Why are you interested in this position sample answerJobb
We are currently seeking a talented senior/mid web game developer to join our team. As a game developer with us, you will have the opportunity to build new, unique gaming experiences that will transform how a lottery should function in a digital world. In this role, you will be responsible for creating half entertaining games and half thrilling winning chances that will keep our users engaged and coming back for more. We are looking for someone with a long experience in graphic interactivity on the web, or simply someone who has built web games in the past. To be considered for this role, you should have experience with libraries such as Phaser, , or similar tools for canvas/webgl rendering. You should a...
In order to improve the speech recognition technology of natural language, our company develops automatic speech recognition, and recruits native speakers of Swedish between 18-60 years old. Feel free to contact me if you are interested (never worked in startask app)
Hej! Vi letar efter någon som älskar att scrolla på sociala medier som Tiktok och Ins...Drive går bra. Varje influencer får en egen rad där vi vill ha länkar till deras profiler samt följarantal. Bifogar ett exempel på hur filen för en viss kategori ska fyllas i. Det är endast svenska kreatörer vi letar efter som lägger ut content som riktar sig till perosner som bor i Sverige. Ifall vi känner att detta funkar bra har vi många flera uppdrag i framtiden och även en kontinuerlig position vi kommer vilja fylla. Vi börjar med ett uppdrag och ifall det flyter på går vi över till timbetalning. Till en början kommer det vara i stötar om några timmar då och d&...
bakgrund: ni ska skapa ett förfrågningsunderlag för att få in anbud gällande en viss typ av entreprenad. ni bestämmer själva vad det är som ska upphandlas. uppgift: uppgiften är att ta fram ett enkelt förfrågningsunderlag på 3-4 sidor + bilagor för en upphandling av en drifts- eller underhållsentreprenad. förfrågningsunderlaget ska vara baserat på abff. förfrågningsunderlaget bör ha en tydlig beskrivning av följande: - bakgrund/teknisk beskrivning av det som upphandlas - skall-krav (minimikrav) - Övriga krav - bedömningskriterier (skapa ett poängsystem) tänk på att det ska vara enkelt att jämföra de anbud som kommer in. det ä...
Kopiera information från webbsidor Jag har en excellista med ca 75000 rader. Kolumnerna innehåller information om bostadsrättsföreningar i Sverige. Jag har organisationsnummer, namnet på bostadsrättsföreningen, adressen samt namnen på de som sitter i styrelsen. Dejt jag vill ha är så många telefonnummer som möjligt och helst ... kolumn d (Postal code1) till den angivna gatuadressen, kolumn e (Postaladdress1) är kopplat till den adressen där personen bor. Kolumn f,g,h finns om bostadsrättsföreningen har flera adresser och då kan de bo på den adressen. På visa finns det bara en gatuadress och då är det radhus och då bor de på den gatan men vi vet inte vilket nummer. ...
...Images, Icons, Logos, Software Product CD Pack 3D Images( large , small, medium), landing pages, content and admin panel etc. NOTE:- WE NEED BEST DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED TOP DESIGNERS TO DESIGN WEBSITE - THIS WEBSITE IS FOR ADVERTISING/ MARKETING/ PROMOTIONS/ BRANDING purpose. This is for a new software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN )) HEADER DESIGNING & TABS FOOTER LINKNS & FOOTER PANEL PARALLAX
We need a translator that speaks Serbian very well and is able to come to our house to explain to my 78 year old dying father who has stage 4 colon cancer and is dying (has about 1 year to live or less). My father needs to know what a " do not resuscitate" form is and also what a "Power of Attorney" is. I am his daughter. My father li...live or less). My father needs to know what a " do not resuscitate" form is and also what a "Power of Attorney" is. I am his daughter. My father lives with me and I am his care giver for the past 3 years since he was diagnosed. I want to be able to make financial and medical decisions for him once he is not mentally capable of doing it himself. I cannot speak Serbian well this is why we need someon...
Gjort en Wordpress sajt till en kund men bilderna i slidern vill inte fungera hos kund som använder Explorer 10 på en PC. Tillägget jag använder heter Metaslider. Hos mig som sitter på Mac funkar det samt i de Virtual Machines online som nyttjar funkar det, men inte hos kund. Behöver hjälp med att få den i rätt position.
Dear all Swedish speaking (and writing) people, Sidekick Content is growing and we are now looking for more Swedish content writers. Please read more about the position on our website: We are looking forward to start working with you! Best regards, Camilla
...university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut...
...university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut...
...university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut...
I have text 5700 words long to be translated from Swedish into Norwegian. Sample text: Vad är då nackdelen till ditt nya supermoderna, tidlösa och ekologiska nya boende? Vi har svårt att hitta nackdelarna men förstås finns det aspekter som spelar in. Eftersom vi levererar passivhus så blir bruttoarean givetvis mindre pga. de välisolerade väggarna. Alla tomter kanske inte passar pga. väderstreck eller skugga. Att bygga passivhus med många vinklar, torn och burspråk är svårt och blir väldigt dyrt att få till. Den optimala formen är lådkonstruktioner, men vi tycker ändå att vi har lyckats få fram hus med känsla och karaktär. För er med olämpli...
...Kandidaterna numreras 2-7, och vi lagrar varje kandidats sammanlagda röstantal i en lista (rösterna för nr. 2 ska lagras i position 2, rösterna för nr. 3 i position 3 etc). Tänk noga på hur stor lista du behöver! Varje element ska 0-ställas innan man börjar mata in de enskilda rösterna (ingen valfusk här!). För övningens skull antar vi att antalet röstberättigade är 10 personer, av vilka alla röstar (men de kan rösta blankt eller ge proteströster, så varje given röst måste kontrolleras!). Sist ska varje kandidats röstantal skrivas ut 2) För att göra röstningen intressantare, har vi denna gång 1000 st röstberättiga...
Hej. Såg att du gav ett bud som virtuell assistent. Har påbörjat ett projekt som skulle kunna vara intressant för dig. Det är inte komplicerat med kan ta lite tid att gå igenom detaljerna så kontakta mig gärna om du vill veta mera.
Hej ! Projektet är att utveckla ett redskap online som kan användas för att kalkylera matematiska problem. Allt ifrån algebra till Geometri. Sidan ska använda PHP som programspråk och ska kunna förse varje matematiskt problem med lösning och medföljande förklaring stegvis, Se denna sida för att få en uppfattning www.Mathway.com. PHP-site with a web app...kan användas för att kalkylera matematiska problem. Allt ifrån algebra till Geometri. Sidan ska använda PHP som programspråk och ska kunna förse varje matematiskt problem med lösning och medföljande förklaring stegvis, Se denna sida för att få en uppfattning www.Mathway.com. PHP-site with a web application that c...
Budgivning online. Hemsidan ska på ett enkel sätt förmedla produkter som går att buda på. Dessa produkter ska vara attraktiva för läsaren och det ska vara möjligt att sortera enligt olika parametrar som exempelvis: utgångspris, nuvarande bud, geografisk position, antal visningar, vilket datum annonsen lades upp. Det ska gå att söka efter en viss annons eller säljare, och även gå att söka enligt sorteringskriterierna. När budgivningen är avslutad finns annonsen kvar till dess att säljaren har godkänt en köpare, eller om den tas bort manuellt från hemsidan. Budgivningen ska ha följande: För säljaren: Budgivning som stängs enligt säljar...
Hello, we want to be visible on first page of for keywords: Canvas Tavlor inredning online väggdekor Venetiansk mask Nötknäckare we are interested just in and swedish visitors. We can pay after seeing the results. We also would like them to stay on first page for few weeks. We are open for the future cooperation with you even if it would cost us something every moth to keep first page on google.SE. Website is: description in Swedish language: I vårt stadigt växande sortiment hittar du handmålade oljetavlor till fantastiska priser, de levereras uppspänd på kilram och färdiga att hänga på väggen; billiga väggdekor med en mängd olika motiv; maskerad...
Jag vill göra en applikation som är kvalificerad för Apple Store och kostar 7 kr att köpa. Jag vill att ni gör en app som heter "Vacation" där användaren har: Appen skall ha inloggnings fuktion med lösenord endast som en "pin code" ...videos laddas upp. En multimedia sida med en video sida med alla videos samlade och en sida med alla bilder albums samlade på ett praktiskt och modernt sätt. -Användaren kan skriva blogg/Anteckningar (som innehåller datum/tid/dela facebook/dela twitter) -Användaren kan "checka in" på en karta var i världen personen befinner sig. Användaren kan här dela till Facebook och Twitter genom appen var den befinner sig. Appen skall al...
will discuss .....................................................................................................
Jag vet inte om Appar är inom er kompetensgrad men jag ger det ett försök! Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Helst genom sitt Facebook-konto. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna inneh&a...
Hej! Jag söker någon som kan verklighetsställa min app. Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna innehålla bilder, text, möjlighet att kontakta...
Kooperativ hyresrätt Sample Work Kooperativ hyresrätt Sample Work Kooperativ hyresrätt Sample Work
Översättning av märkes/produktbeskrivningar för en online modebutik Vi söker en organiserad, ambitiös och vältalig översättare som har perfekt grammatik och kan möta deadlines. Vi är en modeorienterad e-handel från Sverige, som specialiserar på solglasögon och glasögon från kända designermärken, o...om SEO är ett plus 7. Starka datorkunskaper och erfarenhet med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbetar hemifrån och skickar sitt arbete via e-post Betalning: Lönerna börjar på 2500 SEK och kan förhandlas vidare efter erfarenhetsnivå och projektets längd. Inkludera exempel på dina skrivkunskaper (helst artiklar) i ditt CV. Projektet startar omedelbart, s...
I'm looking for someone who will generate leads for me by registering on a dating site. I will commission the website to be promoted so that people register on dating sites. I expect traffic from the US/Europe. If you have traffic from other countries, write. We'll think about how to do it. Key Requirements: - Lead Generation: You must be able to identify and reach potential people to register on dating sites. Registration mainly involves providing your e-mail address. Please include the registration price in your offer. You should also be prepared to create some sample leads for me before we start working together. Happy bidding!
You are starting a business, and things are feeling frenzied. Your website is taking longer than expected, but it’s essential to get it right. It can be challenging to hit all the high notes—nailing the tone, perfecting the technical details, and creating content that resonates with your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all...
Job Post: E-Guide Designer ...a call-to-action. the final guide in high-quality PDF format and an editable version (e.g., Canva, Word, or InDesign). Requirements: Experience in designing ebooks, guides, or similar materials. Proficiency with tools like Canva, Adobe InDesign, or equivalent. Ability to deliver high-quality work within 1 day. Strong attention to detail and creativity in design. Deliverables: -A visually engaging e-guide in PDF format (ready for sharing). -An editable version for future updates. Budget: $50–$100 (negotiable based on experience). How to Apply: A brief introduction and why you’re a good fit for this project. Please provide: Examples of previous work (guides, ebooks, or similar projects). Confirmation of...
Solve the problem that VPN can't work properly after connecting in China, if you can solve it, please comment 123 in your bid, I will give you priority!
"Hi there! Are you looking for professional and engaging video editing to elevate your content for social media or personal projects? I offer top-notch video editing services using CapCut, combining creativity and precision to deliver exceptional results. What I Offer: High-quality video editing up to 4K resolution. Eye-catching animated text and subtitles. Creative filters and visual effects for a polished look. Smooth cutting and merging of video clips. Adding music and sound effects that match the mood of your video. Enhancing colors and lighting for a professional finish. Custom videos tailored for TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube, and more. Why Choose Me? Fast delivery and attention to detail. Competitive pricing with premium results. Unlimited r...
I'm seekin...The bot should be able to answer FAQs and utilize advanced LLM models or APIs from OpenAI or Google AI. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an audio bot that can handle customer inquiries, specifically answering FAQs. - Implement the bot using LLM models or APIs from OpenAI or Google AI. - Ensure the bot is capable of providing a seamless customer service experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in AI and LLM model application - Experience with OpenAI and Google AI APIs - Strong understanding of audio bot development - Exceptional problem-solving skills - Prior experience in customer support automation Please note, while the current requirement is for the bot to function in English, the system should be designed with the capability to incorporate...
We are seeking skilled Czech voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be complete...
We are seeking skilled Dutch (Belgium) voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be...
We are seeking skilled Romanian voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be complete...
We are seeking skilled Vietnamese voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be compl...
We are seeking an enthusiastic and results-driven salesperson to join our dynamic team and play a vital role in expanding the reach of our highly trusted Forex EA bot. With a 9-year track record and a 93% win rate, our product is designed for both experienced and new traders who are looking to optimize their trading strategies and achieve consistent results. As a salesperson, you will be responsible for reaching out to institutional traders and high-net-worth individuals, educating them on the benefits of our Forex EA bot, and driving sales globally. You’ll earn 15% of the sale price, which equates to $750 per sale. Key Responsibilities: Identify and target potential leads in the Forex trading industry, including institutional traders, experience...
To answer your query, here are the details for each point: 1. Ideas for projects for recruiters: Projects could include developing a structured interview process, creating a candidate persona template, automating follow-up emails, or implementing an Employee Referral Program. These focus on improving hiring efficiency, candidate experience, and the overall recruitment process. 2. Technical tools or systems to assist with recruitment: This could involve researching and implementing Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), AI-driven resume screening tools, or data visualization dashboards to analyze hiring metrics like time-to-hire or quality of hire. 3. Examples of completed projects by recruiters: Examples might include successfully reducing time-to-fill by 20% through p...
...assistance with extracting text data from 7 PDF files into a spreadsheet. The data from each PDF will go into a specific, pre-existing worksheet within the spreadsheet. - Type of Data: The extraction will only pertain to text data. - Structure: The text data in the PDFs is well-organized with clear sections, making the extraction process straightforward. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficient in data entry and spreadsheet management - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with PDF data extraction I have attached a sample PDF document and Spreadsheet with the first section of data already extracted from the PDF into the relevant worksheet. I have also created a video demonstrating what is required: :v:/g/personal/ceo_kurraj
I’m looking for someone to create Math questions based on past papers for mock exams, as well as topic-by-topic booklets. if you feel confident with coming up with/creating questions like these, please let me know sample file is attached original sample please no copy paste or replicas. Note: You will need a basic understanding of logical statements (e.g., converse, inverse, contrapositive) Additionally, please note that ChatGPT (version 01) cannot produce questions that meet the requirements.
...overall management. You must have strong organizational skills and be self-motivated, with the ability to work independently in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Key Responsibilities: Managing project timelines and deployments Handling invoicing and basic financial tasks Assisting with administrative duties and business operations Helping optimize day-to-day operations of a growing AI startup Ideal Candidate: Highly organized and detail-oriented Strong communication skills Comfortable with a remote work environment and self-management Interested in technology and startup culture Available to commit to a 7-day work week Compensation: £300/month during the 3-month probation period, rising to £400/month after successful completion...
...boxes) painted in color A. Surface 2 painted in Color B. Leave Surface 3 (door) as is. Surface 5 stained same as fence Variant 2: Surface 1 (trim) and Surface 4 (planter boxes) painted in Color A. Surface 2 (stucco) painted in Color B, Surface 3 (door) painted in Color C. Surface 5 stained same as fence Variant 3: Surface 1 (trim) and Surface 4 (planter boxes) painted in Color C. Surface 2 (stucco) painted in Color B, Surface 3 (door) painted in Color C. Surface 5 stained same as fence Variant 4: Surface 1 (trim) and Surface 4 (planter boxes) painted in Color A. Surface 2 (stucco) painted in Color B, Surface 3 (door) painted in Color D. Surface 5 stained same as fence Variant 5: Surface 1 (trim) and Surface 4 (...
We are seeking skilled Greek voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely...
We are seeking skilled Malay voiceover artists for an exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely...
I'm in search of a Landing Page Expert proficient in React and Next. If your work meets my standards, I am interested in establishing a long-term collaboration with you. Please share your best previous work when bidding.
I'm looking for a Professional and clean thumbnail designer for my YouTube channel. - Quantity: 10 thumbnails - Budget: $10 - Requirement: Fully layered and Editable PSD files I will provide thumbnail details later. The most important thing for me would be the PSD files of those thumbnails. They should be fully editable an...important thing for me would be the PSD files of those thumbnails. They should be fully editable and the layers should be cleanly named and organised. If I like your work and things go smoothly. I will give 50 to 60 more thumbnails. Please note that the budget is strict, and I am seeking someone who can work within these financial constraints. I know it's a low budget but this is what I can pay for this job. If you're interested...
Job Description: We are looking for a talented and creative content writer to join our team (). The primary focus of this role will be to create engaging and informative blog posts that feature coupon codes for various courses and comprehensive reviews. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of SEO best practices and be able to produce content that drives traffic and conversions. Responsibilities: - Write and publish high-quality blog posts featuring coupon codes for various online courses. - Conduct thorough research on the courses being reviewed to provide accurate and valuable information. - Craft engaging and persuasive content that encourages readers to take advantage of the coupon codes. - Collaborate with the marketing team to develop content strategie...
Job Title: Remote Real Estate Marketing, Outreach, & Transaction Coordinator Are you ready to bring your creativity, organization, and communication skills to the forefront? We’re looking for a dynamic Remote Real Estate Marketing, Outreach, & Transaction Coordinator to join our growing team. If you’re passionate about real estate, love connecting with people, and thrive on keeping deals moving smoothly, we want to hear from you! What You’ll Do As a vital part of our team, you’ll: Cold Call & Client Outreach Build genuine connections with property owners and motivated sellers through outbound calls. Use persuasive communication to uncover opportunities for real estate deals. Engage with past clients to collect testimonials and suc...
Job Description: We are looking for a talented and creative content writer to join our team (). The primary focus of this role will be to create engaging and informative blog posts that feature coupon codes for various courses and comprehensive reviews. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of SEO best practices and be able to produce content that drives traffic and conversions. Responsibilities: - Write and publish high-quality blog posts featuring coupon codes for various online courses. - Conduct thorough research on the courses being reviewed to provide accurate and valuable information. - Craft engaging and persuasive content that encourages readers to take advantage of the coupon codes. - Collaborate with the marketing team to develop content strategie...
I'm looking to create a sentimental yet joyful time-lapse video of my children from birth to their first year....from birth to their first year. The project involves 20 photos that will need to be transitioned with smooth fades, as outlined in the example video I've provided. Key requirements: - Use of smooth fades for transitions - Selection of suitable joyful and upbeat background music - Crafting a visually appealing and emotionally resonant video Ideal skills and experience: - Video editing experience, especially with time-lapse - Creative eye for selecting music and crafting visuals - Ability to deliver a final product that aligns with provided example You will be provided with all 20 photos and a sample video for reference. Your task will be to crea...
...Enhancing the site's position in search engine results through backlinks and social media. - Technical SEO: Optimizing the technical aspects of the site to ensure search engines can crawl and index it effectively. The main goal of this project is to improve the site's rankings on search engines, particularly Google. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record in SEO, with a focus on improving search engine rankings. - Deep understanding of Google's ranking algorithms and SEO tools. - Experience with technical SEO, including site speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, and secure connections. - Ability to create and implement effective off-page SEO strategies. - Strong knowledge of on-page SEO best practices and ...