Iphone nodejsJobb
Jag vill göra en spel app med multiplayer funktion som man kan använda på festen eller i skolan. snygga avatarer och enkel design är högsta prioritering
Jag har en idé om en app som jag skulle vilja utföra... Det är en form av ett spel med bra grafik och inte några buggar. Skall se professionellt ut och det skall även gå att möta motståndare online. Typ som Quizkampen eller Ruzzle
...in the social security number of that costumer. Ex. Social Security Number 1990-09-10-1234 Which translates to the costumer being born on the 10th of September, 1990. The last 4 digits is to identify that specific person. Next, what kind of unit does the costumer have? We are thinking of 2 dropdown lists. Manufacturer (Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc.) Model (If manufacturer is Apple; then iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad 4, etc.) After the kind of unit has been established, we need to know what type of service the costumer is asking for. (Example, Screen replacement, speakers, etc.) This function needs to be connected to the inventory database, since we run the same inventory for our webpage and for the local shop. We need to keep the same amount of stock in both places, regar...
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
Jag skulle vilja ha en applikation som ersätter ett medlemskort. Appen skall kunna hålla reda på medlemmens kontaktuppgifter och profil, betalning och medlemsnummer. Man skall även kunna skicka ut erbjudanden till medlemmen och man skall kunna få statistik på utskickade erbjudanden, dvs. vem som har utnyttjat eller inte. Det skall gärna finnas ett poängsystem eller pengasystem där man kan samla på sig pengar eller poäng till framtida omvandling till pengar. Egentligen en kopia på Espresso House appen fast med ett digitalt medlemskort kopplat till.
Skapa ett spel (rätt stort)--------------------------------------------------------------- 30 tecken...
Vi söker en programmerare i Stockholms området till en ny mobil app baserad på ett avläsningsprogram. Personen vi söker ska kunna skapa en iPhone app samt avläsningsprogrammet. Vi har en färdigutvecklad idé som har stor potential och vi behöver någon som kan det tekniska.
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
kontakta mig om där kan svenska min hemsida är
Kan översätta allt. från somaliska till svenska från svenska till somaliska från engelska till svenska och från arabiska till svenska eller engelska
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
iPhone app , database, linking websites, interactive, paid customised services
Appens uppgift är att koppla ihop sig med andra enheter som är inloggade med samma inloggningsuppgifter. Man kan ansluta upp till 10 enheter på samma inloggning (gäller fullversion). När man startar appen på basenheten, den enhet som man använder för att kontrollera de andra enheterna, så ser man miniatyrer av vad de anslutna enheternas kamera ser. När man klickar på ena enheten ser man bilden i full storlek. Man kan på ett enkelt sätt namnge de olika enheterna, Bebisens rum, Vardagsrummet m.fl. Om man har namngett enheterna kommer dess namn att stå över miniatyrerna, som standard står det ”Enhet 1, Enhet 2” etc. Man kan även välja att höra vad som händer vid enheten. ...
Jag önskar en onlinebutik med bra funktion...Design är viktig men jag tycker att timmarna ska läggas på funktion då samarbetet med mig och leverantören är dropship. Jag ska kunna sköta om butiken efter lanseringen. Funktioner: Automatisk åtkomst till produkter och dess lagerstatus hos leverantör Produkt och lagerstatus uppdatering i realtid Automatisk lägning av order hos leverantör Rabattkoder/kampanjpriser responsivdesign, ipad, iphone osv. nyhetsbrev presentkort kundinloggning/register socialamedier funktion Betalning: Kort, sökoptimering bästsäljare support, Epost, manual, video. försäljningsstatistik. statistik på hur kunden har hittat webbshop högsäkerhet ...
Hej jag vill veta vad det kostar att bygga en enkel app där man kan skicka meddelanden till varandra så som ex Whats app, Line eller Skype. Jag vill hitta en person som kan utveckla billigt per timme då vi vill pröva oss fram med att ta fram appar och tjänster. Har du erfarenhet av e-handel och OSCommerce så är det meriterande. På sikt kan en meddelande app som Skype bli väldigt värdefull och du får växa med uppgiften och bättre inkomst möjligheter.
Jag har en skärmdump från en iphone-app. Jag vill ha den bilden placerad i en bild på en iphone, så att det ser ut som en bild på iphone med just den skärmbilden. Iphone ska vara något vriden med skärmen riktat åt höger och ha en liten skugga under sig, för att ge lite djupkänsla. Bilden ska levereras med transparent bakgrund.
Behöver en app där man kan lägga upp saker som händer/aktiviteter/evenemang i omgivningen (rikstäckande Sverige). Behöver geotaggning, databaser så man kan skapa konton för annonsörer och inlogg för slutanvändare. Vill gärna ha möjlighet för facebook inloggning och vanligt konto. pushnotiser. Appen skall likna "Strömstad" Appen skall utvecklas i Iphone och Android.
Sharad sharad sharad sharad bharart bharat bharat bharat
Hej ! Jag vill skapa en hälso app som är kvalificerad för Apple Store som kostar högst 7 kr i applestore. Fitness Hero är namnet på vår app. Vi vill ha en app där vi kan ge dagliga tränings och kosttips, med möjlighet att lägga in videos och bilder. När vi publicerar träningstips/kosttips så vill vi ha en blogg liknande funktion. På startsidan vill vi ha "About us", "Hero tips", "Hero Health", "Motivation". När du har köpt appen så vill vi ha användare som "signar upp sig", gratis, och får tillgång till en profil sida där användarna skall kunna spara våra tips och andra favorit saker i appen. Vi vill även...
Looking for someone who can develope an iPhone app to play our radio stations stream, we are using ShoutCast. Letar efter någon som kan utveckla en app för att lyssna på våran radio i telefonen, vi använder ShoutCast.
Jag vet inte om Appar är inom er kompetensgrad men jag ger det ett försök! Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Helst genom sitt Facebook-konto. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna innehåll...
Hej! Jag söker någon som kan verklighetsställa min app. Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna innehålla bilder, text, möjlighet att kontakta "...
Steg 1: Ta fram en hemsida där kunden kan logga in och lägga in information utifrån en vald mall. Antal kunder: ca 100.000 Mängd data per konto/ max 0.3 MB Steg 2: Det hade varit bra om kunden även kan komma åt sin "mall" från en app (iphone/ipad). Steg 3: Ett management interface/verktyg för att kunna knyta informationen till rätt leverantör/partner (externa bolag). Dvs att externa bolag skall få del av relevant information.
...tutorial for my browser game. The tutorial should be able to cover the gameplay mechanics and the in-game economy, using a tool like or any other suitable alternative. The game is built on ReactJS and NodeJS. The tutorial must include both text instructions and interactive guidance. Ideally, it should be able to remember a player's progress and resume from where they left off when they return to the game. And of course, disappear when user finished tutorial. User should be able to start tutorial again if he wants. Key skills and experience required: - Proficiency in ReactJS and NodeJS - Experience with creating interactive tutorials - Familiarity with or similar tools - Understanding of game mechanics and in-game economies Attached file includes all steps. I als...
I'm looking for an experienced iOS developer with jailbreaking expertise to write a tweak for my iPhone running iOS 14 with Taurine. The tweak should modify the camera's behavior when taking photos. Here's what I need: - The tweak should allow my phone to capture a screenshot of the camera preview instead of the actual photo when the camera takes a picture or when any app requests to take a photo. - It should work with all apps that use the camera, not just the built-in Camera app or third-party ones. - If the camera is accessed by multiple apps simultaneously, it should capture screenshots for each app, not disable the camera for secondary ones. Ease of use is paramount; the tweak should function seamlessly without requiring complicated actions from the user. Ex...
Seeking a highly experienced and dedicated software developer with extensive expertise in ReactJS, NodeJS/ NextJS, Django and MySql. The candidate will be responsible for creating a comprehensive e-commerce website within one month. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in developing multiple combo offer pages like Buy1-Get1,Buy2-Get2 & Buy3-Get3 pages, gift card pages, gift pages, coupon pages, OTP verification, Abandoned cart notification, order notification and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded the website has to act plug a...
I need a mobile container app for my web-based web app. My current web app is built on Custom HTML/CSS/JS, and I want this to be usable as a mobile app for both Android and iPhone. Key Features: - Push Notifications: The app should be capable of sending and receiving push notifications. - Offline Support: When there's no internet connection, it should show a customized offline page. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Custom HTML/CSS/JS is essential. - Prior experience in building mobile container apps is highly preferred. - Skills in implementing push notifications and offline support are crucial. - A keen eye for detail to ensure the offline page is customized and user-friendly.
I need to fix some errors in my app Start your bid with IPHONE
By the name of Almighty GOD, Let's start the multi-platform project. Everything should be awesome in all devices like iPad, Desktop, Laptop, iPhone etc, in 5 milestones
I'm looking for an experienced Ember/NodeJS developer to help me with an older project that requires some attention. The project needs some analytics updated/fixed/added. Key Responsibilities: - Debugging and fixing issues primarily in the User Interface and Analytics portions of the project. - Implementing new features, specifically adding analytics capabilities. Ideal Candidate: This project would be a great fit for you if you have: - Extensive experience with Ember and NodeJS. - A knack for debugging UI and analytics issues. - Proven ability to implement new features, particularly in the realm of reporting and analytics.
Seeking a highly experienced and dedicated software developer with extensive expertise in ReactJS, NodeJS/ NextJS, Django and MySql. The candidate will be responsible for creating a comprehensive e-commerce website within one month. The ideal candidate should have substantial experience in developing multiple combo offer pages like Buy1-Get1,Buy2-Get2 & Buy3-Get3 pages, gift card pages, gift pages, coupon pages, OTP verification, Abandoned cart notification, order notification and payment gateway integration, Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded the website has to act plug a...
I have 20 photos taken on my iPhone14 plus that require professional photo editing to improve their quality. The photos were taken in poor lighting conditions and need to be ...require professional photo editing to improve their quality. The photos were taken in poor lighting conditions and need to be adjusted for lighting and exposure to achieve a natural look. Key Requirements: - Adjust lighting and exposure for each photo - Ensure that the edited photos have a natural look Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with enhancing iPhone photos - Strong understanding of achieving a natural aesthetic in photo editing Please note that the photos do not require any cropping or resizing, just the adjustments to lighting and exposure to enhance thei...
Voice Recording Participants Needed!(UK, US, Ireland) Jo...Moderate Noise Environment Some natural background sounds Examples: TV present, hum from refrigerator, water running, traffic from outside, birds chirping o Very Noisy Environment High-activity areas Examples: high foot traffic areas, near construction sites with heavy machinery, recording next to loud appliances, in bustling markets, cafés, or restaurants Key Requirements • iOS device (iPhone) • Reliable internet connection • Record from two specific distances: o Close range (0-5 feet) o Medium range (8-15 feet) • Follow our recording sequence guidelines • Use your natural, native language accent(UK, US, Ireland) • Speak in a clear, attention-getting tone • Our recording ...
I have a Flutter application that currently cannot be run from CarPlay, nor from the CarPlay simulator via Xcode, without first running the Flutter application on an iPhone in the background. I'm looking for an expert who can help me to run the app independently on CarPlay. The deadline for this task is 5 hours, so I'm only able to consider bids from professionals who can start immediately. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Flutter application development. - Proficient in using Xcode and familiar with CarPlay. - Access to a MacBook for running the CarPlay simulator. - Ability to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality. Please reach out to me only if you can start immediately and have the necessary equipment and skills. Thank you.
As a small team dedicated to the development and maintenance of web applications for digital marketing companies, we are seeking a skilled professional to help us improve our existing web applications. Key Responsibilities: - Add new features to our current web applications based on client directives. - Ensure the features are developed with TypeScript, NodeJS, Express, Tailwind, and Vite. - Maintain high standards of code quality using ESLint. Ideal Candidate: - A self-motivated, detail-oriented individual. - Experienced in the development and enhancement of web applications. - Able to write robust, high-quality, clean code. - Familiar with our key services including WebStorm, Slack, Monday, Stripe, HubSpot, and Google Analytics. - Able to understand and implement performance op...
I'm seeking a skilled photographer to capture engaging lifestyle photos for my Instagram on an iPhone Requirements: - 3-6 hours per week - Both indoor and outdoor shoots - Casual-themed lifestyle photography Ideal candidates should have a keen eye for casual, lifestyle photography, with experience in both indoor and outdoor settings.
I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create a native mobile app for both Android and iPhone. This basic community app will enable members to log in using their email and password. The app's core functionalities include receiving pushed updates about community events and notices, as well as a unique feature that alerts users when a community meeting lacks sufficient attendees. Key Features: - Push Notifications: This includes reminders for events, requests for meeting attendance, and general community updates. - Community Chat: A platform for members to interact and communicate. - Event Calendar Integration: Syncing community events with personal calendars. The ideal candidate should have solid experience in mobile app development and a good understanding of push notif...
...application, for both Android and iPhone, that serves two primary functions: facilitating fire extinguisher inspections and selling life safety products. Key Features: - The inspection functionality should include QR code scanning for identifying extinguisher details, an inspection checklist that allows photo uploads, and a system for automated reporting and notifications. - The app should accommodate different user roles, specifically Inspectors, Store Managers, and an Admin. - An Admin panel for overseeing the app's operation and user activities is also required. - Finally, the app needs to be ready for publishing on app stores. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly with Android and iPhone ...
I'm seeking an expert in FreeRadius who can seamlessly integrate it into my existing ISP project. The project, built with ReactJs and NodeJs and utilizing MongoDB, requires full integration of FreeRadius' services for authentication, authorization, and accounting. Key Requirements: - Full integration of FreeRadius services: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting - Adaptation for managing DSL/Broadband services - Incorporation of a user management system with FreeRadius Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with FreeRadius - Proficient in ReactJs and NodeJs - Knowledgeable in MongoDB - Previous work on ISP projects highly preferred - Experience in developing user management systems
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a security dashboard frontend using React and an API to fetch data from a MongoDB. The backend has already been set up to store security alerts, which need to be visualized on the frontend. Key Requirements: - Visualize various types of security alerts: Intrusion attempts, Malware detections, and User access logs. - Create a range of visual elements for the dashboard: Charts and graphs, Tables and lists, and Interactive maps. - Integrate a payment gateway from Razorpay with multi-user functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React - Experience with MongoDB - Knowledge of creating interactive dashboards - Familiarity with Razorpay integration - Able to implement multi-user functionality Please provide examples of similar projects ...
I'm experiencing issues with my Angular (Frontend) and Strapi (Backend) application hosted on a Windows Server using IIS as a reverse proxy. The application sometimes returns a 502 Bad Gateway error instead of the expected 206 Partial Content response. I need a professional with experience in diagnosing and fixing IIS configurations for Node.js applications specifically. The flow of events is as follows: 1. A file request is made by the browser (Frontend app). 2. The request is forwarded to the Backend (Strapi) by IIS. 3. A 206 Partial Content response is returned by the Backend. 4. Instead of receiving this response, IIS sends a 502 Bad Gateway error to the client. 5. The browser is forced to retry the same file request. The issue arises from the fact that IIS, which is primaril...
I need a new website. I need you to design and build a website with app for iphone and android. So one access for the customers (on Iphone and Android) and one access for the workers (on Iphone and Android). It shall be something in all funktions like these homepages: TaskRabbit or Taskrunner or Askfortask Who can make it and in what time it can be done. The chepeats bit and most competent developer will get this project! Awaiting your reply
My Flutter application isn't launching from CarPlay or the CarPlay simulator in Xcode without starting it on the iPhone or its simulator. I need a fix to run the application directly from the CarPlay screen. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert in Flutter development - Experience with CarPlay integration - Familiarity with Xcode Please note, the candidate must have a MacBook to resolve this issue. The deadline is 2 hours.
...integration - Data Management: Ability to export performance and client information, and save previous client records and bookings - Scheduling: Allow multiple future bookings - Performance Tracking: Include booking trends over time, customer satisfaction ratings, staff performance metrics, income performance and monthly performance - Quality: A fast and reliable app - Accessibility: Downloadable on iPhone and potentially Microsoft app Ideal Skills: - Experience in app development, preferably scheduling apps - Knowledge of local payment gateways in Qatar - Understanding of performance analytics and data management systems - Ability to create a user-friendly and reliable app This project requires a comprehensive understanding of both mobile and desktop app development, as the ...
My Flutter application is failing to initiate on CarPlay unless it has been previously run on an iPhone or the iPhone simulator. I'm looking for a quick fix for this issue as my deadline is in two hours. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Flutter and CarPlay integration - Proficient in debugging Flutter applications - Familiarity with iPhone and iPhone simulator functionalities - Ability to deliver within tight deadlines
I'm looking for individuals in Europe who can record themselves speaking for 1-2 minutes following a simple script. The video will be used for a brand awareness commercial. No acting skills are required, just clear speech and good pronunciation. Requirements: - Fluent in English - Access to an iPhone 12 or newer - Located in Europe - Ability to record in landscape orientation Please note, the recording should be done in an indoor setting with a plain background. Your recording will be a quick and easy way to earn $10 for just a minute of your time. Applications from individuals who do not meet the specified requirements will not be considered.
My Flutter app is experiencing an issue when running on the CarPlay simulator from Xcode. The problem occurs on the first initialization when the app is launched without first running it on an iPhone. After closing the app and attempting to run it again from the CarPlay simulator, the app works as intended. I need a professional with strong expertise in Flutter and Xcode to diagnose and fix this issue within a tight timeframe of two hours.