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2,000 linux moodle installation hittade uppdrag

Söker efter någon som kan bygga en connector till Visma Admin i C#. Viktigt är att vi får tillgång till all källkod efter avslutat uppdrag så vi kan bygga vidare på det i framtiden om det behövs. Installation och konfiguration Connectorn ska efter installation alltid ligga kvar i bakgrunden och köras, förslagsvis som en Windows-tjänst. Connectorn ska presentera en ikon i Windows statusfält. Vid klick på ikonen öppnas ett fönster med konfigurationsalternativ: • API-nyckel (sträng, max 128 tecken) • URL (sträng, max 1024 tecken) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Gemensamma filer (bläddra-knapp) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Fö...

$1971 Average bid
$1971 Snittbud
7 bud

Vi är ett IT konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastruc...konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastructure as Code (t.ex. Ansible) ha byggt applikationsplattformar · Efter att ha byggt dessa applikationsplattformar även driftat och förvaltat dessa · Vi tycker att man ska ha erfarenhet från både ”Linux-världen” samt ”Microsoft-världen”, dä...

$83 / hr Average bid
$83 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej, Jag söker en Sverigebaserad projektledare på timtid (uppdragstagare) för utveckling av min webbsajt som är baserad på Linux/PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter. Vår tjänst har varit online sedan 1995. Önskar en person som har lång erfarenhet av projektutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och "dataprogrammering" och som samarbetat med utvecklare internationellt. Du ska vara länken mellan mig och utvecklarna och leda, instruera och kontrollera utvecklarna. Nyckelord är funktionalitet, kvalitet, on-time, säkerhet, lönsamhet.

$52 / hr Average bid
$52 / hr Snittbud
19 bud
Project for Simon E.
Avslutades left

Hej! Jag har ett projekt jag undrar om du vill diskutera, det har påbörjats, men i stort sett är det enda som finns nu ett GUI förberett i gtk+, dvs all funktionalitet saknas. Appen är inledningsvis för Mac men ska vara lätt att porta till Linux/Windows, därav gtk+ trots att vi gör den för Mac först.. mvh David

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Jag behöver hjälp med att sätta upp ett framework med Angular, Vue eller OpenUI5. Web appen ska ha 5-6 sidor, Inloggning, Konfig, Kundreg, Produkter, Order, Logg. Viss logik i appen, men det mesta sker i backend som anropas via json REST API. Web appen skall köra på Azure linux server.

$545 Average bid
$545 Snittbud
4 bud
Bygg en hemsida
Avslutades left

Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om du ka...

$533 Average bid
$533 Snittbud
10 bud
Php, Laravel
Avslutades left

Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back-end...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om d...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Snittbud
10 bud
Server installation
Avslutades left

Server installation, Xen virtual, mysql, apache

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snittbud
7 bud

DLF install BigCommerce installation

$582 Average bid
$582 Snittbud
2 bud

•Reparera datorer och elektronisk utrustning. •Nätverkslösningar för mindre företag (design, planering, installation, underhålla och utbygga nätverk). •Underhåll webbrelaterade applikationer.

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bud

Viv Ring Big Commerce installation

$350 Average bid
$350 Snittbud
1 bud
Market Place install
Avslutades left

Installation Market Place.

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
1 bud

Hejsan sitter med en linux burk med centos 7.0, och en dreambox. Skulle behöva konfigurera dreamboxen så att man kan streama gratis kanaler via sin linuxburk. Jag skulle även behöva få fixat mysql,apache,php m.m.. MVH

$140 Average bid
$140 Snittbud
2 bud

Hej, vi behöver hjälp att installera Magento CE på vår webserver. Multishop. Svenska som språk

$112 Average bid
$112 Snittbud
4 bud
Skapa en webbutik
Avslutades left

Skapa webbutik samt installation på befintlig webbhotel, endast svenska svar tack

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Vi söker någon kunnig programmerare som har erfarenhet av plattformen opencart. Vi behöver hjälp med installation av ett flertal moduler/extensions samt att se till att de fungerar fel fritt.

$40 / hr Average bid
$40 / hr Snittbud
2 bud

install fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for me

$75 - $75
$75 - $75
1 bud
Xmpp Server
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Xmpp Server Installation & Xmpp Client

$10 Average bid
$10 Snittbud
1 bud

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Framhäv Försegla Sekretessavtal

I'm looking for a professional with extensive knowledge in Flexisip. The project involves installing, setting up and configuring Flexisip and a GSM Gateway on an Ubuntu Linux system. - Assistance is required primarily with the installation process. - Configuration of the system and configuring the GSM Gateway in Flexisip server - Bidning the incoming and outgoing calls from GSM gateway to SIP extensions -Sending and receiving messages from GSM Gateway to SIP extensions and vice versa, Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Linux, particularly Ubuntu. - Experience with Flexisip and GSM Gateway installations. - Strong system configuration skills. Please note, the project requires assistance with installing, configuring, and setting up Flexisip, ...

$322 Average bid
$322 Snittbud
4 bud

Develop 5 VPN clients with Flutter (IOS, Android, OS, Window, Linux) We already have Figma design, backend, and backend API documentation. This is different from ordinary OpenVPN software. Its core is Clash, which is a transit technology that supports multiple VPN protocols. Developers need to make Clash compatible with the front end. Because, developers need to have a clear understanding of Clash's technical knowledge. Require: - Integrate Clash into the client and make it compatible to ensure the implementation is effective. - Our backend is written in PHP and has API documentation. - Develope 5 clients. - Helped us connect 5 terminals to our backend to ensure all functions run smoothly without any bugs. - The most important thing is that all functions can run smoothly in ...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
27 bud

I'm seeking a skilled professional who can enhance my Shopify store's image quality and optimize my Ama...keywords relevant to my products. - Competitor Analysis: Analyze competitor listings for effective strategies and keywords. - Listing Optimization: Enhance my product listings for better search visibility. Store Theme Work Tasks: - Design Customization: Tailor the store's design to reflect my brand. - Layout Adjustments: Modify the layout for better user experience and product visibility. - Theme Installation: Install and set up new themes as needed. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in e-commerce photo editing and Amazon SEO. Proficiency in design software and SEO tools is a must. The ability to harmonize visual elements with brand identity and ...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
17 bud

Rebranding d'une application Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux. Modifications de l'interface utilisateur : - Modification du nom et du logo principal de l'application. - Modification de la couleur principale dans toutes les vues de l'application et recoloration du jeu d'icônes. - Modification de l'écran Splashscreen (écran qui apparaît brièvement au lancement). - Modification du lien du centre d'aide dans le menu Aide, adresse e-mail du support. Modification supplémentaire : suppression d'une fonctionnalité d'envoi de logs. Stack : - iOS : Swift - Android : Kotlin - Desktop : C++ et QML Livraison du code source et des binaires. Début du projet : dès que possible Important :...

$3718 Average bid
$3718 Snittbud
12 bud

Freelancer Needed: Yocto Linux Image with Chromium, GPIO, SPI, Node.js, Python Project Overview We are looking for an experienced Yocto developer to create a custom embedded Linux image for our project. The image should support Chromium browser, GPIO, SPI, Node.js, and Python. The target hardware includes Raspberry Pi 4 and potentially other ARM/x86-based boards. Key Requirements The Yocto image should include: ✅ Chromium Browser – Full-featured web browser, optionally in kiosk mode ✅ GPIO Support – Access and control GPIO pins ✅ SPI Interface – Enable SPI communication for hardware interactions ✅ Node.js – Runtime environment for JavaScript applications ✅ Python 3 – Pre-installed with package management support ✅ Lightweight and Optimized &ndas...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Snittbud
6 bud

Job Title: Python Developer (Vimba SDK --- Job Summary: We are seeking a talented Python Developer with expertise in Vimba SDK for camera control and OpenCV for image processing. The ideal candidate will help enhance and maintain our camera control scripts --- Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain Python scripts to interface with industrial camera...GigE Vision, USB3 Vision). Strong understanding of image processing techniques and algorithms. Excellent troubleshooting and debugging skills. Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment. --- Preferred Qualifications: Experience with real-time data acquisition and processing pipelines. Knowledge of machine vision protocols and standards. Familiarity with Linux environments and shell ...

$187 Average bid
$187 Snittbud
20 bud

I'm looking for a professional who can set up Cloudflared on multiple devices for me. This project will involve: - Installing Cloudflared on Windows, Raspberry Pi OS, and Linux devices. - Ensuring that the primary use of Cloudflared on these devices is for remote access. - Working with various device types including Laptops, Desktops, and Servers. - Extensive experience with Cloudflared. - Strong technical skills in setting up software on diverse operating systems and devices. - Excellent understanding of remote access requirements and solutions. - Operating Systems: The devices are running on Windows and Linux. - Functionalities: The setup should allow for file sharing, screen sharing, and remote control. - Devices: This will be for 4-5 devices - Ssh vnc abd other Cl...

$166 Average bid
$166 Snittbud
6 bud

I'm looking to have my in-ground baby pool area water pool splash area beautifully landscaped. The project will involve the installation of decking , water play toys around the pool. Ideal Skills: - Landscape design - we can provide concept of splash area

$126 Average bid
$126 Snittbud
49 bud

I'm seeking a skilled developer to install the FinFunder - HYIP Investments and Crypto Trading script on my Matrix Platform via cPanel. The task includes ensuring full functionality and eliminating any potential backdoors present in the script. Key Requirements: - Install the FinFunder script on my Matrix Platform through cPanel. - Set it up to function fully, just as per the standard setup. - Identify and remove any existing backdoors in the script for security purposes. I have all necessary credentials ready and a recent backup of my system available. I don't require specific configurations or customizations for the script beyond the standard setup.

$87 Average bid
$87 Snittbud
5 bud

I'm looking for a skilled tilesetter who can help me install sintered stone tiles in my living room. Key Requirements: - Expert installation of sintered stone tiles. - Ability to work with plain design. - Experience in living room tile setting. - Attention to detail and quality. - Ability to complete the job within a reasonable timeframe.

$60 Average bid
$60 Snittbud
16 bud

I'm seeking assistance with installing Windows 11 on my Surface Duo 2 using the dual boot method. Key Requirements: - Expertise in software installation, particularly Windows operating systems. - Familiarity with dual boot setups. - Ability to follow detailed instructions from GitHub. All necessary installation files are available and instructions can be found on GitHub. Please, if you have experience with this type of software installation, get in touch. I look forward to your assistance.

$140 Average bid
$140 Snittbud
1 bud

I need a freelancer to install Wind...freelancer to install Windows 11 on my Surface Duo 2. The job involves: - Installing Windows 11 without any prior data transfer or backup. - Installing essential software, specifically the CAC card reader driver, along with Windows 11. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience with Windows installations, particularly on Surface devices. Familiarity with essential software installation and a knack for troubleshooting are highly desirable. Can use woa device manager framework m Microsoft store to install install windows 11 on not a surface suo2 and make it dual boot capable between android and windows. Need to use cac card reader that is pocket cac card reader for dod cac access . Driver may come with windows 11 auto...

$146 Average bid
$146 Snittbud
8 bud
Wanted we Search 24/7 Support Team
6 dagar left

...require a scalable team. Your responsibilities include: 24/7 handling of monitoring alerts Prompt response to our emails Processing tickets such as installing software X or Y, also 24/7 Our Requirements: 24/7 Availability: A team member must always be available, especially in emergencies. Team Introduction: Please introduce your team, including the number of members and their specializations (Linux/Windows Server, etc.). Hourly Billing: We want to bill according to actual needs, without monthly fixed prices or flat rates. We pay only for booked hours, which can vary each month (e.g., 1, 10, or 20 hours). What We Offer: Long-term collaboration in an exciting IT environment. Opportunities to provide tailored solutions and make a significant impact. Direct and professional commun...

$2 - $6 / hr
Försegla Sekretessavtal
$2 - $6 / hr
4 bud

Custom RandomX GPU Miner with Stealth Features Objective: Develop a custom RandomX miner optimized for GPU mining with built-in stealth and persistence features. Requirements: Auto Detection & Installation: Automatically detect if the script is running as root. Auto-install required dependencies. Ensure persistence after reboot. Process & Connection Hiding: Hide miner process from system monitoring tools like top, htop, and ps. Mask network connections, preventing detection via ss -tp | grep EST. Stealth Persistence: Create a systemd service file with a randomized name (e.g., /etc/systemd/system/[random].service). Generate cron jobs with random names for execution at various intervals: Hourly...

$518 Average bid
$518 Snittbud
25 bud

I'm in need of a 3-minute 3D animation video depicting the journey of a prefab home from transaction inception to delivery and installation. The target audience for this animation is potential homeowners, so it needs to be friendly and approachable in tone. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 3D animation - Understanding of creating content tailored for potential homeowners - Ability to convey a friendly and approachable mood Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous work with 3D animations - Experience creating content for the housing sector - Strong storytelling capabilities in animation Here is a sample of something I am looking for: With voiceover.

$1370 Average bid
$1370 Snittbud
59 bud

I'm in need of a 3-minute 2D animation video depicting the journey of a prefab home from transaction inception to delivery and installation. The target audience for this animation is potential homeowners, so it needs to be friendly and approachable in tone. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 3D animation - Understanding of creating content tailored for potential homeowners - Ability to convey a friendly and approachable mood Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous work with 3D animations - Experience creating content for the housing sector - Strong storytelling capabilities in animation

$679 Average bid
$679 Snittbud
124 bud
IT & FPGA Toolchain Administrator
5 dagar left
Verifierad and simulation. Key Requirements: - Proficiency with software tools Xilinx Vivado, Intel Quartus, Microsemi Libero, QuestaSim/ModelSim/Aldec Active-HDL, Riviera and AlintPro. - Experience with installation and setup, configuration and optimization, as well as troubleshooting and support for these software tools. - setting up secure VPN access, and handling administrative network tasks. The candidate will also be responsible for documenting each setup process in a step-by-step guide to ensure reproducibility. Maintain an internal wiki or knowledge base for IT-related tasks Both Linux/Windows Workstations/Laptop are present in the network, together with a Synology NAS Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in IT toolchain administration, specifically rela...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

I'm looking to create a Moodle site dedicated to employee training. The site will host a variety of content including videos and presentations, quizzes and assessments, and documents and PDFs. Key Requirements: - Experience in setting up and managing a Moodle site - Ability to integrate diverse content types - Knowledge of designing self-paced training modules The training modules will be entirely self-paced, so the site needs to be user-friendly and intuitive for employees to navigate. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in e-learning platform management, instructional design and user experience optimization.

$643 Average bid
$643 Snittbud
110 bud

We want to purchase a VPN software based on Clash kernel, and the front end needs to be created by Flutter. The main five terminals are: IOS, Android, Mac OS, Window and Linux. It would also be OK if it is based on the Sing-Box kernel. Budget 2000U.

$2083 Average bid
$2083 Snittbud
26 bud

...NodeJS (Basics) Container Management Tools Azure Kubernetes Servers, Kubernetes Source code management Git IAS Tools Ansible & terraform Security Tools OWASP Dependency Check, TRIVY, Anchore, OWASP ZAP Containerization Tools Docker Ticketing Tool JIRA Artifact Management Tool Nexus3 & Azure Artifacts Knowledge Management Tool Confluence Code quality Check Tool SonarQube Operating System Windows, Linux • Deployment to ask (Azur Kubernetes service) • Azur infrastructure Management • Experience in creating continuous integration & continuous development pipeline for scratch • Good hand-on experience in Docker files and Docker Images • Integrate various tools across CI/CD Stages such as Nexus, SonarQube, and Git as per requirements • Using Ma...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snittbud
14 bud

I'm in need of a seasoned professional who can assist me (literraly handhold me over zoom/teams) with the installation of FFMPEG on my N8N instance, which is hosted on Key Points: - The environment is Linux-based (I guess). - I'm uncertain about the specific configurations or libraries needed with FFMPEG, so I would appreciate your guidance in this matter. - The primary use of FFMPEG will be for audio and video processing. The ideal freelancer for this job would have a strong background in Linux, N8N, , Docker management, and FFMPEG, along with experience in audio and video processing. Your expertise will greatly assist in ensuring that my N8N instance is set up correctly and optimally for my needs.

$11 Average bid
$11 Snittbud
7 bud

...Diffusion API on my GoDaddy Linux hosting server. The API will allow users to generate AI images directly from my website, Scope of Work: ✅ Install & Configure the API on my GoDaddy server ✅ Ensure secure authentication (handling API keys properly) ✅ Set up a simple front-end form (optional) for users to input text prompts ✅ Deploy a stable, scalable backend solution (not using Python) ✅ Optimize performance for fast image generation ✅ Implement a queue system (so that multiple users don't overload the API) ✅ Provide advanced security measures to prevent API abuse (rate limiting, API key management, etc.) ✅ Provide basic documentation for future updates Required Skills: ? Experience with server-side API deployment ? Knowledge of GoDaddy Linux ...

$1123 Average bid
$1123 Snittbud
101 bud

I'm looking for a seasoned IT professional to provide software support for my Windows operating system. I am currently experiencing several issues that need immediate attention. Key Responsibilities: - Troubleshoot and resolve installation and update issues - Diagnose and fix performance problems - Address any security or virus-related concerns Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Windows operating systems - Proven track record in diagnosing and resolving software issues - Strong understanding of software installation, performance troubleshooting and security measures - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail - Previous experience in IT support is highly preferred.

$36 / hr Average bid
$36 / hr Snittbud
23 bud

I'm in need of a professional with experience in Moodle, who can help me build a comprehensive online course for my college class. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a complete online course on Moodle - Integrate various course materials including videos, readings, and forums for student interaction - Set up assessments in the form of assignments and projects Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Moodle - Experienced in online course development - Capable of creating engaging course content - Knowledgeable in designing effective assessments

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr Snittbud
90 bud

Good morning, I am sending you a quote for the installation and configuration of Litespeed Services, Cloudlinux and additional tasks: Tasks: - DDoS protection - Malware scanning - Firewall setup".

$27 / hr Average bid
$27 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

...latency. 2. 300 Samples per Second High-Resolution ADC Precision Testing – The 300 samples per second (SPS) ADC ensures accurate load, displacement, and strain measurements. Noise Filtering & Error Correction – Advanced filtering algorithms reduce noise and enhance measurement stability. 3. Dual System Control – PC Software or Low-Cost Raspberry Pi Version PC-Controlled Version: Windows/Linux Compatible Software with an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI). Real-time load vs. displacement curves, stress-strain analysis, and report generation. USB/Ethernet/Wi-Fi Connectivity for seamless integration with industrial systems. Low-Cost Raspberry Pi Version: Designed for cost-sensitive markets without compromising on performance. Compact and sta...

$57160 Average bid
$57160 Snittbud
6 bud

We are l...Technical Specifications 1. Aluminum Profile Model: OUT 009 Material: Extruded aluminum Dimensions: As indicated in the image (approx. 64mm width x 85mm height) 2. Diffusers DIF H OP – Opal diffuser for the bottom side DIF C OP – Two additional opal diffusers for internal fitting 3. Power Supply Model: GTPV-240-S-24 Specifications: 240W, 24V power supply 4. LED Module Model: EFFI 30W Power: 30W Installation: Two units applied inside the profile 5. Suspension System Model: SUSPKIT Includes cables, fixings, and suitable supports for suspended mounting Project Goals Development of the luminaire’s technical design: 3D modeling and/or detailed technical drawings. Fitting and assembly definition: Ensuring all components fit correctly and that the final pr...

$34 Average bid
$34 Snittbud
11 bud

I'm in need of a custom Linux distro - 32 and 64 bit edition (Fully white label - With out Logo and (c) message) tailored for desktop use, mimicking a Windows 11 like interface based on Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 Key Features: ---------------------- - This Linux edition is made for users with zero knowledge of Linux. Users who can't even type commands to perform an operation. A user should be able to use Linux and install / uninstall software & features with a user friendly graphical package manager. - This Linux Distro should come with a comprehensive pre-installed software suite such as (Firefox, Libre office, VLC, GIMP, Mozilla Thunderbird, Audacity, Steam, Brave, Opera, Signal, Spotify, Telegram, Chromium, ClamAV, Discord). - There should...

$183 Average bid
$183 Snittbud
4 bud

I'm seeking an expert to assist with the installation and setup of the NixOS package manager on my Ubuntu Linux system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Linux, particularly Ubuntu - Experienced in installing and configuring NixOS package manager - Able to provide clear, concise instructions and support

$242 Average bid
$242 Snittbud
13 bud

I need a skilled professional to install PHP 7.3 on my CentOS7 WHM/cPanel server. This server is primarily used for web hosting. Key Requirements: - Installation of PHP 7.3 with the following extensions: GD, cURL, Ioncube, MBstring... - No specific configurations or optimizations are needed beyond the default settings. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PHP and CentOS7. - Familiarity with WHM/cPanel. - Proficiency with server management and installation processes.

$33 Average bid
$33 Snittbud
26 bud