Symfony php freelancerJobb
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Letar du efter någon som kan ta dina videoprojekt till nästa nivå? Då har du hittat rätt! Jag är en erfaren och passionerad frilansare med expertis inom videoredigering, manusförfattande och idéutveckling. Mitt mål är att hjälpa dig att skapa innehåll som inte bara engagerar sig, utan också lämnar ett bestående intr V Professionell videoredigering: S Anpassar klipp, övergångar, effekter och ljud för att förmedla rätt budsk Optimerar för sociala medier, YouTube eller andra plattformar. Manusförfattande: Utvecklar fängs Arbet Anp Idéutveckling för videoprojekt: Hjälper dig brainstorma och hitta kreativa vinklar som sticke Förvandlar lösa ...
Vi driver en e-handel som säljer tavlor och mer specifikt skalenliga bebistavlor som visar bebisens födelsestorlek i skala 1:1. Vi behöver hjälp med att bygga en webbtjänst i PHP som ska integrera en redan skapad plugin, skicka information från en beställning på vår e-handel till denna webbtjänst och sedan koppla ihop detta med ett API som levereras av vårt tryckeri. Mer specificerad info på vad som behöver göras: 1. Skapa en extern webbtjänst i PHP med databaskoppling, förslagsvis använda Laravel. Den bör vara skyddad av inloggning eller liknande. Jag hade lagt upp denna på Fortrabbit. 2. Skapa en sida för att redigera posters, likt den som finns på nuvarande si...
#### ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCER #### Behöver hjälp att skapa text till nyhetsbrev framförallt till kunder. Jag ger i punktform och du skriver en tydlig och informativ text. #### ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCER ####
Hello, I have a website built in simple php that needs a simple refresh. The site is a comparison service in adult toys. But I will need to have the same update on more upcoming pages. give feedback and I will give the url.
#### ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCER #### Behöver hjälp att skapa nyhetsbrev ibland med svensk text och ibland mindre grafiska projekt, söker någon duktig och har tid att hjälpa till ibland med sådana små projekt. #### ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCER ####
Hej, Behöver en duktig skribent som kan skapa 10st texter kring tio olika städtjänster (flyttstädning, storstädning etc.) med fokus på SEO. Ca 3-400 ord Mer info kring texterna vid vald skribent. ### ONLY SWEDISH FREELANCER ###
Hjälp med att slutföra ett projekt samt lösa vissa problem med js, php och css Sidan är byggd i Joomla
Frilansare sökes i Stockholm. Endast svensktalande.
Jag har en funktion som tar alla bilder i en mapp och överför dem till en FTP. Denna funktionen funkade felfritt tills vi flyttade sidan till Loopia (och då även gick över till PHP7 och SSL). Nu failar funktionen slumpmässigt. Jag behöver en utvecklare som kan fixa denna bugg.
Hi. I run a web development company in Sweden and need help with development on some projects. Currently, has a minor project to convert a php web service to c # and .net core. Looking for a partner who speaks good English and can work independently with good quality.
Mac PHP Har byggt en första version av en sajt som låter användare logga in och ange/ladda upp data. PHP/Mysql är använt idag. Skulle i dagsläget behöva primärt ett bollplank kring databasstruktur och koden principiellt men även hjälp med faktisk programmering för vidareutveckling av tjänsten. säkerhetsaspekter är också viktiga i nuläget
...Om dig och tjänsten: "Bli en del av vårt team och du kommer att påbörja en fantastisk resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt vi...
PHP ... MYSQL QUERIES ... SMARTY ... Details Attached.
koda om google drive länkar och kunnna använda länkarna i videojs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
koda om google drive länkar och kunnna använda länkarna i videojs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vill ändra sin portfolio. Bifogar bild på önskat resultat. > Portfolio> Projekt. Här kan man se projektets status intill bilden, denna status ruta vill klienten ha redan ute i portfolion likt bilden. (högst upp på bilden)
vill ändra sin portfolio. Bifogar bild på önskat resultat. > Portfolio> Projekt. Här kan man se projektets status intill bilden, denna status ruta vill klienten ha redan ute i portfolion likt bilden. (högst upp på bilden)
Das Grundgerüst der Website ist vorhanden, teilweise soll das Layout erneuert werden (wird von uns geliefert) und kleinere Umbauten vorgenommen werden (Erfahrung mit ThreeJS zwingend erforderlich, da 3D-Modelle auf der Website eingebunden sind und werden müssen), evtl. Behebungen von Bugs. Skill Requirement: - PHP and Symfony, Composer - CSS, JavaScript, HTML - Good responsive web design experience - Compatible with major browsers - MySQL - Experience using Git and Github. - ThreeJS gestión tecnológica de servicios de posventa y movilidad corporativa?. En Mobius Group brindamos servicios con base tecnológica colaborando en la excelente gestión de las flotas de las más importantes compañías de renting, rent a car, aseguradoras y empresas con flotas corporativas, privadas o públicas. Perfil Senior Hard Skills (Habilidades Técnicas): Lenguaje PHP y Laravel (Experto): o Dominio completo de Laravel 8+ y PHP 8, incluyendo las funcionalidades avanzadas del framework (Listeners, Observers, Middlewares, Facades). o Amplio conocimiento en la implementación y optimización de APIs RESTful y servicios SOAP. o Experiencia trabajando con WebSockets en Laravel (pusher/laravelwebsoc...
Somos uma empresa especializada em Criação de Websites, Aplicações Móveis e Marketing Digital e estamos à procura de um Comercial Freelancer para expandir a nossa carteira de clientes. ? Função: Identificar e contactar potenciais clientes que precisem de websites, lojas online, apps ou marketing digital. Gerir todo o processo comercial, desde a prospeção até ao fecho da venda. Criar e manter relações de longo prazo com clientes. Trabalhar de forma autónoma e com flexibilidade total. ? O que oferecemos? ✅ Modelo 100% comissionado, com comissões entre 10% e 30% por venda fechada. ✅ Possibilidade de ganhos elevados – quanto mais vende, mais ganha. ✅ Flexibilidade total &ndash...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to install a Hyiplab script on the backend of my website. The script will handle user management, transaction processing, and report generation. Key Requirements: - Installation of the Hyiplab script for backend use - Integration with an existing PHP and MySQL website - Ensuring the script handles user management, transaction processing, and report generation effectively Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and MySQL - Experience with Hyiplab scripts - Strong understanding of user management systems, transaction processing, and report generation - Previous experience in backend development and script installation
full time junior php/mysql developer to work under our main developer
I'm seeking a Laravel PHP Developer with 1-2 years of experience. Have fixed budget of 150 rs per hour. Do not bid if looking for more ,no bargaining. Will start with based on performance will be extended. The specifics of the project are yet to be defined, but an understanding of user authentication, API development, and E-commerce integration would be beneficial. The selected freelancer will likely be involved in both developing new features and fixing existing bugs. Ideal Skills include: - Proficiency in Laravel PHP - Experience with user authentication systems - Knowledge of API development - Familiarity with E-commerce integration The project may involve: - Working on an existing codebase - Developing new features - Debugging and fixing issues Havin...
I have a Laravel PHP-based store site that requires immediate attention. The primary issues are located on the homepage, where various functional errors are hindering user experience. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix the functional errors on the homepage - Enhance the site by adding required modules - Implement other instructions as needed Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel and PHP - Experience with eCommerce site development - Strong problem-solving and debugging skills - Able to follow detailed instructions Please include relevant experience in your bid. Thank you.
We're in need of a seasoned QA professional who can conduct end-to-end testing of our SaaS application built on PHP and React. The primary focus will be on Functional, Usability and Performance testing. Key Testing Areas: - Functional Testing: Assess the software's functionalities to ensure they align with the required specifications. - Usability Testing: Evaluate the user interface and overall user experience to ensure it's intuitive and user-friendly. - Performance Testing: Determine the software's responsiveness, speed, scalability, and stability under varying conditions. Critical Areas: Our main concern is the Data Management aspect of the application. Specific Features: - Filters: Test the effectiveness and efficiency of data filters. - Data...
We are looking for freelance graphic designers to create high-quality, print-ready mousepad designs for our e-commerce and offline sales business. The designs should cater to gaming, office, and aesthetic themes. Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or CorelDRAW - Experience in print design and merchandise graphics - Ability to design in various styles, including gaming, minimalist, and artistic themes - Understanding of color composition and layout for print - Knowledge of copyright and licensing regulations Responsibilities: - Create high-resolution, print-ready mousepad designs - Provide editable source files (AI, PSD) and PNG formats - Deliver designs within agreed timelines - Revise designs based on feedback (up to two revisions per design) ...
I need a freelancer with experience in cPanel and PHP script handling. The task involves uploading a Codecanyon PHP script to my cPanel and configuring it properly. Key Tasks: - Upload the PHP script to my cPanel. - Configure the script post-upload. This includes: * Setting up the database * Establishing user roles and permissions Please note, no major adjustments or customizations to the script are required, just a proper upload and configuration. A good understanding of PHP and cPanel is essential for this task.
Dear Freelancer, We are Agape IMR, a Market Research Agency specialized in Fieldwork services for various industries. Currently we are searching for an expert of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, to develop Puerto Rican Market and to attend one of our clients 1 or 2 days in the week of March 12-15th. We offer the opportunity for professional development and to work in a nice environment with like-minded people. Desirable profile : Business language and professional experience to deal with corporate clients Any gender Any age ( preferrably 30+) Market Research Fieldwork experience is a must ( at least 1 year or having participated in some projects ) If worked in companies like Ipsos, GFK, Kantar and the like will be a strong plus and will be considered in the ...
Estou em busca de um freelancer com experiência em edição de vídeos e criação de anúncios para plataformas como YouTube e Facebook, voltados para a divulgação de produtos encapsulados. A proposta é editar criativos que chamem a atenção do público e gerem engajamento. Detalhes do Projeto: Valor: R$300,00. Primeiro Trabalho: Entrega de 5 anúncios (ads) com 4 variações de início para cada anúncio, totalizando 20 vídeos com duração média de 2 minutos. Prazo: 2 dias para a entrega do material completo. Possibilidade de Projetos Futuros: Se o trabalho inicial for satisfatório, há chance de fechar mais trabalhos recorren...
I'm in need of a seasoned PHP developer who can modify and set up the "Points and Rewards for WooCommerce" WordPress plugin. Key Responsibilities: - Adjust the point values within the plugin - Customizing the user interface of the plugin to a specific layout, color scheme and brand elements. - Incorporate custom elements into the user interface Issues to Address: - Troubleshoot and resolve an error message related to product points allocation.
I'm seeking a talented PHP developer to help modify my existing website. The project primarily involves the addition of new features and enhancing the site's overall performance. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing feature additions as per the project requirements - Conducting performance optimization to ensure a seamless user experience Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP with a strong understanding of website development - Experience in feature integration and performance tuning - Ability to work independently and deliver quality results within a set timeframe. Looking forward to receiving your bids.
Hello! I have a website of a hotel establishment, which uses the vikbooking plugin for the search and booking engine of the rooms. I need to develop a payment add-on as indicated in the following documentation In this way, I will be able to receive the payments with the virtual POS of my bank.
Hiding Video URLs via Proxy Added video URLs should not be directly visible through Inspect Element. URLs should be hidden using a proxy. Users should not be able to access the raw video source, but videos should still play smoothly. Additional Information I am using WordPress with a JWS theme. A PHP-based proxy solution or another suitable method can be proposed.
I will be sending over hand written reports that will need to be typed up and place the information into an online tracking system we use for my company. If you’re interested kindly contact the project manager via WhatsApp +234 802 737 1548
New Junior level freelancer from Pakistan or india of laravel. I need at low budget. I am looking for a junior level Laravel developer to help me with a new project. The tasks will involve bug fixing and potentially database management. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of backend development and be able to work with existing code. Experience with web application and API development would be beneficial. Please note this is a junior level position, suitable for someone looking to gain more experience in Laravel development.
I am encountering a problem with CloudLinux and cPanel. All PHP extensions are not showing up. This issue has arisen without any recent changes to my CloudLinux or cPanel settings. It is affecting all accounts, not just specific ones. I am in need of an expert with extensive experience in troubleshooting CloudLinux and cPanel issues, particularly with PHP extensions. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Deep understanding of CloudLinux and cPanel - Proficient in diagnosing and fixing PHP extensions issues - Able to work on all accounts - Excellent problem-solving skills
I'm seeking motivated individuals aged 18-45 for a work-from-home customer service role. No prior experience required as training will be provided. We offer: - Remote work with flexible hours. - Weekly commission-based earnings. - Minimum of 5 hours of work per day. Requirements: - Internet connection of at least 6 megas. - Headphones with a microphone. - Computer and cellphone. - Language: Spanish If you're eager to learn and grow professionally, this is your chance!
ich suche einen erfahrenen Freelancer, der mein Projekt "FlowCast" von Grund auf neu entwickelt. FlowCast ist eine No-Code-App, die Wetterdaten (via OpenWeatherMap-API) mit Aktivitätsvorschlägen kombiniert, um Nutzern passende Aktivitäten basierend auf Wetter und Präferenzen vorzuschlagen (z. B. Indoor bei Regen, Outdoor bei Sonne). Die Plattform ist flexibel wählbar – Adalo ist eine Option, aber andere No-Code-Tools wie Bubble oder Glide sind ebenfalls möglich.
I'm seeking a PHP developer to create a medical consultation reservation system. The system will cater to three types of users: an Administrator, a Doctor, and an Assistant. Key Features Include: - A user-friendly calendar interface with 45-minute slots available from Monday to Saturday. - The ability for all three user types to manage reservations - Comprehensive patient records: Each patient will have a unique ID and a dedicated text area for tracking progress and making notes. - Payment verification: Users need to see whether a session has been paid for or not. All user access will be through a private login, a simple login screen, as this system is not intended for public use. Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should have proven experience i...
¡ÚNETE A NUESTRO EQUIPO! Estamos buscando personas talentosas y motivadas, de entre 18 y 45 años, para trabajar desde casa. No es necesaria experiencia previa; te brindamos la capacitación necesaria para que puedas comenzar. Ofrecemos: Trabajo remoto con flexibilidad horaria. Ganancias por comisión semanal. Mínimo de 5 horas diarias de trabajo. Requisitos: Conexión a internet de al menos 6 megas. Auriculares con micrófono. Computador y celular. Si tienes ganas de aprender y crecer profesionalmente, ¡esta es tu oportunidad!
I'm looking for a new or junior level Android developer from Pakistan. The project details are not yet fully fleshed out.
Immediate (Right Now) PHP Laravel Developer (Individual Direct Freelancer) Required - Fix Payment Rs. 7000 (Max 50 Hrs Per Month) 7000 Rs fix payment even if the work from my side is lesser than 50 hrs Need fast developer
I need a professional to help fix issues in my core PHP or Laravel app. The specific areas that need optimization are the Image pages, Collection pages and core web vitals Ideal skills for the job include: - PHP and Laravel expertise - Debugging experience - SEO knowledge - Core Web Vitals understanding - Performance optimization skills
I need assistance with transferring a dynamic, database-driven PHP/Laravel website from Replit to my Bluehost account. I have a domain name and another site already hosted there. Unfortunately, my attempts to transfer the site have been unsuccessful and I'm looking for a professional to help me. Key Requirements: - Expertise in PHP/Laravel - Experience with dynamic databases - Proficient in Bluehost hosting - Prior experience with transfer from Replit - Knowledgeable about user authentication, data forms, and API integrations Please provide a quote, an estimate of how long this will take, and any other relevant information. Thank you.
I'm looking for an efficient developer who can leverage HERE maps APIs to fetch a comprehensive list of all addresses on a specified street from the HERE database. Neither the standard v7 geocode methods nor the reverse geocoding, return all addresses. Key Requirements: - Use of HERE maps APIs to retrieve street addresses - Detailed information for each address including: Street name and number, Coordinates (latitude and longitude), Postal code, Town and Country - Inclusion of all address types - residential, commercial, etc. Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with HERE maps APIs - Experience in geolocation and address retrieval projects Please note, I am not looking for a static list of addresses, but a dynamic solution that can retrieve all relevant addresses from the HERE platform on r...
I need a skilled PHP/WordPress developer to restore my website from a backup and apply some feature enhancements and bug fixes. After an expired renewal with Hostinger, the website was temporarily down but has since been restored. Key tasks will include: - Restoring the website from a backup, which is available in both ZIP file and Database dump formats - Implementing specified bug fixes and new feature development Please note that I will provide the specifics of the work during our chat. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in PHP and WordPress - Experience with website restoration - Ability to implement feature enhancements and bug fixes Your expertise and attention to detail will be key to successfully restoring the site's functionality and enhancing...