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Sälj kurs som utförs på internet. Kursen handlar om hur man får bättre hälsa genom att rensa kroppen på gifter och ge kroppen den energi som den behöver. Du har ingen timlön utan vi delar 50/50 på vinsten. Du kan tjäna hur mycket som helst, ju mer du säljer desto mer tjänar du. Här är kursen
Jag vill ha en hemsida där kunder kan köpa flera olika online kurser med hjälp av Webflow memberships. På hemsidan ska användaren kunna gå in en på en sida som heter "mina kurser" där användaren kan se de kurser som han/hon har köpt. Därefter ska användaren kunna klicka på någon av dessa kurser och bli omdirigerade till en sida som innehåller alla kursens olika videor. Thats it. Denna hemsidan behöver alltså bara dessa sidor: en startsida, produkt display sida som visar alla kurser som går att köpa, cms produktsidor för varje individuell kurs som förklarar innehållet i den specifika kursen som användaren är inne på där kunden ocks&ari...
Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!
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Uppdraget består att integrera och därefter anpassa en befintlig online e-commerce platform för licensiering av företagets produkter via SaaS. Projektet kommer att drivas i iterationer varav denna avser en första iteration för att verifiera att rätt plattform valts. Därefter ges möjlighet till längre uppdrag för vidare anpassningar och utökningar av lösningen. En initial preferens är att nyttja lösningen Chargebee sannolikt tillsammans med betalportalen Stripe Andra alternativ till Chargebee kan tänkas, om du som utförarare har specifik kunskap om någon av dessa istället: Recurly Chargify Spreedly FastSpring Zuora [REMOVED
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skapa en hemsida i worldpress, tema swell koppla till en onlineshop med begränsat innehåll, antal kategorier, varor.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektProffesional logo for online store'
Är ett distrikts förbund som använder sig av som hemsida. Vi anlitar ledare/domare etc. som sedan efter utfört uppdrag skall få ut ersättning för resor och andra utlägg. Behöver ha ett formulär på en hemsida för att kunna registrera reseräkningar för milersättning och utlägg. Formuläret summeras, signeras och skickas vidare via mail till attestanten. Använder idag ett excel ark som ligger med bifogat. Problemet för användarna är hanteringen med att först fylla i arket, printa ut och signera, skanna och mail vidare för godkännande. Detta är idag krångligt för en mindre teknisk kunnig och rörlig grupp med människor. Har inte direk...
...system to Facebook. Our system is based on a Java-environment, where we have a large number of job ads targeted to different groups stored in a database. It's some of these jobs we're looking to publish as Facebook ads, targeted at the correct audience (gender/age/region). This project can either be done as something you write in Java, which will be added as a module to our current system, publishing selected data to Facebook. Alternatively we'll provide and xml/json-file which contain the data we want published, which you publish to Facebook using the software of your choise. Either solution would satisfy us, and we're likely to follow your recommendation. If you have experience working with Google's AdWords-API it may become relev...
Arbetet Utvärdera, analysera och kategorisera webbsidors innehåll, sökord, bilder eller dokument. Exempel på uppgifter: Utvärdera hur korrekt en sökmotors resultat matchar specifika sökord. Jämför två webbplatsers landningssidor och avgör vilken av dem som ger användaren bäst information. Eller, titta på webbsidor för att se om de innehåller något barnförbjudet eller inte. För detta arbete krävs - förmåga att uppmärksamma detaljer och följa riktlinjer - en dator med stabil uppkoppling till Internet - ett operativsystem som åtminstone tillåter Internet Explorer 6.0 eller högre, alternativt andra webbläsare Så här gå...
Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.
Vi på behöver hjälp med att designa en bakgrund till vår webbutik. Butiken säljer träleksaker för barn. Vi vill att du kommer med olika designförslag då vi har slut på ideer. idag kör vi enbart med denna bild Så om du har ideer och kan hjäpla oss så lägg ett bud. Med vänliga hälsningar Mathias
Vi ska bygga om vår nya näthandeln till en ny. Vi vill att den vi anlitar ska göra designen, programmeringen, seo anpassning och ha tidigare kunskaper om hur ehandeln ska kopplas till ett affärssystem som tex visma business, SAP mm. Vi har siten redan idag med ska uppdatera designen, många funktioner och göra den bättre och mer användarvänlig. Specifikation finns.
Jag behöver artiklar skrivna på svenska som relaterar till online casino. Det ska vara artiklar om minst 500 ord. Artiklarna kan vara generella inom ämnet men också recensioner av spelsajter och casinospel. Artiklarna måste vara på svenska och bra skrivna och UNIKA. Det är en fördel om du har erfarenhet av kasino eftersom recensioner kräver en del kunskaper om ämnet.
Översättning av märkes/produktbeskrivningar för en online modebutik Vi söker en organiserad, ambitiös och vältalig översättare som har perfekt grammatik och kan möta deadlines. Vi är en modeorienterad e-handel från Sverige, som specialiserar på solglasögon och glasögon från kända designermärken, och vi letar efter en frilansande skribent för att hjälpa oss att skriva detaljerade beskrivningar av varumärken/produkter till vår hemsida. Projektinformation: 1. Projektets längd är 5-7 veckor (förhandlingsbart) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytande i svenska är ett krav 4. Förmåga att arbeta självständigt med en positiv attityd 5. Fö...
super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )
...Additional Wordpress Template Installation, Domain Mapping, Custom Domain Configuration, and Template Customization Here is the PDF and some coding instructions This is what is needed for this URL 1. Take the existing domain and wordpress site to use Multisite functionality of Wordpress to use 2 templates where both templates belong to a single cohesive project but need distinct themes. This needs to use Multisite functionality for 1 wordpress template and 1 woocommerce template but to not use a subdomain. Instead, the domain needs to be and I do not want and Thus, and will behave as if they are separately independent sites within the
super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )
I need a professional web developer to build a WIX website for my online tutoring platform. This platform will primarily be used to offer live, interactive online courses. Key Features: - The website should have the capacity to host live sessions. - It needs to include a feature for recording these sessions for future use. -I need to accept payments from students prior to the session -I would like to the website to look organized, appealing, and modern Ideal Skills: - Prior experience with WIX is mandatory. - A strong understanding of e-learning platforms is a plus. - Web development skills with an emphasis on creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. *Please name it Mind Boosters* and I tutor all science subjects, standardized tests, DO NOT MESSAGE ...
I am seeking a professional resume/CV writer to assist in crafting a compelling and attractive resume for an entry-level position in the technology sector. Key Requirements: - Expertise in resume/CV writing especially for entry-level positions. - In-depth understanding of the technology industry. - Ability to highlight relevant skills, education, and experiences effectively. - Proven track record of helping clients secure interviews in the tech field. Your Task: - Create a resume/CV that stands out to potential employers in the tech industry. - Provide a version tailored for specific types of tech jobs (e.g. software development, IT support, data analysis etc.). Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and editing skills. - Strong understanding of tech industry j...
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...designed and developed to build an online community around my digital products. This site should have the following key features: - Discussion forums: Members should be able to engage in conversations, share ideas, and discuss various topics related to my digital products. - Member profiles: Each user should have their own profile, allowing them to connect with others and share their interests. - Event calendar: This should display upcoming events, product launches, or community get-togethers. - Marketplace: A section where members can sell their own items. The ideal freelancer for this project should have significant experience with Wix, particularly with setting up spaces by Wix and creating Wix apps. They should have a strong understanding of co...
As a young university in America, we're on the lookout for experienced online teachers who can craft and deliver recorded lectures for our professional development students. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and deliver comprehensive recorded lectures - Engage and maintain the interest of adult learners - Incorporate real-world applications and scenarios into the curriculum Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in online teaching, specifically for professional development - Ability to create engaging and informative recorded lectures - Strong understanding of adult learning principles - Subject matter expertise in areas pertinent to professional development (Business, Technology, Leadership, etc.)
DFW-US, International Universities and Schools 12-29-2024 Budget: $75.00 USD = 3 Milestones x $25.00/milestone; Time: 3 days per milestone. I will recreate separate jobs for each milestone. I will send you the link. You will apply for one milestone at a time, and I will award you the job. Before you apply, first try this out otherwise you will be wasting your and my time. 1) If you complete this smaller job according to the following requirement then I have an immediate larger job, for collecting millions of rows of data with a budget greater than $500.00 for you. 2) It is not possible to do this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) It is your job to think, be cr...
This is the scenario I need to implement. I'm developing a web based software module which integrates with third party application. The third party software (running on a tablet or notebook) calls an API endpoint with some parameters which specify the user code and the type of exercise the user must perform. After that my software returns a URL in which a realtime video of the patient is shown with markers and kinematic data overimposed. An example which I hope clarify the concept is the follwing. The specific application of the physical exercise is something that I will code, possibly using python. I need the underlying framework which guarantee the efficient connection.
I'm in need of a skilled Fiv...skilled FiveM developer who can assist with server setup and custom script creation focused on economy and jobs. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up a stable and efficient FiveM server - Creating and integrating economy and job-related scripts - Enhancing gameplay with new missions or quests, vehicle modifications and weapon modifications Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in FiveM server setup - Proficiency in creating custom scripts for FiveM - Solid understanding and experience with economy and job scripts - Creative mindset for designing engaging missions and modifications - Strong technical skills for server and resource optimization I look forward to collaborating with...
DFW-US, International Universities and Schools 12-29-2024 Budget: $75.00 USD = 3 Milestones x $25.00/milestone; Time: 3 days per milestone. I will recreate separate jobs for each milestone. I will send you the link. You will apply for one milestone at a time, and I will award you the job. Before you apply, first try this out otherwise you will be wasting your and my time. 1) If you complete this smaller job according to the following requirement then I have an immediate larger job, for collecting millions of rows of data with a budget greater than $500.00 for you. 2) It is not possible to do this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) It is your job to think, be cr...
I'm looking for someone to help with a work-from-home data entry project. This involves working with visual data, specifically videos. Key Responsibilities: - Tagging and categorizing video content based on provided guidelines. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail: The role requires precise tagging and categorization. - Familiarity with data entry: Previous experience with data entry jobs is a plus. - Good communication skills: Ability to understand and follow instructions clearly. Please note: This is a remote position and you will need a reliable internet connection to watch and categorize the videos.
...project aims to design and develop a train ticket booking system that allows users to book train tickets online simply and effectively. In today's fast-paced world, many travelers prefer online services to traditional ticket counters, as it saves both time and money. This project aims to create a platform where users can easily search for trains, check seat availability, and complete bookings from the comfort of their homes using any smart mobile device or a computer. This will be a timely project as the whole world is getting digitalized. The system will include effective features such as user registration, train schedule search, ticket booking, train arrival platform, and sudden train cancellation. It will also provide options for ...
...proficient in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, who can enhance the performance of my and Node.js website. The goal is to achieve a Google Page Speed score of 90+. Key Areas for Optimization: - Load Time: Currently, the site has considerable lag. I need someone who can implement effective strategies to drastically reduce load time. - Responsive Design: The site needs to be fully optimized for all devices. Specific Elements to Prioritize: - JavaScript Files: While I have already undertaken minification, further optimization of these files is necessary. - CSS Styles: These also require thorough optimization. - Images and Media: All media elements need to be optimized for faster loading speeds. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with CSS, HTML, an... create a job marketplace website for my startup. Key Features: - User Registration: There should be separate registration pages for job seekers and employers. - Job Posting and Browsing: An essential feature of the site is allowing employers to post jobs and job seekers to browse these listings. - Data Display: I need the data to be displayed in a gallery format with pictures. This applies to showcasing job listings as well as any other relevant data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and e-commerce platforms. - Experience in creating job marketplace websites is a plus. - Strong understanding of user registration systems and job posting/browsing functionalities. - Ability to design attractive, easy-to-navigate gallery formats...
I'm looking for a skilled developer (... etc.) who can write code to connect to the QuickBooks Online API for my project. The goal is to automate a manual process, allowing us to check the box for transactions to add a "billable" customer over the past 3 years. Key Requirements: - Expertise in (Javascript, Python, PHP, etc.) - Experience with QuickBooks Online API - Proficiency in handling API Key authentication - Knowledge in marking 'billable' for Expenses The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in API integration and a keen understanding of QuickBooks Online. Your role will be pivotal in enhancing our efficiency by automating this process. Please bid only if you meet the qualifications. Please use a trial version of ...
I'm looking for a seasoned soft skills trainer to conduct online webinars for my entry-level employees. The focus of the training should be on enhancing their communication skills, leadership skills, and teamwork skills. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in soft skills training, particularly for entry-level staff - Excellent communication and online teaching skills - Prior experience with conducting online webinars - Strong understanding of communication, leadership, and teamwork skills - Ability to create engaging and interactive training content
I'm seeking a dedicated Customer Service Officer for my online brand. it is a furniture drop shipping brand. - I prefer if a person can do up to 5 hours a day, Australian time will be preferred. Key responsibilities will include: - Answering customer inquiries promptly and professionally - Handling complaints with empathy and efficiency - Processing orders accurately - Entering tracking numbers for orders - Following up with order queries and customisations - Processing customer returns and refunds - Providing comprehensive reports on customer service metrics - Communicating with Chinese suppliers via texts (can use translating tools like Google Translate etc) The ideal candidate will be proficient in interacting with customers across various pla...
I need an experienced photo editor to assist in enhancing my product images. Primarily, I require: - Color Update to match our ad and be unique. - Image Retouching: Ensure the overall quality of the images. - Update Layout or images within images. Ideal candidates should have prior experience in product photo editing, preferably for online retail. $75 dollar project.
I’ll start by integrating the SMS Activate API into your Laravel app, ensuring it communicates smoothly for purchasing virtual phone numbers. Next, I’ll adjust the CSS to make the site look great and work seamlessly. I’ll set up a system to automatically debit user accounts when they make purchases and create a transaction history page so users can track their activities. On the admin side, I’ll build a dashboard where you can monitor all transactions, manage API providers, and adjust pricing easily. Since your database and cron jobs are already in place, I’ll make sure the new integration works perfectly with your existing setup. I’ll also implement logging for all transactions to help with any future troubleshooting...
...Excellent written and spoken English. If you’re using AI to respond to this listing, this is not for you. - Honest - Hard working - Incredibly organized - A can do attitude, with excellent problem solving skills. - Great planning and strategizing skills - Be able to take down and remember detailed instructions - Detail oriented - Detail oriented - DETAIL ORIENTED! - Decent Graphic Design Skills with access to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Ability to create Pinterest Pins, crop photos, etc. - Basic experience with WordPress - Excellent writing skills - Incredible research skills - Willing to learn new skills and adapt to the needs of the company - Ability to handle tasks on your own (after some training) - Heavy hitter – able to accomp...
I'm seeking a freelancer to enhance my resume's content and relevance, specifically targeting entry-level carpentry positions. The ideal candidate would also have connections with various construction companies in Nova Scotia that could offer apprenticeships or jobs. Key responsibilities: - Optimize my resume for content and relevance. - Utilize industry contacts to help secure job opportunities. Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in resume writing and career coaching. - Established connections within the Nova Scotia construction industry. - Knowledge of entry-level carpentry job requirements. and leadership roles, and I need a professional to help me rework my resume and LinkedIn profile accordingly. - Resume: The primary focus will be on making my resume suitable for a career transition towards management or leadership roles. This will involve highlighting my transferable skills, experiences, and potential for leadership. - LinkedIn: I need a comprehensive overhaul of my LinkedIn profile, with the goal of making it stand out to potential employers. This will include crafting a compelling headline and summary, enhancing my experience and skills sections, and boosting my recommendations and endorsements. Ideal skills for this project include expertise in career coaching, resume writing, and LinkedIn ...