Online tutoring interfaceJobb
Sälj kurs som utförs på internet. Kursen handlar om hur man får bättre hälsa genom att rensa kroppen på gifter och ge kroppen den energi som den behöver. Du har ingen timlön utan vi delar 50/50 på vinsten. Du kan tjäna hur mycket som helst, ju mer du säljer desto mer tjänar du. Här är kursen
Jag vill ha en hemsida där kunder kan köpa flera olika online kurser med hjälp av Webflow memberships. På hemsidan ska användaren kunna gå in en på en sida som heter "mina kurser" där användaren kan se de kurser som han/hon har köpt. Därefter ska användaren kunna klicka på någon av dessa kurser och bli omdirigerade till en sida som innehåller alla kursens olika videor. Thats it. Denna hemsidan behöver alltså bara dessa sidor: en startsida, produkt display sida som visar alla kurser som går att köpa, cms produktsidor för varje individuell kurs som förklarar innehållet i den specifika kursen som användaren är inne på där kunden ocks&ari...
Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!
jag behöver hjälp med att fixa min hemsida då jag har problem med marknadsföring som Facebook ads och betalning
Jag driver ett antal affiliate sidor inom Online-trading och behöver en svensk som kan skriva 5-10 artiklar i veckan på runt 1700 ord var. Allt innehåll måste vara originalt och inga artiklar kan vara plagiat ifrån liknande sidor. Gärna en person som har kunskap om SEO och kunskap inom trading är givetvis väldigt kompletterande. Vi betalar per artikel skriven.
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Vi söker driftiga människor som söker deltidsarbete för att dels boka in kunder samt att utföra introduktionskurser á 30 min. Vi har nyligen lanserat våra nya online-baserade språkplattform för att accelerera kunders språkkunskaper inom svenska. Våra kunder är både internationella företag samt personer i Sverige och utomlands. Ersättningen är provisionsbaserad och viktas mot inbokade kunder, utförda introduktionskurser samt språkkursbokningar.
Hej, Söker en duktig svensk skribent till beställningar av korta och långa texter/artiklar.
Operating4u söker text chatt operatörer till online plattform. Du jobbar med att svara på meddelanden från kunder. Du kan jobba när du vill, hur mycket du vill och vart du vill så länge du har en internet anslutning. [Removed by admin]
Uppdraget består att integrera och därefter anpassa en befintlig online e-commerce platform för licensiering av företagets produkter via SaaS. Projektet kommer att drivas i iterationer varav denna avser en första iteration för att verifiera att rätt plattform valts. Därefter ges möjlighet till längre uppdrag för vidare anpassningar och utökningar av lösningen. En initial preferens är att nyttja lösningen Chargebee sannolikt tillsammans med betalportalen Stripe Andra alternativ till Chargebee kan tänkas, om du som utförarare har specifik kunskap om någon av dessa istället: Recurly Chargify Spreedly FastSpring Zuora [REMOVED
Du kommer att få skriva fem stycken artiklar om online casino. Jag förser dig med spec. Krav är att du skriver flytande Svenska. Plus om du har kunskap om nätcasino.
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E-commerce var olika designers placerar ut sina produkter. Designern hyr en plats på min hemsida. Varan skickas direkt från designern till kunden. Inga mellanhänder. Jag vill alltså samla produkter från designers runt om i världen på sidan.
skapa en hemsida i worldpress, tema swell koppla till en onlineshop med begränsat innehåll, antal kategorier, varor.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektProffesional logo for online store'
Är ett distrikts förbund som använder sig av som hemsida. Vi anlitar ledare/domare etc. som sedan efter utfört uppdrag skall få ut ersättning för resor och andra utlägg. Behöver ha ett formulär på en hemsida för att kunna registrera reseräkningar för milersättning och utlägg. Formuläret summeras, signeras och skickas vidare via mail till attestanten. Använder idag ett excel ark som ligger med bifogat. Problemet för användarna är hanteringen med att först fylla i arket, printa ut och signera, skanna och mail vidare för godkännande. Detta är idag krångligt för en mindre teknisk kunnig och rörlig grupp med människor. Har inte direk...
Arbetet Utvärdera, analysera och kategorisera webbsidors innehåll, sökord, bilder eller dokument. Exempel på uppgifter: Utvärdera hur korrekt en sökmotors resultat matchar specifika sökord. Jämför två webbplatsers landningssidor och avgör vilken av dem som ger användaren bäst information. Eller, titta på webbsidor för att se om de innehåller något barnförbjudet eller inte. För detta arbete krävs - förmåga att uppmärksamma detaljer och följa riktlinjer - en dator med stabil uppkoppling till Internet - ett operativsystem som åtminstone tillåter Internet Explorer 6.0 eller högre, alternativt andra webbläsare Så här gå...
Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.
Vi på behöver hjälp med att designa en bakgrund till vår webbutik. Butiken säljer träleksaker för barn. Vi vill att du kommer med olika designförslag då vi har slut på ideer. idag kör vi enbart med denna bild Så om du har ideer och kan hjäpla oss så lägg ett bud. Med vänliga hälsningar Mathias
Vi ska bygga om vår nya näthandeln till en ny. Vi vill att den vi anlitar ska göra designen, programmeringen, seo anpassning och ha tidigare kunskaper om hur ehandeln ska kopplas till ett affärssystem som tex visma business, SAP mm. Vi har siten redan idag med ska uppdatera designen, många funktioner och göra den bättre och mer användarvänlig. Specifikation finns.
Micro-Controller Project...........................................................................................................
Steg 1: Ta fram en hemsida där kunden kan logga in och lägga in information utifrån en vald mall. Antal kunder: ca 100.000 Mängd data per konto/ max 0.3 MB Steg 2: Det hade varit bra om kunden även kan komma åt sin "mall" från en app (iphone/ipad). Steg 3: Ett management interface/verktyg för att kunna knyta informationen till rätt leverantör/partner (externa bolag). Dvs att externa bolag skall få del av relevant information.
Jag behöver artiklar skrivna på svenska som relaterar till online casino. Det ska vara artiklar om minst 500 ord. Artiklarna kan vara generella inom ämnet men också recensioner av spelsajter och casinospel. Artiklarna måste vara på svenska och bra skrivna och UNIKA. Det är en fördel om du har erfarenhet av kasino eftersom recensioner kräver en del kunskaper om ämnet.
Översättning av märkes/produktbeskrivningar för en online modebutik Vi söker en organiserad, ambitiös och vältalig översättare som har perfekt grammatik och kan möta deadlines. Vi är en modeorienterad e-handel från Sverige, som specialiserar på solglasögon och glasögon från kända designermärken, och vi letar efter en frilansande skribent för att hjälpa oss att skriva detaljerade beskrivningar av varumärken/produkter till vår hemsida. Projektinformation: 1. Projektets längd är 5-7 veckor (förhandlingsbart) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytande i svenska är ett krav 4. Förmåga att arbeta självständigt med en positiv attityd 5. Fö...
...Looking for an expert to manage monthly development and SEO for my website Description: I am looking for a skilled professional in web development and SEO optimization to manage my website Job Requirements: 1. Ongoing development and maintenance: • Technical updates for the website (speed, security, compatibility). • Optimization and enhancement of user interface (UI/UX). 2. Monthly SEO optimization: • Keyword analysis. • On-page and off-page optimization. • Implementation of best SEO practices to improve search engine rankings. 3. Blog content creation: • Writing blog posts based on strategic keywords. • Using tools like ChatGPT to generate high-quality articles. 4. Detailed monthly reporting: ...
I'm on the lookout for detail-oriented and responsive individuals to help with basic online tasks. This is a straightforward job that involves: - Working on social media platforms, general websites, and email. - Completing simple verification processes such as account setup and profile updates on various platforms. - Communicating quickly and ensuring tasks are done within the given time frame. Requirements: - Ability to respond promptly and complete tasks within 24 hours. - No prior experience needed—we welcome individuals who are eager to learn and get results. If you're reliable, fast, and looking for consistent opportunities, I'd be thrilled to work with you. Apply now, and let's get started!
I'm in search of a skilled web designer and developer to create a clean and modern website for our organization. The site will be content-driven and feature a logo that we'll provide. Key Features: - A platform primarily focused on showcasing our services - A user-friendly interface providing easy access to information - Clear and accessible contact details - Preferably a White colored background on the pages - Simple AI and Gen AI based background images would be great Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web design and development - Experience creating content-driven and service-oriented websites - Ability to integrate provided visual elements seamlessly into the site The goal is to create a site that not only meets our informational needs but also present...
I'm seeking a skilled frontend web developer to create a modern, user-friendly interface for my website. The project will involve: - Building a functional login and registration portal with email and password authentication - Seamlessly integrating backend and frontend functionalities - Making the website live with basic features, including a "Contact Us" page The ideal candidate should have a strong background in React, as this is the chosen technology for frontend development. Experience with modern design principles is a must, and a knack for creating minimalist yet engaging interfaces will be a plus.
I'm in search of a skilled web designer and developer to create a clean and modern website for our organization. The site will be content-driven and feature a logo that we'll provide. Key Features: - A platform primarily focused on showcasing our services - A user-friendly interface providing easy access to information - Clear and accessible contact details - Preferably a White colored background on the pages - Simple AI and Gen AI based background images would be great Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web design and development - Experience creating content-driven and service-oriented websites - Ability to integrate provided visual elements seamlessly into the site The goal is to create a site that not only meets our informational needs but also present...
I'm looking for a secure and reliable online voting system that leverages biometric technology and facial recognition. The system should be web-based and fully accessible, ensuring compliance with all accessibility standards. Key Requirements: - Voter registration with personal and facial data - Secure storage in a database - Live image capture for user authentication during elections - Utilization of facial recognition algorithms to prevent fraud - Anonymous vote recording to maintain privacy - Scalable and user-friendly interface - Full compliance with accessibility standards The ideal candidate would be proficient in Python with Django/Flask, and have experience in developing secure web applications. Prior work involving biometric technology and facial recognition ...
I'm looking to create a global online school primarily focused on live classes in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) catering to adults (18+ years old). Key Requirements: - Development of a platform for interactive live classes - Creation of engaging, high-quality STEM course content - Incorporation of features for global accessibility - Experience in online education and STEM is a plus - Understanding of adult learning principles Ideal Skills: - E-learning platform development - STEM expertise - Content creation - Knowledge of adult education - UX/UI design for accessibility The goal is to create an online learning environment that is not only educational but also engaging and accessible to adults worldwide.
I'm looking to develop an app calle...users; its sole purpose is to connect job seekers with employers. - The initial revenue model involves integrating Google AdSense to keep the platform free for users. we can start even without it hence . i need to test this with companies near me and they are ready for that - As this is an early-stage startup, I don't have specific design preferences, but I'm aiming for a clean, user-friendly interface that is scalable as the platform grows. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development - Experience with UI/UX design for mobile applications - Understanding of integrating ad services into apps - Previous work on job-related platforms would be a plus. - make a simple app guys just to test the idea with les...
I'm looking to build a robust marketplace e-commerce website. Key Features: - Multi-vendor capability: The site needs to cater to multiple sellers, each with their own accounts and dashboards. - User Reviews and Ratings: This will enable buyers to provide feedback on products and sellers, enhancin...Advanced Search and Filter Options: The website needs to have sophisticated search and filtering capabilities, making it easy for users to find exactly what they’re looking for. Payment Integration: - PayPal - Credit/Debit Card processors Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating multi-vendor e-commerce platforms. - Proficiency in integrating reliable payment gateways. - Strong understanding of user interface design, with the ability to create a site that is both attractive an...
I need an experienced HTML, CSS and Bootstrap designer along with a skilled PHP developer to help update my existing website. The task primarily focuses on design/UI modifications. Specific areas of focus include: - Homepage - Navigation menu - Footer Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design and development, with particular expertise in HTML, CSS, Boot...designer along with a skilled PHP developer to help update my existing website. The task primarily focuses on design/UI modifications. Specific areas of focus include: - Homepage - Navigation menu - Footer Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design and development, with particular expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and PHP. The goal is to enhance the overall design and user interface of...
I'm seeking an expert with Arduino and robotics experience to create a voice-controlled, obstacle-avoiding vehicle. The vehicle must be capable of selecting an optimized path from a source to a destination using an open-source GPS API. Key Project Details: - The vehicle should start and stop based on voice commands. - In the event of an e...connection is lost,and has to be able connect through bluetooth and be able to work with voice commands Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with Arduino, GPS systems, and web application development. Knowledge of obstacle avoidance algorithms and voice recognition technology is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you have notify which application or interface you can use to able to communicate with vehicle
I'm looking to build a new iOS mobile app from scratch. This is a greenfield project where creativity and technical skills will be crucial. Please provide your portfolio showcasing your previous mobile app development projects, particularly those focused ...and technical skills will be crucial. Please provide your portfolio showcasing your previous mobile app development projects, particularly those focused on iOS. Experience in UX/UI design, backend integration, and knowledge of Swift is highly appreciated. The ideal freelancer should be able to: - Understand and translate my vision into a functional app - Create an engaging, intuitive user interface - Ensure smooth performance across all iOS devices - Implement strong security measures - Provide regular updates and be o...
...Illustrator, which I will export to PNG for your guidance. Aprox total pages: 15 + modals. Expectations: - Implementation of text and images, portraying an elegant and engaging visual appeal. - Integration of responsive contact forms and feedback mechanisms to facilitate effective user relations. - Construct dynamic header, modals, dropdowns, navbar, menu, thinking in terms of Angular components interface and UX navigability. The ideal candidate for this task should have: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap is a MUST - Familiarity with creating responsive and cross-browser compatible designs. Angular experience is a Plus Phase 2: Build an Angular webapp using these mockups MANDATORY: - To build thinking in terms of reusable and modular components, to be used to build an...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer or an ecommerce specialist to create an online store for me. This store will be dedicated to selling physical goods. Key Requirements: - The online store needs to have integration with Square as the primary payment gateway. - Essential features of the store include: - A system for user reviews on products. - A shipping calculator to provide accurate shipping costs to customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or custom solutions. - Experience with Square payment gateway integration. - Knowledge of implementing user review systems and shipping calculators. - Strong understanding of physical goods eCommerce and inventory management. Please provide examples ...
Hi, I’m looking to build a 3D air hockey online multiplayer game that can be played on a website. I’ll provide all the necessary 3D assets (e.g., table, paddles, puck, etc.), and I’d like you to handle the game mechanics, physics, and effects. Project Scope Game Mechanics: * Implement realistic puck physics (bouncing, collisions, speed adjustments). * Add paddle movement controls (mouse based) with restrictions for staying within each player’s half. * Include goal detection and a scoring system. Multiplayer Functionality: * Real-time online multiplayer support. * Sync paddle positions, puck movement, and scoring across players. Visual Effects: * Basic particle effects (e.g., goal scoring, puck collisions). * Smooth animations and lighting enhanceme... like Zoho CRM for online booking and client management. This project must be completed within **two weeks** from the start date. Scope of Work: - Redesign the website with a modern, professional, and upscale aesthetic. - Ensure the site is mobile-friendly, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized. - Integrate Zoho CRM for online booking, payment processing, and client management. - Highlight core services, including property maintenance, maid services, pressure washing, window cleaning and handyman services. - Set up web analytics to monitor traffic and lead generation. - Deliver basic training or documentation for future website maintenance. Deliverables: 1. Fully functional, live website meeting the specifications. 2. Integration of Zoho CRM tools with a seamless inte...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to assist with my project. The primary task will be bug fixes, specifically focusing on functional bugs and compatibility issues. Basic testing will also be required post-fix. Ideal Skills: - Strong background i...fixes, specifically focusing on functional bugs and compatibility issues. Basic testing will also be required post-fix. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in Android development - Experience in identifying and fixing functional bugs - Proficiency in dealing with compatibility problems - Capable of conducting basic post-fix testing Please note, the project does not currently require any User Interface changes or feature enhancements. The main goal is to ensure the app is functioning correctly across different devices...
I'm seeking a professional to produce an engaging onboarding video for my food delivery app targeted at new drivers. The video should encompass various styles - animated, live-action, and screen recording with commentary. Key information to be covered includes: - App navigation: A detailed walkthrough of the app's interface and features. - Delivery procedures: Clear instructions on how to handle deliveries using the app. - Driver support contacts: Information on how and when to reach support. The tone of the video should be a mix of professional, friendly and casual, while also being informative and straightforward. Ideal skills and experience for the job would include: - Expertise in video production and editing. - Experience in creating instructional or onboarding v...
I'm...user-friendly drag-and-drop features. The back end, database, and APIs should be robust to ensure smooth integration with external applications. Key Components: - Integration with workforce management systems - Critical operations that involve creating, updating, and deactivating resources and crews Essential Tasks: - Design and implement a system to create new resources and crews - Develop an interface for updating existing resources and crews - Enable functionalities for deactivating resources and crews Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in modern JavaScript frameworks - Experience with developing web and cloud-based applications - Knowledgeable about crew and workforce management systems - Able to create robust back end, database, and APIs for seamless external applicati...
I'm looking for a developer to create a fitness tracker app that is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. This app should not only monitor fitness metrics but also track sleep time. Additionally, it should interface with Netflix, providing a unique blend of fitness and entertainment. Key Requirements: - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android) - Comprehensive fitness tracking capabilities, particularly sleep time - Integration with Netflix Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development for both iOS and Android - Experience in developing fitness tracking applications - Skills in creating streaming service compatible apps
I'm seeking a skilled UI/UX designer to create an intuitive and engaging design for my e-commerce website. Key responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly interface that enhances the shopping experience - Employ best practices in UX to ensure smooth navigation and accessibility I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a design that is both visually appealing and functional. Previous experience in e-commerce design is a plus. Please include your portfolio with relevant examples.
I'm seeking a developer to create a Pick up Basketball app with a primary focus on locating nearby games. Key Features: - Utilizes GPS location to pinpoint nearby basketball games - Sends game notifications to users - Allows for player reviews of games and other users The ideal candidate should have experience in developing location-based applications, with a strong understanding of user interface design and social interaction integrations. Prior experience with sports-related apps would be a plus.
...professional developer to create a responsive, feature-rich SaaS website using Flutter. This platform will be used to compose wedding invitations with a variety of core functionalities: - Invitation Templates: The platform should come with a wide range of customizable invitation templates. - RSVP Management: An integrated system for managing guest responses. - Guest List Management: A user-friendly interface for handling the wedding guest list. - Custom Section Creation: Users should be able to personalize their invitations with custom sections. - Multimedia Uploads: The ability to upload images and videos. - Font Customization: Using Google fonts for unique typography. - Multilingual Support: All invitations can be designed in multiple languages. Key design elements for the i...