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    2,000 smart contracts lawyers hittade uppdrag

    Behöver hjälp för att få mer klick till min webshop via adwords, google shopping / smart shopping Jag tror jag behöver en adwords/google shopping expert som behärskar Svenska, då min webshop är på svenska. Är någon utländsk adwords / google shopping expert av annan åsikt är det bara att informera mig så kan även utländska experter godtagas. Jag har använt google shopping (google smart shopping) i över 1 år och det har fungerat utmärkt med i stort sett 20 klick/dag, men har nu sett att för de senaste månaderna har klickfrekvensen gått ner till c.a 1 klick/dag. Allt ser ut som förut så vet inte vad jag kan göra, så hoppas n&arin...

    $305 Average bid
    $305 Snittbud
    9 bud

    Behöver hjälp för att få mer klick till min webshop via adwords, google shopping / smart shopping Jag tror jag behöver är en adwords/google shopping expert som behärskar Svenska, då min webshop är på svenska. Är någon utländsk adwords / google shopping expert av annan åsikt är det bara att informera mig så kan även utländska experter godtagas

    $812 Average bid
    $812 Snittbud
    8 bud

    Jag behöver hjälp av någon Svensk person som är bra på Google shopping och då gärna smart shopping. Jag har tidigare haft väldigt bra utfall på min smart google shopping kampanj, men har på sluttampen sett att visningarna gått ned, och jag kommer aldrig upp i att spendera min dagliga budget

    $517 Average bid
    $517 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Ombygge av webbsida
    Avslutades left

    ...& Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfälle har anm&au...

    $2165 Average bid
    $2165 Snittbud
    20 bud
    Project for superdea
    Avslutades left

    ...företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfäll...

    $1500 - $1500
    $1500 - $1500
    0 bud
    Project for AK1977
    Avslutades left

    ...företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfäll...

    $1500 Average bid
    $1500 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Project for Alanox
    Avslutades left

    ...övriga företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillf&...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Project for eyaweb
    Avslutades left

    ...företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfäll...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Project for jrl589
    Avslutades left

    ...företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfäll...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Project for pvnordic
    Avslutades left

    ...företag) Mäss & Eventlokaler (administreras av admin, lokal) Om oss (administreras av admin) Kontakt(administreras av admin) Registrera ny användare (För all som jobbar med mässor. D.v.s. mässarrangörer, lokaler, företag som ställer ut på mässor) Logga in (admin, medlemmar så som mässarrangörer, lokaler, övriga företag) Nya funktioner till Förutom ny design vill vi; 1. Skapa ett smart bevaka-system som gör det möjligt för våra medlemmar att skicka ut riktad information. D.v.s. den information som publiceras på ska även automatiskt skickas ut som ”uppdatering” eller ”push notis” till mailadresser som vid något tillfäll...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Översättning av diverse artiklar till en kundtidning. Komplettering av Handböcker Samt denna (ca halva är redan översatt) och denna som är också gjort ungefär hälften Artiklar: Sid 3 MN26 + Smart holder/Smart-splitter Sid 4 Anpassa sågverket efter stocken Sid 16 PH360 Jarle Mosshäll 3-visjon Sid 14 Masonite Beams (Paketkap) Sid 20 PH365 Norge Baksida Nya DH410 + balkhyvling du ge mig en offert på detta arbete?

    $412 Average bid
    $412 Snittbud
    5 bud
    Avslutades left

    ...kan vi inte ta emot några beställningar normalt över hemsidan -kund får inte bekräftelsemail -vi får inte mail när order lagts -vi säljer både mot företag och privatpersoner så måste framgå att det är exkl moms priser och sedan vad priset inkl moms blir också - att varukorgen och kassan inte blandar svenska och engelska termer - rabattkoder fältet försvinner vid en beställning - hitta en smart funktion kring frakten bara, nu står det att "frakt tillkommer på 200kr inom sverige och att man bjuder på den om order hamnar på över 2000kr" står samtidigt att "no shipping requirement". detta är sakerna vi först beh&o...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Snittbud
    10 bud
    Swedish copywriter
    Avslutades left

    Hej, Vi utvecklar ett IT-system inom marknadsföring för små företag. Vi behöver hjälp med texter för att beskriva funktionerna och fördelen med vårt system: Vi söker någon som har förmågan att skriva säljande, "punchigt" och smart, både kortare texter och one-liners. Skicka gärna med några tidigare projekt som du har gjort. Best regards Rickard

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Snittbud
    6 bud
    Chat program
    Avslutades left

    Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. &Aum...

    $2117 Average bid
    $2117 Snittbud
    3 bud

    ...The app will provide bike and car solutions for public needs, inspired by unique features used by travelers in China and Japan. Key Features: Route Optimization: Help working professionals traveling the same routes daily. Cost Savings: Enable users to save daily travel expenses by sharing rides or using their vehicles. Innovative Design: Incorporate unique features like real-time tracking, smart route suggestions, and user-friendly interfaces. Scalability: Design a scalable app that can grow with user demand. Requirements: Proven experience in designing dynamic and innovative mobile applications. Portfolio showcasing similar projects (ride-sharing or travel apps preferred). Ability to work within a lower budget for this initial phase. Willingness to collaborate closely ...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Snittbud
    27 bud

    Project Confirmation & Requirements: I confirm that the goal is to develop a smart entertainment system for TVs that works both online and offline, allowing users to: • Watch movies and series (including streaming for online users). • Play retro and Android games using USB controllers. • Listen to music, with a section for sponsored artists to promote their work. • Browse restaurant, nightclub, and taxi service details. • Access a marketplace for users to offer services and sell items. • Check lottery results, updated weekly for online users. The system must function seamlessly in both modes, but I anticipate higher demand for the offline version due to the target market conditions. ⸻ Responses to Your Proposed Features: - Custom Android TV Lau...

    $2295 Average bid
    $2295 Snittbud
    110 bud


    $138 Average bid
    $138 Snittbud
    8 bud

    ...willing to work solely on a contingency basis. My case involves a multitude of serious allegations, including theft, infringement, and the unauthorized licensing and sale of my intellectual property globally and is against some of the biggest names in music distribution game and so my case requires a sharp mined, well informed litigator with a hard edge and keen wit when it comes to dealing with the lawyers of corporate America's music entertainment industry. The selected legal professional(s) will be responsible for pursuing finical losses due to intellectual property right theft; both visual (Cover Art & Photography) and audio in the form of engineered and mastered songs that I wrote, produced, performed, engineered and mastered and that I am the sole, 100%, copyrigh...

    $99369 Average bid
    $99369 Snittbud
    4 bud, social media, and marketing materials. 3. Modern Instant Quoting Form: • Redesign the instant quote form to look more modern, sleek, and interactive. • Improve the user flow so that customers can easily get a price estimate. • Add dynamic elements, such as: • Step-by-step form progression (instead of a long static form). • Live price calculation based on inputs. • Auto-fill and smart suggestions for better user experience. • Mobile-friendly and visually appealing interface. • Ensure that quote requests are captured, stored, and sent via email properly. Deliverables: • Full website redesign with new branding elements. • Fully functional and optimized instant quoting form. • Mobile-responsive design & ...

    $499 Average bid
    $499 Snittbud
    175 bud

    I'm in need of a staking contract which allows users to stake SPL tokens and earn rewards over time, specifically in the form of additional SPL tokens. Key Features: - Staking Rewards: Users will earn rewards in the form of SPL tokens. - Duration Options: The contract should accommodate both fix...additional SPL tokens. Key Features: - Staking Rewards: Users will earn rewards in the form of SPL tokens. - Duration Options: The contract should accommodate both fixed and flexible staking durations. - Reward Mechanism: The calculation of rewards should be based on the duration of the stake. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in SPL token mechanics and smart contract development. - Experience in creating flexible staking durations within contracts. - Ability to implement duration...

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Snittbud
    9 bud

    I'm looking for a professional with expertise in blockchain technology and smart contract development, specifically for the Polygon chain. The project entails: - Minting a Security token under the ERC-20 standard. - Designing and deploying a presale contract for this token. The presale contract should come with a vesting schedule feature. It's crucial that the candidate has experience with implementing vesting schedules in presale contracts. Knowledge of the intricacies of creating a security token and adhering to relevant regulations and best practices is a must. Please provide examples of previous similar projects you've worked on.

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    15 bud

    ...acquire projects from U.S. healthcare providers, clinics, and practice groups. Requirements: ✅ Experience in healthcare sales, business development, or client acquisition in the U.S. market. ✅ Ability to connect with practice groups, hospitals, and healthcare organizations to generate leads. ✅ Strong understanding of RCM, medical billing, and coding services. ✅ Proven track record of securing contracts and partnerships in the healthcare domain. What We Offer: ? Long-term collaboration with performance-based incentives. ? Competitive commission structure based on successful project acquisition. ? Opportunity to grow with a fast-scaling healthcare company. If you have the expertise to bring in RCM, medical billing, or coding projects, let's discuss how we can work togethe...

    $783 Average bid
    $783 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...seeking user-friendly tech to modernize tournaments; our solution is exactly what they need. Easy Sales & Demos: We provide training, marketing materials, and a clear script, so you can focus on building rapport and signing contracts. Role & Responsibilities Prospect & Outreach: Contact golf clubs, pro shops, and event organizers who can benefit from our platform. Demo & Pitch: Show how our web-based system makes tournament scoring fun and effortless (no required app downloads, QR code scanning, automated skins). Close Deals: Negotiate, finalize contracts, and earn 15% up front plus 5% recurring on renewals. Account Management: Help ensure clients remain satisfied, encouraging long-term use and maximum commission for you. Ideal Candid...

    $2339 Average bid
    $2339 Snittbud
    22 bud

    ... What We Need: A clean, persuasive design that aligns with our brand identity () and takes inspiration from these industry leaders: ? Shopify Payments ? Shopmonkey Estimates Key Messaging & Features to Include: ✅ Competitive Rates – Flat 2.5% or lower for advanced plans. ✅ Seamless Integration – Works with Tire Base POS & Tire Base Websites. ✅ Free Terminals – No hidden fees, no contracts, just return if you stop service. ✅ Rate Match Opportunity – We’ll try to match your current rate to earn your business. ✅ Text-to-Pay – Send invoices & deposits via text for easy payments. ✅ Accept All Major Payments – Credit/debit, Apple Pay, Google Pay. ✅ Quick & Easy Setup – No lengthy approvals, start taking payments instantl...

    $70 Average bid
    35 bidrag

    Welcome to Your Brand’s Next-Level D...conversions. With an emphasis on user-centric, visually stunning designs, I craft landing pages tailored to reflect your brand’s unique identity and goals—whether you're looking to boost conversions, promote a launch, or capture Choose Me?Striking Designs: Beautiful, on-brand visuals.Device-Friendly: Optimized for all Performance: Fast, reliable, and browser-ready.User-Centric: Smart elements that enhance engagement.Conversion-Focused: Tailored to meet your Updates: Built for flexibility and easy & Elementor Pro: Efficient, powerful, and easy to your brand with a high-impact landing page that not only looks exceptional but delivers results. Let’s bring your vision to life today!

    $400 Average bid
    $400 Snittbud
    1 bud

    DESIGN "HECTOR THE COLLECTOR"! I am a bestselling children's book author with 11 published books, and I’m searching for an illustrator to bring my next character, Hector the Collector, to life! This is more than just a one-time contest—the winning illustrator may be hired to illustrate an entire book series. Make him unique - unexpected. Hector the Collector is a crazy, smart, hilarious penguin who travels the world searching for the very best things. Each page in the book is a look-and-find adventure, where young readers help Hector find hidden objects—and then decide whether he should keep them or throw them away. Hector reacts in big, hilarious ways to their choices! What I’m Looking For: • A strong, expressive character design &...

    $200 Average bid
    Garanterad Försegla
    89 bidrag

    I'm looking for experienced developers to build a Crypto AI Chatbot that integrates. The AI agent should: ✅ Provide Real-Time Solana Token Data – Fetch price, volume, market cap, and holder stats ✅ Chart Access & Analysis – Support for real-time charts, technical indicators, and trend analysis ✅ Smart AI Responses – Answer all questions related to Solana tokens, contract addresses (CAs), trading insights, and DeFi trends ✅ Fast & Scalable – Optimized for high-speed queries and seamless user experience ? Preferred Tech Stack: AI Model (GPT-4, Claude, or custom LLM) Solana API (RPC, Helius, or custom indexers) TradingView or DEX Screener integration for charts Web-based or Telegram/Discord bot integration ? Looking for a freelancer or team who c...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Snittbud
    12 bud

    ...assist me with both the creation of a new crypto token on the Binance Smart Chain, and the addition of liquidity for it on PancakeSwap. We also need the token to generate value on CoinMarketCap and Coin Gecko and have the market value appear there with a ranking. To do so, we need the developer to use a bot to by and sell the tokens in order to generate value and have this market cap listed on the two listings above. And finally we need this token to be listed on Binance and some Brazilian centralized exchange. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a new crypto token on the Binance Smart Chain - Add liquidity to the token on the PancakeSwap DEX Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in creating tokens on Binance Smart Chain - Proven track record with ...

    $4144 Average bid
    $4144 Snittbud
    44 bud

    ...GeoServer Installation | Core components installed | Asset Loading & IoT Integration | Data imported and IoT devices connected | Final Handover | Documentation, knowledge transfer, and closure | Project Kickoff | CMDBuild and Openmaint with our LOGO and Client LOGO, Alfresco DMS, BIM, and GeoServer Deployment on Cloud Platform | Data Loading including CIs, Non CIs, IT, IOT like Contracts, SLA, Assets including Lifts, Escalator, HVAC, LORA, Wireless Probes and other sensors | installation and Integration with Nagois, Zabbix, SNMP, MIBS, Liferay including Custom pages for Helpdesk, Multi-vendor and third-pary APIs | Simulation Demo to the Product owner along with all the above including Mobile App for Android and IOS | Final Installation as per clients request. ...

    $2167 Average bid
    $2167 Snittbud
    30 bud

    ...Loading & IoT Integration | Data imported and IoT devices connected | Final Handover | Documentation, knowledge transfer, and closure | Project Kickoff | CMDBuild and Openmaint with our LOGO and Client LOGO, Alfresco DMS, BIM, and GeoServer Deployment on Cloud Platform | Simulation Demo to the Product owner along with of CIs and IOT | Data Loading including CIs, Non CIs, IT, IOT like Contracts, SLA, Assets including Lifts, Escalator, HVAC, LORA, Wireless Probes and other sensors | installation and Integration with Nagois, Zabbix, SNMP, MIBS, Liferay including Helpdesk, Multi-vendor and third-pary APIs | Final Installation as per clients request. | Site Acceptance Test and Verifications | Final Handover & Acceptance -- 8. Payment Terms Payment will be ...

    $1108 Average bid
    $1108 Snittbud
    19 bud

    ...specified time frame and maintain delivery dates. Organize external inspections: create the inspection schedule, agree with inspection companies, and supervise the process. Manage reports and documentation: PTC, production/factory success rates, weekly production timeline updates, sending samples to customer offices/tests, ensuring ATR shipments, managing production residues, initial supply chain contracts, official quality control inspection reports. Requirements: High level of English (proficiency). Experience in production inspection and quality control. Ability to manage issues and coordinate solutions with teams. Knowledge of safety compliance. Organizational skills for managing production scheduling and planning external inspections. Fluency in Spanish will be a plus. Co...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Snittbud
    3 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled Arabic translator to translate employment contracts from English into Arabic. These documents are of a legal nature, so a strong understanding of legal terminology and the ability to accurately convey the content and intent of the original document is essential. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Arabic and English - Experience in translating legal documents - Familiarity with employment contract terminology - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    $444 Average bid
    $444 Snittbud
    54 bud

    Develop a cross-platform Flutter app for an AI-powered wireless power bank and flash drive. The app must feature live cloud storage, high-speed USB-C/WiFi data transfer, biometric authentication, smart power management, and futuristic UI with 3D animations. It should integrate Firebase, AES-256 encryption, and OTA firmware updates. The app should also enable AI-based file organization and include wireless charging management. Implement real-time notifications, power optimization, and an intuitive dashboard. The design should use glassmorphism, futuristic neon accents, and interactive UI elements. Ensure compatibility with both Android and iOS.

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Snittbud
    53 bud

    ...know what you can do for me. Also, tell me what method will be used, the work flow, hosting requirements, costs, support, and timeline. Be prepared to discuss all steps of the project and each flow. The contract will be fixed-fee one time lumpsum payment, to be released upon the %100 completion of the work. No prorated amount will be paid for non complete work. And i will not consider hourly contracts. I expect your proposal to have a rough estimate for both costs and timeline, and we go from there. Important: 1. All models, codes, source files, & other assets belong to me. And you must provide every single related file. This is NOT negotiable. 2. You must provide support for at least 30 days after the approved version. 3. You must be willing to guide live implementation st...

    $517 Average bid
    $517 Snittbud
    103 bud

    ...feature for managing templates, captions, and visual assets. - Incorporate multi-user functionality with role-based permissions for effective team management. - Leverage AI to provide smart recommendations for content ideas, hashtags, and the best times to post. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel - Proficient in API integration - Previous work with social media scheduling systems is a plus - Strong understanding of dashboard development - Familiarity with implementing content library features - Experience with multi-user systems and role-based permissions - Knowledge of AI integration for smart recommendations. Please note, the specific APIs to be integrated, the level of user access for the dashboard, and the key metrics to be tracked will be discussed fu...

    $181 Average bid
    $181 Snittbud
    23 bud
    Smart Contract Expert for RWA NFTs
    6 dagar left

    ...Developer Needed for RWA NFT Project (Smart Contracts & Revenue Sharing) ? Job Description: We are looking for an experienced Blockchain Developer to help us launch a Real World Asset (RWA) NFT project that funds a school. The NFTs will be sold on platforms like or OpenSea, and holders will receive a quarterly profit share (40%) via automated airdrops. You will be responsible for developing and deploying smart contracts, ensuring security, and integrating revenue-sharing mechanisms. ? Responsibilities: ✅ Develop secure smart contracts for NFT minting and revenue sharing. ✅ Implement a profit distribution mechanism for quarterly airdrops to NFT holders. ✅ Ensure compatibility with OpenSea, , or other NFT platforms. ✅ Conduct smart...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Snittbud
    14 bud

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    Försegla Sekretessavtal

    ...assistance with a functionality issue in my Solidity smart contract. The contract was modified from manual upgrades and renewals to an automatic system. Everything works well until the 4th upgrade. However, during the 5th upgrade, the contract is incorrectly checking for the 5th upline instead of the direct referrerID in level 1. The smart contract is currently deployed on the Tron blockchain. The specific issue is an incorrect referrer check that occurs during the 5th upgrade. The method being used to determine the referrer ID is a mapping reference. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of Solidity and smart contract development - Familiarity with the Tron blockchain - Experience with debugging and fixing smart contract is...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Snittbud
    12 bud with smart contracts, blockchain protocols, and Web3 technologies to build innovative solutions for DeFi, NFTs, and other blockchain-based applications. Responsibilities: Develop and deploy smart contracts using Solidity, Rust, or Vyper Build and integrate dApps with Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Solana, or Polygon Work with , , and blockchain APIs to connect front-end applications Ensure security, gas optimization, and efficiency of smart contracts Collaborate with UI/UX designers and back-end developers for seamless dApp functionality Conduct code audits, security testing, and bug fixes for smart contracts Stay up to date with blockchain advancements, Layer 2 solutions, and new protocols Requirements: Proven e...

    $473 Average bid
    $473 Snittbud
    11 bud
    Desktop Application Developer
    6 dagar left

    We are looking for a skilled programmer to develop a desktop application that can seamlessly connect JTL WAWI and Excel with the Odoo system. ? Key Requirements: ✔ Experience in desktop application development (Windows/Linux) ✔ Proficiency in database integration and API connections ✔ Strong skills in Python, C#, or other relevant programm...desktop application that can seamlessly connect JTL WAWI and Excel with the Odoo system. ? Key Requirements: ✔ Experience in desktop application development (Windows/Linux) ✔ Proficiency in database integration and API connections ✔ Strong skills in Python, C#, or other relevant programming languages ✔ Knowledge of JTL WAWI, Excel, and Odoo is a plus If you're a developer who loves building smart, efficient solutions, we want to hear fr...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Snittbud
    42 bud

    ...Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) • WordPress & WPfunnel skills • Speed Optimization & Performance Tuning • Graphic Design & Branding Opportunity for Long-Term Collaboration! This contest isn’t just a one-time gig—we’re looking for a long-term partner for future funnel projects, optimization, and ongoing WordPress development. Win this contest, and you’ll have exclusive access to future contracts with us. Contest Specifics: • Phase 1: Design Submission – The contest will be judged based on your designs only (no development yet). • Phase 2: Implementation – The winner will be paid to implement their design in WordPress WPfunnel for the same contest price. When we find the designs we want we will en...

    $190 Average bid
    72 bidrag

    I'm seeking a skilled video creator specialized in real estate content. The project involves creating a compelling video that will: - Showcase why investing in Dubai property is a smart decision - Feature insights from experienced property investors The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of real estate, particularly the Dubai market, and be able to present this in an engaging and informative manner. Experience with similar projects will be an advantage. Please include samples of your work, particularly those related to real estate and investment, in your proposal.

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Snittbud
    3 bud

    As a freelance graphic designer in India, I need a professional lawyer to review my Client Services Agreement. Key areas of concern: - Payment terms: I want to ensure the payment clauses are fair and secure. - Termination clauses: I need to check these to ensure they are not overly punitive or vague. - The structure of the contract: I want to c...that the overall structure of the contract is logical and standard. Specific focus: - Dispute Resolution: I need an expert opinion on whether the dispute resolution clause adheres to Indian regulations. Skills and Experience: - Legal expertise, specifically in contract law and freelance agreements. - Familiarity with Indian legal standards and regulations. - Prior experience with reviewing contracts for graphic designers or similar prof...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Snittbud
    15 bud

    We are...GDPR/PSD2 compliance. - API Development: Experience with Open Banking APIs, payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, ), and blockchain nodes. - Strong understanding of audit logs, system alerts, and transaction monitoring. Preferred Skills: - Experience working in fintech or banking applications. - Familiarity with Google Authenticator / Auth0 for MFA implementation. - Understanding of smart routing for cheaper & faster transactions. - Experience developing automated reconciliation and ledger management systems. Please add in top of your proposal "Hi Fintech". This is a remote, freelance opportunity with flexible working hours. If you have experience building fintech platforms with complex security, compliance, and payment systems, we’d love...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    39 bud

    ...Open Floor Plan: The design should promote spaciousness and fluidity between spaces. - Smart Home Technology: Incorporate designs that facilitate the use of advanced, integrated tech systems to enhance convenience and security. - Sustainable/Green Design: The villa must be eco-friendly, utilizing sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems. Essential Rooms: - Home Office: A quiet, dedicated space for work, with ample natural light and soundproofing. - Gym: A personal fitness space, equipped with appropriate ventilation and soundproofing. - Guest Suite: A comfortable, private space for visitors, with an en-suite bathroom. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in modern architectural design - Experience with smart home and sustainable design - Proficiency in creating functional...

    $936 Average bid
    $936 Snittbud
    87 bud

    ... • Manage content production for social media, YouTube, and digital platforms • Oversee editing, post-production, and distribution workflows • Handle hiring and management of freelance creatives (video editors, designers, writers) • Implement automation tools and AI for content production • Develop monetization strategies (ads, sponsorships, courses, memberships, etc.) • Manage budgets, contracts, and operational logistics • Analyze performance metrics and optimize production workflows Ideal Skills & Experience: • Proven experience running or managing a digital production company or content team • Strong background in video production, editing, and digital media • Familiarity with AI-driven video editing, automation ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Snittbud
    22 bud

    ... • Manage content production for social media, YouTube, and digital platforms • Oversee editing, post-production, and distribution workflows • Handle hiring and management of freelance creatives (video editors, designers, writers) • Implement automation tools and AI for content production • Develop monetization strategies (ads, sponsorships, courses, memberships, etc.) • Manage budgets, contracts, and operational logistics • Analyze performance metrics and optimize production workflows Ideal Skills & Experience: • Proven experience running or managing a digital production company or content team • Strong background in video production, editing, and digital media • Familiarity with AI-driven video editing, automation ...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Snittbud
    26 bud

    Project Description for Freelancer: Development of an AI-Powered Smart Keyboard for Icelandic Users Project Overview: We are seeking an experienced developer or team to create a smart keyboard for Icelandic users with integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI). The keyboard must provide spell checking, grammar correction, smart word suggestions, and personalized writing assistance, all in Icelandic. The goal is to develop a standalone keyboard that functions on smartphones (Android/iOS) and computers (Windows/macOS) with potential integration into web platforms and text processing software such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Key Features Required: 1. Icelandic Spell and Grammar Checking • AI-powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) to detect and ...

    $1480 Average bid
    $1480 Snittbud
    66 bud

    ...after compiling protobuf(.proto) file through CMake and finally run google test. Main requirements: - Modify existing code based on TCP/UDP/Serial communication. You can replace everything. Currently, only TCP and UDP are written a little. If you open two programs and run them, UDP does not work properly. And please add Serial communication. - When creating all objects, you must use Smart Pointer safely. You will get a feel for it when you look at the code. - Basically, the code is written. You can look at the code and modify and add it. It is simple, so you will understand it right away. - The important thing is that when the other party (B) disconnects (termines the program), A checks the reason why B disconnected, decides whether A will reconnect (when it is a cli...

    $192 Average bid
    $192 Snittbud
    11 bud