Machine learning in financial risk managementJobb
...sömlöst och effektivt för att möta kundens specifika behov. Nödvändiga systemkunskaper: Vi letar efter kandidater med följande expertis inom SAP S4/HANA: - MM/SD-modul: Din förmåga att hantera och optimera försäljnings- och distributionsprocesser är avgörande, och du kommer att vara nyckeln till att säkerställa smidiga affärsflöden. - SCM (Logistikmodul): Din kunskap om logistik och supply chain management kommer att vara essentiell för att säkerställa en effektiv och pålitlig leveranskedja. - FI/CO-modul: Din förmåga att hantera finansiella och kontrollrelaterade processer kommer att bidra till att upprätthålla en sund ekonomisk struktur. Krav: - Djup...
Om uppdraget BI/BA-konsult för relativt kort uppdrag (4-5 mån), start omgående. Konsult behöver vara: Mycket duktig Business Process Analyst. Complience erfaren. Bekant med KYC, ODD och AML och med fördel bankerfarenhet (inte fin-tech). Ska kunna göra ordentliga GAP-analyser m.m. Uppdraget är under First line risk-delen hos kunden. Uppdraget kan utföras remote.
Jag heter Anna Wallander och jag letar efter en kvinna som har kunskap om AI och machine learning till ett nytt spännande projekt. Storlek på ersättningen kan diskuteras beroende på hur mycket tid du uppskattar att det kommer att ta. Hör gärna av dig så lovar jag att berätta mer!
Hej! Vi på Byggbranschens utbildningscenter tillhandahåller branschen med utbildning. Vi har hittills mest erbjudit traditionell klassrumsundervisning, men ska nu bredda vårt digitala erbjudande och erbjuda flera nya onlineutbildningar, även kallade e-learnings. Har du dokumenterade kvalifikationer och erfarenhet, kontakta mig.
...programmering språket c++ Inomhus Medeltemperatur för valt datum (sökmöjlighet) ◦ Sortering av varmast till kallaste dagen enligt medeltemperatur per dag ◦ Sortering av torrast till fuktigaste dagen enligt medelluftfuktighet per dag ◦ Sortering av minst till störst risk av mögel Utomhus Medeltemperatur för valt datum (sökmöjlighet) ◦ Sortering av varmast till kallaste dagen enligt medeltemperatur per dag ◦ Sortering av torrast till fuktigaste dagen enligt medelluftfuktighet per dag ◦ Sortering av minst till störst risk av mögel ◦ Datum för meteorologisk Höst ◦ Datum för meteorologisk Vinter Frågeställningar som ska lösas Val av datatyper för den här typen av data. ...
...befolkning i världen ihop med matutmaningen? befolkningen ökar snabbare än jordbruksproduktionen. 3. Ett problem med den mat vi äter är att vi äter väldigt mycket kött. Vilka miljöskadliga effekter kan köttproduktionen få? Finns det alternativ till att äta kött? Kött kan va skadlig för miljön, för att få fram kött måste vi slösa mycket vatten och det är inte heller bra och äta mycket kött det kan åka risk och få cancer. Man kan äta vegetarisk man istället för kött. 4. Är närodlad eller importerad mat bäst för miljön? Hur påverkar transporterna av mat miljön? närodlat är b&au...
Jag vill ha en ny webbsida Bara bygga den Landningssida Jag håller på att starta egen firma inom talent management (typ Human resources) och kommer erbjuda tjänster och rådgivning inom det. Exempel på hemsida som ser ut nått åt det hållet jag vill ha är: För tillfället behöver det bara vara en sida som beskriver den service jag erbjuder. Så enbart informativ till en början. Samt en kontanktaktruta.
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RGP är ett konsultbolag inom Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Information Management och Supply Chain. I våras satte vi upp en blogg under domänen där vi vill publicera content relevant för våra kunder och nära vår affärsverksamhet. Detta är dock för tidskrävande för oss att göra in-house så därför letar vi efter någon som kan agera redaktör och vara den drivande motor i arbetet från idé till publicering. Vi tänker att vi vill publicera två artiklar i månaden. Grundjobbet kommer att göras av våra konsulter men i rollen kommer det också innefatta korrekturläsning, editing, förslag på illustrationer osv. ...
Vi behöver hjälp med utveckla vår hemsida. Den mest avancerade delen vi behöver hjälp med är att utveckla en funktion där man som besökare kan kalkylera den risk det innebär att vara kraftigt överviktig. Vi vill att detta ska kunna visualiseras på ett snyggt sätt i kombination med att man kan göra beräkningar med utgångspunkt från den ålder, kön, längd och vikt besökaren har. Givet dessa ingångsvärden vet vi vilka risker som föreligger att utveckla Diabets II, högt blodtryck, högt kolesterol i blodet, sömnapné, knä- och höftledsproblem. Det vi vill visualisera för våra besökare är 1. vilka risker obesity...
Koordinering av innehåll, design, text, bild och video för produktion av e-learning moduler. Modulerna skall driftsättas på stora företags intranät och dess CMS. God dokumentation behövs då versionsansvaret ligger hos oss. Vissa moduler är interaktiva. Uppdraget är att ta produktionen från koncept till användare.
We need a translator that speaks Serbian very well and is able to come to our house to explain to my 78 year old dying father who has stage 4 colon cancer and is dying (has about 1 year to live or les...and is able to come to our house to explain to my 78 year old dying father who has stage 4 colon cancer and is dying (has about 1 year to live or less). My father needs to know what a " do not resuscitate" form is and also what a "Power of Attorney" is. I am his daughter. My father lives with me and I am his care giver for the past 3 years since he was diagnosed. I want to be able to make financial and medical decisions for him once he is not mentally capable of doing it himself. I cannot speak Serbian well this is why we need someone who can explain this to m...
WPLMS är ett komplett e-learning tema för Wordpress. En stor miss i temat är möjligheten att kunna söka bland kurser och få relevanta resultat. Vi letar efter en lösning där den student som är inloggad har möjligheten att söka bland alla kurser och få relevanta och bra resultat. Vi vill ge studenten möjligheten att leta efter en specifik del i en kurs. Om en student letar efter "pivot-tabell" skall resultatet visa alla kurser som innehåller "pivot-tabell". Enbart de som är inloggade skall kunna söka och få alla svar. De som inte är inloggade eller som inte köpt någon kurs skall kunna se resultaten men inte gå in närmare och läsa den a...
Function Sheets / Budgeting & Overall event management
Looking for a writer to Write my app Description in Swedish - 400 words on slot machine app
...Webbplatsen är alltså tänkt att gå från en idag inaktiv informationssida till en aktivt uppdaterad och levande portal som så småningom täcker samtliga behov som finns i ämnet. Dessa behov grundas på egen erfarenhet och feedback från befintliga kunder samt professionella aktörer. Tanken är att skapa ett första alternativ till portal för alla investerare i aktiemarknaden med information om aktier, risk, analys, portföljhantering och tips från handlargolvet. Vi söker en leverantör av webbpublicering som kan vara delaktig i skapandet av denna sida och komma med idéer såväl som inputs på design, innehåll och kreativa lösningar för div. funkti...
will disucss
Projektet går i grund och botten ut på att marknadsföra/promota en sångerska som heter Alexandra. Alexandra har varit verksam i ett tag nu men på grund utav tidsbrist och bristande management bland annat så har hennes karriär lagts på is. Hennes nya management har i samarbete med hennes familj och andra representanter beslutat att med krafttag få i gång karriären på nytt. För att göra detta så behövs givetvis en hemsida. Det är viktigt att hemsidan har alla de funktioner som de allra bästa sidor har efter som vi planerar att göra det till mer än bara en hemsida. Följande bör ge en liten bild utav vilka ramar vi förväntar oss att operera inom: ...
Vill skapa en hemsida där kunder skriver in uppgifter i en fördefinierat mall. Kunderna skall kunna spara sin "mall" i molnet med egen inloggning. Det måste finnas någon typ av management verktyg för att kunna administrera användarna och deras information. Informationen skall sedan kunna skickas till andra leverantörer på ett smidigt sätt. I framtiden vill jag ha en app som kan uppdatera kundernas information på ett enkelt sätt. Sidan måste kunna hantera många språk, men svenska och engelska till att börja med. Det måste vara enkelt att lägga till fler språk.
Steg 1: Ta fram en hemsida där kunden kan logga in och lägga in information utifrån en vald mall. Antal kunder: ca 100.000 Mängd data per konto/ max 0.3 MB Steg 2: Det hade varit bra om kunden även kan komma åt sin "mall" från en app (iphone/ipad). Steg 3: Ett management interface/verktyg för att kunna knyta informationen till rätt leverantör/partner (externa bolag). Dvs att externa bolag skall få del av relevant information.
1FITNESS behöver dig som kan skapa en onlineshop/webshop som Kontakta oss för mer information. application and a web-based CRM system for managing leads and orders for a solar service company. Key Features of the CRM: - Lead Management: The system should efficiently capture, track and manage potential clients. - Order Management: The CRM should handle all aspects of order processing. - Sales Analytics: The system should provide insightful data on sales performance. User Authentication: - The CRM system must have user authentication via email/password to ensure security and privacy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile app and CRM development. - Strong understanding of lead and order management systems. - Expertise in sales analytics and data interpretation. - Experience implementing secure user authentication sys...
I'm a beginner seeking a one-on-one tutor in cybersecurity. I need assistance in Network Security, Ethical Hacking, and Cybersecurity Fundamentals. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in teaching cybersecurity concepts to beginners - Experience in Network Security and Ethical Hacking - Strong understanding of Cybersecurity Fundamentals - Ability to provide personalized, one-on-one tutoring sessions Please reach out if you can help me on my learning journey in the world of cybersecurity.
...all responses in a database, generating an Excel report of the results, and sending this report to our admin's email. Key Features: 1. Three timed tests 2. Automatic test stop when time runs out and next to another test 3. Database storage for answers 4. Excel report generation and email delivery 5. Admin panel for token generation 6. One-time use token system The design of the website should focus on simplicity and ease of use, to ensure that it is accessible for all users. I have no specific preference for a development platform or framework, and am open to suggestions. The only requirement is that the token distribution system needs to be via email, as opposed to a direct link or downloadable file. Ideal candidates will be proficient in web development, with ex...
I'm looking for a professional to manage my Facebook and Instagram accounts, and assist with my fortnightly newsletters. A cosmetic, skin and wellness clinic Social Media: - ...and wellness clinic Social Media: - 3-4 posts and engaging stories per week aimed at engaging my current followers. - Content is provided by me but needs to be put together creatively. Newsletters: - I have access to a newsletter tool and a template to use. - Newsletters include company news, promotions and offers, and educational articles. Key Requirements: - Social media and newsletter management experience. - Marketing knowledge to ensure compliance with regulations. - Proofreading skills to ensure all content is error-free. - Ability to maintain a professional tone and style. - Develop accord...
I'm in need of a seasoned business consultant to create a comprehensive business plan and feasibility study for a prospective Cryotherapy business in Sparwood, British Columbia. The primary goal of this project is to validate the business concept, with a particular emphasis on its financial viability. Key Aspects to be Covered: - Detailed analysis of the cost structure and pricing - Comprehensive revenue forecasts - In-depth break-even analysis Ideal Candidates: - Experienced business consultants with a focus on start-ups - Prior experience in the health and wellness industry, particularly Cryotherapy, is a plus - Strong financial analysis skills - Excellent research capabilities to assess market demand and operational logistics - Proven tr...
...system should be scalable and capable of handling multiple image inputs. Integration: If possible, API-based output that can be integrated with existing embroidery software. Preferred Skills: Experience in computer vision (OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or similar). Knowledge of image processing techniques. Familiarity with digitizing embroidery designs is a plus. Web development experience (for UI integration) is a bonus. API development experience (Flask, FastAPI, or similar) for scalable deployment. Experience with image similarity search algorithms (Feature Matching, Deep Learning Embeddings, etc.) is preferred. Deliverables: AI/ML model that accurately estimates stitch count. Image matching system that finds similar designs from the database. Basic front-end...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me integrate...professional who can help me integrate my ERP API with Ilexius. The main goal of this project is to automate the data flow between these systems. Key Modules for Integration: - Inventory Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) I have a total of 185 end points that need to be connected. The specific data points or fields that need to be prioritized for automation include: - Product details - Customer records - Order history - Activity status Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Romanian is a must - Extensive experience with ERP API integration - Strong understanding of Inventory Management and CRM systems - Ability to handle and automate large data sets - Excellent problem-so...
I'm looking for an experienced Reddit marketer to help promote my app. The main goal is to engage with the community a...get users from specific subreddits to visit our social media pages and website. Key responsibilities: - Identify and target specific subreddits relevant to our app - Develop and implement engaging content to promote the app - Foster community interaction and involvement Ideal candidate: - Proven experience in Reddit marketing - Have active Reddit accounts with karma and can show proof and links of past engagements - Ability to create engaging content - Skills in community management and interaction Please note, the focus is increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to the website and social media accounts NO SEO SERVICES ARE NEEDED!...
AI Expert – Full-Time Position About BetMavrik BetMavrik is a leading software development company specializing in innovative solutions for the iGaming industry. We are looking for a talented AI Expert to join our team and drive the integration of advanced AI and automation processes to enhance our products and services. Role Overview We are focused on integrating cutting-edge AI-driven processes and automation technologies to optimize our services for efficiency and superior performance. In this role, you will analyze existing workflows, identify opportunities for automation, and implement AI-driven solutions to improve operations. You will be responsible for designing and implementing AI-enhanced processes, selecting and integrating automation tools into workflow...
I'm seeking a seasoned Django developer with a strong background in creating e-commerce platforms, particularly multi-vendor systems. The project involves building a comprehensive marketplace with the following key features: - Product listing and search capabilities - A seamless shopping cart and checkout process - User reviews and ratings - A listing service - A vendor admin panel - Multi-vendor management - A vendor admin panel for listing services and offers The platform needs to accommodate three distinct user roles: Admin, Vendor, and Customer. A prior experience in developing similar systems will be highly beneficial. Please include examples of your previous ecommerce projects in your proposal.
Attendance Management System 1st Phase from the DB we will add the master data and enable employees to mark attendance and have all other features working. 2nd phase building the features as mentioned in the attached document Needs to be hosted on AWS and use Atlas DB (Mongo) or for simplicity use the managed DB services available in AWS. Serverless architecture is preferable.
I'm looking for a developer to create a comprehensive task management application that functions across both iOS and Android platforms using Flutter. The project entails: 1. **User Profiles**: The application will feature five types of user profiles: - Task Hirers: They will have the ability to create and manage tasks, post, edit, and delete tasks, communicate with task doers, negotiate, and track their tasks. - Task Doers: This profile will cater to users who will be bidding to complete the tasks. - Customer Care: A profile dedicated to addressing user concerns. - Registering Team: For managing new user registrations. - Admin Panel: This will have extensive functionalities including user management, task monitoring, payment tracking, profile edition, rol...
...Creating a mix of engaging ad creatives, specifically images and videos ✅ Crafting compelling ad copy ✅ Running and refining campaigns to drive lead generation and enhance brand visibility Your primary focus will be on targeting India and Vietnam. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proven experience with Meta Ads, particularly in lead generation - A strong creative flair for developing ad content - Excellent copywriting skills - Proficiency in campaign management and optimization Experience working with the Indian and Vietnamese markets would be a significant advantage....
...will provide visual strength in terms of modern and professional aesthetics). Speed Optimization (Performance): The website should load fast. User experience and SEO depend on this. Advanced SEO Optimization: I need a website built from scratch with the best on-page, off-page, and technical SEO practices implemented. The goal is to attract quality organic traffic from search engines like Google. (For example, optimization for keywords like "buy whey protein", "best creatine", "muscle mass gaining supplements", etc.). Essential E-commerce Features: Complete and easy-to-manage product catalog. Optimized shopping cart and checkout process. Integration of secure payment methods (debit cards, credit cards, yape, plin, tunki, etc.). Inventory and order...
We are seeking a qualified CPA or tax attorney based in the United States to assist our client with writing an accreditation letter confirming their net worth. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of SEC requirements and accreditation letters for investors. Our client is investing in a fund that requires accredited investors with a net worth of at least $1 million. They own a startup valued at approximately $10 million, with a majority ownership stake (documented through an SEC Form C filing available on EDGAR). The company is in good standing. This project is straightforward—the professional will need to provide a simple letter confirming accreditation status based on the financial details provided. No specific state licensure is requir...
I am seeking a skilled social media professional to's presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. The project's main components include: - Content Creation: I need engaging, high-quality content tailored to my target audience on both platforms. - Account Management: This includes regular updates, interaction with followers, and maintaining a positive online presence. - Advertising Campaigns: Design and implement effective advertising campaigns to increase visibility and engagement. Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in social media management, particularly on Facebook and LinkedIn, with strong content creation skills. Experience in running successful advertising campaigns is also a must. Understanding of audience engagement and ...
I'm looking for a freelancer experienced in database entry, specifically with Microsoft SQL Server, to help me input product inventory data. Key Requirements: - Proficient in database management and entry - Experienced with Microsoft SQL Server - Able to accurately input product inventory data - Attention to detail to ensure data integrity - Able to work independently and meet deadlines Message this number below on WhatsApp for more information: +1 (409) 444‑9983
...from a database, displaying their names in a side panel (Tree View). The actual files will be stored in cloud storage, and the software should fetch and display them accordingly. The application should integrate existing tools for viewing these file types and provide a seamless user experience. Key Features & Requirements: 1. User Authentication & Login System Login functionality with username, password, and subscription validation. Ensure that a user can log in from at most two systems at the same time (restrict third login attempts). Store login details and system usage data in the database. Registration is not required. Instead, provide a registration link on the login page that redirects users to an external registration portal. 2. File Manag...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a...will check the submitted documents. If everything is in order, an email will be dispatched to the client stating verification success. - In case of discrepancies, an automatic email will inform the client about verification failure and prompt for resubmission. - The system should allow us to view and search data in the backend whenever necessary. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong understanding of KYC processes. - Experience in creating desktop web applications. - Familiarity with implementing OTP based verification systems. - Ability to integrate Google map functionality into the web app. - Previous work on document upload features is a plus. - Strong back...
...Accountant (CA) to guide me and offer expert advice in establishing a service-based consulting company in India. The ideal professional will be well-versed in the intricacies of company formation, its legalities, and practical use cases. Key Responsibilities: - Advise on the most suitable company structure prioritizing ease of management. - Provide insights on tax implications, efficiency and legal requirements - prior to Company formation process. Please note, I already have a legal firm to help with the Company formation process. Therefore, I am ONLY looking for advise on the "type" of Company, appropriate for my objective. This is a one-time advisory requirement, rather than a continuous engagement. Skills and Experience Required: - Experti...
I am looking for an experienced crypto trader with deep knowledge of Cryptohopper and Binance to help me set up a fully automated trading strategy. My goal is to execute fast buy and sell trades with minimum profit per trade, while keeping risk at a minimum.
I'm in need of a Python program that can scrape specific financial data from various websites. The primary purpose of the program is to aggregate and analyze this data. Key requirements include: - Scraping stock prices, company financial statements, and economic indicators from financial websites - Processing this data for further analysis The ideal candidate for this project would have: - Proficiency in Python programming - Experience with web scraping tools and techniques - Understanding of financial data and analysis If you have a good command of Python, a keen interest in finance, and a knack for web scraping, I'm eager to hear from you.
...advocates. - Case Management: Clients should be able to track and manage their case updates. - Generative AI for summary analysis: Leveraging AI to simplify complex legal documents and case details. Key Advocate Features: - Case management: Advocates should have a dedicated space for managing their cases. - Generative AI for summary analysis: Advocates should also leverage AI for efficient case and document analysis. - Billing and invoicing: A feature for tracking billable hours and generating invoices. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in app development, particularly in the legal sector or with similar integrations. - Proficiency in working with Generative AI technology. - Familiarity with secure document sharing and real-time communication syst...
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I'm looking for a comprehensive analysis of a publicly traded finance corporation's stock, comparing it to other related stocks on the international market. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong background in finance and stock analysis - Experience with international market trends - Ability to interpret and compare financial reports - Excellent presentation skills to clearly communicate recommendations Key areas of focus: - A deep dive into the chosen corporation's stock performance - Comparison with other related stocks - Analysis of price trends, dividend yield, and price-to-earnings ratio
I'm seeking a professional to develop a comprehensive web-based registration and entry management system. This system should not only facilitate user registrations and event bookings, but also provide powerful data visualization capabilities through various chart types. Key Features: ✅ User Registration & Login – The system must incorporate secure authentication protocols to ensure only legitimate users can access the system. ✅ Entry Management – The system should allow users to register for various events, make bookings, or join memberships. ✅ Database Integration – It's crucial for the system to maintain a robust database that stores user details, registrations, and activity logs. ✅ Data Visualization – This is a key component of the ...