Why c is called modular programming languageJobb


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    2,000 why c is called modular programming language hittade uppdrag
    Phonenumber setting
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    ...finns flera olika sidor som har dessa nummer bland annat , samt många fler och därifrån kan dessa telefonnummer hämtas. I mallen som jag skickat med ser man i kolumn a (BRF namn), det är namnet på det bostadsrättsförenings som personerna sitter i styrelsen för, kolumn b (Name) det är personens namn som jag vill ha ett telefonnummer till och helst ett mobilnummer, kolumn c (Address1) är gatuadressen på där personen bor om det inte finns en (Address2) för då kan de bo där, kolumn d (Postal code1) till den angivna gatuadressen, kolumn e (Postaladdress1) är kopplat till den adressen där personen bor. Kolumn f,g,h finns om bostadsrättsföreningen har flera adresser och då ka...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Snittbud
    6 bud

    Vi söker en skicklig apputvecklare med goda kunskaper om Android och i Java, Swift eller Objective-C. Det är meriterande om du har följande: Kunskap om QA-verktyg Kunskap om hybridapputveckling. Kunskap om Windows Phone Erfarenhet av användbarhetstester och tillgänglighet Utvecklat egna app:ar som finns i Google Play eller App Store På grund av sekretess kan vi dessvärre inte gå in på projektet.

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Har ett prov i c++ programmering den 18/5 och behöver hjälp med att skriva ett enkelt program, maxtiden för programmet är 80 min för en elev, men jag antar att det kommer gå fortare för dig. Såhär ska det vara: (Instruktioner) Skriv ett program som kan hantera kort i en kortlek. programmet ska innehålla en klass, kort, med medlemsvariablerna färg, (till exempel spader) och valör (till exempel knekt), en konstruktor som initierar medlemsvariablerna och egenskaper för att hämta och sätta värden till dem. Både färgen och valören ska vara av typen string. användargränssnitt kan se ut som nedan. ( Label - Textbox Label - textbox button -- button listview...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hälsningar / Greetings I am new to freelancer and am posting my first project. I run a fitness blog called I am looking for a redesign of the website with wordpress and in addition a portal for users to join and create profiles. It should be mobile friendly . I have been told Yii or codeignitor might be good software for this, but I am open to recommendations by you. ------ Jag är ny på freelancer.com och jag skicka mitt första projekt . Jag kör en fitness blogg som heter jag letar efter en redesign av webbplatsen med Wordpress och dessutom en portal för användare att ansluta sig och skapa profiler . Det bör vara mobil vänlig. Jag har fått höra Yii eller CodeIgnitor kan vara bra program för dett...

    $1926 Average bid
    $1926 Snittbud
    59 bud

    Need an article in the Swedish language. Theme of the article: cleaning of apartments. The text needs to bokaflyttstä main page of the site. When writing a text guided the sites of our competitors: The text should turn out better than our competitors. It should be mention of the tax deduction, low cost, 10-day warranty. All terms and conditions on which we are working with the same terms and conditions described on this website: The text should to be structured and logically formatted. Text volume is not less than 2000 characters. In the text, try to use less water, more facts. Phrases you want to use in the text:

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    1 bud

    excel vba programming convert excel sheet function into VBA

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    14 bud

    Hälsningar / Greetings I am new to freelancer and am posting my first project. I run a fitness blog called I am looking for a redesign of the website with wordpress and in addition a portal for users to join and create profiles. It should be mobile friendly . I have been told Yii or codeignitor might be good software for this, but I am open to recommendations by you. ------ Jag är ny på freelancer.com och jag skicka mitt första projekt . Jag kör en fitness blogg som heter jag letar efter en redesign av webbplatsen med Wordpress och dessutom en portal för användare att ansluta sig och skapa profiler . Det bör vara mobil vänlig. Jag har fått höra Yii eller CodeIgnitor kan vara bra program för detta, men jag...

    $41 / hr Average bid
    $41 / hr Snittbud
    24 bud
    Project for mickes
    Avslutades left

    Hej! Jag har ett frilansjobb som du kanske är intresserad av. Jag vill ha en windowsapplikation skriven i C#. Applikationen ska jobba med sqlite och CSV-filer. Jag bor i Stockholm och kan mötas när det passar dig, hör av dig om det låter intressant! Med vänliga hälsningar Marit

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Snittbud
    1 bud
    exportera XML-filer
    Avslutades left

    ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCERS !! LANGUAGE ISSUE Vi behöver plocka ut Xml filer enligt skatteverkets modell. Datan och alla tabeller finns redan men det är endast XML exporteringen som saknas. detta skall sedan flyttas över i en APP till android. När ni åtar er att göra detta får ni tillgång till server login och en guidning av vad / vilka kopplingar som finns. Exemplena på denna sida skall följas i den mån det går. Om det saknas fält i databasen så skall dessa göras. Slutförandet av projektet blir när ni levererar koder som vi verifierar att den fungerar och att det går att importera dessa in i Appen. (som en annan utvecklare lägger

    $237 Average bid
    $237 Snittbud
    1 bud

    We need a translator that speaks Serbian very well and is able to come to our house to explain to my 78 year old dying father who has stage 4 colon cancer and is dying (has about 1 year to live or less). My father needs to know what a " do not resuscitate" form is and also what a "Power of Attorney" is. I am his daughter. My father lives with me and I am his care giver for the past 3 years since he was diagnosed. I want to be able to make financial and medical decisions for him once he is not mentally capable of doing it himself. I cannot speak Serbian well this is why we need someone who can explain this to my father so he can understand.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Snittbud
    1 bud

    ...who can knowledge to write lyrics for the web in the best way and professional.rnArticle textsrnBlog Textsrnnews Textsrn3. I want to use Facebook advertising to reach out with campaigns to your existing customers and fans, their friends, people with similar interests or competitive fans.rn4. Video advertise on YouTube construction an account structure that enables range.rnrnSWEDISH LANGUAGErn1. SEO och SEM vill att min webbplats ska synas högre upp i sökmotorer på GooglernHjälp mig att Driva försäljning och hitta nya kunderrnrn2. Någon som kan kunskap att skriva texter för webben på bästa sätt och professionella.rnArtikeltexterrnBloggtexterrnNyhetstexterrnrn3. Jag vill använd Facebook-a...

    $112 Average bid
    $112 Snittbud
    4 bud
    Akademiskt skrivande
    Avslutades left

    Hej jag vill att någon skriver en C-uppsats för mig, en litteratur studie, uppsatsen ska ha 10 granskad artiklar, ämnet är arbetsterapi (occupational therapy), totala sidor är ca 25-27 med referenser (APA6). Du kommer att få syftet och ämnet från mig. Söker dig som har erfarenheter att forska, eller läst magister/masters etc inom arbetsterapi . Du får en gammal liknande C-uppsats så du vet hur det går till. Zero plagiat!!!

    $244 - $733
    $244 - $733
    0 bud

    We have just registered our domain and hosting. Need a developer who can create a bilingual site in any convenient cms. We like the look and feel of this website: and want something similar if not better. Please check the site, including the different posts and page formats before you submit your quote. As proof that you did read the description and checked what we need, provide at least five urls from the site, without which your proposal will be outrightly rejected.

    $584 Average bid
    $584 Snittbud
    17 bud
    Avslutades left

    ...and efficiently. The platform used is Magento. What I need help with immediately are: -to make an order for a customer does not work … they get a error message as the attached file. We can not receive orders normally over the website -the customer don’t get any confirmation email neither do we -we sell both to companies and individuals and it must be clear that the prizes are excluding VAT and then what the price including VAT is also (25% on all our products is the VAT in Sweden) - The cart and the checkout mix Swedish and English terms - bargains field disappears (called the Rabatt kupong field) when an order is made - find a smart feature for the freight, now it says that "shipping of SEK 200 within Sweden is ...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Snittbud
    10 bud
    Software in Python
    Avslutades left

    Good programming skills

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Formatliafel C-uppsats
    Avslutades left

    Hej, Kan du hjälpa mig med formalia fel i min c-uppsats? Formaliafel = stavfel och röd tråd. Så att styckena hänger ihop någorlunda. Du får självklart göra mer om du vill, du får betalt per timme. Är detta något du känner du kan göra?

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag behöver hjälp med akademiska skrivuppgifter samt finjustering av en C-uppsats. Skrivuppgifterna är 4 i antalet och på 1000-1500 ord. Du kommer få betalt via freelancer.com och anonym kontakt erfodras.

    $1221 Average bid
    $1221 Snittbud
    1 bud

    SEE ATTACHED Max budget: $99 March 25th deadline

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag behöver en app som har i princip samma funktionalitet som den här appen: Det är alltså ett simpelt drinkspel. Men en meny som ser ut som bifogad screenshot. Samt en an...uppe till höger på varje leks sida ska öppna visa lekens regler. Om möjligt: - De frågor användare lägger till själva skall laddas upp i en databas och jag lätt kan ta del av frågorna för att lägga till dessa i en kommande uppdatering. - Skriva ut på startsidan hur många som är online i spelet Hur lång tid tar det här att utveckla? Hur mycket kostar det? Jag har mindre kunskap kring objective c då jag gjort den tidigare appen. Anledningen till att jag nu vill anlita någon är att...

    $420 Average bid
    $420 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag behöver en app som har i princip samma funktionalitet som den här appen: Det är alltså ett simpelt drinkspel. Men en meny som ser ut som bifogad screenshot. Samt en an...uppe till höger på varje leks sida ska öppna visa lekens regler. Om möjligt: - De frågor användare lägger till själva skall laddas upp i en databas och jag lätt kan ta del av frågorna för att lägga till dessa i en kommande uppdatering. - Skriva ut på startsidan hur många som är online i spelet Hur lång tid tar det här att utveckla? Hur mycket kostar det? Jag har mindre kunskap kring objective c då jag gjort den tidigare appen. Anledningen till att jag nu vill anlita någon är att...

    $178 - $178
    $178 - $178
    0 bud

    phonegap app & rest api programming

    $100 - $100
    $100 - $100
    0 bud
    Bonus programming
    Avslutades left

    Well done job

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Snittbud
    1 bud
    socket programmingg
    Avslutades left

    sockt programmingsockt programmingsockt programming

    $30 - $30
    $30 - $30
    0 bud
    Skriv lite programvara
    Avslutades left

    Programmeringsspråk: Openwrt (ev. kan Python vara möjligt) Plattform: Carambola2 Applikation: Vid power-on ska enheten kolla GPIO pinnar, koppla upp mot ett av några förutbestämda WiFi-nät och skicka ett e-post och sedan göra sig beredd på power-down. Slutapplikationen är olika, men enkla och ska helst kunna skrivas i ett ANSI-C program som kallar på det som beskrevs ovan, Alternativt en kort intensivkurs att programmera slutapplikationen i Openwrt. WiFi inställningar, e-postadress, e-posstmeddelande och ev. övriga inställningar ska kunna konfigureras via t.ex. USB från en PC (Teraterm duger). Om möjligt vore det bra att kunna ändra dessa inställningar genom att t.ex. skicka e...

    $29 - $245
    $29 - $245
    0 bud
    Litet Projektsystem
    Avslutades left

    ...välja vilken förbesiktning samt typ av väg det rör sig om Gångbarana eller vägbana. Där e3er lägger de in måen de mäster upp. ( storleken på hålen i meter) . De tar också några bilder som de laddar upp under förbesiktning. De kan också välja a skapa extra gropnummer om det är gropar som inte finns med från början. Dessa gropar skall märkas med samma gropnummer och med e revisionsnummer A,B,C etc.. ( Exempel. ON008B). Dessa är klickbara och visas som miniatyrer. Där e3er fyller de gropen och kan även redovisa vilken d de lagt ned och vilka som är närvarande i gruppen. När gropen är fylld och markarbete u:ört så mark...

    $1632 Average bid
    $1632 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...Canvas Tavlor inredning online väggdekor Venetiansk mask Nötknäckare we are interested just in and swedish visitors. We can pay after seeing the results. We also would like them to stay on first page for few weeks. We are open for the future cooperation with you even if it would cost us something every moth to keep first page on google.SE. Website is: description in Swedish language: I vårt stadigt växande sortiment hittar du handmålade oljetavlor till fantastiska priser, de levereras uppspänd på kilram och färdiga att hänga på väggen; billiga väggdekor med en mängd olika motiv; maskerad masker som passar att ha de både till maskerad/halloween och som heminredning; sn...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    8 bud
    Opcore - Teaser video
    Avslutades left

    I'm engegerad in an entrepreneurial project for a cloud-based IT service service called Opcore. I now want to create a corporate video including voice matching with the goal to be able to use it as a teaser and introduction to our meetings, etc. Enclosed please find a draft script.

    $565 Average bid
    $565 Snittbud
    3 bud
    Skapa en iphonespelapp
    Avslutades left

    Jag behöver hjälp med att göra en spelapp, jag har ideen men dock inte en anning om hur Objective C och sånt fungerar.

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Svenska: Behöver någon som skriver ut mina ljudfiler (wav eller mp3) till vanlig råtext. Bara svenska.. det är språket som gäller. du behöver använda timetracker. det är råkopia så redigeringen sker senare av annan person! English: Need someone in swedish that can type out my (wav or mp3) audio files to normal raw text files. Only SWEDISH language- if you do not know sweidsh, dont bid!

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Snittbud
    5 bud
    project C#
    Avslutades left

    will discuss will discuss will discuss

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektpython programming'

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hello everyone, I have a company called "" that sells conveyor products in Turkey. Please visit my site and review it. What I want to do here is to sell conveyors and conveyor equipment according to the needs of the countries you live in. A 15% share will be given for each sale and per customer. This may be 15% of 100 thousand dollars or 500 thousand dollars. For detailed information, you can contact us via e-mail or phone on the website.

    $10 Average bid
    1 bidrag

    ...associations ** NOTE: This first project only concerns the first type of website: Municipality websites. Once this stage is completed, I will move on to the second stage (Chamber of Commerce websites) ** Here is exactly what you will do in this first stage, step-by-step: Stage #1: Municipality websites: a) You will scrape the website for every municipality (i.e. city) in Canada. I have a sheet that contains source websites for the ten provinces and three territories in Canada. Each source website contains links to the websites of municipalities in that province/territory. You will review those source websites and scrape all municipality websites from each source website. Here is the sheet with source websites for the ten provinces and three territories in Ca...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Snittbud
    28 bud

    I need a skilled developer to create a bot that automates the process of sending messages to a WhatsApp group. The bot should pull information from Google Sheets and send a differen...from Google Sheets and send a different message every 5 minutes. The messages will include text and images. Key Requirements: - The Google Sheets will be formatted in a custom format for the bot to read. - The bot needs to have error handling capabilities and send notifications via WhatsApp in case it fails to send a message. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python or JavaScript (or any other language suitable for creating a WhatsApp bot) - Experience with Google Sheets API - Familiarity with WhatsApp API - Ability to create a custom format in Google Sheets - Knowledge of error handling and notificati...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Snittbud
    53 bud

    ...hand. He saw the empty bench under the oak tree and thought it was the perfect spot to draw. As he sat down and began sketching, he noticed a group of kids playing nearby. They stopped their game and stared at him. Whispering among themselves, they started walking over. "Hey," one of the boys said, his tone sharp. "What are Syou doing sitting there? "Marcus looked up, confused. "I’m just drawing. Why? "The boy sneered. "That’s not your bench." "My bench?" Marcus asked, bewildered. "It’s just a bench. "The group laughed, but it wasn’t a kind laugh. "That bench isn’t for people like you," another kid said. "Go sit somewhere else."Marcus’s heart sank. He didn’t u...

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Snittbud
    18 bud

    Kannada language Video Editor for YouTube Shorts You should be native kannadiga We are looking for a talented Kannada video editor to help create engaging content for our YouTube Shorts channel. If you have experience editing short videos and have a strong understanding of the Kannada language, we would love to work with you. Key Responsibilities: Edit and cut videos to create engaging, short content. Trim unnecessary footage and ensure smooth transitions. Add special effects, filters, and music to enhance the videos. Ensure the videos match the style and tone of our channel. Deliver completed videos on time, meeting deadlines. Requirements: Strong knowledge of the Kannada language (for understanding context and making edits that fit). Experience with video editin...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    16 bud

    ...maroon and you can mix BUT DO NOT USE ORANGE; they want to incorporate the industrial base they build somehow, like a flat heavy skid, or crate base; maybe have their letters on top of it, or use it as an icon of sorts above their name. You can be creative. The company name is Gulf Coast Mats, you do not have to but you can use the abbreviation GCM or G.C.M in the logo concept as well. Their website is for concept ideas. - Need logo concept using the industrial base /skid frame look which is called an industrial mat but looks like a slab that pulls large machines - You can use Gulf Coast Mats or GCM either on top of the mat or shaped like a mat, be creative - They like maroon and black, JUST NO ORANGE. ATTACHED ARE CONCEPTS I SAW ONLINE TO GIVE YOU...

    $125 Average bid
    Framhäv Garanterad
    459 bidrag

    I'm seeking a seasoned AI expert to develop and implement crucial features for our MVP of an innovative real estate platform. This platform uses AI to transform property search and planning, primarily focusing on Natural Language Processing (NLP), visual search, and predictive analytics. Key Responsibilities: - Lead the integration of NLP into our platform, with the main aim of enhancing property search capabilities. - Develop NLP enhancements to improve the platform's understanding of user queries. Key Responsibilities Collaboration Across Teams: Collaborate with GIS specialists, backend developers, and UI/UX designers to ensure seamless integration of AI features with the platform’s architecture and user interface. Performance Optimization: Optimize NLP models f...

    $8196 Average bid
    $8196 Snittbud
    41 bud

    More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? American English as native language; 20-35 years old How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Snittbud
    30 bud
    ASP.Net Developer
    6 dagar left

    I am looking for an experienced C# ASP.Net Web Application Developer with a strong background in Rest API Development. The ideal candidate should be proficient in .NET language and have a solid understanding of at least one relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL, or Oracle. Knowledge of MERN and warehouse management systems would be an added advantage. Key Requirements: - 3-5 years of relevant experience - In-depth knowledge of .NET language C# - Experience in ASP.Net Web Application Development - Expertise in Rest API Development - Familiarity with at least one RDBMS - Knowledge of MERN and warehouse management system is a plus - Proficiency in spoken English and Hindi The candidate should be flexible to work in dif...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Snittbud
    30 bud

    ...our website. The ideal candidate will ensure that all features are integrated correctly and that the design aligns with our brand identity. Experience with responsive design and optimization for speed is crucial. If you have a knack for creating visually appealing and functional WordPress sites, we want to hear from you! Project Scope Website Setup Install WordPress and WooCommerce on your hosting server. Import and configure the provided templates and designs to match the desired layout and branding. Configure the WooCommerce plugin for product and order management. Make the output modular so that client can modify later for texts and images. Sidebar Menu Setup Home: Implement the provided design for the landing page. Pages: About, Team, Careers, Case Studies, Galler...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Snittbud
    114 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled programmer to create a Windows-based solution for automating the process of creating company ID PSD files. The program should be compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - 2021. Key Requirements: - The program should pull information from p...PSD files. The program should be compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - 2021. Key Requirements: - The program should pull information from provided Excel sheets and generate barcodes in the Code 128 and code 39 format. - The PSD files need to be automatically saved in PNG format. - It should work seamlessly with Windows and the specified version of Photoshop. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in programming and automation - Experience with Adobe Photoshop scripting - Knowledge of barcode generation - Excel data mani...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Snittbud
    53 bud

    Job Description: Talented Copywriter for Luxurious Jewelry Line Are you a wordsmith with a passion for luxury and craftsmanship? Do you have the ability to weave words into captivating stories that enchant and allure? If so, I am looking for a talented copywriter to create elegant and compelling product descriptions for my high-end jewelry line. Each piece in my collection is a work of art, meticulously designed to capture the essence of beauty and sophistication. The ideal copywriter will have a keen eye for detail and a rich vocabulary to convey the uniqueness and elegance of every item. You’ll be able to transform intricate designs into words that evoke emotions of desire and admiration. Key Responsibilities: Write captivating product descriptions that highlight the cra...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Snittbud
    30 bud

    Title: Multivendor Fashion App Development with Flutter and WordPress Backend Description: We are looking for an experienced developer to create a multivendor app for fashion products called On-Budget. The app should allow multiple vendors to sell their products through a seamless platform. The project involves both mobile app development and backend integration. Key Features: • Multivendor Store: Multiple vendors can list their products on the platform. • Fashion Focus: The app will primarily sell fashion items (clothing, shoes, accessories). • Multilingual Support: The app must support both Arabic and English languages. • Vendor Dashboard: Each vendor should have access to a dashboard where they can manage products, sales, and orders. • Payment Gat...

    $574 Average bid
    $574 Snittbud
    204 bud

    ...associations ** NOTE: This first project only concerns the first type of website: Municipality websites. Once this stage is completed, I will move on to the second stage (Chamber of Commerce websites) ** Here is exactly what you will do in this first stage, step-by-step: Stage #1: Municipality websites: a) You will scrape the website for every municipality (i.e. city) in Canada. I have a sheet that contains source websites for the ten provinces and three territories in Canada. Each source website contains links to the websites of municipalities in that province/territory. You will review those source websites and scrape all municipality websites from each source website. Here is the sheet with source websites for the ten provinces and three territories in Ca...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Snittbud
    30 bud

    The initial demo requirement is to record the audio session possible details, and play pause events, once we record it and find it working then a log mechanism needs to be integrated which will take record of the events in the text file. “File update notes: The text file should be written to a folder as per the folder path provided in the interface. If there is no existing file, it can be written to a new file with the date and time and a filename suffix(configurable in interface). So filename should be Each of the entry should be written to a single line in the text file in the format: <Current_System_Time>|<Mediaplayer_current_playing_time>|Music_Filename/Song_title/Track_Name.” The main application functionality is below. The home page wi...

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Snittbud
    35 bud

    I'm looking for an Excel expert to create a sophisticated form for data input and validation. Key Requirements: - The form will primarily be used for entering and validating text and numbers. - It must include dropdown menus for selecting options at various points. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Excel form programming. - Ability to create user-friendly and efficient data input systems.

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    19 bud

    I am seeking a talented copywriter with a flair for luxurious language to create captivating product descriptions for my jewelry line. Each piece of jewelry has been meticulously designed, and I want the descriptions to reflect the uniqueness of the design. Key requirements for the project include: - Emphasizing the design uniqueness of each piece - Highlighting the versatility of the piece - Specifying the occasions each piece is suitable for The ideal candidate should have: - Experience in writing for luxury products - A keen understanding of design and craftsmanship - Ability to convey the story and versatility of each piece in an engaging manner. Your writing will play a crucial role in enhancing the perceived value of the jewelry and appealing to our target market.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Snittbud
    39 bud

    ...mini-app on a reliable server. Technical Requirements: • Proficiency in one or more of the following programming languages: Python (preferred), Node.js, or other relevant languages for bot development. • Experience with Telegram Bot API and Telegram Web Apps (TWA) platform. • Strong understanding of database design and management (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB). • Experience with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) for mini-app development. • Knowledge of RESTful APIs and web services. • Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git). • Understanding of security best practices for web and bot development. • Experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku) is a plus. Functional Requirements: &bu...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Snittbud
    53 bud