Linux shell delete line file sedJobb
Om uppdraget BI/BA-konsult för relativt kort uppdrag (4-5 mån), start omgående. Konsult behöver vara: Mycket duktig Business Process Analyst. Complience erfaren. Bekant med KYC, ODD och AML och med fördel bankerfarenhet (inte fin-tech). Ska kunna göra ordentliga GAP-analyser m.m. Uppdraget är under First line risk-delen hos kunden. Uppdraget kan utföras remote.
Vi är ett IT konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastruc...konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastructure as Code (t.ex. Ansible) ha byggt applikationsplattformar · Efter att ha byggt dessa applikationsplattformar även driftat och förvaltat dessa · Vi tycker att man ska ha erfarenhet från både ”Linux-världen” samt ”Microsoft-världen”, dä...
Hej Top Line Solutions, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
tacc202 till 30-5
Hej, Jag söker en Sverigebaserad projektledare på timtid (uppdragstagare) för utveckling av min webbsajt som är baserad på Linux/PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter. Vår tjänst har varit online sedan 1995. Önskar en person som har lång erfarenhet av projektutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och "dataprogrammering" och som samarbetat med utvecklare internationellt. Du ska vara länken mellan mig och utvecklarna och leda, instruera och kontrollera utvecklarna. Nyckelord är funktionalitet, kvalitet, on-time, säkerhet, lönsamhet.
Hej! Jag har ett projekt jag undrar om du vill diskutera, det har påbörjats, men i stort sett är det enda som finns nu ett GUI förberett i gtk+, dvs all funktionalitet saknas. Appen är inledningsvis för Mac men ska vara lätt att porta till Linux/Windows, därav gtk+ trots att vi gör den för Mac först.. mvh David
Jag behöver hjälp med att sätta upp ett framework med Angular, Vue eller OpenUI5. Web appen ska ha 5-6 sidor, Inloggning, Konfig, Kundreg, Produkter, Order, Logg. Viss logik i appen, men det mesta sker i backend som anropas via json REST API. Web appen skall köra på Azure linux server.
... Vi är en växande konsultbyrå inom strategisk och taktisk rådgivning som nu ska relansera vårt varumärke och ta fram en ny grafisk profil. Vi söker en partner som vill hjälpa oss genom att tillsammans i ett agilt arbetssätt jobbar fram följande leverabler. - Grafisk profil inkl logotype som ska gå att nyttja på flera olika marknader/internationellt. Ska gå att nyttja både i digitala och off-line kanaler. - En "Styleguide" som gör att vi tillsammans kan bygga en ny webb. - Grafik/element samt göra ett gäng olika mallar för digital marknadsföring (ex "Nyhetsbrev", "social Media kanaler", mm). - Olika typer av mallar för Word och PowerPoint...
... Vi är en växande konsultbyrå inom strategisk och taktisk rådgivning som nu ska relansera vårt varumärke och ta fram en ny grafisk profil. Vi söker en partner som vill hjälpa oss genom att tillsammans i ett agilt arbetssätt jobbar fram följande leverabler. - Grafisk profil inkl logotype som ska gå att nyttja på flera olika marknader/internationellt. Ska gå att nyttja både i digitala och off-line kanaler. - En "Styleguide" som gör att vi tillsammans kan bygga en ny webb. - Grafik/element samt göra ett gäng olika mallar för digital marknadsföring (ex "Nyhetsbrev", "social Media kanaler", mm). - Olika typer av mallar för Word och PowerPoint...
...20 % increase in results. That might not sound like much, but ask any company if they would like to add 20 % on their bottom line with the same kind of expenditure, they would jump on that opportunity every day of the week. We have gathered a very select list of companies that would benefit grately from this kind of help and should have all the possibilities of achieving the kind of results guaranteed. It all boils down to your way of presenting, building trust and gently pushing them into a beneficial decision of accepting a very focused consultation. We want you to read this passage in Swedish and attach it to the bid. Only bids consisting of a mp3/wav file will be considered. Det finns fyra sätt att få ett företag att växa: 1. Ök...
Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om du ka...
Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back-end...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om d...
Vår nuvarande webshop har fått ett felmeddelande som vi inte får bort. Vi skulle därför behöva hjälp med att undersöka vad problemet är och lösa detta. Följande felmeddelande visas: Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sed...behöva hjälp med att undersöka vad problemet är och lösa detta. Följande felmeddelande visas: Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sedan version 4.3.0! Använd istället __construct() . in /customers/e/3/1/ on line 3457 Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sedan version 4.3.0! Använd istället __construct() . in /customers/e/3/1/ on ...
Skulle vilja packa in en webapp i Brackets Shell. Produkten är inte klar än utan detta är mer för test av distributionssätt. Arbetar i Mac så det är främst en OS X-app som är intressant nu även om det ska fungera för andra plattformar senare. Det ingår även att anpassa menyer och annat med egna menyval samt eventuell annan konfigurering som färg. Och att beskriva enkelt hur detta går till.
Hejsan sitter med en linux burk med centos 7.0, och en dreambox. Skulle behöva konfigurera dreamboxen så att man kan streama gratis kanaler via sin linuxburk. Jag skulle även behöva få fixat mysql,apache,php m.m.. MVH
Hej jag vill veta vad det kostar att bygga en enkel app där man kan skicka meddelanden till varandra så som ex Whats app, Line eller Skype. Jag vill hitta en person som kan utveckla billigt per timme då vi vill pröva oss fram med att ta fram appar och tjänster. Har du erfarenhet av e-handel och OSCommerce så är det meriterande. På sikt kan en meddelande app som Skype bli väldigt värdefull och du får växa med uppgiften och bättre inkomst möjligheter.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektRender a 3d drawing from a .stp-file'
Hi, I already have a Groovy code that can read JSON data and save in variable from an API endpoint I have figured all other fields how to read/iterate it. I need to figure out how to read Nested Custom Fields into an variable. W...out how to read Nested Custom Fields into an variable. What should be the format. Please find the attached JSON and Groovy Code. I just need a format in Groovy on how to read it into a variable for the Nested Custom Fields. Others are working as shown in the code. For example if I want to save "field_id: 5" value "TIM-01" from JSON. What should be the format. Please see the question marks line in Groovy File that's where I need the assistance. Just need the groovy code format how to read/iterate Custom Fields into Groovy C...
Tenho um Bar/Pub em Curitiba chamado Hendú Pub. Já temos redes sociais mas sinto que preciso profissionalizar a criação de conteúdo. Temos apenas dois anos de atuação no mercado, uma empresa recente… então busco um profissional condizente com nossas necessidades e condições. Desde já agradeço pela atenção e fico no aguardo do seu contato.
I'm looking for an experienced web designer to create a minimalist and modern e-commerce website for my Italian clothing and accessories line. Key Requirements: - Design a sleek, user-friendly interface that embodies a minimalist and modern aesthetic. - Incorporate a product review feature to foster customer interaction and trust. - Ensure the site is fully responsive and optimized for both desktop and mobile use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in e-commerce web design, specifically for the fashion industry. - Strong understanding of minimalist and modern design principles. - Experience implementing product review systems on e-commerce platforms. Please include examples of your previous work, particularly any minimalist and modern e-commerce sites you've designed. Lookin...
I'm seeking a professional to develop an eBPF agent for me. - Primary Use Case: The eBPF agent's primary use case will be for Linux systems. - Skills: Ideal candidates should have experience with network monitoring, security auditing, and performance profiling. - Data Collection: The specific types of data to be collected by the eBPF agent have not yet been determined. Please include any relevant experience you have with eBPF, Linux systems, and data collection in your proposal.
I need assistance interfacing an PN532 RFID card reader with my EC25 Linux controller to read Card IDs through the I2C interface. Key Requirements: - Write code in C to read RFID card details - Interface with EC25 board - Basic logging of read data The hardware is ready, I just need support to read the data. Ideal candidates should have experience with RFID technology, I2C interface, and coding in C for Linux controllers.
I am launching a line of dietary supplements called VALPESSENCE. The name comes from Vitality / Swiss Alps / Essence. The supplements are Swiss Made, natural, organic, of high quality, and will be linked to skin, beauty, timelessness, and well-being. I would like a modern, premium, high-end, impactful, and unique logo, but one that remains light and stands out from current logos. I really like pastel colors, beige, gold or golden (without being shiny). A reference to the Swiss mountains in the logo could be a good idea, but it is not a requirement. I would like to be surprised by something unique. I love fine, modern fonts, with possible letter manipulations to create a logo within the logo or to intrigue.
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Seven Years Gone Now This company and its product line originated from a profound personal struggle. They have been meticulously developed with a sincere commitment to providing effective solutions that enhance skin health and significantly reduce the time required for tissue regeneration. Bleeding edge research into peptide incorporation and cellular signaling has been conducted and all ingredients are the best the world has to offer. These products will go toe to toe with the most expensive and effective solutions on earth but we will undersell every competitor to go viral. This is the real deal developed by a skilled formulation scientist who scoured the world and tested extensively. All products are environmentally friendly and will do no harm to users. The company fo...
I need a skilled developer who can connect my VB.NET program to an Access database. I'm open to any connection method, whether it's ODBC, OLEDB, or , so your expertise will guide this decision. Key Requirements: - The program needs to be able to read, write, and update or delete data within the database. - It should be able to move through the database seamlessly. - A search functionality is required for navigating through the database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in VB.NET and familiar with Access databases. - Experience with ODBC, OLEDB, and ADO.NET. - Strong problem-solving skills to ensure smooth database navigation. - Prior experience implementing search functionalities within a program is preferred.
I'm looking for a graphic designer who can create a unique graphic for our custom coffee bags. The design will be made into a decal sticker for the bag. Key Details: - Style: I'm open to various styles, but it should be in line with our brand aesthetic. - Elements: The graphic should incorporate our brand logo and water-related items, like a water tower. - Color Scheme: The color scheme should match our brand logo, which is Red, White, and Blue. - Dimensions for design is 4 1/4 inches wide and 5 1/2 inches tall - Include "Just Add Water" somewhere in the design. - Our company logo(s) Coffee Information for bag: Origins: Brazil/Nicaragua Notes: Salted Peanut, Dried fruit, Praline Roast: Medium We have the perfect coffee for any occasion. This blend of Brazi...
Hi; Look freelancer expert in database mariadb linux
I'm looking for a C# Windows Forms developer to create a simple application that meets the following requirements: - Creates a shadow drive copy of my Documents and Media files to a local directory - Copies certain files into this directory - Deletes the shadow drive copy of the files after copying The applic...shadow drive copy of my Documents and Media files to a local directory - Copies certain files into this directory - Deletes the shadow drive copy of the files after copying The application should overwrite any existing files in the destination directory. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in C# and Windows Forms - Experience with file management applications - Good understanding of creating and managing local directories - Ability to implement file ove...
I need a medium detail 3D model of a 'god' figure that can be used for 3D printing. I have reference images to help you understand the design and details required. Key requirements: - The model should be of medium detail, not overly complex but with enough intricacy to make it visually appealing when printed. - The model must be fully optimized for 3D printing, meaning it should be structurally sound and printable without issues. - Good communication skills to clarify any uncertainties and to ensure the project is progressing according to expectations. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software with a strong portfolio of 3D printable models. - Understanding of 3D printing processes and limitations. - Previous experience working with similar design conce...
strategy : the strategy is based on liquidity sweep of session box that i choose the session time step 1 - when price breaks the session box it must close x candles bodies below/above the session box as i choose on input to be considered as sweep (based on 5min candles) step 2 - Normal Trade - i need price to return to the session box and only if the candle closes on the line or inside the box it should open a trade (based on 5min candles) step 3 - open a trade - stop x candles back from the opening trade candle with option x candles back on long / x candles back on short and option to choose if 1m candles or 5m candles and option to choose if high / low of the candle or highest /lowest from the x candles, take profit on risk reward ratio as i choose (1 to 1 , 1 to 1.2 1 to 1.5 etc....
About the Role We are looking for skilled Product Requirements Document (PRD) API Writers with expertise in technical writing and API documentation to define and document RESTful APIs for complex systems. Responsibilities Develop detailed ...experience in API architecture and technical documentation. Proficiency in RESTful API design principles. Excellent attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. Candidates will be provided with a Business Requirements Document covering various domains such as: Flight Booking System Real Estate Management System Robotic Assembly Line System and more. We seek professionals who can transform business needs into comprehensive API documentation that ensures seamless integration and ...
I'm in need of a professional designer who can create a vintage and classic style logo and packaging for my decor candle line. Key requirements include: - Experience in designing for decor items, specifically candles - Strong portfolio showcasing vintage and classic designs - Ability to incorporate ornamental details, hand-drawn illustrations and antique typography into the design Skills: - Graphic Design - Packaging Design - Branding I want the designs to resonate with a vintage and classic aesthetic. The ideal designer will have a keen understanding of this style and be able to translate it into a modern, minimalist interpretation.
I'm seeking a talented fashion designer for a men's casual wear clothing line. The ideal candidate should have a solid portfolio showcasing innovative, trendy yet wearable designs. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize and design a unique line of men's casual clothing - Collaborate on fabric selection and technical specifications - Create sketches and prototypes Required Skills: - Strong background in menswear and casual design - Excellent sketching and prototyping skills - Proficient in fabric selection and understanding of garment construction - Up-to-date with current fashion trends and market needs
I'm seeking a seasoned professional with extensive experience on the Goldsvet platform. The primary task will be integrating an NV10 bill acceptor with a web platform, specifically connecting it to the platform. - Payment Systems Integration: The selected candidate will need to integ...primarily Oxa Pay alongside various Crypto and Fiat solutions. - Multi-Currency Support: The system needs to support transactions in both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. - Laravel backend & frontend devs. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in ASP.NET and Laravel, as well as demonstrated experience with payment systems integration. Proficiency in working with Linux, specifically Ubuntu, is a must. A complete understanding of the Goldsvet platform will be...
Job Description article will be prepared in a format to be published in q3 or q4 journals. 2. the article will be a meta-analysis article; all studies will be studies conducted between 2020-2025 from web of scien, pubmed, google scholer, EBSCO, OVID, Med-line databases controlled trials retrospective or prospective cohort studies, case control studies will be included 5. all analyzed cases included in the study will be cases diagnosed with sleep apnea 6. sleep apnea cases will include all obstructive central and mix type cases and subgroup analyzes will be performed 6. the subjects analyzed in the study will be divided into 2 groups as CPAP users and non-CPAP users 7. the study will be an article examining the effects of CPAP /BPAP therapy applied in addition
...Integrate a Telegram bot that allows users to: Attach an IP address upon authentication. Request a new IP from the available pool. ✅ Ensure the script is easy to use and deploy. ✅ Provide a clear manual/documentation for future use. Test Environment: We will provide two test servers for deployment and testing. The servers run Ubuntu 24.04. Preferred Skills: WireGuard VPN setup and configuration Linux networking & forwarding Bash scripting & automation Telegram Bot API integration Strong knowledge of Ubuntu server administration If you have experience in setting up automated VPNs and can provide a stable, well-documented solution, we would love to work with you!...
I am in need of a dedicated server administrator for a long-term position. The server primarily runs on Linux, specifically CentOS, and the tasks will encompass various aspects of server management. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly applying security updates and patches to maintain server integrity and security - Managing user access and permissions to ensure appropriate access levels - Overseeing backup and recovery processes to safeguard against data loss Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Linux server management, specifically CentOS. Strong skills in security updates and patches, user and permission management, and backup and recovery are essential. The ability to work independently and proactively is a must.
-1. Detailed duties : Develop a multi-platform content strategy, focusing on B2B content on LinkedIn, AD delivery on Facebook, and visual operations on Instagram. - Manage Meta advertising system, optimize ROI, monitor engagement data (e.g. fan growth, conversion rate). - Ensure that the content is in line with the culture and holiday hotspots of the target market (e.g. Christmas season in Europe and the United States, Ramadan in Southeast Asia). 2. Job Requirements - Core Skills : - Proficient in using Facebook Business Suite, Instagram Insights and other tools. - Fluent in English - Bonus points : - Experience in SEO optimization and Influencer Marketing. - Familiar with TikTok short video operation (for young users). 3. Screening and verification - Case requirements : P...
I need a professional editor to proofread my user guide, which is approx 65 pages long . MUST PROOF READ IN UK ENGLISH After proofreading, I need the freelancer to edit this into a polished design on Canva. There must be a contents section with links to the relevant page. The manual is currently drafted and all photos and diagrams will be provided. PLEASE BID on Canva. There must be a contents section with links to the relevant page. The manual is currently drafted and all photos and diagrams will be provided. PLEASE BID TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. I WILL ACCEPT THE BEST BID AND WILL NOT MESSAGE FOR FURTHER CONVERSATIONS SO PLEASE DONT BID A PRICE ON THE HOPE OF INCREASING THE PRICE LATER. I will ask you to sign an NDA and delete the contents after. Must provide so...
We are seeking a Mapbox API File Upload Specialist to assist with uploading large GeoTIFF files that exceed the 300 MB limit. The role involves testing one initial file to ensure successful upload and rendering before proceeding with approximately 20 additional files. The candidate should have experience with the Mapbox API and geospatial data handling. A sample GeoTIFF file is available for testing, and further files will be provided as needed.
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...requirements clearly. Here are some key details you should provide: Project Overview You need a developer to build an auction website where users can list items for bidding, place bids, and complete transactions. Key Features Required User Registration & Profiles User authentication (Email, Google, or Social Login) Profile management (Buyers & Sellers) Auction Listings Ability to create, edit, and delete auctions Upload images, descriptions, starting bid, and reserve prices Bidding System Real-time bidding updates Auto-bid (max bid setting) Bid countdown timer Payments & Transactions Secure payment gateway (PayPal, Stripe, etc.) Buyer & seller payment protection Notifications & Alerts Email and push notifications for bid updates, auctions won, etc. Admi...
I'm looking for a versatile graphic designer for several marketing materials, including social media ads and flyers. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Graphic Design - Experience in creating social media ads - ads and flyers. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Graphic Design - Experience in creating social media ads - Proficiency in designing flyers - Knowledge in development and writing - Skills in logo design Your role will encompass: - Collaborating with me to understand the brand and target audience - Designing aesthetically pleasing and effective marketing materials - Ensuring all designs are in line with our brand's identity The goal is to create compelling, eye-catching materials that will help promote our brand and engage our audience. Please provide a portfol...
1- Task is to visit Hopital Militaire de Sfax physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the b...and make a small few seconds video of address. Also get the details of any nearby business (name of person, business name and contact who can tell you whether the institution existed or not) 6- Please ensure that the name on the document matches the name on the signboard of the authority you visit. If there is a different name, ask them for the reason for the discrepancy. ask them to write one line explanation on the form or provide BRC. 7- Check the forms before leaving the site, ensure that the start date, end date, and designation are the same on both the form and the certificate. 8- Check all the fields are properly filled on...
...system should encompass key features such as: 1. Add , Edit, Delete staff and assign roles by admin 2. Products-Add , Edit, Delete Products. Add, Edit, Delete –Brand & Group, Category, Variance, Supplier and address, Supplier list . Products list and inventory with customized search options including recently added list. - 3. Sales – Opening Balance Add, Edit, Delete Sales. Sales Invoice List. Add new products button Discount/On Sales; Discount based on quantity/weight etc Quotation(Print/Share with e-mail, whats app etc) Sales Return Sales Exchange/Partial exchange Sales statement Cash break Break value Cash pull Due • Due list • Partial payment adjustment • Remainder 5. Purchase- Add, Edit, ...
...goalie to catch/throw/dive. - Players will have a visible torso and feet (controllers) when looking down - Full player model is to be visible when looking at other players. - After goal celebrate 5 seconds with option to skip - If match creator leaves, ownership passes to next person in lobby - Appoint a user as Referee with ability to: (issue Red/yellow card, use Vanishing spray foam line, Blow whistle) Main Menu: Notifications (icon) Updates and events Display / full description (back button/exit on all pages) Drone view of stadium (icon) - user controls drone Weather settings (icon) Weather types: Morning / afternoon / evening Rain / snow / wind Light / medium / heavy ...
I am seeking a skilled web developer to create a sophisticated and elegant website for my cosmetic brand, with the primary focus on enhancing brand awareness. Key Features: - Showcasing Product Images and Descriptions: The website needs to feature our product line with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to captivate our visitors. - Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Incorporating a section dedicated to customer feedback will help instill trust and credibility in our brand. Design: - The overall design style of the website should be 'Luxury and Elegant'. It should reflect the high-end nature of our products, with careful attention to detail, aesthetics and user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and e-commerce. - A ...
I am seeking a skilled web developer to create a sophisticated and elegant website for my cosmetic brand, with the primary focus on enhancing brand awareness. Key Features: - Showcasing Product Images and Descriptions: The website needs to feature our product line with high-quality images and detailed descriptions to captivate our visitors. - Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Incorporating a section dedicated to customer feedback will help instill trust and credibility in our brand. Design: - The overall design style of the website should be 'Luxury and Elegant'. It should reflect the high-end nature of our products, with careful attention to detail, aesthetics and user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and e-commerce. - A ...