Hierarchical clustering python implementationJobb


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2,000 hierarchical clustering python implementation hittade uppdrag

Hej, Jag har en idé om en multiplayer sudoku spelapp. Jag har fått offerter på 25000 usd för att utveckla spelet men jag vill inte satsa dessa pengar. Jag vill istället skapa spelet själv, men saknar kompetens att göra det. Jag har erfarenhet av programmering i Python, men inte spel. Jag vill ha någon som sätter upp en arbetsplan, där varje steg beskrivs, därefter ger mig viss guidning för att komma genom varje steg. Jag vill alltså både utveckla spelet och lära mig att utveckla själv. Jag behöver någon med erfarenhet av att utveckla multiplayer-spel (design kommer vara relativt enkel) för iphone/android. Dessutom villig att lära ut (skicka länkar/tips på litte...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
2 bud
Project for Raja S.
Avslutades left

Hej, har ett pågående projekt. Vi har kört fast så skulle behöva ett andra öga på projektet. Innefattar python, flask, webscraping.

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Uppgiften är att bygga en slumpgenerator i programmeringsspråket python i miljön google colab. Slumpgenreatorn ska kunna läsa in information(i det här fallet namn ifrån ett google spreadsheet och slumpa ut dem här namnen i basgrupper(6 basgrupper, 6 i varje grupp, där vissa grupper blir färre personer) i spreadsheatet. Så alla basgrupperna och elever får bra placeringar. progrmmaet ska och kunna t.e.x slumpa om placeringar och basgrupper i klassrummet om man vill det. Jag kanske inte har förklarat uppgiften så väl, så jag kan enkelt bara dela instruktionerna där allting är väl skrivet så ni får en ökad förståelse för uppgiften.

$248 Average bid
$248 Snittbud
2 bud

Hemsida ska ta in en del information från användare och spara de i databas. I hemsidan kan man se hela tabellen i databasen och kan ändra om man vill. Man kan även lägga in nya rekord i databasen. I python programmet som jobbar på bakgrunden skulle jag kunna läsa in de värdena från databasen och föra till en algorithm som är också skriven i python.

$181 Average bid
$181 Snittbud
2 bud

Jag jobbar med att sälja plåt och vi skickar certifikat till våra kunder på stålet, jag skulle vilja ha en portal där de kan söka efter certifikatet och ladda ner pdf filen på egen hand. Se länk nedan på liknande lösning. Jag vill kunna lägga upp pdf filerna antingne på onedrive eller köra ftp mot en server. Vi har redan en server som kör lite python grejer så den kan säkert användas för att placera detta i. Vår hemsida är och den är byggd med wordpress.

$1097 Average bid
$1097 Snittbud
9 bud

ITSM Delivery söker Integrationsutvecklare för vår kund. Krav: Java Scala Python R Biztalk Erfarenhet av IBM MQ-server och Biztalk som meddelandesystem att integrera till. Erfarenhet av att bygga near-realtime-instrumentpaneler för att stödja affärsverksamheten. Målet är att använda Spark streaming. Erfarenhet - 6 år. Start: augusti, 2019 Ort: Stockholm / Solna Vi erbjuder: Mycket kreativ och dynamisk miljö, vilket ger en hälsosam professionell utmaning till proffs. Långsiktiga projekt och mysig atmosfär. Det här är ett heltidsjobb i Stockholm, ingen frilansmöjlighet. Ta gärna kontakt med mig för mer information.

$53 / hr Average bid
$53 / hr Snittbud
3 bud
Uppehåll av hemsida
Avslutades left

Hjälp med kontroll av hemsida. Program som används. MongoDB SailsJS Elastic Search Python MVC - generellt API

$402 Average bid
$402 Snittbud
2 bud

sKils: -Docker Hub -Git -Python -Django -AWS -Redis -S3 -NodeJS -Go

$17 Average bid
$17 Snittbud
9 bud

Jag behöver hjälp med online-marknadsföring för några utbildningar som är planerade i april, maj och juni. Gå in på för info om konceptet. Jag har hittills tänkt mig att försöka nå potentiella kunder genom sociala nätverk, främst LinkedIn, men behöver definitivt hjälp med både strategi och implementation. Öppen för alla vägar som funkar... Idealt skulle det här projektet leda till ett fortsatt samarbete.

$36 / hr Average bid
$36 / hr Snittbud
5 bud
Web development
Avslutades left

Jag vill fixa till en webbsida Pandas Python django

$555 Average bid
$555 Snittbud
1 bud
Software in Python
Avslutades left

Good programming skills

$30 Average bid
$30 Snittbud
1 bud
Programmering i Python
Avslutades left

Hej, Kolla bifogade filer för ytterligare information! Mvh t1f0

$50 - $50
$50 - $50
0 bud

Hej, har du möjlighet att hjälpa mig med tre deluppgifter i Python? Ämnet är, som nämns i rubriken, sortering och sökning. Deadline fredag 8.5.2015 kl. 22:00 Information om projektet finns bifogat som filer. Med vänlig hälsning, t1f0

$30 - $30
$30 - $30
0 bud
Vigenerechiffer Python
Avslutades left

Uppgift 1: Din uppgift är nu att skapa ett program med vilket du kan kryptera och dekryptera text som endast innehåller stora bokstäver enligt Vigenere-algoritmen. För att göra det behöver du en tabell, som du t.ex. kan generera med följande funktion: def make_cipher(): cipher = [] i = 0 j = 0 # Väljer bokstäverna A-Z for char in [:26]: ([i:26]+[:j]) i += 1 j += 1 return cipher Förutom funktionen make_cipher behöver du igen två funktioner för att kryptera resp. dekryptera ett meddelande. def encrypt(key, msg): cipher = make_cipher() # ...mer kod def decrypt(key, msg): cipher = make_cipher() # ...mer kod Uppgift 2: Testa programmet med exemplet på ...

$15 Average bid
$15 Snittbud
1 bud

for och sekvenser (python) 1) Skriv ett program som tar hand om röstberäkningen i ett val. Kandidaterna numreras 2-7, och vi lagrar varje kandidats sammanlagda röstantal i en lista (rösterna för nr. 2 ska lagras i position 2, rösterna för nr. 3 i position 3 etc). Tänk noga på hur stor lista du behöver! Varje element ska 0-ställas innan man börjar mata in de enskilda rösterna (ingen valfusk här!). För övningens skull antar vi att antalet röstberättigade är 10 personer, av vilka alla röstar (men de kan rösta blankt eller ge proteströster, så varje given röst måste kontrolleras!). Sist ska varje kandidats röstantal skrivas ut 2) För att göra r...

$15 - $15
$15 - $15
0 bud

hej jag en kurs programmering( python ) som är databaserad och behöver hjälp med. Det är för nybörjare . Pris kan vi komma överens om . hör av dig så fort som möjligt Med vänlig hälsning,

$155 Average bid
$155 Snittbud
1 bud
Programkurs att göra
Avslutades left

hej jag en kurs programmering( python ) som är databaserad och behöver hjälp med. Det är för nybörjare . Pris kan vi komma överens om . hör av dig så fort som möjligt Med vänlig hälsning,

$150 Average bid
$150 Snittbud
1 bud
uppgift python
Avslutades left

olika delmoment: Kodskelett Innan programmet skrivs ska en specifikation i form av ett kodskelett lämnas in. Syftet är att du ska tänka igenom problemet innan du försöker lösa det. Prototyp När ditt kodskelett har blivit godkänt så är det dags att börja arbeta med en prototyp av programmet. En prototyp är en första körbar version av programmet som innehåller den mest grundläggande funktionaliteten. Syftet med att lämna in en prototyp är att vi ska kunna ge tips och råd om förbättringar och ändringar redan innan programmet är helt klart. Beskrivning av upgiften: Varudeklaration: Filhantering. Str¨anghantering. Hantering av datastrukturer samt s¨ok...

$27 Average bid
$27 Snittbud
2 bud
Skriv lite programvara
Avslutades left

Programmeringsspråk: Openwrt (ev. kan Python vara möjligt) Plattform: Carambola2 Applikation: Vid power-on ska enheten kolla GPIO pinnar, koppla upp mot ett av några förutbestämda WiFi-nät och skicka ett e-post och sedan göra sig beredd på power-down. Slutapplikationen är olika, men enkla och ska helst kunna skrivas i ett ANSI-C program som kallar på det som beskrevs ovan, Alternativt en kort intensivkurs att programmera slutapplikationen i Openwrt. WiFi inställningar, e-postadress, e-posstmeddelande och ev. övriga inställningar ska kunna konfigureras via t.ex. USB från en PC (Teraterm duger). Om möjligt vore det bra att kunna ändra dessa inställningar genom att t.ex. skicka e...

$29 - $245
$29 - $245
0 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektpython programming'

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
uppgift python
Avslutades left

olika delmoment: Kodskelett Innan programmet skrivs ska en specifikation i form av ett kodskelett lämnas in. Syftet är att du ska tänka igenom problemet innan du försöker lösa det. Prototyp När ditt kodskelett har blivit godkänt så är det dags att börja arbeta med en prototyp av programmet. En prototyp är en första körbar version av programmet som innehåller den mest grundläggande funktionaliteten. Syftet med att lämna in en prototyp är att vi ska kunna ge tips och råd om förbättringar och ändringar redan innan programmet är helt klart. Beskrivning av upgiften: Varudeklaration: Filhantering. Str¨anghantering. Hantering av datastrukturer samt s¨ok...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 bud
Avslutades left

Hej Vi driver ett antal prestashopslösningar och behöver då och då hjälp med modifiering av både stort och smått vid implementation, design, teman CSS, funktioner mm.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

**Overview:** I run a hair salon, Hair Spa, and I am seeking a solution to optimize our appointment booking process. We require an AI-driven system that can handle inbound appointment scheduling for haircut services and provide confirmations efficiently. This implementation aims to streamline the organization's workflow and enhance customer satisfaction. **Requirements:** - Develop an AI voice agent capable of answering customer calls and scheduling haircut appointments. - Ensure the system saves booked appointments securely and provides email notifications summarizing daily appointments. - Utilize intuitive AI functionalities tailored for a hair salon business model. **Expected Inclusions:** - An accessible dashboard for me to view and manage scheduled appointments. - Setup ...

$1461 Average bid
$1461 Snittbud
31 bud

We're an emerging company looking for a freelance full-stack developer or a small team to help build an AI-powered SaaS platform targeted at sales teams and real estate agents. The project will be executed in phases and includes the following key components: • ...AI voice assistant for outbound calls. • CRM & Data Analytics – Integrate a lead management system and provide dashboards with sales analytics and AI insights. • Deployment & Hosting – Host the backend on Render or AWS, use frontend technologies such as React/, and set up a secure database (PostgreSQL, Firebase, or MongoD?. Ideal candidates should have robust experience in both backend (Python, API integrations) and frontend development, with an ability to guide us on breaking down ...

$4156 Average bid
$4156 Snittbud
31 bud

...for the top Moroccan goal scorers and assist providers playing abroad. 3. Match History of Moroccan National Teams + Moroccan Championship The match history of various Moroccan national teams will be integrated: • Senior team (men’s and women’s) • U23, U20, U17 (men’s and women’s) • Futsal, Beach Soccer As well as the Moroccan championship. 4. Automated Data Entry (API + Web Scraping) • Implementation of a system to automatically retrieve match data and statistics from external websites. • Two possible options: API or web scraping, depending on available sources. • No recurring fees, unlike existing solutions on the market. 5. Multi-Sport Module and Custom Coding Addition of a module allowing multiple sports management o...

$1137 Average bid
$1137 Snittbud
54 bud

...Investors**: Individuals looking for stock recommendations and educational content. - **Traders**: Users actively trading in the Indian stock market. - **Financial Advisors**: Professionals managing client portfolios. ### 2.3 Operating Environment - Web application (responsive for desktop and mobile) - Hosted on cloud-based servers - Uses APIs for data integration ### 2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints - Real-time stock data dependency on **TradingView API** - Secure authentication and user data protection ### 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies - Reliable access to **TradingView API** - Users have basic knowledge of stock trading - Availability of NSE market data ## 3. Specific Requirements ### 3.1 Functional Requirements #### 3.1.1 User Authenticatio...

$1260 Average bid
$1260 Snittbud
51 bud

...blocking my debugging, testing, and implementation of required functions. Possible Data Sources: I checked different sources, but I’m not completely sure where the data is coming from: API (Most likely, but needs confirmation) Local DB Azure DB Approach: 1️⃣ Identify Data Source: Debug the code to trace where MyTruck data is fetched from. Check logs and network calls to verify if the data comes via an API. Run SQL queries to see if data is stored in the local or Azure database. 2️⃣ Load Data & Fix Issues: Once the source is confirmed, ensure data is being retrieved correctly. If the issue is API-related, check if it's failing or returning an empty response. If database-driven, verify the correct table and data availability. 3️⃣ Enhancement & Implement...

$6 Average bid
$6 Snittbud
1 bud

...**THIS IS AUTOGENERATED BY THIS SITE** I'm seeking a skilled web developer to finalize my half-completed project, which utilizes Vue CLI, JS, and Python. The primary focus will be on ensuring the site is properly structured and fully functional. The majority of the tasks have been completed, with the exception of some work still needed with Redis and Celery. Key Responsibilities: - Complete user authentication, and data visualization tasks - Set up task queues in Redis - Implement caching using Redis - Utilize Redis for session storage The ideal candidate would have extensive experience with web development, specifically with Vue CLI and Python. Familiarity with Redis and Celery is crucial, as these tools are essential to the project. Previous experience with imple...

$12 Average bid
$12 Snittbud
1 bud
Web Application UI Designer
6 dagar left

...share their recipes. We are looking for a talented UI designer to create a modern, minimalist, and user-friendly interface for both mobile and desktop versions. Key Responsibilities: Design a clean and modern UI for the web application (responsive for desktop & mobile). Ensure an intuitive and engaging user experience (UX). Work closely with our MERN stack development team to ensure seamless implementation. Provide Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch files for the developers. Requirements: Proven experience in designing modern and minimalist web applications. A strong portfolio showcasing web UI/UX designs (especially mobile & desktop applications). Proficiency in Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. Knowledge of UX principles and best practices. Ability to collaborate and iterate base...

$168 Average bid
$168 Snittbud
90 bud
Convert octave script to python
6 dagar left

Convert an octave script to python script

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
16 bud
Python trainer
6 dagar left

To provide online training , PYTHON AUTOMATION , PYTON FULL STACK, PYTHON DATA SCIENCE is what i am looking for.

$86 Average bid
$86 Snittbud
7 bud

I have a 3D Avatar model embedded in a app designed for interactive speech. I'm seeking a skilled developer who can implement lip sync for the Avatar within Three.js. Key Requirements: - The Avatar's speech will be based on text-to-speech. - The lip sync should be more synchronized than basic mouth movements. - You will have the freedom to select the best technology for Lip Sync conversion, as I do not have a specific preference. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with and 3D modeling. - Proficient in implementing lip sync for avatars. - Experience with various text-to-speech technologies. - Able to deliver more synchronized than basic lip movements.

$141 Average bid
$141 Snittbud
34 bud

I'm in need of a highly skilled developer to create a Python-based price scraping tool tailored for my listings on Amazon, Noon, and Carrefour in the UAE. Key Requirements: - The tool must scrape prices and other data (product names, stock availability, customer ratings) daily. - The output should be organized in Excel format for easy analysis. - Prior experience with web scraping, especially on e-commerce platforms, is highly desirable. Please only bid if you possess the necessary skills and experience. I am looking forward to your proposals.

$1061 Average bid
$1061 Snittbud
81 bud

...key components and features: - A TFT display interface - Connections for an external 64MB SDRAM (using fmc) and a NAND Flash storage - An external 24bit-192kHz I2S audio codec for A/D signal processing (e.g. PCM3060PWR) - parametric rotary encoders, power/status led, basics io breakouts The design should ensure: - Separation of analog and digital traces to prevent crosstalk and jitters - Implementation of additional low-pass filters at input and output peripherals - Inclusion of SWD pinouts for debugging purposes - Series termination resistors for signal integrity - Impedance matching traces for high-speed signals - As compact as possible Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in PCB design, particularly for digital signal processing - Proficienc...

$385 Average bid
$385 Snittbud
5 bud

I'm in need of an Implementation Specialist to set up and integrate an AI-powered voice automation system for my business. This system will leverage advanced technologies like Eleven Labs for natural AI-generated speech and will need to seamlessly integrate with any client crm. Key Responsibilities: - Configure the system for smooth customer interactions, including call handling, appointment scheduling, and real-time data syncing - Handle customer support, sales calls, and database re-engagement - Customise the system to function as a receptionist Ideal Skills: - Hands-on experience with AI voice technologies like Eleven Labs - Strong understanding of HubSpot CRM and Twilio integrations - Proficiency in troubleshooting, fine-tuning, and customising workflows for optimal perfo...

$87 Average bid
$87 Snittbud
37 bud

...check in via QR code, and instructors will manage attendance through a dashboard to track progress and belt promotions. We specialize in UX design, front-end development and looking for a skilled backend developer to handle server setup and API development. ?️ Requirements: • Set up a Linux-based VPS (Hetzner, AWS, or similar provider) • Develop a secure and scalable backend using Node.js, Python Django, or .NET Core • Build a RESTful API for communication with the frontend • Set up and manage a PostgreSQL or MySQL database • Implement OAuth2/JWT authentication for secure user login • Ensure GDPR compliance (secure data encryption & storage) • Configure automatic backups and security measures ? Ideal Candidate: ✅ Technical Skills:...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Snittbud
93 bud

...levels. ✅ Online Multiplayer Mode: Players can match and play against real opponents over the internet. 3. Technology Stack (Recommended): Frontend (User Interface) HTML, CSS, JavaScript (for a web-based game). React.js or Vue.js (if making an interactive UI). Unity (C#) (if developing a mobile/desktop game). Backend (Game Logic & Online Mode) Node.js with (for multiplayer and API). Python (Django/Flask) (alternative backend option). Firebase or WebSockets (for real-time online matches). Game Logic & AI (for move validation and rules). Stockfish AI (for smart AI opponent). Database (For Online Mode) MongoDB, MySQL, or Firebase (for storing user data, game history, etc.). 4. Additional Features (If Possible): Leaderboard & player rankings. Game replay and move a...

$11 Average bid
$11 Snittbud
7 bud

Job Overview: We are looking for a skilled developer with expertise in trading bot systems and Power Automate. You will be...bot to identify and execute arbitrage opportunities across multiple platforms. Automation: Use Power Automate to streamline business operations, create workflows for data collection, analysis, and reporting. Data Scraping: Develop and maintain tools for scraping data from various sources, ensuring high-quality, accurate, and up-to-date information. Skills & Qualifications: Strong proficiency in Python, JavaScript, or other programming languages. Hands-on experience with Power Automate for automating business processes. Knowledge of financial systems and trading bot concepts. Familiarity with web scraping tools. Strong problem-solving abilities and attent...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

...(structured for easy navigation). ✅ About Us & Contact Page (with a contact form) - Implement an HTML contact form with fields for First Name and Email.. ✅ Category Pages (Fintech, Insurance, AI & Automation). 3️⃣ Performance Optimization: ✅ Ensure fast loading speed (Google PageSpeed score of 90+). ✅ Implement caching & lazy loading. ✅ Optimize images & reduce unnecessary scripts. 4️⃣ SEO Implementation: ✅ Install and configure Rank Math or Yoast SEO. ✅ Implement schema markup & structured data. ✅ Set up Google Analytics & Search Console. 5️⃣ Mobile & UX Optimization: ✅ Ensure full mobile responsiveness. ✅ Implement clean, modern typography & UI. ✅ Optimize for accessibility & user engagement. 6️⃣ User Engagement & Site Functionality: ...

$124 Average bid
$124 Snittbud
92 bud

I'm seeking a consultant to create a comprehensive strategy and implementation plan for my social media content. The primary aim is to increase brand awareness on Instagram and TikTok, with a focus on using images as the key content type. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a content strategy centered around the use of images to drive brand visibility on Instagram and TikTok - Create a detailed implementation plan for the content - Provide recommendations for optimal posting times, frequency, and engagement tactics Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media consultancy - Expertise in Instagram and TikTok - Strong skills in content strategy and planning - Experience in using images for brand promotion - Excellent understanding of the elements that d...

$318 Average bid
$318 Snittbud
31 bud

I'm seeking a skilled individual to help develop algorithms for a computational physics project. The main focus will be on the following: - **Algorithm Development**: You'll be developing numerical methods algorithms. A deep understanding and experience in this field is crucial. - **Specific Method Implementation**: The key numerical method for this project is the Crank-Nicolson method. Familiarity and previous work with this method is highly desirable. If you have a strong background in computational physics and algorithm development, particularly with the Crank Nicolson method, I would love to hear from you.

$504 Average bid
$504 Snittbud
29 bud

I'm looking for a skilled Java developer to revamp the user interface of my Android APK. The project entails the following: - Implementing a complete UI overhaul: You will need to work with the exis...need to work with the existing design elements and create a fresh, intuitive user interface that is visually appealing and user-friendly. Your role will not include the development of the APK's core functionalities, just the UI design. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Strong Java programming skills - Proficiency in Android app development - Experience in UI design and implementation - Excellent understanding of user experience principles. If you have a strong portfolio that illustrates your past work in UI design and Java development for Android, ...

$106 Average bid
$106 Snittbud
12 bud

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Framhäv Brådskande Försegla Sekretessavtal

I'm seeking a proficient developer to create an auto trading bot for the cryptocurrency market, specifically integrating with the PocketOption exchange. The bot should be designed with a focus on automated trading strategies. Key Requirements: - Ex...cryptocurrency market, specifically integrating with the PocketOption exchange. The bot should be designed with a focus on automated trading strategies. Key Requirements: - Expertise in developing trading bots, particularly for cryptocurrency - Comprehensive understanding of the PocketOption exchange - Proficient in implementing automated trading strategies - Strong programming skills, preferably in Python or JavaScript - Previous experience in creating successful trading bots is a plus Please provide examples of past projects...

$27 Average bid
$27 Snittbud
20 bud

...scalable solutions for AI-powered features - Make critical technology decisions and establish best practices - Mentor junior developers and provide technical direction - Collaborate with product and design teams on feature implementation - Ensure performance optimization for AI features ## Required Skills & Experience - 5+ years of professional software engineering experience - Strong proficiency in React, TypeScript, and modern frontend frameworks - Experience integrating AI/ML capabilities into web applications - Knowledge of LLM implementation, prompt engineering, and fine-tuning - Experience with real-time features (WebSockets, WebRTC) - Solid understanding of database design and optimization - Familiarity with cloud infrastructure and serverless a...

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snittbud
9 bud

Estamos en busca de un profesional con experiencia en análisis estadístico aplicado a investigación de mercados,. ? Requisitos: OBLIGATORIO Experiencia con investigación de mercados de maneral inidividual o con agencias de investigación de mercados. Experiencia en el análisis de datos cuantitativos para estudios de mercado. Dominio de herramientas estadísticas (SPSS, R, Python, Excel, u otras). Capacidad para interpretar y generar insights accionables. Experiencia previa en proyectos de investigación de mercados. ? Modalidad: Trabajo por proyecto, no continuo. Modalidad remota. Honorarios a convenir según la complejidad del proyecto. Si tienes el perfil y estás interesado en colaborar con nosotros, ¡post...

$10 - $11
$10 - $11
0 bud

...business finder platform that helps users discover relevant businesses based on their needs. The platform will include real-time matching, location-based recommendations, and AI-driven insights. We need a skilled full-stack developer (or a team) to handle the backend, frontend, and AI/ML integration. --- Key Responsibilities: 1. Backend Development: Build a scalable and efficient backend using Python (Django/FastAPI). Develop APIs for frontend and third-party integrations. Implement user authentication and security measures (OAuth, JWT). Optimize database performance (PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB). 2. Frontend Development: Create a responsive and user-friendly UI using React.js, Vue.js, or Next.js. Implement real-time search and filtering features. Ensure cross-browser c...

$1253 Average bid
$1253 Snittbud
36 bud

I need a professional to set up a WordPress website with WooCommerce for an E-commerce store. The project should be built on Bedrock, using Composer, and connected to a MariaDB database. Key Requirements: - E-commerce store setup on WordPress with WooCommerce - Use of Bedrock and Composer for the project - Connection to a MariaDB database - Integration of Eway as the sole payment gateway - Implementation of membership or subscription management within the WooCommerce store Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress and WooCommerce - Proficiency in using Bedrock and Composer - Knowledge of MariaDB and Redis - Prior experience integrating Stripe - Skills in setting up membership or subscription management in WooCommerce

$34 / hr Average bid
$34 / hr Snittbud
149 bud

Seeking a Python Developer to convert a Windows Python program into a macOS .app file. The application is .app file needs to support macOS Sequoia. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Python programming - Proven track record in packaging Python programs for macOS - Familiarity with macOS Sequoia Please reach out for further details.

$18 Average bid
$18 Snittbud
28 bud

I'm looking for a developer to create an offline chatbot, similar to Copilot, that can handle code completion, text-based queries and automated responses. This chatbot should support Python and Java for code completion and be deployable on a desktop application. Key Requirements: - Development of an offline chatbot that mimics Copilot functionalities - Handling of code completion, text-based queries and automated responses - Supporting Python and Java for code completion - Deployment on a desktop application Ideal Skills: - Experience in chatbot development - Proficiency in Python and Java o - Desktop application development expertise - Understanding of code completion algorithms Please bid only if you have the necessary experience and skills.

$157 Average bid
$157 Snittbud
61 bud