
Mina senaste sökningar
    2,000 linux l2tp vpn windows hittade uppdrag

    Söker efter någon som kan bygga en connector till Visma Admin i C#. Viktigt är att vi får tillgång till all källkod efter avslutat uppdrag så vi kan bygga vidare på det i framtiden om det behövs. Installation och konfiguration Connectorn ska efter installation alltid ligga kvar i bakgrunden och köras, förslagsvis som en Windows-tjänst. Connectorn ska presentera en ikon i Windows statusfält. Vid klick på ikonen öppnas ett fönster med konfigurationsalternativ: • API-nyckel (sträng, max 128 tecken) • URL (sträng, max 1024 tecken) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Gemensamma filer (bläddra-knapp) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Fö...

    $1971 Average bid
    $1971 Snittbud
    7 bud

    Vi är ett IT konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastruc...konsultbolag och har fått in en förfrågan från vår beställare om Plattformsutvecklare (Devops) där fokus ligger på följande: · Med hjälp av Infrastructure as Code (t.ex. Ansible) ha byggt applikationsplattformar · Efter att ha byggt dessa applikationsplattformar även driftat och förvaltat dessa · Vi tycker att man ska ha erfarenhet från både ”Linux-världen” samt ”Microsoft-världen”, dä...

    $83 / hr Average bid
    $83 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hej, Jag söker en Sverigebaserad projektledare på timtid (uppdragstagare) för utveckling av min webbsajt som är baserad på Linux/PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter. Vår tjänst har varit online sedan 1995. Önskar en person som har lång erfarenhet av projektutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och "dataprogrammering" och som samarbetat med utvecklare internationellt. Du ska vara länken mellan mig och utvecklarna och leda, instruera och kontrollera utvecklarna. Nyckelord är funktionalitet, kvalitet, on-time, säkerhet, lönsamhet.

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr Snittbud
    19 bud
    Project for Simon E.
    Avslutades left

    Hej! Jag har ett projekt jag undrar om du vill diskutera, det har påbörjats, men i stort sett är det enda som finns nu ett GUI förberett i gtk+, dvs all funktionalitet saknas. Appen är inledningsvis för Mac men ska vara lätt att porta till Linux/Windows, därav gtk+ trots att vi gör den för Mac först.. mvh David

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag behöver hjälp med att sätta upp ett framework med Angular, Vue eller OpenUI5. Web appen ska ha 5-6 sidor, Inloggning, Konfig, Kundreg, Produkter, Order, Logg. Viss logik i appen, men det mesta sker i backend som anropas via json REST API. Web appen skall köra på Azure linux server.

    $545 Average bid
    $545 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Vi söker härmed en extern resurs för ett lite udda men intressant uppdrag! * The circumstances of this project require a Swedish freelancer, so unfortunately we can not consider international profiles/interests at this point * Projektinformation: Vi har idag tre mindre separata .exe program som kan köras på Windows XP eller tidigare. Dem innehåller formler som räknar ut vinklar, stigningar, längder med mera. Som exempelvis Pythagoras sats varvid man fyller i två värden och programmet räknar ut det tredje. Dock mer komplexa samt specialanpassade för verksamheten. De beräknade värdena används sedan vid tillverkning. Programmen är mindre än 80kB vardera och har skrivits år 1987 på trol...

    $1152 Average bid
    $1152 Snittbud
    8 bud

    Windows, Övrigt eller vet ! Budget är inte bestämt, kom med bedriver idag en e-handelsbutik i en väldigt "komplex" bransch. Leverantörer har sällan prisfiler eller övrig information som går att importera, samtidigt som där finns mijontals produkter inom genern, dock så säljer vi inte alla. Vi har tidigare lagt upp runt 4000 artiklar med skript, men personen i fråga har inte skriptet kvar och inte heller tid att göra ett nytt. Därför, skulle jag behöva någon som "screapar" produkter direkt från leverantörers hemsida till vår hemsida.

    $1193 Average bid
    $1193 Snittbud
    5 bud
    Avslutades left

    iPhone/iPad-app iPhone endast Jag vill ha den designad och byggd Vi planerar att bygga en app som Storytel appen och behöver hjälp med både design och programmering. Appen ska finnas tillgänglig för: • iPhone och iPad via App Store • Android smartphones och Android surfplattor via Google Play Store • Windows Phones, Windows tablets samt för PC med Windows 8 eller 10 via Windows Store

    $1440 Average bid
    $1440 Snittbud
    54 bud

    Windows Övrigt eller vet ej API Koppling mellan webbshop och kassasystem. Båda har öppen API. Kassasystemet heter eskassa och deras API skall kopplas till webbshopen.

    $316 Average bid
    $316 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Windows Java Skapa en app som räknar kubikmeter på material genom att fota objektet.

    $2222 Average bid
    $2222 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Vi söker en skicklig apputvecklare med goda kunskaper om Android och i Java, Swift eller Objective-C. Det är meriterande om du har följande: Kunskap om QA-verktyg Kunskap om hybridapputveckling. Kunskap om Windows Phone Erfarenhet av användbarhetstester och tillgänglighet Utvecklat egna app:ar som finns i Google Play eller App Store På grund av sekretess kan vi dessvärre inte gå in på projektet.

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Vi behöver en noggrann person som går igenom en hemsida och gör en rapport med saker som inte fungerar. Vad som ska testas: 1. Se till att text, video och bilder är läsbar och förstålig. 2. Se till att länkar fungerar och att man...Vilka webbläsare ska användas: - IE11 - Edge - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - iPad Safari - Opera Vilka enheter ska användas: Använd din egen mobil och dator till att börja med. Testa de enheter som du inte själv har tillgång till via - PC laptop - Mac laptop - 24" PC screen - 24" Mac screen - Android laptop - iPad - Android smartphone - iPhone - Windows smartphone Gör en sammanställning i ett spreadsheet över buggar och prob...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Snittbud
    6 bud
    Bygg en hemsida
    Avslutades left

    Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om du ka...

    $533 Average bid
    $533 Snittbud
    10 bud
    Php, Laravel
    Avslutades left

    Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back-end...resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript och Ajax, men ditt fokus ligger på backend-utveckling samt viss server-administration. Och det är ett plus om d...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snittbud
    10 bud
    New Win Skin
    Avslutades left

    windows program skin

    $199 - $199
    $199 - $199
    0 bud

    Hejsan sitter med en linux burk med centos 7.0, och en dreambox. Skulle behöva konfigurera dreamboxen så att man kan streama gratis kanaler via sin linuxburk. Jag skulle även behöva få fixat mysql,apache,php m.m.. MVH

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Snittbud
    2 bud
    Skriv lite programvara
    Avslutades left

    Musikprogram för windows -Programmet ska söka igenom vald mapp efter musikfiler -Man ska kunna välja genre samt BPM och programmet ska hela tiden slumpa fram nya låtar efter detta -Man ska lätt kunna höja/sänka hastighet -Man ska lägg kunna ändra genre -Man ska kunna ställa in att programmet gör ett "mjuk" stopp när man byter/stoppar en låt -Man ska kunna ställa in hur lång tid av varje låt om ska spelas. 30 sekunder. -Man ska kunna ställa in intervall innom BPM. Vald BPM +-"x" -Man ska kunna söka igenom "musikiblioteket" samt lägga låtar i kö. -Alla funktioner ska funka med kortkomandon för att kunna använda en fjä...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 Snittbud
    2 bud
    Chat program
    Avslutades left

    Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. Är tr&...

    $2117 Average bid
    $2117 Snittbud
    3 bud
    Bygg en hemsida
    Avslutades left

    Hej, Jag söker en duktig programmerare / designer som kan hjälpa mig att bygga en hemsida för att boka en vpn koppling genom OpenVPN. Mer exakta hur jag hade tänkt kan vi ta per mail eller telefon.

    $888 Average bid
    $888 Snittbud
    2 bud

    I am looking for a skilled software developer to create a project management tool named 'Bongo toolbox'. Key requirements: - The primary purpose of the Bongo toolbox is project management. - The tool should support multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. - The target audience for this toolbox will primarily be educational institutions. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in software development, particularly in creating project management tools. - A strong understanding of the needs of educational institutions. - Cross-platform development skills. Please note that the client has not yet answered all questions regarding this project.

    $359 Average bid
    $359 Snittbud
    10 bud
    AWS Instance Setup with WHM/CPANEL
    6 dagar left

    I need an expert to help me set up an AWS instance with WHM/CPANEL. - OS: The choice of operating system for the AWS instance is still undecided, so your expert opinion on this matter will be appreciated. - WHM/CPANEL Configuration: I'm uncertain about the specific configurations for WHM/CPANEL at this time. A stand...configurations for WHM/CPANEL at this time. A standard setup may suffice, but custom configurations could be necessary depending on your recommendations. - AWS Instance Type: I need guidance on the appropriate AWS instance type based on my usage. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AWS services - Proficiency in WHM/CPANEL - Knowledge of various operating systems, especially CentOS, Ubuntu, and Amazon Linux - Ability to provide advice and recommendations based on usag...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Snittbud
    13 bud Vendor Shipping costs User/author Comments Image URLs File creation: The CSV file should be created anew each time the script runs, replacing the old file. The default save location should be in the same directory as the script (easily adjustable). Technical Requirements: The script must be written in Python. It should run locally on a Windows system. The script should support repeatable execution, either manually or through the Windows Task Scheduler. Basic documentation for installation and usage is required. Error Handling: The script should handle common issues such as loading errors, timeouts, or minor website changes. Optionally, it should use proxies to prevent blocks from frequent requests. Future Modifications: Please provide your hourly rate for pot...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Snittbud
    69 bud

    Check linux status and create reports and DNS removal

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Snittbud
    1 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced backend developer to set up a TUS Protocol Server on my Linux server. This server should be configured to work seamlessly with my main application that runs on Node.js and utilizes Uppy for file uploads. Key requirements: - Expertise in Node.js and server management - Experience with TUS Protocol Server - Familiarity with Uppy - Linux OS proficiency Please note, I did not specify any custom configurations for the TUS Protocol Server, so the default settings should suffice. However, the server must be capable of handling the demands of my main application and Uppy concurrently.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    34 bud

    ...Azure Linux machine. This task will also require setting up the app to auto start and stop based on access through a login page with a simple username and password authentication. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Azure DevOps - Strong Linux system knowledge - Expertise in deploying gaming applications - Familiarity with setting up auto start/stop features - Skills in creating secure login pages Your role will involve: 1. Deploying the pixel streaming gaming application on an Azure Linux machine. 2. Implementing an auto start/stop feature that triggers based on app access via a username and password login page. 3. Ensuring a smooth, hassle-free deployment and setup process. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in DevOps, extensive experience...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Snittbud
    8 bud

    Hi, I need help to get ZPL code printed on my Zebra printer using Php. I have printer installed on my local and its printing html or pdf code but not ZPL code as it runs only on linux so I need help so that my laptop can connect with Php script on my website and print ZPL bar code label without any third party software. Please apply only if you know this job. Budget is Rs. 1000 only as to experienced person this job require less than 1 hour. I just need to get one bar code label printed on my printer using ZPL command in core php without any third party script. Once this task is done selected developer will get big task of printing job in core Php on which we are working. Mention 'ZPL' on top of your bid so that I can understand you read the requirements else bid will...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Snittbud
    12 bud

    ...writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 4) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important field. a) Milestone 1-DFW-USA: From the 22 US Universities, collect 5...

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Snittbud
    59 bud

    I'm seeking a professional to install a Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate on my Linux server, specifically running on Fastboot. The installation needs to be done using remote access via the Fastboot console. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with SSL certificate installations - Proficient in Linux system operations - Familiarity with Fastboot console - Remote access tools expertise - Attention to detail for security compliance

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Snittbud
    29 bud

    I have a Flutter project that I need to run locally on my Windows machine using Visual Studio Code. I need the assistance of an experienced Flutter developer who can guide me through the process via screen sharing. I'm not comfortable sharing my code, so the help will need to be interactive and in real-time. Requirements: - Expertise in Flutter and Dart - Proficient in Visual Studio Code - Able to guide through screen share - Respectful of code confidentiality

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    28 bud

    I need someone to deploy my fully developed project built in Node.js, React.js, Vite, TypeScript, and GoLang using a Postgres database. The project is currently sitting on a Windows server but was originally running on an Ubuntu 20 server. My preference is to deploy it on a Linux server, specifically Ubuntu. Key Requirements: - Deploy the project on a Linux server (Ubuntu preferred) - Configure Nginx and PM2 for the server - Connect my registered domain to the backend - Provide instructions for future self-deployment My frontend is hosted on a different domain, so the backend needs to be connected to my registered domain. Post-deployment, I would need clear instructions on how to deploy the server myself in the future. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Node....

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Snittbud
    137 bud

    El proyecto consiste en desarrollar un programa en javascript , css, html, compatible con windows , linux, ios y android sobre un juego mental. El juego consiste en un diseño de balsodas hexagonales de 15x15. En cada baldosa se genera un numero aleatorio del 1 al 9 cada vez que se aprieta un boton de inicio. Puedes seleccionar cada baldosa y cambiara su color para indicar que ya se selecciono. Al apretar el boton de resolver se marcan en color verde los numeros que tienen a su alrededor 4 numeros impares. Finalmente se desplegara un texto donde se señalen los aciertos y errores en base a los numeros seleccionados contra los numeros que cumplen con la condicion. Se requiere el codigo fuente, que se documente cada funcion, metodo, diseño claramente. Se ad...

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Snittbud
    29 bud

    Add VNC support to existing PXE systems and add appropriate new packages and support to the system

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    12 bud

    1. Order不能重复生成过一次之后就不再生成 2. Order Number的范围我可以指定 3. 我可以控制此次需要生成多少个order number 比如我输入了100就生成100个

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Snittbud
    29 bud

    I'm looking for a proficient shell script developer to create a script that will automate the installation of PaymentHub on my Ubuntu Linux system, including the necessary SSL certificates. Following reference repository already have shell script written to install 3 applications I want to make 3 different scripts that will do installation of mifos, paymenthub and mojaloop separately. Reference : and Key Requirements: - Experience with shell scripting on Linux, particularly Ubuntu. - Prior experience with PaymentHub installation is a plus. - Knowledge of SSL certificate installation. Please ensure the script is efficient, reliable, and well-commented for future reference

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Snittbud
    9 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled software developer to create a Windows-compatible application that adjusts and warps the output of two projectors for alignment with a 180-degree curved screen. Key Features: - Utilize NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API for image warping and blending. - GUI with essential functionalities: * Real-time preview of adjustments * Manual input for precise control * Preset options for quick calibration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development - Experience with NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API - Strong ability to create user-friendly GUIs Please ensure your proposal includes relevant examples from your portfolio.

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Snittbud
    42 bud

    Budget: $100.00 I need a Windows desktop application that collects comprehensive hardware and software information from the user's system. This includes data about installed software, peripheral devices, and various network identifiers such as hostname, IP address, and MAC address. The application must then save this data to a MySQL Database on the local network. Key Requirements: - Collect and manage data about: - Installed software - Peripheral devices - Hostname - IP Address - MAC Address - RAM - CPU Name - CPU Speed - installed printers - Store all collected data in a MySQL database on the local network =========================================================== Collect windows information hardware and software and save it to MySQL database on netw...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Snittbud
    83 bud
    Visual basic 6
    6 dagar left

    I have a simple mp3-player code for vb6 using winmm.dll. I want it to able to list available audio devices and select one. Requirements: It has to work with visual basic 6 and Windows XP sp2.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Snittbud
    31 bud

    I'm seeking an expert to enhance the security and configuration of my Linux-based email server, which operates on IRedMail. The job includes: - Implementing a Let's Encrypt certificate on the server, ensuring it's set up for automatic renewal. - Conducting a comprehensive security check to ensure the server is secure and functioning properly. Additionally, I need assistance with my Nextcloud server (RancherOS). The tasks here include: - Setting an SSH key for secure access - Configuring the firewall Finally, I have two Ubiquiti AP U6-LR-US units that need to be integrated: - Establishing two Wi-Fi networks with these access points. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with Linux and IRedMail, alongside a strong background in ...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Snittbud
    23 bud

    I need an expert in Windows 11 and BitLocker to configure my domain-joined devices. -------------------- In Entra devices after the 10 failed attempt after the reboot of device during the boot start itself it go to bit locker recovery mode same want on domain joined device. In Domain join device after 10 invalid attempts after the reboot it boot the device and allow to continue PIN attempt again. ------------------- - Currently, after 10 failed attempts, the devices boot up and allow more PIN attempts. - After the 10th attempt, the device should enter BitLocker mode. - The challenge phase is default, and I need BitLocker configured only. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Windows 11. - Proficiency in BitLocker configuration. - Ability to underst...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Snittbud
    6 bud

    PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILE BEFORE BIDDING. BID YOUR ACTUAL COST. I have a Windows exe that reads and writes the gm E38 pcm (mpc56xx based). It reads and saves fine. However it only writes the calibration files, I want the ability to write entire flash including the OS. Preference will be given to anyone having the proper equipment to test on their own. Either a Volvo Dice, or GM MDI, Or clones. Both well tested. Also a GM E38 pcm. The kernel is hard coded to only writes the calibration area. I'm looking for an experienced software engineer with a strong focus on kernel development and reverse engineering of application software. The ideal candidate should have in-depth knowledge of the mpc56xx series, CANBUS systems, and automotive software. Key responsibilities: - Kernel...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Snittbud
    27 bud

    I'm looking for a C# .NET Windows application developer. The application needs to connect to the ServiceChannel API(), with functionalities to: - Perform CRUD operations on data, specifically updating existing work orders and retrieving all of them. - Utilizing OAuth 2.0 for API authentication. The developer must be able to demonstrate the application in Visual Studio 2022 (not Visual Studio Code) using Minimal APIs in .NET 7.0, as per this video: Essential requirements: - High-speed internet for remote demonstrations via desktop sharing and video conferencing apps. - Willingness to demonstrate the application for 2 hours in a video chat session. Please note

    $506 Average bid
    $506 Snittbud
    141 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled C# developer experienced in both Windows and Web applications. This developer will primarily focus on: - Building applications with robust data processing capabilities - Implementing secure and efficient user authentication systems Additionally, a crucial part of this project involves integrating various cloud services into the application. Hence, experience with cloud-based solutions is essential.

    $6 - $11 / hr
    $6 - $11 / hr
    35 bud sleek and simple, with clean lines and uncluttered spaces. Key Features: - **Energy Efficiency**: This is a top priority for me. The house should be equipped with energy-saving appliances, high-quality insulation, solar panels, and sustainable building materials. - **Open Floor Plan**: I envision a spacious and airy layout, with a seamless flow from one area to the next. The use of large windows and sliding doors to enhance the openness and natural light is highly encouraged. - **Smart Home Features**: The townhouse should be integrated with the latest technology for convenience and security. This includes smart lighting, heating, security systems, and home appliances. Ideal Candidate: The perfect freelancer for this project should be an experienced architect or builder wit...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Snittbud
    13 bud

    ...infrastructure tools. * Solid understanding of Kubernetes, including cluster management, updates, and scaling. * Expertise in SSL/TLS management, particularly with Let’s Encrypt for automated certificate renewal. * Hands-on experience with CI/CD pipelines and tools, preferably GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or similar. * Familiarity with Docker and container orchestration technologies. * Strong knowledge of Linux/Unix systems and scripting (Bash, Python, etc.). * Experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform or CloudFormation. * Strong troubleshooting skills and ability to identify and resolve issues quickly with minimal downtime. * Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with a proactive approach to problem-solving. Desired Skills: * Familiarity...

    $1293 Average bid
    $1293 Snittbud
    74 bud

    I'm lookin...Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices. The testing should primarily focus on: - Navigation: Is the user able to move through the product effortlessly? - Readability: Is the content easy to read and understand? Are the font sizes readable on all devices? - Form usability: Are the interactive elements functioning as intended and easy to use? The testing should cover the following operating systems: Windows, iOS, and Android. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven track record in UX/UI testing - Ability to identify design imperfections - Experience testing on a range of devices and operating systems - Strong understanding of navigation, readability and form usability - Excellent communication skills to convey findings clearly Looking forward to ...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    46 bud
    Debian 10 to 11 Server Update
    6 dagar left

    ...e-procedure-on-Linux-server-with-Plesk Wir suchen einen Serverprüfe, der für uns diese Aktualisieurng erledigen kann. Es dürfen dabei keine Kundendaten, Komponenten verloren gehen. Wir suchen also einen echten Serverprofi. I help with updating from Debian 10 to Debian 11. Current server information: CPU AMD EPYC 7502P 32-Core Processor (64 core(s)) Version Plesk Obsidian v18.0.66_build1800241218.14 os_Debian 10.0 (Plesk Webhost Edition) Operating system Debian 10.13 Plesk created customers: 17 IP's assigned: 17 Domains: 81 Since Debian 10 is no longer supported by Plesk as of December 31st, an update to Debian 11 is necessary. We found instructions for this here:

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Snittbud
    36 bud
    Android VPN App Development
    6 dagar left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a robust VPN application for Android. The app needs to support V2Ray, WireGuard, and OpenVPN protocols. It should feature an interactive map for server selection, and display both speed and duration of the connection. Key requirements include: - A modern, user-friendly interface with light and dark mode options - An in-app payment system for premium subscriptions - Login options via email or Google account - Option to earn subscription time through ad views - Integration with Google Ads and other ad networks - Support for push notifications - An admin panel for server management - I also need the complete source code of the project I will provide the servers, but need assistance with their configuration. Furthermore, the freelancer wi...

    $659 Average bid
    $659 Snittbud
    167 bud

    ...[Your OS, e.g., Ubuntu 20.04] Python Version: [Your Python version, e.g., Python 3.8] Pyperclip Version: [Your Pyperclip version, e.g., Pyperclip 1.8.2] What I Need: A solution to resolve the Pyperclip error and ensure the copy/paste mechanism works. Guidance on any additional configurations or alternative approaches if needed. If you have experience with Pyperclip or clipboard mechanisms on Linux, I’d appreciate your help. Please include your proposed solution and estimated timeline in your bid. Looking forward to your assistance! Thank you!...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Snittbud
    60 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a script/UI that can handle USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. This tool should have a variety of features and capabilities, including: - Generating USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. - Setting a time limit for how long a transaction can stay in a wallet. - Adjusting for blockchain network charges for quicker confirmations. - Incorporating VPN and TOR options with a proxy. - Indicating whether a transaction is fully confirmed or has zero confirmations. - Supporting all types of wallets, including Segwit and legacy addresses. - Ensuring 100% confirmed transactions. - Allowing the spending of bitcoins on any address (Segwit, legacy, Segwit/bch32). - Being able to transfer wallet-to-wallet more than two times at minimum. Ideal candidate...

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Snittbud
    91 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled developer (Team) to create an e-commerce and classified advertising platform that enables users to transact e-commerce and advertise in many categories, including real estate for sale and rent, new and used vehicles, new and used products, jobs, services, and equipment ... etc. platforms: - Android - Ios - web - Windows Requirements: - Professional, creative, attractive design (not copied from another design .. unique). - High speed in display and download with a large number of users. - Including classifications and sub-classifications for a large number of main categories. - A system for registration, determining locations, communication, messages, chat, social media, etc. - Ease of use in a creative way. - Expandable. - Commitment to providing techni...

    $4128 Average bid
    $4128 Snittbud
    188 bud