each page in my website and redirected to purchase page
should finish it in less than 2 days
give me your bid you should be able to communicate all time
Projekt-id: #15659051
Om projektet
17 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt $82 för det här jobbet
Hi, I have checked your job description and i am able to handle this project. I just read your description and made full understanding. Relevant Skills and Experience Myself having has 10 + years experience of web s Mer
Hi I can do it for you very fast because i have ready made code Соответствующие навыки и опыт php js jquery Предлагаемые промежуточные платежи $100 USD - done
Hi! While reading your project description, It’s proud to say that we can demonstrate our professionalism on the highest level. we are ready to assist you day and night, 24/7. Relevant Skills and Experience we have di Mer
Hello, I confident to do this. I can help you immediately. Let me help you this job. Thank you, Relevant Skills and Experience HTML, PHP, Website Management, Website Testing Proposed Milestones $97 USD - a
Hi, I am able to start right away and can finish it in few hours. Relevant Skills and Experience website creation. Proposed Milestones $111 USD - d
I have 7+ years experience in this industry so easily manage your task. I want to start working from today. Relevant Skills and Experience html wordpress Proposed Milestones $38 USD - task
Hello, I have built a large number of websites in this time frame. I can easily build out a website with all the features and within the given time frame, This is not a difficult task for me Regards Relevant Skills Mer