Ip tracker swedenJobb
Fundera på vilka färdigheter du har som du kan erbjuda, t.ex.: Skrivande och Översättning: Om du är duktig på svenska och engelska kan du hjälpa företag med översättningar eller skriva blogginlägg och artiklar. Design och Bildredigering: Om du gillar grafik kan du skapa logotyper, banners, eller enklare illustrationer. Sociala Medier: Många små företag behöver hjälp med sociala medier, som att skapa inlägg och engagera sig med följare. Teknisk Support eller Datahantering: Många företag behöver hjälp med enkla administrativa uppgifter som dataregistrering eller filhantering.
I am looking for a fluent Swedish speaker to make phone calls for customers in Sweden. The main goal of each conversation is to understand if the company deals with way-finding signage or not (directional signage that helps the public reach their destination inside and outside public buildings, such as hospitals, airports, office buildings, universities etc.). You will be asked to fill-in information in a Google sheet file. We will provide some files, including work procedure, call transcript and google sheets table. Jag söker en flytande svensktalande person för att ringa samtal till kunder i Sverige. Huvudmålet för varje samtal är att förstå om företaget hanterar vägledningsskyltar eller inte (riktad skyltning som hjälper allm&a...
Bifogad uppdragsbeskrivning och avtal gäller mellan parterna (Loopa / We-recycle-Sweden AB) och (Armin D. / Digifyspace). Genom inlämnande av anbud och betalning godkänner parterna avtalet som därmed görs gällande.
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Önskar hjälp med bygglovsrintningar till ett större gargae
Vi är en fintech start-up som under januari behöver applicera ny grafisk profil till vårt existerande UI med några nya designutvecklingar. Vi sitter i Sthlm men det är inte ett krav. Ett krav dock är att du kan använda appen under arbetets gång vilket kräver ett BankId. Vi ser att arbetet kommer igång asap. Här är ett perfekt jobb för dig som är kanske lite mer junior som vill ha ett uppdrag som du kan bygga upp din portfölj med. Hör av dig så tar vi det vidare. >> Please, don´t bother applying if you do not understand the above. It´s a waste of mine and your time and dilutes the value of this portal. <<<
Hello I want to have built a website in Word press. This assignment is ready, I have found a supplier in Sweden.
Hej, Behöver beställa texter till två hemsidor inom två olika brancher. Konrakta mig så skickar jag filer med alla instruktioner.
...Vattendagbok has to de divided in ; 1. Inledning; introduktion of the assignment and theory background of the expirement. 2. Metoder och material; the procedure and the materials used in the expirement. ; write the results of the expirement. : you discuss the results you achieved and the difference between your amouth of Daily use of water and the Daily quantity of water used in Sweden and around the world. 5. Källor; write the links of the sources you used....
Ett svenskt skomärke där kärnvärdet utgår från att respektera fotens naturliga funktion. Skorna ska jobba med foten och inte istället för den. Till en början kommer tillverkningen att fokusera på löparskor. Två alternativ på namnet för märket är: Flow ERA from Sweden Gör gärna förslag på båda namnen. Jag behöver förslag på logga för skomärket.
Jag ska starta ett företag som kräver en hemsida där jag kan utföra ha affiliate marketing (böcker från ex. amazon där jag har en bild på boken som de kan trycka på). Man ska kunna logga in på hemsidan för att få tillgång till mer information/funktioner. Jag har hela designen i huvudet och vi kan tillsammans förbättra den. Den ska vara i färgerna blå och vit dä...huvudet och vi kan tillsammans förbättra den. Den ska vara i färgerna blå och vit där vit är lite mer dominant. Den ska se väldigt bra ut (väldigt hög kvalité) med olika funktioner, detaljer diskuteras efter att ha hittat någon. Jag behöver någon som är dedikera...
Jag skapa logo för webradio för området Araby i Växjö, Sweden
...tillfälle någon skall registrera sig så måste personen kunna legitimera sig för att kunna skapa en profil. 1. Önskemålet är att dem har ett Mobilt Bank ID att legitimera sig med. 2. Om det inte finns Mobilt Bank ID så skall personen kunna få ett sms till sin mobil, då gäller endast abonnemang. 3. Vi får fundera mer på flera alternativ om inte ovanstående räcker. 4. Vid varje registrering så skall IP nummer loggas, och så mycket övrig info som möjligt. 5. Vid varje registrering så skall den registrerade få ett bekräftelse mejl att svara på. 6. Alla som skall registrera sig som är omyndiga skall ha ett godkännande av någo...
Hi. I run a web development company in Sweden and need help with development on some projects. Currently, has a minor project to convert a php web service to c # and .net core. Looking for a partner who speaks good English and can work independently with good quality.
Hej Simon! Jag fick dina uppgifter av Liu / bluediscover här på Freelancer.com. Han rekommenderade dig vad gäller front-end jobb i react. Jag håller på med ett projekt för mitt företag, Liu har byggt grunden med Django / React. Jag har mer jobb som ska göras och Liu föreslog att han skulle fokusera på back-end och om du har tid tyckte han att jag skulle anlita dig för front-end...av Liu / bluediscover här på Freelancer.com. Han rekommenderade dig vad gäller front-end jobb i react. Jag håller på med ett projekt för mitt företag, Liu har byggt grunden med Django / React. Jag har mer jobb som ska göras och Liu föreslog att han skulle fokusera på back-end och om du har tid tyckte ha...
Hej Pronaya Kumar S., Jag heter Lasse från Göteborg, Sweden! Jag behöver en hemsida som är trimmad till maximum, AA, 100%, verkligen trimmad! (Jag har läst att du är duktig på att trimma!) Jag behöver hjälp med att utveckla designen och hemsidan blir på 6 sidor totalt. Jag har textmanus & licenserade foton färdigt senast på tisdag den 29/8. Hemsidan skall vara klar måndagen den 4/9. Detta är min prototype:-) Bästa hälsningar Lasse
Kopiera information från webbsidor Jag har en excellista med ca 75000 rader. Kolumnerna innehåller information om bostadsrättsföreningar i Sverige. Jag har organisationsnummer, namnet på bostadsrättsföreningen, adressen samt namnen på de som sitter i styrelsen. Dejt jag vill ha är så många telefonnummer som möjligt och helst mobilnummer. Det finns fl...till den angivna gatuadressen, kolumn e (Postaladdress1) är kopplat till den adressen där personen bor. Kolumn f,g,h finns om bostadsrättsföreningen har flera adresser och då kan de bo på den adressen. På visa finns det bara en gatuadress och då är det radhus och då bor de på den gatan men vi vet inte vilket nummer. ...
Hej, Vi skulle vilja utveckla mobil appar och behöver lite rådgivning i början. Om du har tillräckligt med erfarenhet och kan råda oss om att vilken plattform bör vi använda eller vilka regler måste vi avse, kryptering, video chatt lösning osv. då kan vi få hjälp från dig för ett par timmar.
Hello, We are a company in Sweden that drive sales out of hair extensions and wigs both in Sweden and in England. Our goal is to sell hair extensions worldwide . Right now we try to enter the Italian market. We therefore primarily find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are prepared for any local hits in interest. We are therefore looking for someone with experience out sales, has great interest to initiate direct contact with our leads, create new contacts for us and help us find new distributors for our products. The right person has great opportunities for long-term cooperation. We need someone who is located in Italy
...orders normally over the website -the customer don’t get any confirmation email neither do we -we sell both to companies and individuals and it must be clear that the prizes are excluding VAT and then what the price including VAT is also (25% on all our products is the VAT in Sweden) - The cart and the checkout mix Swedish and English terms - bargains field disappears (called the Rabatt kupong field) when an order is made - find a smart feature for the freight, now it says that "shipping of SEK 200 within Sweden is added but that the freight is free when you do an order over 2000 SEK. at the same time it says "no shipping requirement”. These are the things we first need to fix, it is much more, but this must be done first....
I want article reasearch and bloggposts on topics such. What is and IP address? What is a Webbproxy? News about internet in general. I will provide the topics. Blogg posts are to be written in English.
Jag vill ha artikelresearch och bloggposter på ämnen som - vad är en IP address? vad är en webproxy? Länkbyggnation och nyheter om internet i allmänhet. Ämnesvalen anger jag. Bloggartiklarna skall vara skrivna på Engelska.
Applicant MUST live in Sweden. If possible, please provided a local (utility, mobile or cable bill) and ID for verification. Those applicants will receive top consideration. Need an English Speaking Assistant Based In Sweden. Answering phone calls and data entry. Very simple but can get tedious at times because of call volume. Sökande måste leva i Sverige . Om möjligt , vänligen gav en lokal ( verktyg , mobil eller kabel räkningen ) och ID för verifiering . De sökande kommer att få topp övervägande . Behöver du en engelsktalande assistent i Sverige . Besvara telefonsamtal och datainmatning . Mycket enkel men kan få tråkiga ibland på grund av samtalsvolymen .
Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Sweden to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Maskiner export företag, baserat i Storbritannien, behöver någon från Sverige för att hjälpa till med följande: Online och Offline reklam, marknadsundersökningar.
Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Sweden to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Maskiner export företag, baserat i Storbritannien, behöver någon från Sverige för att hjälpa till med följande: Online och Offline reklam, marknadsundersökningar.
Behöver någon som tar mina texter - läser genom dom - redigerar dom - gör frågetecken tydliga - ändrar i text så det blir konsekvent och förståligt. Jag följer en process som är tänkt att bli en färdig bok, processen heter 90 minute book och beskrivs på ex ilovemarketing.com. Principen bakom hela processen är att jag har färdigt material som jag dikterat, och fått utskrivet till text. Första steget för dig är att bara gå genom textmassan och få en grov uppfattning, sedan göra ett utkast vad som borde vara vart och till slut börja redigera så det blir en förstålig text. "90 minute book" - processen lägger fokus på att f...
I need the following keywords to be ranked top 3 in Google Sweden. 50% Milestone when 50% of keywords are ok, 100% released when all keywords are top 3. I have done ground work,. All keywords except one is top10 today. 50 talet kläder 50 talets kläder 50 tals kläder 50 tals klänning 50 tals klänningar 50-tals klänningar 50tals kläder 50tals klänningar pinup kläder pinup klänningar retro kläder rockabilly rockabilly kläder rockabilly klänning rockabilly klänningar
The Collection Tracker is a WordPress plugin designed to streamline the process of recording and managing collections. This user-friendly tool allows users to log essential details about each collection, including: Date: The date of the collection. Amount Collected: The total amount collected during the transaction. Payment Method: The method used for payment, which can include credit card, voucher, or check. For each payment method, the plugin captures specific details: Credit Card: Records the cardholder's name and the credit card machine borrowed from the admin office. Voucher: Captures the type of voucher and the voucher name. Check: Logs the check number and relevant check information. Users can borrow a credit card machine for collecting payments, with the system ensuri...
...stream, support multi source setup, select gpu , select profile for transcode, select output http stream/rtmp stream output *( rtm p,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpe gts,ts,hls,dash all protocols) - profiles for transcoding (attach to gpus) (all settings for best quality streaming (all codecs) - multi gpu support - transcode by cpu option - create/userpass for watch http stream/rtmp streams /lock to ip not able to view from other ips. - show current connected connections by username/connected channels/country flag - show users/ online/offline / disable users/ kick connection user (disconnect all connections)/ban user - create stream bouqets /categorys, add streams to categories, user limit access to wach selected stream categories, assign epg to channel - epg xml tv, update ev...
I've recently rented a /24 IP Pool from my provider through a GRE Tunnel. I need an expert to configure my MikroTik router (specifically, a CHR model) to utilize these IPs for my local servers. Key Tasks: - Configure the MikroTik router to manage the new IP pool. - Ensure that the configuration allows for use across various types of servers in my LAN, including web, database, and mail servers. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MikroTik routers, particularly the CHR model. - Deep understanding of GRE Tunnel configurations. - Proven track record in configuring networks for multiple server types. Note: I'm not particularly concerned about firewall setup for this project.
...collaborations are structured, ensuring fair and transparent agreements that benefit all stakeholders. As we formalize our partnerships, we need a freelance lawyer to refine and enhance our drafted agreements, ensuring they are legally sound, industry-standard, and protect our intellectual property and business interests. Who We’re Looking For: We seek a freelance entertainment lawyer or a media & IP law specialist who can review and improve our existing agreements, making them airtight and negotiation-ready. A fresher with strong academic credentials, relevant internships, or a passion for media law is welcome, provided they have a solid understanding of contract structuring in the entertainment business. Scope of Work: Review and refine agreements with production h...
I'm looking for a cross-platform mobile app (iOS and Android) specifically designed for a shared ownership houseboat. The key function of this app is for each of the 18 owners to be able to do a self guided check on check off of the boat. Key Features: - Inventory Check: Keeping tabs on all supplies and equipment on the boat. - Photo Uploads: Providing visual evidence of the boat's condition. - Repair Tracking: Identifying and logging items that need repairs. - Hour Tracking: Monitoring generator and engine hours. - Condition Reports: Assessing the state of various components such as anchor ropes, anchors, and the propeller. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in developing cross-platform mobile applications is a must. - Understanding of maintenance tracking syst...
Hello, here is really a simple contest, put my video on a third Grade Youtube Channel (Around 300 members, it can be more) It's a little teaser/first look for a PC MMO Strategy Game for a kickstarter campaign. This teaser is FAR from perfect (But on little channel it's not a problem). The one with the most views win. You can use any URL trackers you want. But it have to go ...kickstarter campaign will bring, with a real contract (Considering I'm from Europe this last offer is more for European Freelancer). Still Kickstarter have strict rules so do NOT abuse anything. The PDF under include the "Title", "Short Description", "Presentation", "Features List" and Links (referrals available in PDF too, I will update it daily, you are adv...
...(before we had free) but not sure if we need it. Server we use is Apache 2.4.62, 10.6.21-MariaDB, Linux, Perl Version 5.26.3 (big enough for the site we have) 1. Server times-out. Speed is slow as well and we need to re-calibrate it. We have extension installed - that supposed to speed the site up but they cannot connect to our server since it is keep blocking it. We whitelisted 4 IP (Nitros) they gave us, but still no connection. We need Nitro to be connected to our site so server does not block it. Nitro people worked on it but they said it is from server site. (we have documentation on it what is happening). We do not have to use NitroPack, if Cloudflare Pro could be used to speed the site up it will be even better, but I need help with Cloudflare set up so it correc...
...consider colors from the roaring 20s time period. - Please consider how to best convey the desired luxury feel through the design elements and overall aesthetic. - The logo should be versatile enough to be used on various mediums such as packaging, signage, and digital platforms. - The final design should be delivered in a vector file format (e.g., .ai, .eps) for maximum versatility. - I need an IP agreement with it. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly within the Art Deco style. - Strong understanding of brand messaging and visual communication. - Ability to work with specific design elements and color palettes. - Portfolio showcasing high-end, luxury-focused design work. The logo should only feature the company name, which is The Roar...
...purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay U or Phone pay) Expected Timeline is -30-35 days and Quote we need ...
I'm seeking an AI and Python specialist to help fine-tune the T5 model on two datasets: ARC and re-ARC. The primary goal is to enhance the model's robustness. Key Responsibilities: - Fine-tune the T5 model using the ARC and re-ARC datasets. - Evaluate and report the model's accuracy on both datasets. I'm after the accuracy for both datasets. I need a...(ARC) and its re-ARC version. I would appreciate a professional who can deliver this task efficiently, demonstrating not just technical skills, but also a clear understanding of the project's objectives. Your expertise will help me to better understand the model's performance and capabilities. Skills Required Python Training Statistics Machine Learning (ML) Large Language Models (LLMs) RECRUITER IP AG...
I'm in need of a skilled professional who can assist me in configuring the Windows Defender Firewall on my Windows 11 host PC. The goal is to enable Remote Desktop Connection from PCs that are outside of the local network (connected to different wifi routers). Currently, I can only establish a connection when both the remote PC and the host PC are...(connected to different wifi routers). Currently, I can only establish a connection when both the remote PC and the host PC are on the same wifi network. Key points: - Expertise in Windows 11 and Windows Defender Firewall is a must. - You may need to assess and potentially configure settings on both the remote PC and the host PC. - I'm uncertain whether the host PC has a static or dynamic IP, so knowledge in IP configur...
Fulltime Job - Preferrably from India, Israel, Ukraine, Hungary, Sweden, and the Philippines. Company Name iAcuity Fintech Position Title Software Engineer – FullStack Experience 5+ years of experience in software development. Education B.E/ MCA/ Job Location Work from home (Permanently) Job Description Key Responsibilities: • Design, develop, and maintain robust and scalable web applications using : * Mandatory * - Java 17+, Spring Boot, and Angular/React. • Develop RESTful APIs and microservices using Spring Boot framework. • Implement complex search functionalities using Elasticsearch 8. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand requirements and translate them into technical solutions. • Write clean, well-structured, and eff...
...criar um arquivo para ajustar credenciais e parâmetros. ✅ Evitar Detecção de Bot: Incluir delays aleatórios entre ações no Selenium para evitar bloqueios do Mercado Pago e do Yopmail. ✅ Gerenciamento de CAPTCHA: Depois de algumas execuções, o Mercado Pago e o Yopmail podem exigir CAPTCHA, resolvê-las ou também pode ser usado proxy para evitar (solicita depois de muitas execuções no mesmo ip). 5️⃣ Considerações Finais Gerenciamento de Sessão: Se possível, armazenar cookies da sessão para evitar logins repetitivos. Seria interessante fazer todo o processo via api, se for viável. Dando certo, no futuro gostaria de adaptar o projeto para outros bancos digitais...
I'm experiencing a connection error with OpenVPN on my Azure VM as the public IP is changed. This started happening suddenly, without any apparent changes. I've already restarted the VM in an attempt to fix the issue, but it persists. Ideal skills for this project include: - Azure VM management - OpenVPN configuration and troubleshooting - Network diagnostics - Firewall settings It's crucial for the freelancer to have a deep understanding of Azure VM and OpenVPN, as well as the ability to diagnose and solve network related issues swiftly.
...ophthalmologist developing an app to assist parents and children with amblyopia (lazy eye) treatment. The app will track patching compliance, treatment progress, and medication use, while allowing treating ophthalmologists or orthoptists to input treatment plans. Key Features: ✅ Patching Tracker: Timer to track how long the child wears an eye patch daily. ✅ Doctor Dashboard: Secure login for ophthalmologists/orthoptists to input treatment details (e.g., “Patch right eye 2 hours daily”). ✅ Pharmacological Treatment Tracker: Ability to log atropine 1% drops for penalization therapy. ✅ Educational Content: Engaging visuals and explanations to help kids understand their treatment. ✅ Self-Test Vision Feature: Simple vision tracking to motivate kids & show prog...
I'm in need of a Google Sheets Expert to create a user-friendly Employee Attendance Tracker for me. This system will track punch-in/punch-out times for a small team of 1-10 employees. Key Features: - A Google Sheet where employees can log their daily work hours. - Automatic calculations of total hours worked per day. - A summary section that updates daily to track monthly totals for each employee. - User-friendly design to facilitate ease of use. - Protection mechanisms to prevent accidental changes. - Basic error checks to prevent incorrect data entry (e.g., preventing a punch-out before a punch-in). Deliverables: - A fully functional Google Sheet template. - Clear, written instructions on how to use the sheet. - (Optional) A 30-minute walkthrough session to explain the feat...
Need help with a one page sell sheet to sell a new product to companies. PDF format Professional graphic design. I can provide a basic structure and some images. The Freelancer should be able to provide format and graphic suggestions. Please provide samples of your prior work. NDA & IP Agreement Required Specifics of job will be provided after selected for project
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I'm looking for a comprehensive spreadsheet that will help me manage a speaker management system for an event series. Excel Specification: Speaker Management System Workbook Structure Sheet 1: Dashboard Quick overview of upcoming events Key metrics (number of confirmed speakers, pending approvals, etc.) Deadlines tracker Budget utilisation summary Monthly Event Sheets (Jan-Dec) Each month that has events will have its own sheet containing: Section 1: Event Details (Frozen Top Section) Event Title Date Range (usually 1-4 days for each event but 2 speaker days) Venue Location Target Audience Total Budget Budget Remaining (formula-calculated) Event Website URL Section 2: Speaker Management Grid Columns: Speaker Name Justification/Value Propositio...
• Description You will build an ASP.Net Core web portal, ...machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. • Workplace You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work experience and portfolio. Without similar experience, you are unlikely to be awarded, as you may not finish the project anyway. • IP The intellectual property, including the source code, belongs to Sors Markets Ltd. • Interview We may interview you to see if you can work on the project. • Demo We will need to do a demo on Freelancer. If you have any questions, please send us a message. • Further work More work m...
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I'm looking for an Excel expert who can create a Google Sheet for tracking my cryptocurrency portfolio. The sheet should monitor Bitcoin (BTC) and Solana in real-time, displaying market prices, portfolio movements, and gain/loss metrics. It should also feature Line charts, Bar charts, and Pie charts to visualize the data. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel and Google Sheets - Experience in creating real-time data tracking tools - Ability to create and integrate various types of charts Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency and market tracking - Excellent data visualization skills - Attention to detail to ensure accurate tracking of gains and losses