Va long term care eligibilityJobb


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    2,000 va long term care eligibility hittade uppdrag

    We are looking for a Swedish content writer to write forex and crypto content for our Swedish currency trading website It will be weekly news posts and potentially some pages on crypto related topics, of around 700-1000 words per article. After a successful test article (that we pay for) we will agree on a recurring amount of articles per week. We will provi...amount of articles per week. We will provide topics from time to time but also expect you to have knowledge about crypto in general and come up with your own suggestions when/if needed. We expect you to write the article, post it in Wordpress together with a corresponding inage/photo from a photo bank. If this works out we are open to expand the collaboration further and work together for a long term...

    $70 / hr Average bid
    $70 / hr Snittbud
    9 bud

    Since you require to understand Swedish to be hired for this task the rest of this description will be in Swedish. If you don't understand the following text or have to translate it, please skip applying for this job. SÖKES: Svensk- & engelsktalande VA inom Wordpress, SEO & design Hej! Jag är på jakt efter en svensk- & engelsktalande VA som kan hjälpa oss med en rad olika uppgifter under ett långsiktigt samarbete. Uppgifterna kan komma att anpassas efter din erfarenhet och är du den person vi söker ämnar vi även att erbjuda intern utbildning så att du når maximal framgång med dina uppgifter. Du kommer att jobba med lite olika projekt. Jag kommer berätta mer vid en eventuell intervju, m...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Snittbud
    4 bud

    Jag har en digital annonsplats där man kan lägga in annonser för varor och tjänster. Annonsplatsen är ny och har för tillfället inga annonser. Jag behöver någon som kan ta kontakt med Fac.eb-ook användare i Sverige som annonserar på Fac.eb-ook Marketplace eller i relaterade grupper och erbjuda de att lägga in deras annonser på min webbplats. Sedan skapar du ett konto på min annonsplats till den som har accepterat erbjudandet och lägger du in hans/hennes annons i rätt kategori. För att skapa ett konto måste du förstås ha åtminstone mailadress till den som accepterar erbjudandet. Om hen vill lämna sitt telefonnummer kan du också lägga in det när skapar k...

    $450 Average bid
    $450 Snittbud
    5 bud

    Vi är en Start-up som heter imove och jobbar med Elbils-prenumerationer. Moderbolaget är från Norge och Sverige är första internationella markna...bindningstid Vi letar efter en purpose-driven copywriter / SoMe-skribent som kan jobba med oss för att utforma kvalitativa artiklar på sajten () som ska driva organisk trafik i långa loppet. Teman kommer vara konceptet (elbils-prenumeration), elbilar, laddning, mobilitet, miljömedvetenhet, elbilmodeller, start-up, jämförelser mellan olika erbjudanden och mot konkurrenter (t.ex. M eller Care by Volvo) m.m. Vi har även SoMe kanaler (FB & IG) som behöver relevant content över tid. Exempel på artikel: FB: IG:

    $38 / hr Average bid
    $38 / hr Snittbud
    3 bud

    Målet med hemsidan är att enkelt logga in på sidan men även i telefon (genom att ladda ner sidan till hemskärmen i mobilen). Därav behöver den va anpassad för iphone/android. Tanken är sedan när man väl loggat in att man ska kunna skapa sina egna dag + veckoscheman. Antal dagar skall va låsta (Mån-sön) Däremot skall antal tjänser per dag kunna vara rörligt. 1-30 Man skall kunna göra fler avdelningar 1-20. Varje avdelning skall ha en egen flik, sedan antal dagar, antal tjänser per dag. Det bör va enkelt att färgkoda + ändra passet genom att dra i staplarna (se bild bifogat). Likt körschema butik så kommer bör de finnas olika moment (dess...

    $665 Average bid
    $665 Snittbud
    8 bud

    We need help with Facebook advertising for our customers. We need you to do the advertising through Ad Manager (not using "boost" button) and also to have a passion for and experience in copywriting. You need to have experience with creating successful Facebook Ads. Let´s start by testing once and if we get good results this can become a long term cooperation, where the tasks can later expanded. You will get access to high level training material in this job to improve your skills further.

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Snittbud
    2 bud

    We are looking for English to Swedish and Swedish to English translators. Any nationality will be working for us. We can work together for the long term with good relationships. Vi letar efter engelska till svenska och svenska till engelska översättare. Alla nationaliteter kommer att fungera för oss. Vi kan arbeta tillsammans på lång sikt med goda relationer.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Snittbud
    11 bud
    Avslutades left

    ...koldioxid som är skadligt för miljön. 2. Världens befolkning växer och fler lyft ur fattigdom. Hur hänger en ökande och rikare befolkning i världen ihop med matutmaningen? befolkningen ökar snabbare än jordbruksproduktionen. 3. Ett problem med den mat vi äter är att vi äter väldigt mycket kött. Vilka miljöskadliga effekter kan köttproduktionen få? Finns det alternativ till att äta kött? Kött kan va skadlig för miljön, för att få fram kött måste vi slösa mycket vatten och det är inte heller bra och äta mycket kött det kan åka risk och få cancer. Man kan äta vegetarisk man istället för köt...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Snittbud
    8 bud

    Vi letar efter individer från specifika demografi för att ge feedback på objekt. Framgångsrika kandidater måste kunna skriva bra. Feedback måste läsas. Innan du ska betraktas måste kandidaterna slutföra och behörighet kontrollera att de är i måldemografiska, inklusive en platskontroll. Gå till följande webbplats och klicka på Check eligibility link. Framgångsrika kandidater kommer att skickas produkter direkt med hjälp av informationen.

    $518 Average bid
    $518 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Hej jag har skrivit lite marknadsförings material i form av en guide till en japansk produkt jag tänker lansera i Sverige. Det jag behöver hjälp med är att skriva om den med ett bra flöde som är lättläst och engagerade. Om har tid nästa vecka för ca 3 timmars jobb skulle det va toppen. MVH Martin Isaksson

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud
    Design project
    Avslutades left

    Göra lite 3D-modellering Hejsan, jag har en hobby där jag gör egna fiske beten å behöver få ner min prototyp jag gjort i plast på en CAD fil som jag kan skika till en CNC verkstad. Skulle va tacksam om jag fick hjälp med detta av någon kunnig person. Mvh Samuel

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Snittbud
    3 bud
    Mobile development
    Avslutades left

    iPhone/iPad-app iPhone och iPad Jag vill ha den designad och byggd Har länge velat haft en app där man kan trimma bilar, ska va en hyfsat enkel app och ska finnas många valmöjligheter I uppgradering av åket, man ska sedan tävla mot andra online och vinna pengar så man kan uppgradera bilen.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bud

    Alltså det jag hade tänkt som grundläggande är en produktkatalog där produkten är det viktiga och sökfunktionen är i fokus för att hitta och filtrera till max. 1. En stilren hemsida 2. Startsidan, statisk banner, ett stort sökfält (ovanför eller under), och dropdowns eller liknande under sökfältet för kategorier. 3. Sökfältet, gärna om det går, att det...jag nämnde. En del andra ska vara popups. 9. Man ska kunna jämföra produkter på ett snyggt sätt 10. Kunna betygsätta 11. Kunna kommentera 12. Visa rekommenderade eller andra, eller liknande produkter 13. Självklart dela på sociala medier. Ev längre fram olika länkningar till andra...

    $614 Average bid
    $614 Snittbud
    2 bud

    We need a translator that speaks Serbian very well and is able to come to our house to explain to my 78 year old dying father who has stage 4 colon cancer and is dying (has about 1 year to live or less). My father needs to know what a " do not resuscitate" form is and also what a "Power of Attorney" is. I am his daughter. My father lives with me and I am his care giver for the past 3 years since he was diagnosed. I want to be able to make financial and medical decisions for him once he is not mentally capable of doing it himself. I cannot speak Serbian well this is why we need someone who can explain this to my father so he can understand.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Bygg en hemsida
    Avslutades left

    Hejsan! Jag lät ett företag göra en hemsida till mig för drygt ett år sedan som han byggde upp via wordpress, men tyckte de såg lite "billigt" och va dåligt översatt osv. Så skulle vilja ha en ordentlig hemsida som är gjort i HTML??, har ingen erfarenhet alls inom detta men får känslan av att det är mer kvalité ? Hur som helst, det som jag vill är att de ska funka lite som Youtube fast ändå inte, Vill att man ska kunna registrera sig, bädda in / ladda upp videoklipp från te.x youtube , vimeo osv som man enkelt ska lägga in i kategorier. Kanske även en liten forums del , och kontakta. Vad skulle detta kalaset gå på ungefär? / Jocke

    $401 Average bid
    $401 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Hello, We are a company in Sweden that drive sales out of hair extensions and wigs both in Sweden and in England. Our goal is to sell hair extensions worldwide . Right now we try to enter the Italian market. We therefore primarily find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are p...find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are prepared for any local hits in interest. We are therefore looking for someone with experience out sales, has great interest to initiate direct contact with our leads, create new contacts for us and help us find new distributors for our products. The right person has great opportunities for long-term cooperation. We need someone who is...

    $1858 Average bid
    $1858 Snittbud
    10 bud
    SEO:a min hemsida
    Avslutades left

    ...specialiserar sig på gamla jeepar. Det är i uppstartsfasen just nu och behöver nå framsidan för följande nyckelord. Nyckelord som behöver optimeras är : Topp nyckelord: "Rent car Sri Lanka" "Rent Jeep Sri Lanka" (rent car sri lanka har hög konkurrens men kan ge mycket om man når den, jeep är kanske viktigast att börja toppa med då det är minst konkurrens på det nyckelordet) Long tail: "Sri Lanka car rental" "Long term car rental sri lanka" "Self drive jeep sri lanka" "Rent 4wd Sri Lanka" "Self drive safari sri lanka" "Rent jeep willys sri lanka" "Rent Mitsubishi 4dr5 Sri Lanka" etc etc. ...

    $326 Average bid
    $326 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektStammis - "Customer Care"'

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Obs! Detta projekt är en long term projekt!! - Fast and Furious 7 - Jag behöver en som kan skriva 2-4 artiklar/blogginlägg per vecka + bilder/videos med angivna keywords. Freelancern MÅSTE även optimera artiklarna (SEO) samt submitting på olika directories. Articklarna/blogginläggen + bilderna måste passera Copyscape och vara unika likaså bilderna!!! Freelancern kommer behöva skriva artiklar/inlägg om följande subcategories: - Cars - Wallpaper - Quoet - SoundTrack Projektet är långsiktigt, så gör ditt bästa för att jag ska fortsätta med dig! Första månaden är dock en TEST månad sedan bestämmer vi om vi ska fortsätta med dig...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Jag behöver hjälp med att översätta en kontoplan till en annan. Alltså att hitta matchande konton på två olika. Kan eventuellt behöva fler uppgifter om detta görs bra. Är i behov av en VA.

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Hej! Jag vill starta ett e-butik det kan va något gratis som jag kan installera redan liksom opencart, meganto ... Jag behöver hjälp att importera produkterna via csv fil och integrera dom med leverantör lagar dvs om en product är slut hos leverantören då är den slut hos mig också i hemsidan. Jag gärna att den ska ske automatisk. Vad kan du rekommendera mig vilken bra source ska jag använda för den har Svenska funktioner? eller du kan fixa en fint webshop till ett bra pris :) MVH M. Mikael

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Snittbud
    1 bud

    I'm seeking an AI voice programmer to create a SaaS platform for reselling voice agents. The voice agents of personalization without requiring full AI training. - The voice agents will need to integrate with websites and have chat functionality. Ideal Candidates: - Dependable, honest and willing to grow with a startup. - Previous experience in AI voice programming is a must. - Understanding of customer service and sales/marketing will be an advantage. - Excellent communication skills for a long-term relationship. The voice agents should support English only. The voice agents should have basic integration with existing software or tools like hub-spot and Go High Level. The voice agents should allow basic customizations like modifying response templates and in...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Snittbud
    21 bud
    Trophy icon New Prodigy
    13 dagar left

    ...attached below: Strong English skills and knowledge of weed/cannabis products are a big plus. Whoever wins this contest will be rewarded with long-term work paid at $3 per video (20-50 videos per week to edit). To win this contest I recommend you: - edit 3 videos from the files I've provided - Make them as ENGAGING as possible Once the winner is chosen, you will be required to finish editing the remaining 18 videos (19 total) to receive the $65 reward. If you are looking for long-term work, this job is for you. Font/Editing Detail: Video Files: Images You can Use (download your own as well):

    $65 Average bid
    0 bidrag

    ...their virtual wardrobe. - Outfit Suggestions: Based on the user's wardrobe, the website should be able to suggest outfits. This requires a good understanding of AI and machine learning to ensure the suggestions are personalized and relevant. - Seasonal Wardrobe Planning: The website should be able to help users plan their wardrobe according to different seasons. - تنسيق الازياء: This is an Arabic term that translates to "styling" in English. The website should incorporate this aspect, providing users with styling suggestions and tips. Timeline: I would like this project completed within three months. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and AI integration - Experience in creating fashion or lifestyle websites - Understanding of virtual ...

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Snittbud
    25 bud

    Hi I am looking for a ready-made NB-IoT button designed to send data to an IoT platform (Thingsboard). The device will primarily be used by elderly individuals, so reliability and simplicity are essential. Here are the key requirements: • Technology: NB-IoT for data transmission • Battery life: 5-10 years under low power consumption • Design: Pre-assembled, user-friendly button • Use case: Minimal interaction, designed for emergencies or status reporting • Environment: Indoor/outdoor capability would be a bonus Please provide details on available products, battery specifications, and pricing, including minimum order quantities. Any customization options and estimated lead time would also be appreciated. Everything should be produced at a very, very low cost. Th...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Snittbud
    11 bud

    ...the appropriate manager that will certify the report. Reports that have aged 500 days or more or generated $75,000 or more in profit will be certified by Inventory Accounting, while all other remaining reports will be reviewed by the Transportation Lead. (Hint: Nest an OR function inside the IF function) 12. Sort the Excel table by Report Name, smallest to largest. Page 1 of 3 BA-216A Mid-Term Assessment 13. Add the Totals Row to the Excel table. Display the following: a. Total Number of Reports b. Total Number of Units Sold c. Total Amount of Gross Sales d. Total Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) e. Total Profit f. Average Number of Days the Reports Aged 14. Format all data in a professional business manner. Part II 15. Navigate to the Dashboard worksheet. Remove the g...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Snittbud
    20 bud

    Vänligen Vänligen Registrera dig eller Logga in för att se mer information.

    Framhäv Brådskande Försegla Sekretessavtal

    ...block it. Nitro people worked on it but they said it is from server site. (we have documentation on it what is happening). We do not have to use NitroPack, if Cloudflare Pro could be used to speed the site up it will be even better, but I need help with Cloudflare set up so it correct those features below. Maybe some commands on Cloudflare as Bypass By Cookie needs to be set up so it would take care of the speed problem. Maybe Optimize SQL queries to reduce server load and response time. Implement server-side caching to reduce load times and improve performance. Those are the problems below with a site: Make fewer HTTP Requests Use Cookie Free Domains Add Expires Headers Compress Component with gzip Performance grade is 72 Load time 654 ms Requests 54 2. We have Immunify ...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Snittbud
    13 bud

    I'm a Google Ads Specialist managing over 30 accounts. Due to the increasing workload, I need assistance with a few accounts on an hourly / per task basis. I'm open to connecting with anyone who has at least 2 years of experience in Google Ads and is a fluent English speaker. Key Responsibilities: - Ca...reporting - Search campaign management Specific Tasks: - Ad copywriting - Bid management - Conversion tracking setup - Weekly optimizations - Report generation Ideal Candidate: - At least 2 years of experience with Google Ads - Fluent in English - Experience with Search campaigns - Strong skills in Ad copywriting, Bid management, Conversion tracking setup, and performance reporting. Looking for long term partnerships, to grow together. Write "Pinneaple&qu...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    28 bud

    I need a certified translation of a legal proof of name change from English to Croatian. This document is crucial for my Croatian citizenship application. Requirements: - Tran...translation of a legal proof of name change from English to Croatian. This document is crucial for my Croatian citizenship application. Requirements: - Translate the document accurately and professionally - Provide a certified translation - Maintain confidentiality and handle the sensitive nature of the document with care Ideal Skills: - Proficient in both English and Croatian - Experienced in translating legal documents - Able to provide certified translations The document is 1-2 pages long. The translation needs to be completed within 24 hours. Please use a standardized legal format in the tra...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...Problem-Solving Training: AI suggests alternative coping mechanisms based on past user interactions. AI Chatbot Conversations Users can chat with the AI coach for advice, reflection, and motivation. AI responses adapt dynamically based on player progress. Chatbot incorporates memory recall to track long-term behavioral trends. 2.3. Progress & Adaptation Personalized Reports showing mood trends and improvement areas. Adaptive Difficulty: The AI adjusts challenge levels based on player progress. Long-Term Tracking: Cloud-based memory allows for continuous learning and refinements. Gamified Rewards: Users unlock badges, streaks, and achievement levels to encourage sustained engagement. 3. Technical Architectu...

    $1123 Average bid
    $1123 Snittbud
    50 bud

    Kazmo Genetics LLC - VA Instructions for Lab Outreach via HubSpot Overview As a Virtual Assistant (VA) for Kazmo Genetics LLC, your role is to: ✅ Send 30-50 outreach emails to AABB-accredited labs via HubSpot CRM ✅ Log all responses and track communications inside HubSpot ✅ Maintain a spreadsheet to track outreach progress ✅ Ensure all information is updated accurately ⚠ You do not need to follow up with labs. Only send the first email and track responses You will send emails 1 day and the follows the next. This is a 2 day project .

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Snittbud
    43 bud

    I'm looking for a professional floor plan designer to create a comprehensive layout for a dog re...rehabilitation and therapy sessions. - Grooming Station: A dedicated space for dog grooming, complete with necessary equipment and tools. - Food Station: An organized area for feeding dogs, with storage for food supplies. - Storage: Sufficient space for storing supplies, equipment, and other necessities. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing commercial floor plans, preferably for animal care facilities. - Strong understanding of the needs and requirements of a dog rescue. - Proficiency in using floor plan design software. - Excellent communication skills to discuss ideas and incorporate feedback. A rough draft image is attached. Must be professional for final l...

    $378 Average bid
    $378 Snittbud
    92 bud

    As avea nevoie de un programator care sa realizeze un API care sa transmita comenzile din magazinul WIX spre programul de facturare FGO

    $483 Average bid
    $483 Snittbud
    28 bud

    This would be work on a 'timed' basis to begin with, hoping we choose to team up and operate the site for the long-term together. I built my WordPress site () with Divi without sufficient knowledge of WP or Divi. ? The site is up and functioning, and no one is coming. First, we need to repair content and appearance (I have a list), for instance the margins of our Divi Table of Contents for posts (our BLOG page) need adjusting, and so much more. Later we will focus on fixing issues on our site report (not now). Then to marketing which is all set up and ready to go (with your help). Key Responsibilities: - Help repair functionality issues within Divi. - Marketing of posts on existing social media accounts. - Promotion of videos on the existing YouTube account

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Snittbud
    152 bud

    I am a professional photographer launching my first NFT collection on OpenSea, featuring exclusive nature photography. My vision is to create a Metaverse-inspire...engaging content to build an audience Connecting with serious NFT collectors, investors, and agencies Exploring additional revenue opportunities, such as licensing my photography to companies Providing technical guidance on minting and positioning my NFTs in the digital art space I need a results-driven expert with a strong presence in the NFT community who can help me establish a long-term brand and maximize my project’s potential. If you have experience in NFT marketing, social media growth, and digital art promotion, I would love to discuss potential collaboration. Let’s bring photog...

    $441 Average bid
    $441 Snittbud
    5 bud

    I am a professional photographer launching my first NFT collection on OpenSea, featuring exclusive nature photography. My vision is to create a Metaverse-inspired ...creating engaging content to build an audience Connecting with serious NFT collectors, investors, and agencies Exploring additional revenue opportunities, such as licensing my photography to companies Providing technical guidance on minting and positioning my NFTs in the digital art space I need a results-driven expert with a strong presence in the NFT community who can help me establish a long-term brand and maximize my project’s potential. If you have experience in NFT marketing, social media growth, and digital art promotion, I would love to discuss potential collaboration. Let’s bring photog...

    $440 Average bid
    $440 Snittbud
    20 bud
    Need Portugal Speaker -- 4
    6 dagar left

    Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. ...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snittbud
    12 bud

    Need a Laravel Developer or the Full Stack Developer if Possible for the Long Term Projects on Various Projects. can work on Databases, APIs Integrations & Backend as well as on Frontend technologies.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Snittbud
    34 bud against dust, moisture, and damage while offering a convenient, resealable or reusable design. The packaging will include key product specifications such as fabric type, thread count, precise dimensions, and labeling details, including company information, pricing, barcodes, manufacturing dates, and relevant certifications (e.g., OEKO-TEX, organic cotton). Additionally, clear washing and care instructions will be printed using universally recognized symbols and text to guide consumers on fabric maintenance. The project will ensure compliance with industry regulations, integrate sustainability initiatives, and undergo prototype development and testing for durability and retail appeal. The final packaging will enhance product presentation, reinforce brand trust, and alig...

    $573 Average bid
    $573 Snittbud
    28 bud

    I’m seeking a detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to support my Amazon FBA wholesale business. The role focuses on managing listing optimization, advertisement campaigns, and case follow-ups to ensure smooth operations and drive sales growth. Key Responsibilities: Listing Creation & Optimization: Crafting and refining product listings to maximize visibility and conversions. Ensuring product details align with SEO best practices for Amazon. Ad Campaign Management: Setting up and managing PPC campaigns to boost product sales. Monitoring ad performance and making data-driven adjustments. Case Follow-Up: Handling case resolutions with Amazon Seller Support. Addressing listing issues, policy compliance, or account health concerns. Ideal Candidate Qualities: In-depth knowledge of the ...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Snittbud
    6 bud

    **Job Title:** Junior Manager - Digital Marketing Team Lead **Location:** Remote **Position.** Long Term **About Us:** Talent Flex Solutions is a dynamic and fast-growing company dedicated to delivering exceptional results through innovative digital marketing strategies. We are looking for a passionate and driven **Junior Manager** to join our team and lead our digital marketing efforts. If you have a strong background in digital marketing, team management, and a knack for driving results, we want to hear from you! **Job Responsibilities:** As a Junior Manager, you will be responsible for hiring, managing, and leading a team of digital marketing professionals. Your key responsibilities will include: 1. **Team Management:** - Recruit, onboard, and train a high-performing t...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Snittbud
    7 bud
    Trophy icon Minimalist Logo Design for Company
    2 dagar left

    I need a logo design for a care home called "Vine Lodge." - It should feature vines - NO grapes or Wine, this is NOT a vineyard - Should match the style, colours, font (Lato) and format of the attached Anything that does not match will be instantly rejected.

    $100 Average bid
    866 bidrag

    ...explaining complex plots. Ensure the script is easy to read and deliver for voiceovers. Keep up with the latest anime trends and recommendations. Meet deadlines consistently and work as a long-term writer. ✅ Requirements: Strong knowledge and passion for anime and manga. Fluent in Hinglish writing (mix of Hindi + English in a natural flow). Ability to break down complex anime plots into simple, engaging explanations. Experience in scriptwriting or storytelling (preferred). Understanding of YouTube’s audience and video pacing. Ability to write in a conversational and fun tone. Must be reliable and open to long-term collaboration. Preferred Skills (Not Mandatory): Experience with SEO-based scriptwriting for YouTube. Familiarity with popular anime genres...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Snittbud
    9 bud

    I am seeking a copyright expert to help secure the rights for my written non-fiction work, which is in book format. Key Responsibilities: - Assess the manuscript for copyright eligibility. - File the necessary paperwork for copyright registration. - Provide guidance on copyright law as it pertains to my work. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with copyrighting written work, especially non-fiction books. - Deep understanding of copyright law. - Excellent attention to detail.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Snittbud
    5 bud

    Seeking an Experienced Arabic Fiction Writer for a 5-Book Sci-Fi/Dystopian Series Job Type: Freelance Project Duration: Long-term (5 books, 400-500 pages, approximately 100,000 words per book) Language: Arabic (Native-level proficiency required) Project Overview I am seeking a skilled and imaginative Arabic fiction writer to bring my 5-book sci-fi/dystopian series to life. The series is set in a futuristic world dominated by advanced technology and societal divisions, where power struggles, rebellion, and survival take center stage. The story will explore themes of control, oppression, virtual reality, and the blurred line between what is real and what is not. It requires a writer with strong world-building abilities, an engaging storytelling style, and the skill to craft...

    $754 Average bid
    $754 Snittbud
    23 bud

    ...explaining why the payment failed. o The "Pending" status will automatically change to "Withdraw Failed".in red o The administrator can send template pop-ups or write custom messages for the failure reason. o Example templates include: 1. Payment failed as your bank does not receive BTC. 2. Payment failed as you cannot fill an IBAN on the BTC address. 3. Payment failed as you did not respect the term of the timeframe contract. 4. Payment failed as you are in an open position and need to update your margin. 5. Payment failed due to a debt with our company. 6. Payment failed because you did not pay our commissions. 7. Payment failed as you forgot to pay our fees. 8. Payment failed due to tax issues. 9. Payment failed because it was rejected by the receiver. ...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Snittbud
    61 bud • Oversee inbox, calendar, and scheduling ? General Admin & Process Optimization • Track & organize expenses, invoices, and tax-related documents • Maintain & improve digital workflows (Google Drive, Notion, LinkedIn outreach) • Identify inefficiencies & proactively suggest process improvements ________________________________________ Requirements ✅ Minimum 5 years of experience as an Executive VA or Operations Manager ✅ Impeccable written English (Must be able to draft professional emails for VIP clients) ✅ Strong project management skills (Able to take a task from start to finish independently) ✅ Tech-savvy (Proficient in Notion, Google Drive, LinkedIn, Zoom, and email automation tools) ✅ High attention to detail & ability to work ...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Snittbud
    28 bud

    We are looking for a YouTube SEO Expert & Channel Manager to optimize and manage our international YouTube channel. This is a freelance position requiring 5-6 hours per week at the start, focusing on SEO optimization, publishing, and performance management (no content creation required). Responsibilities: Upload & sch...YouTube SEO expert or channel manager. Strong understanding of YouTube’s algorithm, trends, and ranking factors. Experience with tools like TubeBuddy, VidIQ, Google Trends. Ability to analyze data and provide actionable insights. Fluent in [English/French] for communication. Availability for 5-6 hours per week for First month and 4h / weeks. Compensation & Contract: Long-term collaboration based on results. Loo...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Snittbud
    67 bud

    ...presence is key. Final Deliverables: High-resolution vector files (AI, EPS, PDF, SVG). PNG & JPG versions for web and print. A brand style guide document (PDF format). Note: We want original work! AI-generated logos will not be accepted. Designers should have a strong understanding of graphic design principles and branding. We look forward to seeing your creative submissions and hope to establish a long-term working relationship with the winner. Good luck!...

    $100 Average bid
    371 bidrag