Translation italian english cooking foodJobb


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Hej! Jag letar efter en frilansare som långsiktigt kan hjälpa mig att redigera videor en gång till flera gånger per vecka, till mina TikTok- och YouTube-kanaler. Mina videor tillhör underhållningskategorin och är vanligtvis mellan 1-3 minuter långa. Jag har en grov idé om vilken tema eller stil jag söker för redigeringen, men jag är öppen för förslag. Frilansaren bör ha erfarenhet av videoredigering och vara tillgänglig för att snabbt leverera det färdiga resultatet. Om du är redo för utmaningen, vänligen lämna ett erbjudande. Jag ser fram emot att höra från dig!

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
10 bud
Avslutades left

Lifeseeds is a Swedish company in food supplements, focused on the aging process. Our site is based on shopify and has been designed by a major web agency. Now we are looking for a developer who can help us on an ongoing basis and finalize details before launch.

$28 / hr Average bid
$28 / hr Snittbud
15 bud

Hej Cecilia! Jag har ett recommendationsbrev som ska översättas från svenska till engelska. Det är en sida och ganska enkelt. Undrar om du kan hjälpa mig med det och i såfall hur mycket vill du ha? Tack för snabbt återkoppling! Mvh Ella

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
1 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektCreate a giftbox for food'

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Since you require to understand Swedish to be hired for this task the rest of this description will be in Swedish. If you don't understand the following text or have to translate it, please skip applying for this job. SÖKES: Svensk- & engelsktalande VA inom Wordpress, SEO & design Hej! Jag är på jakt efter en svensk- & engelsktalande VA som kan hjälpa oss med en rad olika uppgifter under ett långsiktigt samarbete. Uppgifterna kan komma att anpassas efter din erfarenhet och är du den person vi söker ämnar vi även att erbjuda intern utbildning så att du når maximal framgång med dina uppgifter. Du kommer att jobba med lite olika projekt. Jag kommer berätta mer vid en eventuell intervju, men det som f&o...

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

Hi, I need someone to design a modern food menu for me. The menu will 3 options (it all have to fit on one page). I have uploaded my logotype, and some examples i have found that looks good. This is quite a small project but if i find someone that im happy with i will post more projects soon. Meny 1 Komplett Taco Buffè från Taco Bar Komplett Vego Taco Buffè från Taco Bar + 1 dryck - välj mellan öl/vin och cider Pris: 230:- inkl. alkohol, alkoholfritt alternativ 205:- Meny 2 (2 rätters) Kyckling med ugnsbakad mandelpotatis & västerbottenskräm (innehåller laktos) Halloumi med ugnsbakad mandelpotatis & smakrik salsa Daimbrownie med vispgrädde Hallon sorbet med bärcoulis + 2 dryck - välj mellan öl...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
25 bud

I need the following text to be better written in Swedisn. This is not a translation work, what I need is this text to be better written in a more catching and interesting way. " Välkomna till Lunch Time Peel" snabb, effektiv och genomförs på en halvtimma! En stor del av de skador vi får från solen visas på hudytan och kan lätt förbättras genom en ytlig peeling. Det finns många kemiska peelingar på marknaden och det är därför viktig att veta vad de olika peelingarna gör på huden. Fruktsyra finns naturlig i flera växtextrakt och Elixir använder glykolsyra och mandelsyra i sina peelingar. Personligen älskar jag fruktsyra (AHA) peelingar eftersom det är en ytlig be...

$23 Average bid
$23 Snittbud
8 bud

Hej Desource Translation, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.

$50 Average bid
$50 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Desource Translation, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.

$80 Average bid
$80 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Desource Translation, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.

$35 Average bid
$35 Snittbud
1 bud

Hi SoftwareEngi, I am looking for some Swedish translations for our webpage,I will send you a word doc. Could you please make me a price for this? We would need translations on regular basis in the future. Kind regards, Caroline TRANSLATION INTO these are the keywords we would like to use in these texts:bostäder till salu i torrevieja fastigheter till salu i södra spanien lägenheter till salu i spanien costa blanca hus i spanien bostäder torrevieja bostäder i spanien lägenheter torrevieja lägenheter till salu i spanien villa torrevieja lägenheter till salu i la mata villor i spanien köpa hus i torrevieja köpa lägenhet i spanien hus i torrevieja till salu köpa lägenhet i spanien billigt lägenheter till salu co...

$100 - $100
$100 - $100
0 bud
Project for emmpan91
Avslutades left

Hallo emmpan91,I am looking for some Swedish translations for our webpage,I will send you a word doc. Could you please make me a price for this? We would need translations on regular basis in the future. Kind regards, Caroline TRANSLATION INTO these are the keywords we would like to use in these texts:bostäder till salu i torrevieja fastigheter till salu i södra spanien lägenheter till salu i spanien costa blanca hus i spanien bostäder torrevieja bostäder i spanien lägenheter torrevieja lägenheter till salu i spanien villa torrevieja lägenheter till salu i la mata villor i spanien köpa hus i torrevieja köpa lägenhet i spanien hus i torrevieja till salu köpa lägenhet i spanien billigt lägenheter till salu cost...

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
1 bud

Svensk text från hemsida till Engelska

$23 Average bid
$23 Snittbud
8 bud

Behöver översätta ett exceldokument till svenska. Bra svenska, absolut inte något översättningsverktyg typ google translate.

$32 Average bid
$32 Snittbud
2 bud

Hej! Jag behöver en översättare från spanska till svenska för översättning av en juridisk text. Texten är 2206 ord lång och är ett användaravtal. Har du erfarenhet av liknande översättningar är det meriterande.

$140 Average bid
$140 Snittbud
7 bud

Hello, We are a company in Sweden that drive sales out of hair extensions and wigs both in Sweden and in England. Our goal is to sell hair extensions worldwide . Right now we try to enter the Italian market. We therefore primarily find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are prepared for any local hits in interest. We are therefore looking for someone with experience out sales, has great interest to initiate direct contact with our leads, create new contacts for us and help us find new distributors for our products. The right person has great opportunities for long-term cooperation. We need someone who is located in Italy

$1858 Average bid
$1858 Snittbud
10 bud

Jag har pågående arbete gällande vårt tidigare projektTranslate from English to Polish '

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hello, I need someone to translate an "instruktionsmanual" for a beauty device Estimated 1000 words. Projektet innebär följande: Korrekturläsa och förbättra den nuvarande svenska texten (den är OK, men kan förbättras). Detta tar möjligen 1 timme. - När denna är godkänd så ska den översättas till engelska. Laddar upp filen så får ni ett hum också. Inga överdrivna bud. Mvh

$86 Average bid
$86 Snittbud
14 bud

Applicant MUST live in Sweden. If possible, please provided a local (utility, mobile or cable bill) and ID for verification. Those applicants will receive top consideration. Need an English Speaking Assistant Based In Sweden. Answering phone calls and data entry. Very simple but can get tedious at times because of call volume. Sökande måste leva i Sverige . Om möjligt , vänligen gav en lokal ( verktyg , mobil eller kabel räkningen ) och ID för verifiering . De sökande kommer att få topp övervägande . Behöver du en engelsktalande assistent i Sverige . Besvara telefonsamtal och datainmatning . Mycket enkel men kan få tråkiga ibland på grund av samtalsvolymen .

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

I have text 5700 words long to be translated from Swedish into Norwegian. Sample text: Vad är då nackdelen till ditt nya supermoderna, tidlösa och ekologiska nya boende? Vi har svårt att hitta nackdelarna men förstås finns det aspekter som spelar in. Eftersom vi levererar passivhus så blir bruttoarean givetvis mindre pga. de välisolerade väggarna. Alla tomter kanske inte passar pga. väderstreck eller skugga. Att bygga passivhus med många vinklar, torn och burspråk är svårt och blir väldigt dyrt att få till. Den optimala formen är lådkonstruktioner, men vi tycker ändå att vi har lyckats få fram hus med känsla och karaktär. För er med olämpliga tomter elle...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snittbud
3 bud

Jag har pågående arbete gällande vårt tidigare projektWebsite translation - English to Turkish'

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

english translation english translation english translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translation

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
1 bud
english translation
Avslutades left

english translation english translation english translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translationenglish translation

$50 Average bid
$50 Snittbud
1 bud

Mitt projeckt går ut på kunder ska kunna boka bord på resturanger via appen som använder detta system, , även boka och betala middag innan kunderna landar i de land de ska till Till hotellet, Room serive via appen, Taxi bolag skall kunna anlitas, via appen så som uber exempel., Appens disegnLogg in, with name or ID 1, Room Service- inne i rooom service skall de vara listade hotell flik bolag en lista de ska kunnas läggas in i 3, Betalning tjänst beroende på vilken tjänst kunden väljer. betalnings metoder, Creditkort. de ska skall helt enkelt kunna läggas in den tjänsten i app kan bli en stor grej vi kommer tjäna mycket..jag har gott om goda kontakter i hotell värden och detta är möjligt för ...

$675 Average bid
$675 Snittbud
2 bud
Translation to Finnish
Avslutades left

Hej! Här kommer projektet som jag skrev om tidigare, dvs översättning av ca 3300 ord. Hälsningar Johan

$80 Average bid
$80 Snittbud
1 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektTranslation from English to Spanish'

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Översättning av en manual på 2400 ord.

$144 Average bid
$144 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm in urgent need of a professional translator to help with the translation of 25 important documents from English into Italian. These documents, which include birth, marriage, naturalisation, and death certificates, are intended for government submission. Key Requirements: - All translations must be certified. - The translated documents must be in the exact format as the originals. Ideal Skills: - Native-level proficiency in Italian and English. - Extensive experience in translating legal documents. - Capability to provide certified translations. - Attention to detail to ensure exact formatting. Please ensure to provide relevant examples of your past work and certifications. Looking forward to your bids.

$528 Average bid
$528 Snittbud
21 bud

I am a single mother, heavily pregnant and in urgent need of assistance. I aim to run a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds for my immediate needs - an apartment and food until I can secure a job. - Objective: To create a compelling campaign that highlights my personal circumstances and elicits empathy and support from potential donors. - Content: I have prepared written content ready for the campaign. I am seeking assistance primarily in Marketing and Promotion. The ideal freelancer should have skills and experience in: - Email Marketing: I want to reach out to potential donors through effective email campaigns. - Influencer Outreach: I need someone who can connect and collaborate with influencers to promote my campaign. Compensation is negotiable and will ideal...

$1904 Average bid
$1904 Snittbud
12 bud

...with a primary focus on calorie tracking. This app should cater to the general public, making it user-friendly and accessible for all. Key Features: - Calorie tracking: The core function of the app should be tracking calorie intake in an intuitive and engaging manner using camera to track calories in food plate. - Recipe suggestions: The app should offer recipe suggestions based on the user's dietary preferences and goals. - Food barcode scanning: Incorporate a feature that allows users to scan food barcodes for easy tracking. - Progress tracking: Users should be able to monitor their progress over time with visual aids and statistics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in app development, especially nutrition or fitness related apps. - Proficie...

$162 Average bid
$162 Snittbud
47 bud

I am in need of a bilingual phone support agent fluent in both English and German. The primary task will be customer follow-ups concerning order status updates. Key Responsibilities: - Providing updates to customers regarding their order status - Ensuring clarity and understanding in both English and German - Upholding a professional and friendly demeanor Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in English and German, both written and spoken - Prior experience in customer service and phone support - Excellent communication skills - Ability to convey information clearly and effectively - Experience providing order status updates preferred

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
6 bud

I need a professional voiceover artist who can translate and record a voiceover in Latin American Spanish for my English video. The total duration of the video is 4 hours and 30 minutes. Key Requirements: - Translate the English voiceover to Latin American Spanish - Record a male or female voiceover (No preference) - Sync the voiceover to match the lip movements in the video - Deliver the final videos with the Spanish voiceover Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluency in English and Latin American Spanish - Experienced in voiceover work - Proficiency in video editing software to sync the voiceover accurately - Previous work in lip-synced voiceover translation - Ability to deliver high-quality audio and video Please respond with examples of your previous work.

$293 Average bid
$293 Snittbud
31 bud

I'm seeking a professional eCommerce developer who can design and launch a sleek, modern Shopify store for my dog food line. This store should feature 200 meticulously detailed products, each with comprehensive, engaging descriptions. Your responsibilities will include: - Crafting compelling product descriptions, based on my input and information provided, that encompass ingredient lists, nutritional facts, usage instructions, benefits, and customer reviews. - Designing a modern and sleek Shopify store that aligns with this aesthetic and presents products in an appealing, user-friendly manner. - Importing and properly tagging 200 products, ensuring each is published with all necessary details. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Shopify, specifically in pr...

$723 Average bid
$723 Snittbud
28 bud

Experienced multilingual translator specializing in delivering accurate, culturally adapted translations. Skilled in bridging language barriers for businesses and individuals, ensuring clear and effective communication across various industries. Committed to providing high-quality, reliable, and timely translation services

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snittbud
26 bud

I'm in need of a mobile application with features akin to Amazon and Talabat. The app is intended for b...Amazon and Talabat. The app is intended for both services & retail product after sale, delivery services. The size of the project big as Amazon application and Talabat Key Features: - The application needs to offer a wide range of retail products and food delivery services. - It must include user authentication features via email and password. - The app should support Credit/Debit card payments exclusively. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development (both iOS and Android). - Prior experience in developing e-commerce and food delivery apps. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles for creating user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge of secure payme...

$1270 Average bid
$1270 Snittbud
112 bud

I am in need of a skilled Product Design Engineer to help design physical components for a purifier. This includes aspects such as the housing, tanks, and filtration units. Key Responsibilities: - Utilising AutoCAD to create 3D models and technical drawings - Selecting appropriate materials, primarily food-grade plastics, based on durability and cost - Adhering to specific size specifications throughout the design process The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with AutoCAD, a strong understanding of material science, and a proven track record in prototyping. It is crucial to have the ability to design within specific size constraints.

$86 Average bid
$86 Snittbud
9 bud

I have a document that requires English to Spanish Translation. I also have most of the document translated on another document that is in a different order, so there could be a lot of translation you could find there in the older document I will also attach. Contact via WhatsApp for more details ‪+63 951 032 0917‬

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snittbud
38 bud
250067: FA-IT
9 dagar left

Hi, we need the translation of the attached file from FARSI to ITALIAN, destination: Switzerland. Deadline: Monday

$32 Average bid
$32 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm looking for a skilled and natural nutritional products. Target Audience: - The blog will specifically cater to health enthusiasts, so a deep understanding of health and wellness trends, as well as organic and natural food products, will be beneficial. Key Responsibilities: - Write engaging content about organic and natural food products from a nutritional perspective. - The tone should be informative and educational, but still accessible for the average health enthusiast. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in health and wellness writing, particularly focused on organic and natural food products. - Ability to convey complex nutritional information in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. - Understanding of the interests and...

$19 Average bid
$19 Snittbud
38 bud

I'm looking for a talented musician who can create a soothing lullaby-styl...lullaby-style song using the melody of 'rock-a-by-baby' with my provided lyrics. The song should have a soft piano background, be baby-friendly, and under 40 words. Key requirements: - Creation of a lullaby-style song with existing lyrics but open to suggestions to improve. - Gentle piano instrumentation to the tune of 'rock-a-by-baby'. - Initial version in American English; - Subsequent versions in Spanish, French, and Italian. The ideal freelancer for this project would be a music composer with experience in creating children's music, particularly lullabies. You should have a good understanding of soft, soothing music that is suitable for babies. Also, experience ...

$366 Average bid
$366 Snittbud
14 bud

I'm in search of a skilled Shopify expert, fluent in Spanish, to refresh my website that sells wholesale and direct-to-consumer beef and lamb in Aysen, Chile. The goal is to enhance customer experience and boost sales. Key Areas for Update: - Homepage: A complete revamp of the design, layout, content and navigation/menu is required. - Product Pages: These should be optimized to increa...Extensive experience with Shopify - Proficiency in Spanish - Strong understanding of e-commerce and customer experience optimization - Web design and copywriting skills Your task will be to create a user-friendly, appealing and efficient online store that can cater to both wholesale and retail customers. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've worked on, particularly those in the ...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
140 bud
6 dagar left

A BUBBLE WEB APP THAT food lovers can discover, review, and share their favorite dishes and restaurants. Users can create profiles, post food photos, write detailed reviews, and rate dishes. Restaurants can list their menus, showcase signature dishes, and interact with customers. The platform fosters community engagement through likes, comments, and the ability to follow fellow food enthusiasts. Key Features: User Profiles: Personalized profiles with bios, food preferences, and saved favorites. Content Creation: Post reviews, ratings, and dish photos with rich descriptions. Restaurant Listings: Browse nearby eateries, view menus, and explore top-rated dishes. Social Features: Follow users, engage with posts, and receive notifications for interactions. Re...

$169 Average bid
$169 Snittbud
30 bud

I'm looking for a graphic arist to manually trace and recreate a design I've done using AI. You will need proficien...converted to outlines in illustrator or similar software to prevent fort issues when printing. For T-shirts and Merchandise the format must be PNG with transparency. It needs to be in TIFF or EPS for example high res and lossless for print shops and have the image that I need exactly reporduced. I need it delivered to me in formats I can send to the printers for items such as tote bags, t shirts, cooking aprons and mugs. Please note, I'm not looking for modifications of existing products, but the design I have replicated perfectly and made print ready. I've attached an image which is similar but not as sharp or good. I can attach the exact on...

$84 Average bid
$84 Snittbud
32 bud

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website dedicated to Vegan Mexican recipes. Key Requirements: - The site should primarily feature vegan recipes inspired by Mexican cuisine. - An essential functionality of the site will be the 'User Reviews' Vegan Mexican recipes. Key Requirements: - The site should primarily feature vegan recipes inspired by Mexican cuisine. - An essential functionality of the site will be the 'User Reviews' section. This will allow visitors to share their thoughts on the recipes and engage with the site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in web development, preferably with experience creating recipe or food-related websites. - Understanding of vegan and Mexican cuisine would be a plus. - Ability to create ...

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Snittbud
114 bud

Product Package Realistic Illustration Indian Food: 1. Idly Illustration 2. Upma Illustration 3. Flour Illustration

$402 Average bid
$402 Snittbud
1 bud

As a single mother of a 3-year-old and heavily pregnant, I'm facing an urgent need for assistance. I require help in running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. The objective is to raise funds for renting an apartment and purchasing food until I'm capable of securing a job. - Personal Story: The campaign will primarily highlight my personal circumstances to garner empathy and support from potential donors. - Written Content: I have prepared written content ready for the campaign. Compensation is negotiable based on the campaign's success. Ideally, you would take a percentage of the funds raised. I need someone who believes in this cause and can help make the campaign a success. Please reach out if you're able to assist.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
15 bud

I'm looking for a unique illustrative logo for a charity with a focus on community support and food outreach in Cornwall. - Style: The logo should be illustrative, capturing the essence of our charity work. - Themes: The logo needs to communicate themes of community support and food assistance. - Symbols: Although I have a specific logo in mind, it should incorporate elements related to food and community. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Strong background in illustrative logo design - Experience working with charity organizations or community-focused projects - Ability to understand and convey complex themes through design - Good communication skills to discuss and refine the design based on my initial concept.

$98 Average bid
$98 Snittbud
130 bud