Machine shop company logo design freeJobb


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2,000 machine shop company logo design free hittade uppdrag

Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!

$852 Average bid
$852 Snittbud
13 bud

In order to improve the speech recognition technology of natural language, our company develops automatic speech recognition, and recruits native speakers of Swedish between 18-60 years old. Feel free to contact me if you are interested (never worked in startask app)

$64 Average bid
$64 Snittbud
5 bud
Avslutades left

Vi söker en seriös, snabb och duktig utvecklare som kan bygga en b2b shop i Shopify och ha support och framtida utveckling. Vi har redan existerande B2b byggd i magento men den fungerar dåligt. OBS Endast svensktalande

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snittbud
16 bud

I have built a home page in Joomla (Helix Ultimate template) and need someone to help me to fine-tune the webb

$948 Average bid
$948 Snittbud
16 bud

I need help of webscraping And also attached EXCELfile company name is already there and only email needed

$50 Average bid
$50 Snittbud
4 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektLogo for renewal energy company'

$10 - $10 / hr
$10 - $10 / hr
0 bud

Jag heter Anna Wallander och jag letar efter en kvinna som har kunskap om AI och machine learning till ett nytt spännande projekt. Storlek på ersättningen kan diskuteras beroende på hur mycket tid du uppskattar att det kommer att ta. Hör gärna av dig så lovar jag att berätta mer!

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bud

Till en nygrundade företag inom social entrepreneurship behövs det skaffas en SQL databas samt back-end mask till data query och entry, och en mindre front-end sökmask. Detailerad lista på databas-råder och egenskaper såväl som mockups på aller masker finns. Webspace med möjlighet till SQL databas finns. Detta är prototyp-stadien till en större projekt o...entry, och en mindre front-end sökmask. Detailerad lista på databas-råder och egenskaper såväl som mockups på aller masker finns. Webspace med möjlighet till SQL databas finns. Detta är prototyp-stadien till en större projekt och rätt programmerare kan blir anlitad även till vidare arbeten med databasen, back- och...

$2850 Average bid
$2850 Snittbud
5 bud

...vill få utfört är följande: 1. Bygga en hemsida från grunden, med databaser och export till bla annat ebay (via en shop, som också skall startas upp), beställning med tracking, marknadsföring på bland annat facebook (och annonsering),. sidan skall också vara i olika språk . Hemsidan skall i grunden se ut som här länkad sida: , men skall utvecklas lite till och bli bättre. Går man in i denna hemsida ser man att den uppdateras av en databas, och det är samma databas vi kommer få uppdateringar av. Dessa uppdateringar kommer dagligen i form av CSV filer via FTP. All denna data skall sen komma upp på hemsidan och sen också kunna exporteras till Ebay shop m.m. Som ni ser ska...

$2434 Average bid
$2434 Snittbud
13 bud
Barber shop
Avslutades left

Hejsan jag heter Hemen och är 26år, jag har tänkt att öppna en barbershop som jag ska kalla Barbers&Friends och behöver en logo. Dessa bilder jag har laddat upp är ett exempel på vad jag vill ha och visar vilken still jag ska ha,

$35 Average bid
$35 Snittbud
19 bud
Project for pavlinter
Avslutades left

Hej, Behöver hjälp med min Opencart shop. Kör version 2.3, har du jbbat med OpenCart? Det gäller att installera moduler, få igång moduler som strular och allmänt fixande. Funkar det bra tar jag även gärna hjälp med löpande underhåll.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Busandes company
Avslutades left

Hjälp mig med internetmarknadsföring

$20 Average bid
$20 Snittbud
1 bud
Web development
Avslutades left

Jag vill ha en ny webbsida Bara bygga den Övrigt eller vet ej Vi har en design samt layouter för de olika undersidorna. Vi ska inte ha web shop. Det mest avancerade är ett formulär. Allt måste dock programmeras i Wordpress. Idag har vi en excel som ni kan utgå ifrån. Vi har ett webbhotell.

$253 Average bid
$253 Snittbud
6 bud

Hej Andreas, kan du göra något liknande som dessa 2 webbsidorna? Det viktiga är att kunna få till beställningsfunktionen (shop online), men självklart är även designen av webbsidorna viktig :-). Du kan nå mig på 0047 966 23 916 eller via freelancer chatten MWh Kjell

$10 Average bid
$10 Snittbud
1 bud
Fair Online-shop
Avslutades left

E-commerce var olika designers placerar ut sina produkter. Designern hyr en plats på min hemsida. Varan skickas direkt från designern till kunden. Inga mellanhänder. Jag vill alltså samla produkter från designers runt om i världen på sidan.

$626 Average bid
$626 Snittbud
29 bud

skapa en hemsida i worldpress, tema swell koppla till en onlineshop med begränsat innehåll, antal kategorier, varor.

$1096 Average bid
$1096 Snittbud
40 bud

...rid of the salesperson, others truly believe that it will have a positive effect on sales, 99 % have the same thing in common - they have no clue if it actually produces any result. With some of the sharpest minds in psychology, marketing and finance we have developed a system that reduces waste and guarantees at least a 20 % increase in results. That might not sound like much, but ask any company if they would like to add 20 % on their bottom line with the same kind of expenditure, they would jump on that opportunity every day of the week. We have gathered a very select list of companies that would benefit grately from this kind of help and should have all the possibilities of achieving the kind of results guaranteed. It all boils down to your way of presenting, building...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Snittbud
2 bud
Skapa en onlinebutik
Avslutades left

Bygga en e-shop för 10 produkter

$148 Average bid
$148 Snittbud
4 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektLogo design for e-commerce company'

$40 - $40 / hr
$40 - $40 / hr
0 bud
Service modul
Avslutades left

...Manufacturer (Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc.) Model (If manufacturer is Apple; then iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad 4, etc.) After the kind of unit has been established, we need to know what type of service the costumer is asking for. (Example, Screen replacement, speakers, etc.) This function needs to be connected to the inventory database, since we run the same inventory for our webpage and for the local shop. We need to keep the same amount of stock in both places, regardless of where the costumer places his/her order. So, for summary: First/Lastname Social Security Number Adress Telephone Number & Email Unit selection (Manufacturer & Model) Service selection (Screen replacement, speakers, water damage etc.) We also need an overview of our orders of service. Handed-...

$505 Average bid
$505 Snittbud
4 bud

Will discuss in detail

$252 Average bid
$252 Snittbud
1 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektDesign a logo for homestyling company'

$40 - $40 / hr
$40 - $40 / hr
0 bud

All details provided.

$30 Average bid
$30 Snittbud
1 bud

Kommer öppna upp en e-shop som enbart kommer sälja designklockor och så småningom även sälja märkeskläder. Vill ah en tuff men även elegant logga

$55 Average bid
$55 Snittbud
7 bud

website skills, marketing, etc...

$255 Average bid
$255 Snittbud
4 bud
Balance SMM Shop
Avslutades left

username: stangerards

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Looking for a writer to Write my app Description in Swedish - 400 words on slot machine app

$28 Average bid
$28 Snittbud
4 bud + hosting
Avslutades left

shop domain + hosting...........................................................................................

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Avslutades left

A Skate shop selling skate products.

$521 Average bid
$521 Snittbud
6 bud

Obs! Detta projekt är en long term projekt!! - Fast and Furious 7 - Jag behöver en som kan skriva 2-4 artiklar/blogginlägg per vecka + bilder/videos med angivna keywords. Freelancern MÅSTE även optimera artiklarna (SEO) samt submitting på olika directories. Articklarna/blogginläggen + bilderna måste passera Copysca... Articklarna/blogginläggen + bilderna måste passera Copyscape och vara unika likaså bilderna!!! Freelancern kommer behöva skriva artiklar/inlägg om följande subcategories: - Cars - Wallpaper - Quoet - SoundTrack Projektet är långsiktigt, så gör ditt bästa för att jag ska fortsätta med dig! Första månaden är dock en TEST må...

$52 Average bid
$52 Snittbud
2 bud

Design Shop for Hatex/Schäfer e.c.t

$278 Average bid
$278 Snittbud
6 bud

Vi på behöver hjälp med att designa en bakgrund till vår webbutik. Butiken säljer träleksaker för barn. Vi vill att du kommer med olika designförslag då vi har slut på ideer. idag kör vi enbart med denna bild Så om du har ideer och kan hjäpla oss så lägg ett bud. Med vänliga hälsningar Mathias

$61 Average bid
$61 Snittbud
5 bud

Nu har stora som små varumärken möjligheten att synas och sälja produkter på de bästa platserna utan dyra butikslokaler, dyr personal och långa provköer. Micro-shop är en automatiserad mini butik på 1×1 meter där man kan köpa produkter och prova dem virtuellt. Det är precis så enkelt som det låter, man drar sitt kort, väljer varan och ut kommer produkten. Se video här: Vad vill vi ha hjälp med? Vi letar efter en person som har erfarenhet med fysik/klädes motorer dvs någon som kan hjälpa oss med att få kläderna falla mer naturligt i programmet. Du bör kunna lite 3D animation men dock är det inget krav då vi vill att befintliga pro...

$317 Average bid
$317 Snittbud
2 bud
Skapa en onlinebutik
Avslutades left

...grundfunktionerna är alltså redigering online av kunden vad det gäller bild och text som sedan ska hamna i ett speciellt format som vi skriver ut. Liknande sidor som vi vill efterlikna gällande funktioner: Funktioner som ska läggas till på dagens plattform: * Kunden bestämmer önskat leveransdatum i beställningsvyn ungefär som denna sida * Lägg till denna text vid leveransdatum "Om du vill att boxen levereras imorgon, måste beställningen vara gjord senast kl. 14:00 vardagar, kl. 11:00 söndagar. Observera att paketet/vykortet skickas med Posten varför vi inte kan garantera leverans på valt datum!Enligt Postens mätningar kommer 95,5 % av breven (inrikes) fram dagen efter." *...

$778 Average bid
$778 Snittbud
4 bud

1FITNESS behöver dig som kan skapa en onlineshop/webshop som Kontakta oss för mer information.

$844 Average bid
$844 Snittbud
2 bud

I'm seeking a comprehensive analysis on the competitive dynamics betwee...dynamics between China and the United States in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). The focus should be on the following: - Key Aspects: Research and innovation, economic impact, and military applications of AI. I want to understand how these three facets interconnect and influence the overall AI landscape. - Specific Technologies: A comparative evaluation of the two nations' advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. The analysis should primarily draw from a mix of academic papers, industry reports, and news articles. Ideal candidates for this project are those with a strong background in AI and international studies, along with excellent research an...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snittbud
17 bud

I need a freelancer who can create a python script to scrape a company website and store the contact details in a standard Excel format. The ideal candidate should have experience in data scraping and should be proficient in using Excel. The job involves: - Scraping contact details from a company website - Storing the data in a standard Excel format The freelancer should be able to work independently, deliver project asap, and maintain a high level of data accuracy.

$122 Average bid
$122 Snittbud
76 bud

I'm looking for an expert in TinyML with experience in pattern recogni...involves using a nano 55 BLE sense board and various sensors including an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and a camera (ardu cam ov5642). Ideal Skills: - Proficient in TinyML - Experienced in motion pattern recognition - Familiar with working with nano 55 BLE sense board - Skills in handling and interpreting data from accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and camera - Understanding of machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition Responsibilities: - Develop a system for recognizing motion patterns - Process data from various sensors - Implement the system on the nano 55 BLE sense board The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to analyze sensor data and recognize motion patter...

$95 Average bid
$95 Snittbud
9 bud

...allowing me to quickly interpret performances and adjust training strategies accordingly. ? Project Objective: Create a dynamic and customizable tracking template that allows me to: Easily enter data after each tournament. Compare 2025 performances with 2024 averages through evolution curves. Show or hide specific statistics using a checkbox system. Have a clean and readable design in white, black, and red, with my logo integrated. ? Expected Features: ✅ Data Entry Table List of 12 to 18 tournaments for the 2025 season. Columns to input performance data across different key statistics. ✅ Tracked Statistics (one row per metric) SG Off the Tee SG Approach the Green SG Around the Green SG Putting Fairway % GIR % (Greens in Regulation) Scrambling % Number of Putts ✅ Dynami...

$16 Average bid
2 bidrag

I'm looking for a seasoned professional to create a comprehensive company profile for my telecommunication consultancy. This profile should be geared towards attracting potential clients and should consist of three distinct layout and design options. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a full-scale company profile for a technology-focused telecommunication consultancy. - Design three unique layouts for the profile. - Optimize the wording for clarity, impact, and client appeal. - Implement visually engaging design elements in line with the consultancy's tech-oriented focus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in creating company profiles, preferably for tech or consultancy firms. - Strong skills in layout and design. - Ex...

$82 Average bid
$82 Snittbud
78 bud

I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive PDF that outlines our company overview alongside our flagship products. This document will serve as marketing material aimed at potential customers. Key Requirements: - Include a detailed company overview - Highlight our flagship products with product details - Use engaging content and appealing design suitable for marketing material Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Graphic design experience - Understanding of marketing strategies and customer engagement

$12 Average bid
$12 Snittbud
18 bud
Company Overview PDF Creation
6 dagar left

I need a professionally designed PDF that serves as an overview of our company. This document is primarily targeted at potential customers, so it needs to clearly communicate our brand and product offerings in an engaging and persuasive manner. Key Deliverables: - A clear, compelling overview of our company, tailored for potential customers. - A comprehensive section detailing our product offerings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and document creation, particularly for marketing purposes. - Excellent understanding of how to present technical product information in an accessible and appealing way. - Prior experience working with tech companies and understanding of their product offerings would be a plus.

$10 Average bid
$10 Snittbud
14 bud

I'm looking for a sleek, minimalist logo for my Etsy shop. The design should be in black and white, incorporating my shop's initials or name etc. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Illustrator - Minimalist Design Expertise Key Requirements: - Incorporate shop name's initials - Adhere to a minimalist aesthetic - Utilize a monochromatic color scheme Please provide a portfolio of similar previous work.

$23 Average bid
$23 Snittbud
80 bud

I need a skilled freelancer to help me upload a Wikipedia article about my company from Mongolian to English. The article should primarily focus on the details of our products and services, highlighting key features and benefits. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines, and previous experience with Wikipedia article writing and translation is highly preferred. It's essential that the freelancer is capable of accurately conveying the unique aspects of our products and services for an English-speaking audience.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

Tips on Recording the Video: We want to see what you see. Keep your camera pointed towards the aisle - do not record a selfie video. We want to hear what you're thinking. Narrate your shopping process as you shop. Make sure you read through all of the instructions below before recording your video. Your video should not be more than 5 minutes in length. Do not pause/ stop recording the video in between and do not even edit your video. ----------------------------------------- You have been selected to participate in this project because you indicated that you plan to purchase Premium you are already stocked up and not looking to buy for the given category, please do not make a video for this project. Category: Premium Chocolate Retailers: Your vi...

$14 Average bid
$14 Snittbud
3 bud

I need professional AutoCAD drawings for a fabrication shop, with a focus on structural components. Ideal skills and experience include: - Expertise in AutoCAD - Strong background in architectural design - Experience in creating fabrication shop drawings - Understanding of structural components - Attention to detail Please provide examples of previous similar projects in your proposal.

$17 Average bid
$17 Snittbud
12 bud

I'm looking for a skilled Marathi translator to translate a 1500+ word insurance brochure from English to Marathi. The task is urgent and requires a quick turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Ensure translation is accurate, fluent, and cul...for a skilled Marathi translator to translate a 1500+ word insurance brochure from English to Marathi. The task is urgent and requires a quick turnaround time. Key Requirements: - Ensure translation is accurate, fluent, and culturally relevant. - Use common terms rather than specific terminology. - Prior experience in translating insurance-related content is a plus. - Deliver high-quality, error-free work. Ideal Candidates: - Have a proven track record in translation. - Able to handle urgent tasks efficiently. - Familiar with the insu...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snittbud
30 bud

I need a CAD/CAM programmer experienced with the EasyBeam DDX software. This project involves high-precision milling of wood using a Uniteam RC machine. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in CAD/CAM programming - Experience with EasyBeam DDX software - Familiarity with milling operations - High precision work ethic - Wood machining expertise

$28 / hr Average bid
$28 / hr Snittbud
14 bud

As a newly formed company in the finance sector, we are looking for a professional who can design an engaging and informative website for us. The website should be a platform that showcases our company, service offerings, and facilitates client engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Create a website that is catchy, subtle, and professional - Incorporate features such as a blog, articles, client testimonials, and a contact form - Ensure the website functions as a 'pull system' In addition to web development, we also need someone who can write insightful blogs and articles for our site on a weekly basis, one or two times per week. A background in finance or experience in the finance sector would be highly beneficial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web developme...

$174 Average bid
$174 Snittbud
65 bud