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2,000 zen cart traditional chinese language pack hittade uppdrag

In order to improve the speech recognition technology of natural language, our company develops automatic speech recognition, and recruits native speakers of Swedish between 18-60 years old. Feel free to contact me if you are interested (never worked in startask app)

$64 Average bid
$64 Snittbud
5 bud

...typsnitt, bildmanér) - slutleverans: pdf/ppt - produktförpackning (etiketter, ekosigill) - slutleverans: original för tryck Enheter, etapp 2 - grafiska profilen på webbplatsen - slutleverans: ett (1) förslag/skiss utifrån befintlig sajt, pdf/ppt - trycksaker (tackkort) - slutleverans: tryckfärdigt original - present-/gåvoförpackning (färg & form) - slutleverans: skisser, original för tryck - post-pack/varor till kund (färg & form) - slutleverans: skisser, ev. original för tryck/stämplar/etiketter/tejp… Steg 2 - marknadsmaterial b2b (produktblad, broschyr, mail) - pos-material (produktställ, produktblad) Varumärket Analys, strategi, planning är genomfört så plattf...

$37 / hr Average bid
$37 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Jag behöver som hjälp för att kolla en Excel innan skicka till arbetsförmedlingen revisorer i svenska sprak Swedish language

$166 Average bid
$166 Snittbud
7 bud

Hej Böhöver ha en open cart fixad som inte fungerar, mycket bråskande, finns eventuellt planer på att göra om hela webshoppen.

$24 - $24 / hr
$24 - $24 / hr
0 bud

I have 2 Subject in Swedish language and i want to write analysis depending on some roles , kindly find attached the subject i want ... and the roles Börja med att presentera novellens titel och författare. Sammanfatta sedan novellens fabel och huvudkonflikt. Förklara vilka motiv och teman som finns i novellen. Motivera dina tolkningar! Förklara vilket berättarperspektiv som används i novellen. Motivera dina tolkningar! Förklara hur novellen är uppbyggd. Motivera dina tolkningar! Förklara hur språket är i novellen. Motivera dina tolkningar! Skriv båda dina analyser i samma dokument och ladda upp filen här! Omfång: ~800 ord Please don't take analysis from internet you should do it manually

$15 Average bid
$15 Snittbud
1 bud

...våran hemsida nu är: Want help setting up an online webstore in woocommerce. containing around 200 articles with different auto parts. The help is enough with to start up and post some startup products, then via mail / telefon help me to continue and insert the remaining ones myself. Also want the webshop with stock, shipping, google shopping and facebook advertising, and the language should be Swedish. We currently have a website with online store via , but want to change this to a more complete online store, preferably via woocommerce. Our website is now: www.mercaskroten.se...

$665 Average bid
$665 Snittbud
9 bud

Inbound Marketing Consultant - Swedish language - Remote worker Som Inbound marketing consultent i vårt digitala marknadsteam arbetar du med att skapa och producera digitala marknadskampanjer för Brightvisions kunder. För att trivas i denna roll bör du vara en person som lever online och har ett stort intresse för digital marknadsföring, med några års erfarenhet av området. Det är en bred roll som inkluderar både strategi och operativt genomförande. Det innebär att du dels behöver ha förståelse för att planera framgångsrika digitala marknadsföringskampanjer, och dels att praktisk kunna skapa dem i de verktyg som krävs. Att skriva bra texter, utforma grafiskt material och ...

$38 / hr Average bid
$38 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

We are looking for following keywords content writing in Swedish Language fönster uterum skjutdörrar altandörrar glasdörrar byta fönster inglasade uterum vridfönster pardörrar fönster dörrar Total 25 Article.

$165 Average bid
$165 Snittbud
4 bud

...Well Designed Website with great attractive banners, Images, Icons, Logos, Software Product CD Pack 3D Images( large , small, medium), landing pages, content and admin panel etc. NOTE:- WE NEED BEST DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED TOP DESIGNERS TO DESIGN WEBSITE - THIS WEBSITE IS FOR ADVERTISING/ MARKETING/ PROMOTIONS/ BRANDING purpose. This is for a new software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN )) HEADER

$1096 Average bid
$1096 Snittbud
20 bud

Need an article in the Swedish language. Theme of the article: cleaning of apartments. The text needs to bokaflyttstä main page of the site. When writing a text guided the sites of our competitors: The text should turn out better than our competitors. It should be mention of the tax deduction, low cost, 10-day warranty. All terms and conditions on which we are working with the same terms and conditions described on this website: The text should to be structured and logically formatted. Text volume is not less than 2000 characters. In the text, try to use less water, more facts. Phrases you want to use in the text:

$20 Average bid
$20 Snittbud
1 bud
exportera XML-filer
Avslutades left

ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCERS !! LANGUAGE ISSUE Vi behöver plocka ut Xml filer enligt skatteverkets modell. Datan och alla tabeller finns redan men det är endast XML exporteringen som saknas. detta skall sedan flyttas över i en APP till android. När ni åtar er att göra detta får ni tillgång till server login och en guidning av vad / vilka kopplingar som finns. Exemplena på denna sida skall följas i den mån det går. Om det saknas fält i databasen så skall dessa göras. Slutförandet av projektet blir när ni levererar koder som vi verifierar att den fungerar och att det går att importera dessa in i Appen. (som en annan utvecklare lägger

$237 Average bid
$237 Snittbud
1 bud

...who can knowledge to write lyrics for the web in the best way and professional.rnArticle textsrnBlog Textsrnnews Textsrn3. I want to use Facebook advertising to reach out with campaigns to your existing customers and fans, their friends, people with similar interests or competitive fans.rn4. Video advertise on YouTube construction an account structure that enables range.rnrnSWEDISH LANGUAGErn1. SEO och SEM vill att min webbplats ska synas högre upp i sökmotorer på GooglernHjälp mig att Driva försäljning och hitta nya kunderrnrn2. Någon som kan kunskap att skriva texter för webben på bästa sätt och professionella.rnArtikeltexterrnBloggtexterrnNyhetstexterrnrn3. Jag vill använd Facebook-a...

$112 Average bid
$112 Snittbud
4 bud

We have just registered our domain and hosting. Need a developer who can create a bilingual site in any convenient cms. We like the look and feel of this website: and want something similar if not better. Please check the site, including the different posts and page formats before you submit your quote. As proof that you did read the description and checked what we need, provide at least five urls from the site, without which your proposal will be outrightly rejected.

$584 Average bid
$584 Snittbud
17 bud
Avslutades left

...order for a customer does not work … they get a error message as the attached file. We can not receive orders normally over the website -the customer don’t get any confirmation email neither do we -we sell both to companies and individuals and it must be clear that the prizes are excluding VAT and then what the price including VAT is also (25% on all our products is the VAT in Sweden) - The cart and the checkout mix Swedish and English terms - bargains field disappears (called the Rabatt kupong field) when an order is made - find a smart feature for the freight, now it says that "shipping of SEK 200 within Sweden is added but that the freight is free when you do an order over 2000 SEK. at the same time it says "no shipping requirement”. ...

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Snittbud
10 bud

Hej, jag är nästan färdig med min hemsida. Har köpt och installerat woocommerce getaway paypal express checkout plugin från () men kan inte få en transaktion att slutföras. Problem exempel: Jag lägger en produkt i cart ----> förflytas till paypal ----> loggar in på paypal och ska test betala ----> trycker på knappen betala -----> då slutförs inte transaktionen på paypal istället hamnar jag på min hemsida och inga transaktioner har gjorts. Jag vill ge kunden möjlighet att betala allt på Paypal och på slutet återgå till min /thank-you hemsida. Jag kan betala en fastpris på $100 om nån kan hjälpa. Lite info: -Hemsidan ...

$158 Average bid
$158 Snittbud
1 bud

Driva trafik till vår ebutik inom give-away (skicka te med en personlig bild och hälsning) SVENSK TRAFIK Jag vill veta hur du kommer att gå till väga, samt hur mycket trafik du tror är möjligt att få. Drive traffic to our E-cart in the give-away (send tea with a personal photo and greeting) SWEDISH TRAFFIC I want to know how you will do, and how much traffic you think is possible to get. Sidans namn: www (.) teogram (.) se Site name: www (.) teogram (.) se Facebook: www(.) facebook (.) com/teogram (.)se

$96 Average bid
$96 Snittbud
4 bud

...online väggdekor Venetiansk mask Nötknäckare we are interested just in and swedish visitors. We can pay after seeing the results. We also would like them to stay on first page for few weeks. We are open for the future cooperation with you even if it would cost us something every moth to keep first page on google.SE. Website is: description in Swedish language: I vårt stadigt växande sortiment hittar du handmålade oljetavlor till fantastiska priser, de levereras uppspänd på kilram och färdiga att hänga på väggen; billiga väggdekor med en mängd olika motiv; maskerad masker som passar att ha de både till maskerad/halloween och som heminredning; snygga trädgårds do...

$129 Average bid
$129 Snittbud
8 bud

Svenska: Behöver någon som skriver ut mina ljudfiler (wav eller mp3) till vanlig råtext. Bara svenska.. det är språket som gäller. du behöver använda timetracker. det är råkopia så redigeringen sker senare av annan person! English: Need someone in swedish that can type out my (wav or mp3) audio files to normal raw text files. Only SWEDISH language- if you do not know sweidsh, dont bid!

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
5 bud
Integrate Dart in Judge0
6 dagar left

I'm looking for a professional who can help me add the Dart programming language support into Judge0. Key Requirements: - Dart Integration: Implement Dart support into Judge0, primarily focusing on both compilation and interpretation capabilities. - Both Compilation and Interpretation: Ensure that the newly added Dart language can be both compiled and interpreted within the Judge0 environment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Dart programming language. - Previous experience with Judge0 or similar online coding platforms. - Strong understanding of compilation and interpretation processes within coding environments. - Ability to deliver a high-quality integration of Dart into Judge0.

$12 Average bid
$12 Snittbud
2 bud

I'm seeking a modern styled logo for my Attar company. This logo should primarily highlight an icon or symbol rather than the comp...the company name or tagline. Key elements of the project: - The logo should be modern in style, appealing to contemporary aesthetics while still resonating with the traditional elements of the Attar industry. - An icon or symbol should be the focal point of the logo. This could be used across various branding materials, so it should be versatile and memorable. - Traditional patterns should be incorporated into the icon or symbol. This will help to connect the logo with the rich heritage and authenticity of the Attar industry. Ideal skills for this job: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Knowledge of Traditional Patt...

$41 Average bid
$41 Snittbud
26 bud

I'm seeking a professional translator who can not only translate a document into Mandarin, but do so with a "Negotiati...primary audience for this document is corporate executives, so the translation must be formal in tone, yet subtly persuasive. The ideal candidate should have an extensive background in both translation and negotiation strategies, and be familiar with corporate language and nuances in Mandarin. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Mandarin and its corporate nuances - Proven experience in translation with a focus on negotiation strategies - Ability to maintain a formal tone while being subtly persuasive - Understanding of corporate language and its intricacies - Prior experience translating for corporate executives I will review the docume...

$21 Average bid
$21 Snittbud
11 bud

I am looking for a skilled web developer to create a top-notch E-commerce website for me. The primary focus of this project is to implement a highly functional and user-friendly shopping cart. Key Skills Required: - Extensive experience in website development, specifically e-commerce platforms - Proficiency in creating intuitive and interactive shopping cart systems - Knowledge of best practices for e-commerce website design and functionality - Ability to deliver high-quality work within agreed timelines Lydialydia1610 at g mail dot cumm If you have a portfolio of successful e-commerce websites, I would love to see it. Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience.

$1036 Average bid
$1036 Snittbud
82 bud

...workflows. ? Bonus Services (My Chinese Advantage!): ? Meaningful Chinese Names: Get a personalized, culturally rich Chinese name (for individuals, brands, or products). ?️ Learn Conversational Chinese: Fun, practical lessons to boost fluency—perfect for travelers or business pros! Why Choose Me? ? Speed + Quality: Quick turnaround without compromising precision. ? Cultural Bridge: Deep understanding of both Eastern and Western business practices. ? Human-Centric Approach: No bots, no templates—just 100% tailored solutions. Let’s turn your ideas into reality—with a sprinkle of Chinese wisdom! ??? Key Features to Highlight: 1. Multitasking Edge: Combines technical skills (coding) with creative services (naming/teaching). 2....

$115 Average bid
$115 Snittbud
11 bud

I'm a local retail firm specializing in chestnut products, seeking a designer who can create mockups for our social media posts. The posts should be tailored for Facebook and Instagram, and embody a 'Rustic and Traditional' style. Key Aspects: - Design mockups for social media posts - Platforms: Facebook and Instagram - Style: Rustic and Traditional Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in social media post design - Strong understanding of 'Rustic and Traditional' aesthetics - Experience designing for Facebook and Instagram - Ability to create engaging and brand-consistent mockups

$77 Average bid
33 bidrag

I need assistance converting 13 files of Gujarati language image content into a Word file using specific fonts. Each file contains 5 pages, with full page text and one image per page. Specific requirements: - Use "Noto Sans Gujarati" or "Noto Serif Gujarati" fonts - Convert the images accurately to maintain the integrity of the original text Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and image manipulation - Familiarity with Gujarati language and script - Experience in document formatting and font management - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the project

$11 Average bid
$11 Snittbud
33 bud

...of Clash's technical knowledge. Require: - Integrate Clash into the client and make it compatible to ensure the implementation is effective. - Our backend is written in PHP and has API documentation. - Develope 5 clients. - Helped us connect 5 terminals to our backend to ensure all functions run smoothly without any bugs. - The most important thing is that all functions can run smoothly in the Chinese environment. include: - IOS - Android - Mac OS - Window - Linux You should deal with the Clash kernel first, let us see the effect, and then deal with Ui after there is no problem. If there is no effect, other work will be meaningless. Requirements: First create a simple Clash client and connect it to our backend for testing to test its effectiveness before continuing to de...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
27 bud

Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Revie...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Snittbud
12 bud

Project Title: Build a Robust Aggregator Website for International Education Listings Description: I’m looking for an experienced freelancer to create a comprehensive directory site on WordPress that lists international education institutions—universities, colleges, language schools, vocational institutes, and specialized education providers. The site will serve as the ultimate resource for prospective foreign students and affiliate marketers. Key Features Required: Directory Listings: Custom post types for institutions with details (name, description, location, website, affiliate/sponsored link, ratings/reviews). Advanced Search & Filtering: Enable users to filter listings by institution type, country, program, tuition, etc. Comparison Tools: Side-by-side compari...

$186 Average bid
$186 Snittbud
47 bud

I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to design a top-notch e-commerce website for me. Key Features: - Shopping Cart Functionality: The website needs a seamless and intuitive shopping cart system to enhance the user experience. - User Account Management: I want a robust system for user account management, allowing users to create, manage and personalize their accounts. - Product Reviews: The inclusion of a product review system is essential, fostering user interaction and trust in the products. Tracysandra772 at g mail dot cumm Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web design, particularly for e-commerce platforms. - Experience with implementing shopping cart systems, user account management interfaces, and product review features. - Strong understanding of user experie...

$648 Average bid
$648 Snittbud
91 bud

...Analytics: Implement dashboards and reporting tools for administrators and clinicians to view practice metrics and patient outcomes. Technical Specifications: • Frontend: React.js or Angular for web; React Native or Flutter for mobile. • Backend: Node.js with or Python with Flask; RESTful API design. • Database: Google Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL). • AI & ML: Google Cloud AI Platform for natural language processing and data analysis. • Authentication: Google Identity Platform with OAuth2.0. • Storage: Google Cloud Storage for secure file handling. • Security: API Gateway for secure API management; data encryption at rest and in transit. • Monitoring: Google Cloud's operations suite for real-time system monitoring. Responsibilities: &b...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
46 bud

I'm looking for a skilled developer or team to create three distinct websites and one mobile application with a comprehensive backend. 1. **Event Website** - Key Features: - Event listing and ticketing - RSVP management - Event calendar 2. **Supplement Selling Website and Application** - Key Features: - Product catalog and shopping cart - Customer reviews and ratings - Subscription and auto-renewal 3. **Tax Consultancy Website** - Details to be discussed - Product catalog - Customer reviews and ratings - Subscription and auto-renewal The mobile application should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, alongside its web counterpart. A seamless and user-friendly interface across all platforms is essential. ...

$183 Average bid
$183 Snittbud
22 bud

...to make the project functional. -Troubleshoot and debug issues in the project to ensure smooth functionality. -Test and document the features you implement. -Provide regular updates and feedback to the project team on progress. Technologies: -Kotlin -Gradle -Jetpack Compose (or similar UI frameworks) -Apache Tapestry (optional but a plus) Requirements: -Proficiency in the Kotlin programming language. -Strong experience with Jetpack Compose or similar declarative UI frameworks. -Familiarity with Apache Tapestry and TML templates is a plus. -Strong understanding of declarative UI design principles. -Ability to work independently and manage time effectively. -Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. -Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate effecti...

$14 Average bid
$14 Snittbud
11 bud

As a native Thai speaker, you will be crucial in helping us develop our speech recognition capabilities. This project involves segmenting, labeling, and transcribing Thai speech from audio files that are over 5 minutes in length. Key R... This project involves segmenting, labeling, and transcribing Thai speech from audio files that are over 5 minutes in length. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately following detailed linguistic guidelines to annotate audio. - Identifying and marking speakers' turns, background noise, and silence/pauses in the audio files. Ideal Skills: - Native Thai speaker with excellent understanding of the language. - Keen ear and attention to detail. - Prior experience in audio annotation or transcription is a plus. - Able to work with audio files longer ...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to customize my Raspberry Pi 5 and Hailo setup for various AI and machine learning applications. The main uses will be computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis and prediction to work with my existing work Key Requirements: - Setup and configuration of Raspberry Pi 5 & Hailo 8 and 8L - Customization for AI and machine learning tasks - Proficient in working with computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool database interface for tool check...

$140 Average bid
$140 Snittbud
12 bud

I need a skilled web developer to create a cutting-edge e-commerce site using Gutenberg blocks. The site will be built on WordPress with crucial e-commerce functionalities integrated. Key Requirements: - Development of a comprehensive product catalog with a robust search functionality. - Implementation of a seamless shopping cart and checkout process. Ideal Skills: - Expert in WordPress and Gutenberg block development. - Proven experience in e-commerce site creation. - Proficient in creating intuitive product catalogs and checkout systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

$460 Average bid
$460 Snittbud
150 bud

1) Write a code to read (Peripheral inputs) PIW 240, PIW xxx.... 2) Move the value to the excel in real time. 3) You can use any library (like libnodave, Snap7, modbus) and any coding language(Python, C, etc...). Please be noted that PIWxxx values are not moving to any DB or MW, they are simply being called to a custom block FC to which handles the control logic.

$540 Average bid
$540 Snittbud
10 bud

...Proficient in backlinking strategies Your work will directly influence the visibility of my services online, so a results-oriented mindset is crucial. I’m looking for someone who can deliver compelling content that will not only boost my SEO but also convert readers into potential clients. To Win: 1. Create 1 (Choose one) SEO Article for these keywords best shopify agencies in europe best shopify cart apps in 2025 best shopify agency in London shopify website design for metal cards store best shopify design companies product page optimization for sauna shopify store home page optimization for jewellery shopify store 2. Tell me your backlinks and outreach strategy 3. tell me your strategy for on-page SEO If you win YOU GET A PART TIME POSITION IN MY COMPANY ECOMROL...

$30 Average bid
15 bidrag

I need an article on Proptech and REIT edited and rewritten. The ideal tone of the rewritten piece should be professional. There are certain elements that are critical to keep unchanged in the article. Key Requirements: - Edit and rewrite the article while maintaining the core message and specific terminology. - The article needs to reflect a shift from traditional development methods in Pakistan to a more innovative approach. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in article editing and rewriting, especially in the realm of Proptech and REIT. - Strong understanding of the real estate industry and Proptech. - Excellent command of professional tone and style. - Attention to detail in preserving key elements of the original article.

$109 Average bid
$109 Snittbud
7 bud

...or React Native for cross-platform apps (iOS and Android). - **Web**: React.js or Vue.js for web clients (optional). #### **Backend (Server-Side)** - **Programming Language**: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or GoLang. - **Database**: - Relational: PostgreSQL or MySQL. - NoSQL: MongoDB for scalable document storage. - **Real-Time Communication**: WebSockets (using ) or Firebase Realtime Database. #### **AI & NLP** - **Text Analysis**: OpenAI GPT models, Hugging Face Transformers, or custom-trained models. - **Document Parsing**: - PDF/Text Processing: PyPDF2, Tika, or OCR tools like Tesseract. - Natural Language Understanding: OpenAI API, BERT, or SpaCy. - **Summarization & QA**: - Pre-built APIs (e.g., OpenAI, Cohere). - Custom training using summar...

$532 Average bid
$532 Snittbud
59 bud

We are seeking a Business Development Representative to establish and strengthen partnerships with language schools for our innovative study abroad platform. The ideal candidate will be responsible for reaching out to schools, engaging decision-makers, and securing collaborations. This role may require physical visits to institutions to represent our platform and establish trust with school administrators. Responsibilities: Identify and reach out to potential language school partners in the UK, Cape town, Spain, US and Canada through email, phone, and in-person meetings. Present our platform to schools, showcasing its benefits and unique features. Negotiate and secure partnerships with institutions, ensuring mutual value. Act as an official representative of us, maintai...

$697 Average bid
$697 Snittbud
1 bud

...subscriptions. Payment Gateway Integration: Integration with a payment gateway for both riders and users (could include local payment systems like Easypaisa, JazzCash, etc.). Ensure secure payment processing for both subscriptions and ride payments. Real-Time Notifications: Push notifications for riders and users for ride confirmations, cancellations, and updates. Additional Features: Multi-language support (including Urdu and English). Integration with Google Maps for navigation and route optimization. Requirements: Proven experience in developing and deploying Android and iOS applications. Knowledge of integrating payment gateways and subscription models. Experience with location-based services (GPS and real-time tracking). Familiarity with backend systems and admin panel m...

$584 Average bid
$584 Snittbud
35 bud

Please design a book cover. Title: Master English Through Syntax:...its target audience ------------------------------------- → Benefit would be that learners can leran English with the help of "syntaxes" → The book will be a guide to master grammar. → The verb patterns/golden phrases will help people learn spoken & everyday English. → Suitable from school children to matured professionals with a great deal of example sentences as it covers a wide range of the language. → This book is a great guide to anyone who is interested in learning English. → The sample cover page should look good & convey a modern idea than a classic cover page. Deliverables ------------------------------------- → High-resolution front cover (JPG, PNG, P...

$12 Average bid
140 bidrag

I'm on the hunt for a reliable freelancer who can gather email addresses and phone numbers from specific Chinese app stores. The targeted platforms are: - Tencent App Store - 360 Mobile Assistant - Baidu Mobile Assistant - Xiaomi - Wandoujia The contact details should be delivered in plain text. Please note, I require both email addresses and phone numbers. Experience with data mining and understanding of Chinese app stores would be a big plus. I am an app developer who had my app on the above app stores. I am seeking the email addresses for developer support of the above app stores, so that I can have a dialogue with them about the performance of my app on their stores

$20 Average bid
$20 Snittbud
14 bud

Project Description: We are looking for a talented graphic designer to create a logo and full branding kit for Tiana Lou, a digital brand focused on cooking, homemaking, and homeopathic remedies. The brand blends traditional and modern values, with an engaging, fun, and educational approach. The branding should reflect the following aesthetics: ✅ Warm & Earthy Tones – Floral, burnt orange, wood, and natural hues ✅ Classic Meets Playful – A professional yet inviting style ✅ Eccentric, Goofy, & Nerdy – Reflecting the creator’s personality ✅ Polished & High-Quality – Especially for cooking-related content Deliverables: Logo Design Primary Logo Secondary Logo (Alternative format or simplified version) Favicon Branding Kit Color Palette (Eart...

$97 Average bid
$97 Snittbud
77 bud

...long-term partnership with an interior and exterior designer as well as a 3D visualizer. The scope of our collaboration will cover both residential and commercial spaces. Key Responsibilities: - Pricing based on square meters for transparency in cost, by distance for each new project - Delivering competitive pricing, timely outcomes, and exceptional design Preferred Design Styles: - Modern - Traditional - Minimalist Expected Deliverables: - 3D visualizations - Detailed floor plans - Material specifications - Comprehensive interior design - Strategic furniture distribution A good fit for this project will have extensive experience in interior and exterior design, 3D visualization, and providing detailed floor plans and material specifications. Please provide examples of your ...

$12 Average bid
$12 Snittbud
15 bud

I'm seeking an experienced music producer to create a high-quality instrumental recording of Scottish Country Dance music. Key aspects of the project include: - The music should be performed on the fiddle, piano, and accordion, so proficiency and experience with these instruments is crucial. - Th...include: - The music should be performed on the fiddle, piano, and accordion, so proficiency and experience with these instruments is crucial. - The recording should capture the lively and upbeat essence of Scottish Country Dance music. - A deep understanding and appreciation of the genre will greatly enhance the project's outcome. Ideal candidates will have a background in producing folk or traditional music and a strong track record of delivering high-quality, engaging inst...

$239 Average bid
$239 Snittbud
8 bud

I'm looking for a web developer proficient in contemporary e-commerce website creation. The primary purpose of this site is e-commerce, and it needs to reflect the latest trends and technologies in the web development sphere. Key Requirements: - Th...facilitating communication with customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficient in modern web development technologies and trends. - Excellent understanding of UI/UX principles. - Ability to integrate payment systems and create a user-friendly shopping cart. - Strong communication skills for understanding and translating my vision into the site. Please note, the specifics of the e-commerce functionalities, such as the shopping cart and payment integration, will...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snittbud
44 bud

I'm seeking a professional logo for my veteran-owned pressure washing business, United Exterior Cleaning. The logo should not be cartoonish or overly extravagant like a traditional shield logo. Key Elements: - The primary focus should be on the pressure washing aspect, represented by a water splash or pressure washing wand. - The logo should subtly incorporate elements that reflect my military veteran status and my Upstate New York roots. - It needs to represent both residential and commercial cleaning. Design Considerations: - The color scheme should include red, white, blue, and light blue, with a black or white background to ensure versatility for logo placement. - The logo should convey professionalism, cleanliness, and trust. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design experi...

$100 Average bid
Framhäv Garanterad
761 bidrag

I need to integrate Yoti's age verification system into my custom HTML/CSS/PHP/ registration page. The SDK pack is already set up on my server. You will be implementing the age estimation method detailed here: If the verification doesn't go through, an error message should be displayed to the user. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JS - Experience with Yoti API integration - Understanding of age estimation method - Ability to implement user-friendly error messages - Strong problem-solving skills Please only apply if you are confident you can complete this project. How long will it take you to complete?

$75 / hr Average bid
$75 / hr Snittbud
60 bud

...engage customers and answer FAQs. Support natural language understanding to handle customer queries about diamonds, settings, pricing, and jewelry customization. 2️⃣ Product Recommendations (AI-Powered) Implement GPT-4 Function Calling to: Retrieve product details from our database (MySQL, Shopify, or Firebase). Suggest related items based on customer preferences. Provide personalized jewelry recommendations based on user input. 3️⃣ Live Inventory & Price Fetching Connect chatbot to real-time inventory data via API. Fetch product availability, pricing, and discount offers dynamically. 4️⃣ Checkout & Payment Integration Enable the chatbot to assist customers in checkout. Integrate with Stripe or PayPal API for seamless payment processing. Allow cart updates and orde...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
46 bud